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Arranged To Meet Assingments In English

Lecturer : Buya Dr.KH. Amirudin MS, MA, M.BA.Ph.D



IRDA WULAN DINI (0310193074)

SITI NURBAYA (0310193066)


RIZA RACHMADA (0310193073)



Praise the presence of Allah SWT because for his blessings and grace we were able to
complete a paper entitled RAIN MAKING. The purpose of preparing this paper is to
complete the group assignments in English.

We realize that the preparation of this paper is far from perfect in terms of
composition, discussion, and writing. Therefore, we beg to open the door of apology and
expect constructive criticism and suggestions. Hopefully this paper can answer all public
questions about plastic rice that have been circulating and provide information to readers and
useful for the development of insight and knowledge of us all.

Medan,March 2020

1.1 Background
Rain is the event of water falling from heaven to earth. Initially, rainwater comes from
water from the earth such as sea water, river water, lake water, reservoir water, FAD water,
paddy water, sewage water, milk water, toilet water, pond water, saliva water, and so forth. In
addition to physical form of water, water that evaporates into the air can also come from the
body of humans, animals, plants, and other objects that contain water. These waters generally
experience a process of evaporation or evaporation due to the help of solar heat. Water that
evaporates / becomes steam floats into the air and eventually continues to move towards the
high sky with other water vapor. In high skies the steam undergoes a process of compaction
or condensation to form clouds. With the help of the wind these clouds can move around both
vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

As a result of the wind or moving air, the clouds meet and expand toward the sky / the
earth's atmosphere, which is low or cold and eventually forms ice and water. Because it is
heavy and cannot be supported by wind, the drops of water or ice fall to the surface of the
earth (the process of precipitation). Because the lower the air temperature the higher the ice
or snow that is formed melts into water, but if the temperature is very low then it will still fall
as snow.

Raindrops, which reach the clouds after evaporating from the sea, contain certain
substances that can give fertility to the dead soil. These "life-giving" drops are called "surface
tension drops". Surface tension drops form at the top of the surface of the sea, which is called
the micro layer by biologists. In layers thinner than 1/10 mm, there are residual organic
compounds from pollution caused by microscopic algae and zooplankton. In the rest of this
organic compound contained several elements which are very rarely found in sea water such
as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and some heavy metals such as copper, zinc, cobalt,
and lead. These droplets containing "fertilizer" rise into the sky with the help of the wind and
after some time will fall to the earth as rain drops. From this rainwater, seeds and plants on
earth obtain various metal salts and other elements that are essential for their growth. As
stated in the verse
"And We sent down from the sky the water that has many benefits and then We grew with
water the trees and seeds of plants which were planted." (QS. Qaf: 9)
Artificial rain is rain made by human intervention by making rain from cloud seeds
that have sufficient water content, has a low wind speed of around under 20 knots, and other
conditions. Artificial Ujan is made by sprinkling a lot of special, soft salt and mixing the
seeds / seeding to the cloud to accelerate the formation of saturated clouds. To sow / form
heavy rain, it usually takes 3 tons of salt which is sown to the potential cloud for 30 days.
Artificial rain can fail to be made or fall in the wrong place and cost a lot of money to make.

1.2 Formulation Of The Problem

a. How does the rain form?

b.What are the tyepes of rain?
c. How do you expact rain to fall?

1.3 Purpose
a. Knowing the process of rain formation.
b. Knowing the types of rain.
c. Knowing how to estimate rain.


2.1 The Process of Forming Rain

1. Evaporation

The first process of rain is evaporation. The heat energy possessed by the sun makes
the water in the sea, rivers, lakes, and other water sources on the surface of the earth undergo
an evaporation process or commonly known as evaporation.

Evaporation is the process of changing liquid water into gas so that water turns into
water vapor and allows it to rise into the earth's atmosphere. The higher the sun's heat the
amount of water that becomes water vapor and rises to the Earth's atmosphere will also be
even greater.

2. Condensation

Water vapor that rises at a certain height will undergo a process of condensation or
condensation. The condensation process occurs where the water vapor turns into very small
ice particles. Changes in the form of water vapor into ice occur because of the influence of
very low temperatures at that altitude point. The ice particles that are formed will approach
and unite with each other to form clouds.

As more particles join, the clouds that form will also be thicker and blacker. The
process of joining ice or drops of water into clouds is called coalence. At this stage, ice or
water drops have a radius of about 5-20 mm. In this measure the water droplets will fall at a
speed of 0.01-5 cm / second while the velocity of the air flow up is much higher so that the
drops will not fall to earth.1

Mulyati Arifin Dkk. Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Dan Lingkunganku. (Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional,2009)hlm.20
3. Precipitation

Precipitation is the process of the last rain. The process of prespitating is the process
of melting clouds due to the influence of high air temperatures. In this process the rain
occurs. Drops of water fall and wet the surface of the earth. The clouds that are formed are
then blown by the wind and experience displacement from one place to another. This process
is called advection.

Advection is the process of moving clouds from one point to another in a horizontal
line due to wind currents or differences in air pressure. Advection allows clouds to spread and
move from the atmosphere of the ocean to the atmosphere of the land. These clouds carried
by the wind will get bigger because together with other clouds. Grains of ice that are on the
clouds will be attracted by the gravitational force of the earth until it finally falls to the
surface of the earth. When these drops of ice fall through a layer of warmer air inside it, it
turns the ice grains into water droplets.

The warm layer of air makes the water droplets partly evaporate back up and others
continue to fall to the surface of the earth. This drop in water is called rain. If the temperature
of the air around the clouds is too low to be around minus 0 degrees Celsius, precipitation
allows snow to fall. Clouds that contain lots of water will descend into the lithosphere in the
form of thin snowflakes as we can find in sub-tropical climates.

2.2 Types of Rain

1. Cyclonal Rain

Cyclonal rain occurs because of the hot air, high ambient temperature and the wind in
turn. Usually occurs in areas that are crossed by the equator or the equator. This is caused due
to the meeting between the northeast trade winds with the southeast trade winds. After that
the wind rises, then clumps above the clouds that are on the equator.

After the cloud reaches its saturation point, this rain will start with a very dark cloud
after that rain will rain down the entire surface of the earth that will have a positive impact on
all living things that live on earth and are awaited by living things on earth.
2. Ographic Rain

Rain is caused by wind containing water vapor, then the direction of movement is
horizontal. The journey of the wind must pass through the mountains which causes the
temperature of the wind to cool down due to the condensation process (when passing through
the mountains earlier).2

Then the formation of water points that begin to settle which will cause rain on the
slopes of the mountain facing the direction of the wind that usually moves horizontally, and
the wind will blow continuously climbing mountains and down the slope but the wind does
not carry water vapor anymore so that on the slope those who turn their backs on the
direction of the wind will not rain. Then because of the increasing weight of the water mass,
which is not able to be carried by the wind, then rain falls on the mountains.

3. Frontal Rain

This type of rain can occur because of the meeting between the mass of cold air and
low temperatures with the mass of hot air and high temperatures. When meeting, low
temperatures and masses of cold air are heavier than high temperatures and masses of hot air,
causing the steam carried by cold air to fall heavily on the surface of the earth. Usually the
differences between the two masses meet in the front plane, which is one of the easiest places
for condensation and cloud formation to occur. That is why the name of this rain is frontal

Usually frontal rain occurs in areas that are in the astronomical location of moderate
latitude or mid latitude north and south. If the area with a tropical climate (around the
equator) experiences this rain, then what comes out is not just ordinary rain but until it rains.
This can happen because of the sun's irradiation which causes the water in the oceans, seas,
swamps and other places to rise up by convection, causing condensation and cloud formation.
As a result of the convection rising air point is very cold, even the temperature reaches below
0 di Celsius. The rising water freezes, and when the cloud reaches its saturation point, it rains
into the tropics. Usually it is not only water that drops, but also ice crystals.

Priyono Amin, Katrin, Choirul.,Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Jilid 5 untuk SD dan MI Kelas V. (Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,2009)hlm.30
4. Monsoon Rain (Seasonal Rain)

This wind occurs due to the apparent annual movement of the sun with a northern
return line and a southern return line. This rain falls in a certain period of time. Dam from this
cause the dry and rainy seasons. In our country, Indonesia also often monsoons. Namely in
October to April. So usually in this month often rain comes. Meanwhile, apart from that
month, our country is in the dry season. In addition, in several East Asian countries monsoons
also occur from May to August.

5. Zenithal Rain ( Convection Rain)

This rain occurs due to the meeting of the northeast trade winds with the southeast
trade winds, so that they form lumps and rise vertically due to exposure to clouds. This
causes clouds that have a heavy mass to decrease in temperature, which causes the
condensation process. Because the water that had clotted had reached its saturation point, it
finally rained. Because the location of this rain is above the equatorial or equatorial line, it is
called the Zenithal Rain. Biasnaya areas that are often visited by zenithal rain have a climate
in the country is tropical like the climate in Indonesia with the intensity of solar radiation
which is high, because almost every year it gets irradiated.3

6. Acid Rain

Usually rain has a neutral pH (7). But there is also rain that has a low pH, which is
below 5 or 6 degrees acidity. This is what is called acid rain. This can happen when carbon
dioxide (CO2) in the air can dissolve with rain water. Then the rainwater which initially has a
weak acid ph (6) reacts with the CO2 or carbon dioxide earlier and the result is that the water
becomes more acidic. Water that has a pH below 5 goes up to the clouds and clots. When the
mass of clouds has passed the saturation limit, fall to the surface of the earth.

The benefits of acid rain are able to accelerate the dissolution of minerals that are in
the soil, which are highly needed by flora and fauna. Unfortunately this acid rain has a bad
impact on humans, which is accelerating the corrosion process on iron. If you pass a billboard

Titik PriyonoIlmu Pengetahuan Alam 5 untuk SD dan MI Kelas V,(Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Kementrian
Pendidikan Nasional,2010)hlm.23
that is installed in stores that are porous, that is one proof of acid rain, It becomes very
dangerous if there is always acid rain in places with many bridges. Because it can collapse
the bridge's handle (which is usually made of iron).

7. Meteor Rain

Meteor shower will occur when the sun sets, and then a perseid appears, whereupon it
is also clearly visible the existence of solar systems such as Planet Venus, Saturn, Mars, also
the crescent moon in the west together. Perseid is one of the names of the constellations of
Perseus. Many people assume that this meteor shower comes from the direction of the

The speed of the falling meteor can reach 60 kilometers per hour with a bright and
long light. The existence of this meteor shower offers another beauty, namely the appearance
of fireball. When you see the brightest and biggest light running among other meteors, that's
what it's called Fireball.

8. Artificial Rain

Rain is made directly by humans with the technique of adding rainfall. You do this by
seeding clouds or known as cloud seeding or making clouds clot and in seedlings so that it
gives the effect of rain. This is often done in areas that need natural rain, but unfortunately
the rain does not go down.

How to reduce this rain through a physical process, namely by involving the process
of collision and merging (collision and coalescence) then processed with the formation of ice
or ice nucleation. Then the selection of clouds that have quite a lot of water content. Its
function is that the added mass is enough to reduce the rain to the surface of the earth which
has a positive impact on human life. As in the function of the lake for human life which is
filled with water due to steady rainfall so it does not cause drought.4

Rositawaty, S, Aris Muharam,Senang Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam,( Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional,2008)hlm.33
2.3 How to Istimate Rain

1. Seeing Animal Behavior

The movements of animals around us can be a sign that rain will fall. For animals in
the air, for example birds, they will fly low and spin at a certain point because high air
pressure when it will rain will make them sick when at altitude.For Animals on land, for
example cows, they will wag their tails while the ants will make a high nest so that their
shelter stays safe during bad weather.

2. Watch for Grass dew in the Morning

The condition of plants in front of the house can also be used as a good tool to predict
whether rain will fall. Try you go out of the house in the morning then see if there is dew on
one of the plants near you

If there is dew on the plants in the morning then it is a sign that the day will be sunny.
But if the grass or leaves around you are very dry, get ready to bring an umbrella and raincoat
when you go outside. But if it rains the night before then this prediction is not suitable for

3. See Types of Cloud

If we recall the lessons of Natural Sciences in elementary school, we would find that
there are certain types of clouds in the sky, such as the Kumulonimbus, Stratus,
Stratocumulus, Cirrus, and so on. Nimbostratus clouds are dense clouds of darkness that are
low and dense the sky so we can know for sure the rain will fall soon.
Then there is the Anvil cloud, which has a solid shape extending upward like nuclear
smoke. Although rarely encountered, but this cloud is very dangerous because it has the
potential to cause thunderstorms with tremendous power. There are also Altocumulus clouds
that are shaped like fish scales and indicate that it will rain in the next 36 hours.

4. See Types Of Sky

The red sky is very beautiful to be seen especially when the sun sets. But apparently
the sky is red can also be a marker for us the coming of rain. If we see a red sky in the
afternoon when the sun sets then it indicates that the weather will be fine. But if you see the
Winarti Wiwik, Joko, Widha,Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam untuk SD Kelas V,(Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,2009)hlm.35
red sky in the morning then it indicates that dry air has moved through our area and brings
moist air which has the potential as a sign of heavy rain coming soon.

5. Feel the Wind direction

First you have to know you are facing which way you can simply look towards the
direction of the sun or from the east. Then put your fingers in your mouth to get wet and then
point up.

If you feel the wind blowing weakly from the North or East then it indicates that the
weather will be fine. However, if you feel there is strong air coming from the West then that
indicates that the rain will be coming soon.

6. Breathe the Air

If your sense of breathing is sensitive enough and not in a cold, then you can try this.
The first step is to take a deep breath and feel the aroma of the air around you. If you can
smell the soil and vegetation very clearly then that is a sign that the rain will fall. The aroma
of the natural environment will be stronger because of the humid air that is useful as a sign of
the coming rain.

7. See the Moon Appreance

Nothing wrong before going to sleep you pay attention to the appearance of the moon so you
can calm down when you want to move tomorrow. If the moon that night there is a ray of
light or hello then it indicates that it will rain for the next three days. Aside from the presence
of moon rings a sign of rain can also be seen from the color of the moon. A brightly colored
moon indicates that the rain will fall while a pale moon indicates a dry season.6

Yousnelly Putty, Dian, Zuneldi,IPA Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 5 SD Kelas V,(Jakarta: Yudhistira,2010)hlm.40.


 Sewage water : Air limbah

 Contain : Berisi
 Undergoes : Mengalami
 Compaction : Pemadatan
 Expand : Memperluas
 Springkling : Percikan
 Amount : Jumlah
 Possessed : Kemasukan
 Particles : Partikel
 Blacker : Lebih hitam
 Coalence : Bergabung
 Measure : Mengukur
 Prespitating : Mengandaikan
 Displacement : Pemindahan
 Droplest : Tetesan
 Snowflakes : Kepingan Salju
 Occurs : Terjadi
 Containing : Berisi
 Slope : Lereng
 Irradition : Penyinaran
 Unfortunately : Biasanya
 Bill board : Papan Iklan
 Especially : Terutama
 Indicates : Menunjukkan
 Technique : Teknik
 Altitude : Ketinggian
 Prediction : Ramalan


4.1 Tenses

a. Present Tense

Rumus : S + V1 + O

Example : Heavy rain can cause Flooding

S V1 O

b. Past Perfect Continous Tense

Rumus : S + HAD + BEEN + V1 + O

Example : We had been expose to rain


4.2 Noun

Noun is a word that shows the name of a person, the name of a place, or the name of an
object or everything that is hindered.

Example : Rain is the event of water falling from heaven to earth. Initially, rainwater comes
from water from the earth such as sea water, river water, lake water, reservoir water, FAD
water, paddy water, sewage water, milk water, toilet water, pond water, saliva water, and
so forth.

4.3 Adjective

Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and
speaking much more specific, and a whole lot more interesting. Words like small, blue,
and sharp are descriptive, and they are all examples of adjectives. Because adjectives are
used to identify or quantify individual people and unique things, they are usually positioned
before the noun or pronoun that they modify. Some sentences contain multiple adjectives.

Example : Because the lower the air temperature the higher the ice or snow that is formed
melts into water, but if the temperature is very low then it will still fall as snow.
4.4 Pronoun

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to
either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named

Example : We sent down from the sky the water that has many benefits and then We grew
with water the trees and seeds of plants which were planted.

4.5 Conjuction
In grammar, a conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses that
are called the conjuncts of the conjunctions. The term discourse marker is mostly used for
conjunctions joining sentences.

Example : The ice particles that are formed will approach and unite with each other to form

4.6 Preposition

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a
sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a
sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front
of nouns.

Example :Artificial rain is rain made by human intervention by making rain from cloud seeds
that have sufficient water content, has a low wind speed of around under 20 knots, and other


5.1 Conclusion
Rain water when contemplated by humans, that it comes from water vapor exposed to the
sun's heat. After it became a cloud and then became a cloud that was very black and lumpy,
then the water vapor fell as cool and fresh rainwater, not salty like sea water. The fresh water
refreshes the body and eliminates thirst. If there is no rain, surely there is no river flowing,
there will be no spring even though no matter how many meters deep the person dug a well,
surely the water will not come out. If there is no water, the grass will not grow, especially
plants planted by people.

5.2 Suggestion

In this case rainfall measurement is needed to determine the intensity of rainfall,

weather prediction in the surrounding area and also the measurement of rainfall intensity can
also be used as a determinant of irrigation and drainage development and flood control.

Arifin, Mulyati, Dkk. (2009). Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Dan Lingkunganku. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Priyono Amin, Katrin, Choirul. (2009). Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Jilid 5 untuk SD dan MI
Kelas V. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Priyono, Titik. (2010). Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 5 untuk SD dan MI Kelas V. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional

Rositawaty, S, Aris Muharam.(2008). Senang Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Jakarta: Pusat

Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Winarti Wiwik, Joko, Widha. (2009). Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam untuk SD Kelas V. Jakarta:
Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Yousnelly Putty, Dian, Zuneldi. (2010). IPA Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 5 SD Kelas V. Jakarta:

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