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Hexamine or Urotropin is an organic compound used as a urinary antiseptic and also widely used as a
camping fuel as it burns pretty smoothly without producing smoke or leaving behind ash. It is also a
precursor of RDX which is not recommend to synthesize through this preparation process.

Fig 1: Chemical structure of Hexamine

Hexamine, also known as methenamine, Hexamethylenetetramine or urotropin, is a heterocyclic organic

compound with the formula (CH2)6N4. This white crystalline compound is highly soluble in water and
polar organic solvents. It has a cage-like structure shown in figure 1. It is useful in the synthesis of other
organic compounds, including plastics, pharmaceuticals, and rubber additives.


It is prepared industrially by combining formaldehyde and ammonia. The reaction can be conducted in
gas phase and in solution.

Fig 2: Synthesis of Hexamine

Required materials are-

Chemicals: Formaldehyde 37% -23.5g and Ammonia 25% -45g

Apparatus: Beakers, glass rods, watch glasses, ice-bath, and fuming hood.

Note: as the reaction is exothermic upon mixing, chilling both the reactants before the experiment or
using an ice bath for this experiment is recommended.


 Take a big beaker (400ml) and fill with formaldehyde into it.
 Pour in cold ammonia solution slowly with strong stirring. The reaction is exothermic and it will be
heated up.
 After adding the ammonia, continuous stirring is needed for about 15-30minutes.
 Allow the mixture to stay undisturbed for 24hours with closing the lid of beaker with a watch glass
and keeping aside.
 After 24 hours, take a flat plane tray and pour the contents into that and keep it under sun or any
other hot windy source to evaporate out all the water. Precipitation of urotropin crystals will form.

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