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Q3 - LESSON 1 Student’s name:........................................Class: 9A..............

Corrector’s name:......................................

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer A, B or C which fits best
according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.
You overhear two friends, John and Diane, discussing holiday plans.
1. John thinks Diane’s indecision about the holiday is
A. unreasonable in view of her financial position.
B. surprising since her holiday is well overdue.
C. understandable given how much money is involved.
2. How does Diane feel about the prospect of a break from work?
A. nervous that her boss will regret promoting her
B. worried that staff will take advantage of her absence
C. doubtful whether she can clear her backlog of work in time

You overhear two friends discussing a new film.
3. Why has the film been refused a certificate allowing it to be shown to children?
A. The soundtrack makes it too frightening in places.
B. The plot is too psychologically complex.
C. The opening images are too violent.
4. The friends agree that the original story on which the film is based
A. is written in a rather unusual style.
B. gives a convincing portrayal of a historical character.
C. manages to keep the reader in suspense until the end.

You hear an interview with the architect Ingrid Chapman, who is talking about an office building she has recently
5. What does Ingrid think is the best feature of the new building?
A. the amount of light that comes in
B. the space she has created for staff interaction
C. the way each floor has its own facilities
6. What does she suggest companies with outdated office buildings should do?
A. employ her to design a more modern building
B. ask staff what kind of workplace they would like
C. use imagination to improve aspects of the offices


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 1
I. Complete the sentences using a complex preposition which includes the word in the brackets and
followed by a sentence ending from the box.
their ability to pay their health a cut in their salaries a strict protein-only diet
an apology the train driver cream his wishes
the 10,000 predicted an excellent art gallery 30 September a terrorist attack

~ The workers got extra paid holiday exchange for a cut in their salaries… (exchange)
1. The concert attracted only 2,000 people ………against the 10000 predicted……….. (against)
2. The pudding recipe’s very rich, isn’t it? Do you think I could use yogurt ………in place of
cream………………………………… ………………………………………………………………..?
3. I think healthcare should be available to all people, ……irrespective of their ability to
pay…………………………………………………………. (irrespective)
4. The city has drawn up plans for the evacuation of thousands of people ……………in the event
of a terrorist attack…………………………
……………………………………………………………….. (event)
5. She’s lost a lot of weight recently, ……………thanks for a strict protein-only
diet………………………………………………….. (thanks)
6. Although he didn’t spend much of his life in Ireland, he was buried there ………in accordance
with his wishes……………………………….
……………………………………………………………….. (accordance)
7. My parents want to move somewhere out of the city ……………for the sake of their
……………………………………………………………….. (sake)
8. It may be only a small town, but it has an interesting natural history museum ………along with
an excellent art gallery…………………………
……………………………………………………………….. (along)
9. He was a bit bad-tempered with me last week, so he gave me a box of chocolates ………as a
way of an apology………………….. ………………………………………………………………..
10. The road will be closed for major repairs …………into effect on 30th
September…………………………………………………….. (effect)
11. The crash was found to be the result of negligence
……………………………………………………………… (part)

II. Complete these extracts from a radio news report by expanding the notes in brackets. Choose
appropriate forms for the verbs and add prepositions and pronouns where necessary.
~ She …complained to the company about the unreliability… of the bus service (complain / the company
/ the unreliability)
12. Police ………appeal to take the information from the
witnesses………………………………………………………………….. (appeal / witnesses /
information) about the fire which has led to the closure of the main east coast rail line at
Crewbury. A factory next to the line was burned down yesterday, causing major damage to the
track. Rail passengers are currently being …………………advised to
use……………………………………………………….. (advise / use) the line.
13. In the first interview given by the Foreign Minister since newspapers reported that she
personally approved illegal arms sales, she ……………………dismissed the reports that
are…………………………………………………….. (dismiss / the reports) ‘completely untrue’.
She went on to say that the accusation would not ……prevent her to do…………………………


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 2
………………………………………………………………………….. (prevent / do) her job, and
that she intended to continue in her post.
14. Ten youngsters between the ages of 12 and 16 met the Prime Minister today after they
competed in the World Youth Math Challenge. The Prime Minister congratulated them for
achieving…………………………………………………………………………. (congratulate /
achieve) excellent results in the competition. He said that they ……………would get benefit
from taking part in…………………………………………………………….. (benefit / take part)
the After School Math scheme set up by the government to encourage young people’s
enthusiasm for the subject.
15. The Food and Agriculture Minister, Sheila Davies,
………………………………………………………………………….. (quarrel / European
counterparts) the issue of fish conservation. During a discussion on the decline in fish stocks,
Ms. Davies got into a heated argument, which
……………………………………………………………….. (end / walk) out of the meeting.
16. Senior environmental scientists have called on the government to act immediately to
……………………… …………………………………………………………………………. (protect /
the country) the effects of rising sea levels by building additional coastal defences. However, a
spokesperson from the Environment Department said that the government wouldn’t
………………………………………………………………………….. (rush / invest) substantial
amounts of money on coastal defences when these might not provide a long-term solution.

III. Complete the text with one word in each space.

afraid attempt breath regular different
serious capable stages time view

Well, welcome to the class everybody. I’m sure you’re all dying to show me exactly what you’re (17)
………………………………… of. I hope to see your faces at the pool a lot from now on. If you’re (18)
……………………………… about swimming, you really need to be doing it on a (19)
………………………………… basis, say two or three times a week - in addition to these teaching sessions. Now
a bit about the course. In the early (20) …………………………………, we’ll be working on the basics - breathing,
body position and so on. Today we’re going to work on putting the head underwater, with a (21)
………………………………… to getting you all swimming correctly, with the head partly submerged. If you don’t
succeed at the first (22) …………………………………, don’t worry. And please don’t be (23)
………………………………… of the water - just try and relax. Eventually we’ll progress to the big pool, but for
the (24) ………………………………… being, we’re going to be in the small pool, where you can stand up and
practice your techniques. Now, the warm-up exercises we’re going to start with today are designed to get you
out of (25) ………………………………… so keep your heads well clear of the water. These exercises may well
be (26) ………………………………… from anything you’re used to, as we’ll be doing some jumping and hopping
in the water.

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given.
27. We get on very well with our next-door-neighbors. terms
We are ………………………………………………………………………. our next-door-neighbors.
28. Everybody wants Pauline as an after-dinner speaker. demand
Pauline ………………………………………………………………. as an after-dinner speaker.
29. I realized I had said something wrong. conscious
I ………………………………………………………………………. having said something wrong.
30. You’re not lucky today, I’m afraid. out
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 3
You’re ………………………………………………………………………. today, I’m afraid.
31. You can’t get to the village because of the snow. access
There’s …………………………………………………………. the village because of the snow.
32. The meeting will probably be cancelled. probability
The meeting will, ………………………………………………………………………., be cancelled.
33. The students are living temporarily in a caravan. being
For ………………………………………………………………. the students are living in a caravan.
34. I intend to discover the truth somehow or other. or
One ………………………………………………………………. I intend to discover the truth.
35. Speaking for my colleagues, I would like to thank you. of
On ………………………………………………………………………., I would like to thank you.
36. I thought you had accepted his offer. under
I was …………………………………………………………. that you had accepted his offer.

37. Everyone was exhausted apart from Sally. of

With ………………………………………………………………………., everyone was exhausted.
38. Nothing unusual ever happens here. ordinary
Nothing out ………………………………………………………………………. ever happens here.
39. Karen received a medal for her services to the country. recognition
Karen received a medal ………………………………………………. her services to the country.
40. You have to pay your son’s debts, as he is under age. liable
You ………………………………………………………. for your son’s debts, as he is under age.

V. Complete with an appropriate comparative or superlative form of the words in the box. Add any other
words you need.
demanding few funny hard long
observant reliable slight ugly valuable

41. I thought this week’s program was far …………………………………………… last week’s, so it’s
definitely improving.
42. My new laptop is …………………………………………… my old one, but I suppose it was quite cheap so
I shouldn’t be surprised.
43. Jim Carter knows what he wants from employees, and I don’t think I’ve ever worked for
…………………………………………… manager.
44. Because of its internal structure, diamond is …………………………………………… substance known.
45. Beside the house, there stood …………………………………………… tower block I had ever seen.
46. If the conflict goes on any …………………………………………… more people are going to lose their
47. …………………………………………… his Portrait of Dr. Gachet, van Gogh’s Irises still sold for $49
48. Even …………………………………………… amongst us soon realise when a friend has changed their
appearance in some way.
49. I’m afraid that what you’re saying doesn’t make …………………………………………… difference to how
I feel.
50. Frankly, I think …………………………………………… people who know about this, the better.

I. Replace each italicized phrase or adjective with a synonymous one.
adequate available bumpy concise crucial
distinguished exaggerated feverish firm hostile
immediate legitimate tedious tender widespread
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 4
51. Alexander the Great was one of the most famous military leaders of the ancient times. He was the
conqueror of Persia and the king of Macedonia. ………………………………….
52. It’s essential that the elephant should be given the amount of food suitable for its weight.
53. ‘What was the court’s decision in your case?’ ‘They said I had a legal right to occupy the flat?
54. Tommy is so excited about going to the seaside because he has never seen the sea in his life.
55. My father is a devoted believer in the American cinematography. He never watches films of other
directors than the American ones. ………………………………….
56. I can’t understand his unfriendly attitude towards us. What’s made him so angry?
57. Mary said that the price was much too high and she wouldn’t pay unless the shopkeeper lowered it.
58. She is so lucky to have married Peter. The boy has such a gentle character that he wouldn’t even harm
a fly. ………………………………….
59. Had I known the lecture on etymology would be so long and boring. I’d never have attended it.
60. The chairman’s comment on the transaction was short and clear. ………………………………….

II. Fill the gaps with the correct words.

appearances best clockwork date delay
fuss glimpse guess heart leave
line mind prime terms senses

61. Mr. Dalton tried to keep up ………………………………… However, the rest of the party knew he was
awfully depressed after the divorce.
62. You could have avoided making so much …………………………… about so trivial a problem.
63. We didn’t have to wait long for the copy as the clerk was most kind and made it without any
64. I’m not sure about the exact number, but at a ………………………………… he has invited about fifty
guests to his birthday party.
65. The manager and the singer have been on very good ………………………………… with each other.
They even seem to be close friends.
66. Gordon McAlister was a man of great success. He made a big fortune in the
………………………………… of his youth and lived comfortably ever after.
67. Stop spraying the paint on to me! Have you taken a complete leave of your ………………………………?
68. I can’t think how he succeeded in winning Jenny’s ………………………………… being so rude and
vulgar to other girls.
69. You may feel absolutely safe to tell me whatever you know. I won’t give you away, for sure. Go on,
speak your …………………………………
70. He isn’t good enough to become the champion. At …………………………………, he may take the
second place.
71. Mark never changes his routines. He is as regular as …………………………………
72. It is out of the question for me to give an exact description of the burglar as I only caught a
………………… ……………………………………. of his face when he rushed towards the door.

You are going to read an article about four women who have recently worked as volunteers. For
questions 73 - 82, choose from the women (A-D). The women may be chosen more than once.
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 5
Which volunteer
found that there was a wide choice of opportunities? 73.
was very aware of all aspects of natural life around her? 74.
was warned of a possible danger? 75.
did not achieve her ambition quite as she had expected? 76.
thought that she had gained as much as she had given? 77.
was shown sympathy by someone on her project? 78.
says her family had influenced her choice of work? 79.
says she amazed herself by what she achieved? 80.
appreciated the flexibility of her boss? 81.
describes the difficulties posed by the environment she was in? 82.

A. TERESA: For many years I had fantasized about spending December on a white, tropical beach on a
remote island. I finally found my slice of paradise in the Seychelles when my dream came true last year, though
not exactly in the way I had envisaged. I had been feeling burnt out from work and wanted to escape winter and
learn new skills. Volunteer projects seemed a good option. Narrowing my search criteria to marine research
helped cut down the thousands of options out there and I eventually joined a coral protection project to help
determine the long-term impact of rising sea temperatures on the ecosystem. Within 24 hours of our group’s
arrival, we lived and breathed coral, not just under water but also in the camp - with 52 coral types to master
and up to three research dives a day. If there was a downside, it was the seemingly endless chores in the camp,
but I didn’t mind. But the experience was, overall, incredible. I stretched myself beyond my wildest imagination.

B. PATRICIA: Imagine spending the summer as I did, working on the edge of an active volcano in Hawaii. I
had once been on a ranger-guided walk there with my family. I had been terrified. However, as I relaxed I slowly
realized that the ranger’s job was something I’d like to do too. So a few years later I applied and got a volunteer
ranger job. I found living there surprisingly laid back, as well as exciting. After a crash course in geology, I was
given the volunteer ranger uniform and began the job. On the first morning I found myself in front of a group of
visitors. Suddenly, I was the ‘authority’, delivering a talk on the volcanic past and present of the islands. As a
volunteer I was making the park come alive for the visitors, and they in turn made Hawaii come alive for me.

C. HELEN: After months of study, I wanted to get away for a bit. My dad is an artist and often does
paintings of tropical birds. I’d always wanted to find out more about them. From the internet I found that a farm
which breeds parrots was looking for volunteers. I arrived in the middle of a panic situation - a storm had
knocked the electricity out, and the generator, needed for keeping the eggs warm, was nearly out of petrol. After
visiting several garages, we found some and dashed back just in time. I really enjoyed my stay. Some hosts lay
down strict rules on the amount of work expected but luckily mine, Darryl, preferred to set out projects which he
wanted my help with. Most of the time I did basic maintenance jobs and fed the birds. ‘They can break coconuts
with their beaks and they’ll take your finger off so be careful,’ Darryl advised. So, I chopped bananas and then
used a long fork to pass the fruit in to the birds without risking my fingers.

D. KATE: During my stay in Guatemala, I volunteered to work on a plantation. One day, my supervisor,
René inspected my scratched hands and asked gently if I needed gloves. I gathered my strength and told him
that gloves might indeed help. Then I grasped my knife and resumed my attack on the invading roots that were
constantly threatening to drag the fragile new cacao plantation back into the rainforest. In the sticky red earth,
everything grows - the trouble is that it is rarely what you planted. Walking through the plantation, René had to
point out to me the treasured cash crops of coffee, cacao and macadamias. To my eye, they were
indistinguishable from the surrounding jungle. Every day I caught glimpses of little waterfalls and vividly colored
butterflies between towering bamboo. The air was always heavy with the sound of insects. It was a great


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 6
Q3 - LESSON 1 Student’s name:.............................................Class: 9A..............
Corrector’s name:..........................................

I. Complete the text with one suitable verb in each space.
specialized elaborated suffering blaming allowing
attributed resulted focused referred subjected
provided discussed suggested benefit resign

I had a difficult time last year with my health. For several months I was (1) …………………………… from
periodic headaches and almost constant nausea. I made several visits to my GP, who (2)
……………………………. my headaches to migraine and (3) …………………………… me with medication.
When this failed to work he (4) ……………………………… on my nausea as the root cause, (5)
………………………………. my headaches on the nausea. I was (6) ………………………………. to five blood
tests, none of which revealed anything significant. I (7) ………………………………. my diet with the doctor at
length, and we tried eliminating certain foods from my meals. He (8) ………………………………., for example, I
might (9) ………………………………. from a low-fibre diet.
But still the symptoms persisted, and I was starting to (10) ………………………………. myself to feeling ill
for the rest of my life. I was understandably concerned about the possibility of it being something serious, even
a brain tumour, but the doctor said that my anxiety in this respect (11) ………………………………. from nervous
tension and stress. After six months I was (12) ………………………………. to a consultant at the hospital, who
(13) ………………………………. In stomach disorders. She said that, even (14) ………………………………. for
my age and stressful lifestyle, it was still abnormal to experience symptoms like these for so long. She (15)
………………………………. on all the possible causes of nausea in detail, and suggested that in my case the
nausea might be the result of a liver disorder.

II. You are going to read an article about the video game industry. For questions 16 – 20, choose the
answer A, B, C or D which you think fits best according to the text.
Reporter Lauren Cope finds out about working in the video games industry.
Initially populated by computer scientists and the self-taught, the video game design industry used not to
offer many routes into its midst. Often, perhaps unfairly, viewed as just a hobby for young enthusiasts, the video
games industry is now being taken seriously. Surprised? Industry experts aren’t.
It’s not easy though. Video game spin-offs that rapidly follow any new movie require dozens of team
members and months of incredible skill, perseverance and intricacies. As with almost every industry, it’s tricky to
get into - but it is expanding. Jim Donelly, a spokesman for an online games magazine says: ‘It’s certainly very
difficult to make much headway within big companies, or to influence any of the really big mainstream games.
But the truth is, the industry needs game designers more than ever. Not just director-level people who
orchestrate an entire game, but the lower-level people who design systems and individual set pieces.’
So, how can you get into such a competitive industry? Although many companies prefer people to have a
degree in computer science, Jim disagrees. ‘There is only one route: make games. The tools are there. You
won’t get a job if you haven’t made something, and you won’t get anywhere independently if you are not making
stuff. Game design is less a job than it is a way of life. Like any creative endeavour it must be done to be real.’
Another industry expert, John Field, sees other options. ‘There’s a lot to be said for “just doing it”, but it’s really
more complicated than that. There are lots of people who want to work in games, but few who measure up to
the requirements of the industry these days; even fewer who have the creative talent, technical know-how,
vision and entrepreneurial ability to really contribute to the ever-changing face of an evolving medium.’
Can you do it on your own? ‘Perhaps, but it’s pretty tricky,’ says John. ‘However, a good postgraduate
course in games can help, plus provide a year or two of top-level support and guidance. Most games designers
start their careers as programmers, or artists, progressing their way up the ladder. They are interested in all
forms of entertainment media, plus have a healthy appetite for all areas of the arts and contemporary culture.
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 7
They may or may not have spent a few years in the working world post-graduation, but have realised that
games is going to be their “thing”. They are not merely fans, but are fascinated by the future possibilities of
games, and are aware of the increasing breadth and diversity of the form. And finally connections can help. This
is often overlooked, but in order to get ahead in games - as in many other areas - you need to network.’
The childish stereotype of the adolescent boy glued to his games console has long been replaced by the
more accurate perception of a grown-up medium, grabbing our attention. Families frequently get involved on
interactive consoles. Smart phones introduce a wealth of new games through apps, as well as social media.
John believes there is plenty of room for expansion. ‘Games have become pervasive play-things for increasingly
large audiences. They are also a great way to learn things and I see this already big area as an expanding array
of possibilities and opportunities.’

16. What is the writer’s main point about the video games industry in the first paragraph?
A. It is reasonable to consider making a living in this field.
B. Young people’s contributions to it should be appreciated.
C. It offers a relatively limited number of career options.
D. Specialists in this area have failed to value its potential.

17. What does Jim tell us about the video games industry?
A. It can be hard to decide which idea will prove successful.
B. Many designers are required to take charge of each large project.
C. It is worth recognising the value of having a long-term strategy.
D. There is room for people with different degrees of responsibility.

18. What does ‘that’ refer to in line 15?

A. getting a degree in computer science
C. being independent
B. making games
D. seeing other options

19. What opinion does John express in the third paragraph?

A. It is a mistake to believe that the jobs people do in the industry are easy.
B. Many people lack the qualities needed to do effective work in the industry.
C. The industry could benefit from people who have a strong desire to work in it.
D. The industry is changing too rapidly for people to keep up with it.

20. In the final paragraph, we are told that

A. video games have not been effectively exploited as learning tools.
B. young people are being offered more demanding games to play.
C. people used to misunderstand the true nature of video games.
D. other technologies have forced the games industry to compete.


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 8
Questions 11 – 16. Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-L next to Questions 11 – 16.

11. Bus stop ……………

12. Student dormitory
13. Basketball court
14. Staff houses ……………
15. Climbing wall ……………
16. Picnic Shelter ……………

Questions 17 – 20. Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

17. One building has not been decided yet, but will probably be
A. a sports facility.
B. a cafeteria.
C. a conference facility.
18. The upkeep of the facility will be mainly funded by
A. fees from training companies.
B. the local council.
C. visits by school groups.
19. One disadvantage of this location is
A. the nearest shops are too far away.
B. the site is difficult to get to by public transport.
C. too many schools will wish to use it.
20. The designers of the facility had to take into account
A. the views of local businesses.
B. a shortage of funding for the construction.
C. some building which were already there.


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 9

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