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If businesses used DSS, GDSS, and ESS more widely, would they make better decisions?

Why or
why not?

A Choice You'll Never Regret

Using DSS, GDSS and ESS would definitely make decision-making better because they aid in
providing decision-makers with the necessary things they need to account for to narrow their options
down to the best decision. Mention below are the different things these systems offer that guarantee a
quality decision for you.

DSS or Decision Support System holds so much data in a lesser time with greater details and
easy-to-use interfaces that significantly help in decision-making. Because it provides executives with
detailed data and information that they can study with, that widens their knowledge of the situation,
giving them a much clearer view of what action or decisions to take. It also reiterated in the modules that
Executives do not only make decisions based solely on intuition. Instead, their choices are backed up by
facts to make them reliable and feasible. Moreover, having more information opens up room for
experimenting with different conclusions of your options and looking into which is a safer track to take or
the best option to make. Hence, the DSS feature of acquiring many and detailed information helping
executives make use of it to assess the situation better and view the best decision to make.

GDSS or Group Decision-Support Systems, on the other hand, is also a great tool to enhance
decision-making through collaborative thinking. GDSS is a hardware with computers and peripheral
equipment that could also include conference facilities, audiovisual equipment, and networking
equipment that connect to everyone. We all know that two heads are way better than one. Then, this
system assists greatly in collecting ideas from everyone faster, efficiently, and even remotely while
skipping the long meetings that some of them are unproductive since some do not have ideas to contribute
at the time. But with this system, if a person has an idea popped in mind, it can immediately channel these
ideas to everyone at the current time, and they can instantly coordinate through these spaces about the
new idea. Additionally, its ability to maintain the information generated during the meeting is not only
helpful at the current time but also in the future. Since the stored data can be a helpful reference in the
future if they come across the same dilemma or a similar one, and they could immediately know what to
do. Whence, the GDSS feature of connecting to everyone helps gather information effectively, molding
much better decisions from all the accumulated information collected.

Lastly, ESS or Executive Support Systems mainly help senior management incorporate their
"educated guesses" with the system to increase the quality of their decision. In a way that it collects
information that executives will use, along with their experience, knowledge, education, and
understanding of the corporation and the business environment as a whole, to make their decisions.
Furthermore, the information acquired can sometimes cause executives to have information overload.
However, the system takes care of it by summarizing the data needed to provide the opportunity to drill
down to more detail if necessary, making it much easier to decide. In addition, it is also the system to use
when accessing more information about a broader range of activities than in the past and monitor the
performance of their own areas and of the company as a whole that would be helpful to account for to
have a better decision making. Therefore, ESS's power to gather and summarize information makes it
easy for executives to integrate their experiences and knowledge that enhance decision-makers decision-

Describe various ways that knowledge management systems could help firms with sales and
marketing or with manufacturing and production.
The Beacon of Success

Information and knowledge are the greatest asset a business has that needs to be nurtured,
protected, grown, and managed in order to harness its benefit and Knowledge Management Systems
works to fulfill it. Its benefits reach to the extent of aiding in sales and market and manufacturing and
production. Discussed below are the benefits it bears to the following department that would undoubtedly
help the company reach its success goal.

Manufacturing and Production

Management system plays a vital role in this department because it is where the core of the
products you will sell out to the public begins. So, the planning and manufacturing in this phase are
crucial, and the Knowledge Management System is a big part of it. One central part of it is that it helps
organize the information needed for the production, be it from the demands, needs, or preferences of the
customer, the capacity of the company to meet the demands, the trend in the market, and such. The
management system organizes these information to develop a product to be manufactured, assuring that it
will sell in the market and gain you profit. In addition, its organized information helps the company see
the things that need to be improved not just in their product but also with the performance of the
employees, on how to attract more financers and how to outweigh the competitors that would undeniably
boost the company.

Secondly, it has a Knowledge Network System that links those who hold the knowledge with
those needing the knowledge. Suppose employees have an idea about a product or project in their head.
They can efficiently channel those ideas through these kinds of networks with other employees who need
to know the information, thus enhancing the collaboration in making a product that would be a hit in the
market. This system is a must-have if companies want to reduce costs and maximize profits.

Lastly, it also has an application often used for engineers called Computer-aided design (CAD)
that helps build new products and improve old ones. Having your company get a hold of this will help
you stay and adapt to the trend in the market. With the customers' fast-changing preferences, you can
easily catch up to them because this gives you the ability to manufacture new things in a much faster way.
For the reason that it has the ability to reduced three to four years of manufacturing a car into 18-24
months. Imagine how much it had reduced not just with the time but also with the cost. Knowing as well
that every now and then people's preference changes and if you really want to stay in the market you have
to satisfy the customers with what they want, and if you do not take advantage of such system, there is a
possibility that the moment you finished the product it is not already a trend, everything you worked for
will be a waste.

Hence, having a knowledge management system in your firm is very useful in terms of
manufacturing and production, for it organizes information to help you produce products that would
surely hit the market, improve the efficiency of your employees, acquire more investors, and take the lead
from your competitors. It also provides systems that would help in your team's collaboration to improve
more your products and the things in the company and make the manufacturing much faster to keep up
with the changing market conditions and the changing nature of the industries themselves.

Sales and Marketing

The beneficial thing Knowledge Management System offers to Sales and Marketing is its way of
giving customers a new experience with their product that engages them to buy our product. Knowledge
Management System has a Virtual reality system, Augmented reality, and VRML (Virtual Reality
Modeling Language) that gives customers an experience of a reality-like world in a much better way. It
provides the customer with a new experience that is fun, satisfying, interesting, and unique In buying a
product or service, that triggers their impulses to buy or avail of such products or services. So, if your
company uses these advantages, it would surely attract customers since it is something new and fun.

Therefore, the aforementioned uses of Knowledge Management System in your firm are
undoubtedly beneficial for your company because holding such systems will surely reap you many
advantages in the business that gives you an upper head over your competitors and continue to satisfy
your customers.

The benefits I gain in sincerely and heartily performing the Warm-Up and the Cool Down

Upon doing the Warm-up and Cool Down exercise, it had undeniably given me many benefits
such as reducing muscle soreness, flexibility, boost energy, and increased mental ability.

Reduced Muscle Soreness. Honestly, as a person who is not that physically active because I do
not do sports and is just exercising recently, every time I engage myself with physical activities, by the
next day, I really cannot move my body from the pain. It felt like I just want to lay down all day because
it hurt so bad every time I move an inch. But when I do warm-up and Cool down exercises before and
after strenuous activity, the pain lessens, and my body does not feel so stiff from the pain. It is actually
what I felt a day after doing the warm-up and cool-down exercise. I do not feel much pain, maybe some
bearable pain on my legs and slightly from my back.

Flexibility. Doing the exercise really stretches your body, which helped loosen up your body,
making you much more flexible.

Burn Calories. Since performing the exercises involves a relatively fast movement that does
make you sweat, it signifies that you are burning calories. Which we know is very helpful in getting rid of
the fats we have in our body that make us unhealthy if not burned.

Boost Energy. After a few minutes of rest after the exercise, I have noticed a boost in my energy
level that had helped me become more productive. In fact, researchers have found that warm-ups improve
performance as long as they are not too intense. Also, if done appropriately, it helps uses oxygen without
depleting its energy stores, making you still feel energized after doing physical activities (WebMD
Editorial Contributors, 2021).

Lastly, Increased Mental Ability. After the exercise also, it had made my brain function much
efficiently. I think it is because the warm-up and cool-down exercise help increase the blood flow in my
body, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen in my body, especially in my brain, helping me to think
much better.

WebMD Editorial Contributors. (2021, April 8). Benefits of Warm-Up Exercises. Retrieved August 7,
2021, from WebMD website:

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