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Unit 2.


bone (n.) xương
brain (n.) não bộ
brain cell (n. phr.) tế bào não
lung (n.) lá phổi
skin (n.) da, làn da
stomach (n.) dạ dày
stress (n.) áp lực
treatment (n.) sự điều trị
prevent (v.) ngăn ngừa, phòng ngừa
boost (v.) thúc đẩy
head massage (n. phr.) bóp đầu, mát xa đầu
health care (n.) dịch vụ y tế, chăm sóc sức khoẻ
side effect (n.) tác dụng phụ
sleepiness (n.) tình trạng buồn ngủ, thèm ngủ
sleeplessness (n.) sự mất ngủ
bad breath (n.) chứng hôi miệng
calorie need (n. phr.) nhu cầu calo
food pyramid (n. phr.) tháp dinh dưỡng
allergy (n.) sự dị ứng
blood vessel (n.) mạch máu
balance between yin and yang (n. phr.) sự cân bằng âm dương
harmony (n.) sự hoà hợp
sugary drink (n. phr.) nước ngọt
whole grains (n. phr.) ngũ cốc nguyên hạt
acupuncture (n.) châm cứu
alternative treatment (n. phr.) phương pháp chữa trị thay thế
bacterium (n.) vi khuẩn
disorder (n.) rối loạn
nerve (n.) dây thần kinh
precaution (n.) khuyến cáo, lưu ý
therapy (n.) liệu pháp, trị liệu
health practice (n.) cách chữa bệnh, tập tục chữa bệnh
health belief (n.) niềm tin về sức khoẻ
circulatory system (n. phr.) hệ tuần hoàn
digestive system (n. phr.) hệ tiêu hoá
immune system (n. phr.) hệ miễn dịch
respiratory system (n. phr.) hệ hô hấp
skeletal system (n. phr.) hệ xương
resistance (n.) sức đề kháng, sức bền
pump (v.) bơm
skeleton (n.) bộ xương
skull (n.) xương sọ, hộp sọ
spine (n.) xương sống
intestine (n.) ruột
acupoint (n.) huyệt châm cứu
acupressure (n.) bấm huyệt
ailment (n.) bệnh nhẹ
aromatherapy (n.) liệu pháp chữa bệnh bằng dầu thơm
1. Dạng thức của động từ
Dạng thức của động từ thường với will và be going to
S + will + V

Be going to:
S + am/is/are + going to + V
Ex: She will eat less fast food.
Cô ấy sẽ hạn chế ăn đồ ăn nhanh.
We are going to try aromatherapy.
Chúng tôi sẽ thử liệu pháp trị liệu bằng tinh dầu thơm.
2. Cách dùng
 Khác biệt 1
Wil: diễn tả quyết định tức thời đưa ra ngay tại thời điểm nói về sự việc trong tương lai.
Be going to: diễn tả dự định, quyết định có sẵn trước thời điểm nói về sự việc trong tương lai.
Ex: Someone's calling. - OK. I'll answer it.
Có ai đang gọi kìa. - Được rồi. Em sẽ đi trả lời.
It's Andy's birthday tomorrow. - I know. I'm going to bring some cakes.
Ngày mai là sinh nhật Andy đấy. - Tớ biết mà. Tớ sẽ mang một ít bánh đến.
 Khác biệt 2
Will Be going to
Chức năng diễn đạt: Dự đoán về tương lai dựa trên Chức năng diễn đạt: Dự đoán về tương lai dựa trên
quan điểm cá nhân của người nói cơ sở, dấu hiệu thực tế ở thời điểm hiện tại
Dấu hiệu nhận biết: think , hope, guess, I'm afraid, Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
probably, perhaps, maybe Look at thegrey clouds! (Hãy nhìn những đám mây
đen kìa!)
We only have five minutes left. (Chúng mình chỉ
còn có 5 phút nữa thôi.)
Ví dụ: I think he'll go to the gym. Ví dụ: We only have five minutes left. We are going
(Tớ nghĩ anh ấy sẽ đến phòng tập.) to be late for the meeting. (Chúng ta chỉ còn 5 phút
Can you guess who will be the winner? nữa thôi. Chúng ta sẽ bị muộn họp.)
(Cậu có đoán được ai sẽ là người chiến thắng Look at the long queue. We are going to wait for
không?) hours. (Nhìn hàng dài kìa. Chúng mình sẽ phải đợi
I’m afraid he won't come. nhiều giờ đồng hồ rồi.)
(Tôi e rằng anh ấy sẽ không đến.)
3. Một số cách sử dụng khác của "Will"
a. Diễn đạt yêu cầu ai đó làm gì (Request)
Will được dùng để diễn đạt lời yêu cầu của chúng ta khi muốn ai đó làm gì. Ta sử dụng "Will you + V?"
Ex: Will you show me how to use a computer?
Cháu chỉ cho bác cách sử dụng máy tính được không?
Will you help me move this table?
Cậu giúp tớ di chuyển cái bàn này được không?
b. Diễn đạt lời đề nghị được giúp ai đó (Offers)
Will còn được dùng để diễn đạt sự đề nghị được giúp đỡ ai đó.
Ex: The bags look heavy. I will carry them for you.
Những cái túi đó nhìn có vẻ nặng đấy. Mình sẽ xách cho cậu.
The stadium is far from here. I will drive you there.
Sân vận động khá xa đó. Tớ sẽ chở cậu đến đó.
c. Diễn đạt lời hứa (Promise)
Will dùng để diễn đạt lời hứa.
Ex: I promise I will buy you ice-creams if you get an A.
Chị hứa sẽ mua kem cho em nếu em đạt điểm A.
I promise I will not tell anyone.
Tớ hứa sẽ không nói với ai đâu.
d. Diễn đạt lời mời (Invitation)
Will cũng được dùng khi chúng ta muốn mời ai đó. Ta sử dụng "Will you + V?"
Ex: Will you have some cakes?
Cậu ăn một ít bánh nhé?
Will you come over and have lunch today?
Nay cậu qua nhà tớ và ăn trưa nhé?
e. Diễn đạt sự từ chối hay thái độ không sẵn lòng (Refusal)
Chúng ta sử dụng thể phủ định của thì tương lai đơn (won't) để diễn đạt ý từ chối, hay không hợp tác làm một
việc gì đó.
Ex: The computer won't start although I've done everything I can.
Cái máy tính không chịu khởi động dù tớ đã làm mọi cách có thể.
The baby won't stop crying.
Em bé không chịu nín khóc.
f. Diễn đạt sự đe doạ (Threat)
Will còn được dùng để diễn đạt sự đe doạ hay cảnh cáo.
Ex: Study hard or you will fail the exam.
Học hành chăm chỉ vào nếu không con sẽ bị trượt đấy.
Don't tell this to anyone or I'll never see you.
Đừng có nói chuyện này với ai không thì tớ sẽ không bao giờ nhìn mặt cậu nữa.
I. Complete the following words with pr, pl, gr, or gl and then read them aloud.
1. _ _ass 2. _ _ oup 3. _ _ ide 4. _ _ esentation
5. play_ _ ound 6. _ _ acefully 7. _ _ ane 8. _ _ umber
9. finger_ _ rint 10. _ _ ue 11.  Im_ _ ove 12. _ _ oom
13. _ _ eat 14. _ _ atform 15. _ _ oblem 16. _ _ ey
17. _ _ obe 18. _ _ ean 19. _ _ ough 20. _ _ omotion
II . Read the following sentences and underline the words with /pr/, /pl/, /gl/ or /gr/ sounds.
1. A gland is an organ of the body which produces liquid chemicals that have various purposes.
2. Prevention is better than cure.
3. The greatest wealth is health.
4. Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been
5. My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass.
6. The performance improved as their confidence grew.
7. A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.
8. You pray for good health and a body that will be strong in old age. Good - but your rich foods block the
gods’ answer and tie Jupiter’s hands.
9. Your brain and body need glucose in order to function effectively.
10. The mind has great influence over the body.
B. GRAMMAR: Simple Future Tense and Near Future Tense; Passive Voice
I. Complete the following sentences with “be going to” or “will”. Sometimes both are correct.
1. A: I can’t come during the day.
B: I (see) you tomorrow evening.
2. The method is quite simple, and I’m sure it (be) familiar to most ofyou already.
3. That cheese smells awful. I think nobody (eat) it.
4. A: Did you get the theatre tickets?
B: No, I forgot all about them. I (book) them tomorrow.
5. Wherever you go in Viet Nam, you (find) the people very friendly.
6. Phong says he (be) a policeman when he grows up.
7. Are these your new racket and shuttlecock? (you/take up) table tennis?
8. The sky has gone really dark. There (be) a rain.
9. A: What is the milk used for?- B: I (make) some yoghurt.
10. You can’t play football in the garden. I (cut) the grass.
II. Choose the correct answer.
1. A: It’s a public holiday next month.- B: Yes, I know. anything special?
a. Are you doing b. Do you do c. Will you do
2. A: Do you mind not leaving your papers all over the table?
B: Oh sorry. I’ll take them all with me when .
a. I’ll go b. I’m going c. I go
3. A: a party next Saturday. Can you come?- B: Yes, of course.
a. We’ll have b. We’re having c. We have
4. A: I’m trying to move this cupboard, but it’s very heavy.- B: Well, you, then.
a. I’ll help b. I’m going to help c. I help
5. A: Excuse me. What time to London?- B: Seven thirty in the morning.
a. will this train leave b. is this train going to get c. does this train get
6. A: Someone told me you’ve got a place at university.
B: That’s right. Maths at St Andrews, in Scotland.
a. I’ll study b. I’m going to study c. I study
7. A: The alarm’s going. It’s making an awful noise.- B: OK, it off.
a. I am switching b. I am going to switch c. I’ll switch
8. A: Did you buy this book?- B: No, Emma did. it on holiday.
a. She’ll read b. She is going to read c. She reads
9. A: Is the shop open yet?- B: No, but there’s someone inside. I think .
a. it opens b. it’s about to open c. it will open
10. A: Have you heard anything about Jane?- B: Yes. She’s engaged. married in June.
a. She’s getting b. She’ll get c. She’s about to get
III. Give the correct forms in Passive voice of the verbs given in the brackets.
1. Homework ___________ (assign) twice a week.
2. Why ___________the car ___________ (steal) yesterday?
3. French and English ___________ (speak) in Canada?.
4. How ___________information ___________ (store) in our brain?
5. I promise that the money ___________ (pay) back to you soon.
6. Yesterday, applicants for this position ___________ (examine) thoroughly.
7. He ___________ (punish) by his father yesterday?
8. Linh ___________(offer) the job last month but she turned it down.
9. I think an alternative therapy ___________(recommend) if medical therapy doesn’t work.
10. The car ___________(repair) at the moment. It broke up in an accident last Sunday.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive and active
1. Our body cannot make essential fatty acids or vitamins, so we must obtain them through diet.
1. Is she going to write a poem?
3. Have they changed the window of the laboratory
4. Low fatty acid levels cause a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.
5. How many days did she spend finishing the work?
6 . How do you spend this amount of money?
7 ._The consumption of blueberries and tomatoes can delay short-term memory loss or Alzheimer's.
8 ._Just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day provides you with your recommended daily amount of zinc.
9. A good intake of vitamin E prevents thinking decline, particularly in the elderly.
10. Nuts supply us with a great source of vitamin E.
V. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning using the given words.
1. It is possible that Linh will go to the party with her boyfriend tonight.
Linh may _______________________________________________
2. A lot of bread is eaten in England.
The _______________________________________________.
2. I think it is difficult to tell the truth.
The _______________________________________________
3. Steven Spilberg has directed a lot of successful films.
A lot of _______________________________________________
4. Her hair needs cutting.
She needs _______________________________________________
5. The weather is probably not going to change.
There will _______________________________________________.
6. What books are people reading this year?
What _______________________________________________?
7. The brochure gives hardly any useful information.
Precious _______________________________________________.
8. I’ll lend you the money on condition that you pay it back next week. (long)
9. Follow this advice and you will find yourself in trouble. (water)

I. Decide these words into the correct column.
1blood breath skull bone
1heart brain lung stomach
digestive air pump muscle
spine nerve vessel
circulatory system digestive system respiratory system skeletal system nervous system

II. Complete each blank in the passage with the word in the box.
cultures glucose eating carbohydrates digestive
lifespan weight signals periods hormones
The Many Benefits of Fasting
Fasting can be a safe way to lose (1) as many studies have shown that fasting allows
the body to burn through fat cells more effectively than just regular dieting. Fasting has shown to allow you
to tolerate (2) or sugar better than if you don’t fast. A study showed that after (3)
of fasting, insulin becomes more effective in telling cells to take up (4) from blood.
Fasting gives your (5) system a rest. Fasts can regulate your digestion and promote
healthy bowel function, thus improving your metabolic function.
Believe it or not, the less you eat the longer you will live. Studies have shown how the (6) ______ of
people in certain (7) increased due to their diets.
Fasting helps to regulate the (8) in your body so that you experience what
true hunger is. We know that obese individuals do not receive the correct (9) to let them know
when they are full due to excessive (10) patterns.
III. Give the form of the word in each bracket in the following passage.
You may know that Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterrannean cultures have (1. TRADITION) ____________
used garlic in the dishes. What you may not know is that garlic is also thought of as a (2. VALUE)
____________ medicine by many ancient civilizations. Today, (PROFESSION) ____________ in the field of
nutrition have come up with new information which is indeed quite (4. SURPRISE) _____. Apparently, not
only is garlic good for you but it also helps overcome various (5.ILL) ___________. The main (6.
ADVANTAGE) ____________to eating garlic is of course bad (7. BREATHE) ____________. Cooking it
reduces the strong smell and eating parsley, which is a natural deodorizer, also helps (8. MINIMUM)
____________ the smell. Thus, it’s time we took the benefits of garlic (9. SERIOUS) ____________. Why not
add it to some of your (10. FAVOUR) ________ dishes?
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete it.
It's important to eat well, especially when you're (1) . If you are at (2) , you may go home
for lunch, and have a cooked meal of (3) or fish and vegetables. Or perhaps you take some food
with you to school, and eat it in the lunch (4) . A chicken and lettuce sandwich, with some
fresh (5) , would be a light but healthy lunch. Many people around the world eat plain, (6) rice
two or three times a day. Pupils and (7) often don't eat well when they're (8) for an
exam - they eat chocolate and drink lots of black coffee! And by the way, doctors say everybody should
start the day with a healthy (9) . It's also good for you to drink a lot of (10) light
through the day.
1. A. student B. study C. studying D. studied
2. A. school B. primary C. office D. class
3. A. cheese B. meat C. fruit D. seafood
4. A. timetable B. classroom C. lesson D. break
5. A. lemons B. fruit C. chicken D. peas
6. A. boiled B. baked C. grilled D. roast
7. A. teachers B. professors C. students D. boys
8. A. reviewing B. reading C. learning D. revising
9. A. dinner B. breakfast C. lunch D. supper
10. A. water B. coffee C. tea D. coke
II. Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.
Junk Food's Effect On Our Body
Fast food nutrition should make up a minimal part of a healthy diet. Fast foods and junk foods are high
in fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to obesity and a range of health problems, including diabetes,
heart disease and arthritis.
Junk food doesn't contain the nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. As a result, you may feel
fatigued and lack the energy you need to complete daily tasks. The high levels of sugar in junk food puts
your metabolism under stress. Because fast food and junk food don't contain adequate amounts of protein
and good carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly after eating, leaving you feeling
annoyed, tired and craving sugar.
Junk food contains large amounts of fat, and because fat accumulates in your body, you'll gain weight
and could become obese. The more weight you gain, the more you'll be at risk for serious illnesses. The high
levels of fat and sodium in junk food can cause high blood pressure or hypertension.
In the short term, high levels of dietary fat lead to poor mental performance. You'll feel tired and have
trouble concentrating because your body might not be getting enough oxygen.
The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food and fast food can contribute to heart disease by raising
blood cholesterol levels and contributing to arterial plaque build-up. The high levels of fatty acids found in
many junk foods and fast foods can lead to fatty liver deposits, which, over time, can cause liver disease.
Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.
Answer A B
1. fatigued (adj) A.extremely fat
2. metabolism (n) up; increase over a period of time
3. craving (adj) C.tired
4. accumulate (v) D.wanting something very much
5. obese (adj) E.all the processes that cause food to be used for energy and growth

Task 2: Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
6. The amount of sugar in fast food is .
A. providing you with enough energy to complete daily tasks B. so high that it puts your body under stress
C. leading to obesity and a range of health problems D. so low that you want to eat much more sugar
7. The main reason that we shouldn't eat much fast food is that .
A. it should make up a minimal part of a healthy diet B. it contains too much protein and
C. it has high levels of sugar D. it doesn't contain the nutrients that keep our body healthy
8. Fast food contains the following items EXCEPT .
A. high blood cholesterol levels B. high levels of fat and sodium
C. high levels of sugar D. high levels of fatty acids
9. Fast food is not good for our heart because .
A. it can lead to fatty liver deposits B. it may raise blood cholesterol levels and cause high blood
C. it can cause liver disease which can lead to heart disease
D. it makes you feel tired and have trouble concentrating
10. Large amounts of fat in fast food are harmful because .
A. your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly after eating, leaving you feeling annoyed, tired
B. they contain too many nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy
C. you are at risk for serious illnesses and you have poor mental performance
D. they only make up a minimal part of a healthy diet.

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