Unlimited Abundance: Christie Marie Sheldon's

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What People are Saying about

Christie Marie Sheldon’s

Unlimited Abundance
Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance Program on Mindvalley Academy produces an
exceptional amount of case studies from its students. Stories of sudden luck, huge changes in their
financial situations, raises, wins and more.

This PDF is designed to help you understand the impact the program is having on our Mindvalley
Community so you can decide if this is something you’d like to enroll in.

* In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the customer letters we have
received are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of a few people only. We cannot promise that you
will experience similar benefits from this course.
Index of Case Studies

“Divine timing! In a little over two weeks, I have already manifested...”

“Two weeks into the program, my business sold with ease & I had 26k left over.”
“$30,000 of unexpected money has come into my life.”
“It is life changing!”
“I’ve gained approximately $60,000 worth of consulting contracts”
“By day 7, I had manifested more than double”
“Now my checkbook registers $5000, up from $36 in three weeks.”
“I started listening 2 weeks ago I’ve sold the last 6 out of 7 clients”
“It has been miracle after miracle after miracle showing up in my life”
“I’ve absolutely loved the Unlimited Abundance program”
“Yes, that’s right, $200,000.00 and I only purchased the program two months ago!”
“Unexpected sources of extra income has come flowing into our lives”
“Within the first 2 parts I have let go of smoking after 24 years.”
“The very next day I received an unexpected $4000. WOW!”
“What an adventure I am experiencing!”
“I received an unexpected $2000 cheque.”
“The business I'm running was chosen as the ‘Most Outstanding Business’ in the industry field.”
“I was able to manifest not only a new job but a promotion, a significant raise in salary, and paid
relocation to a great city — along with the promise of tuition paid as I finish a Master's degree in
my field.”
“I love myself and others more, I'm more positive and less judgemental. It is the very best self
help program I have ever tried.”
“Experience it and see what it feels like to be light and feel lite.”
“Yes, I think it is very helpful, practical, and empowering.”
“Thank you so much for picking me up with your energy/clearing talks”
“I love this stuff. Massive mind detox is as great as going raw vegan for the body”
“I was a Skeptic who wanted to believe & now I do”
“I don't listen to music in my car anymore just your recordings.”
“This is very essential information that can improve the lives of everyone who is willing to give it
a try!”
“Awesome program.Easy to use.”
“I am really enjoying this course!”
“My relationships with everyone have changed for the better.”

November 2016
“Five of the eight things that I am manifesting have shown up in my life now”
“Divine timing! In a little over two weeks, I have already manifested...”

I am an artist living in the Pacific Northwest and am on a dream

chasing journey! :) I recently purchased the Unlimited Abundance
program and I absolutely LOVE IT! Thank you thank you thank
you for creating this and expanding my energy and understanding!
Even though I have studied success and manifesting my entire life,
I had no idea that these intuitions I have followed in my life were
real things and not just something I created in my own mind.

I’m an illustrator, painter and graphic artist, so obviously I have a

very visual mind. :) I also grew up in Alaska so I’m strongly
influenced by extraordinary nature the beautiful experience of
connection. As I’m going through these sessions, my mind is just
flooded with a ton of cool, amazing paintings, doodles and images!
These creations would have never appeared if it hadn’t been for
this series because I totally believe in the co-creation of my
authentic expression and use it often with clients for design
processes or commission work. Thank you thank you!! So, I
thought it might be fun to capture some of these creative
processes and doodles and paintings in a blog format for others to
share. I am so very grateful for these energy clearing sessions and
thought you might like to see what is appearing in my mind and
through my brushes. (From day one as a very young artist, I’ve
always channeled love into my work and have asked that when
viewed, the love light shines out brightly to affect the viewer. : ) It is
my gift and why I am here.

I’ve attached an image that pushed its way to the forefront right before I found your program. It’s called
“Find Your Light.” :) Totally appropriate!!

Thank you times a million kazillion for your amazing program!! I am so grateful!!

P.S. After I ran into the Unlimited Abundance program with Christie! Divine timing! In a little over two
weeks, I have already manifested:

- a fabulous art show 2 months early with retail and art class possibilities unlimited!
- over $500 in new sales!
- asked to do new commission artwork!
- was called out of the blue to teach an art class with unlimited possibilities!
- approached for logo design project from engineer firm!
- have new retail location for work!
- $100 on lotto ticket!
- saved $180 in monthly bills!
And more! My husband has noticed a huge shift in my energy and is excited watching us walk into
unlimited abundance!!

Sending huge amounts of love and light,

~ ​Holly Stafford

“Two weeks into the program, my business sold with ease & I had 26k left

My goal starting out was to sell my business. Two weeks into the program, my
business sold with ease and after paying off debt, I had 26k left over.

Little things: I got an extra cashback bonus check from American Express for $225. I
got an $845 tax return when I thought I was going to have to pay. All business calls
with closing my business went extremely smooth and everyone I talked with was so
friendly and made sure I would incur no fees.

Yes!!!!!! I love Christie, and I am so grateful for the universe for putting this program in
my path. To this day, I still have no idea how I found it, which makes it even better!

I love Unlimited Abundance it truly is the truth!

~ Elizabeth Roberts
“$30,000 of unexpected money has come into my life.”

I just wanted to let you know that I purchased Unlimited Abundance recently and I listened to one
session per day for 24 consecutive days. The results have been way beyond anything I could’ve
imagined in my wildest dreams.

I was working full time for a software company and we were going through a restructuring. I had a
feeling my job was going to be eliminated so I wanted to test Christie’s Unlimited Abundance exercises.
I started manifesting that $20,000 or more would come to me in some fashion during February. Today
is only February 13th and $30,000 of unexpected money has come into my life. I was notified today that
my job is ending next week and
I’m receiving 3 months severance which I wasn’t expecting. I’ve also received numerous consulting
opportunities that I’m sure came to me once I removed my blockages. I will easily receive more than
$40,000 this month

because of my clearing the blockages. I was especially blocking my ability to receive from the universe.
I love to give but always felt uncomfortable receiving but Christie removed those blocks for me.

Thank you and Christie for changing my life. She’s amazing!!

~ ​Ted Prodromou
“It is life changing!”

So far since starting the course just before Christmas I have had some
money show up. Firstly I was given a 10% pay rise which far exceeds the
industry average in this current economic climate. Secondly I mentioned my
successful lazer surgery to a friend who mentioned it to her friend who had it
done herself and gave my name and said i had recommended her. I got a
cheque of £50.00 for the referral. Totally unexpected!

My family all live in London some 200 miles away, I usually end up going to
see them as its more convenient. Not having visited me for over a year my
dad decided to come up this weekend with one of my brothers, despite the
fact that I’ll be visiting them next weekend. He gave me a cheque for
£5000.00 and the £60.00 to get something nice for my self with.

Apart from the financial manifestations, the energies in my home feel my

lighter and peaceful due to clearing out my clutter. Being positive and
optimistic is now becoming the norm rather than a struggle.

Thank you Christie so much for Love Or Above and Unlimited Abundance. It is life changing!!!

~ ​Lila Halai

“I’ve gained approximately $60,000 worth of consulting contracts”

It has taken a few weeks, but manifestation has been at

work - so I’ll be in a position to pay my outstanding
Unlimited Abundance course fees on Thursday.

Just to fill you in, I made a promise that, if within the

10-day $1 trial period I was able to gain an additional
$4,000 in resources - I’d happily pay for the course.

The flow of events has been such that I’ve gained

approximately $60,000 worth of consulting contracts
stemming from actions and decisions taken during that
trial week. As the flows have begun to arrive I’m delighted
to pay my fee, and also to share my success story with

~ ​AJ
“By day 7, I had manifested more than double”

When this program was offered for $1 for 10 days, I made an agreement with Spirit - if I manifest
$2,000 in 10 days, I will happily pay Christie the full amount of the program ($400). Well, by day 7, I had
manifested more than double this amount! So I was hooked, I knew that this was accelerating my own
program and would also help me to help others. I am currently listening to Round 2 of the audios and
my new business (opened in March 2012) is taking off very quickly. Shamanic healing is not well known
in Raleigh, NC, but I am getting new clients every week without doing any marketing or advertising.

I use the clearing statement all the time now - I am really quick to notice when lower vibrational
energies surface. It is amazing!

Thank you so much for this program!

~ ​Trish Baker

“Now my checkbook registers $5000, up from $36 in three weeks.”

I had just come off of 6 weeks disability after a break-up with my boyfriend and the deaths of my mother
and brother (all in a 4 week period). I was in dire straits. So, I tried your program. I do the pre-taped
Unlimited Abundance program about 4 times per week. I do my statements as mantras when I
meditate, when I’m walking the dog, in the bathroom and before I go to bed.

They do make me feel more at peace. Needless to say, I’m self-employed and
feeling the pinch of the disability. The first week back to work, I had a few people
pay ahead. Then the next week I had someone pay for a whole year of my work.
My disability payment came through faster than expected. And now my
checkbook registers $5000, up from $36 in three weeks. I’m on Lesson 8 today.
And I am finding my life coming together in it’s own time. I’m not rushing things,
like I normally do. I trying to let things happen in their own time. I’m not as depressed as I have been in
the past, which is a relief.

~ ​Nina Hanson

“I started listening 2 weeks ago I’ve sold the last 6 out of 7 clients”

I’ve spent so many years “working” on myself with great results. I’m now healthy, strong, mentally and
physically, learning and growing all the time. It’s all coming together….except money. All the money I
had is gone and all the avenues to replace it never got results. So I asked for “the next step, the way to
move through these financial blocks easily and quickly”. I already know about Christie Marie Sheldon
and her phenomenal work.

Two days after I made my request to the Universe, I heard her on a webinar talking about the program
she was offering and my body lit up. I got chills, I got excited. I KNEW this was my answer. So, I
ordered the program and got on it. I’m recently back in sales. Since I started listening 2 weeks ago I’ve
sold the last 6 out of 7 clients, EASILY. Two of them literally told me at our first meeting-” I’m going with
you, let’s hurry up and get this done”. My relationships with my clients are so much easier, more fun,
lighter. We’ve had many things for sale at home as we’re cleaning out our life. What wasn’t selling for
weeks sold in days after I started the clearing. The new stuff we’re posting is gone in a couple days
easily, instead of the weeks or no responses before. We’ve been looking for a new roommate. After a
month of running ads and interviewing with no results we got our IDEAL roommate last week. I am freer
in my interactions with others, I’m happier, calmer inside and have so much more fun with everything.

~ ​Alix Deyling

“It has been miracle after miracle after miracle showing up in my life”

My goal for this course was to create the feelings of freedom and independence, and the
confidence to know that I deserve to be self-sufficient.

Let me say.. my life has changed overnight! It has been miracle after miracle after
miracle showing up in my life! I can’t believe everything that has happened! My life has
totally turned around for the better and I can’t believe my own eyes! I only started this course three
weeks ago and my dreams are already manifesting.

I’ve been accepted to the University of Colorado and have registered for classes when I didn’t think it
was possible. I received $13,500 in financial aid (!!!), I won a settlement at a court hearing.. I’m not sure
how much I’m going to get yet, but my lawyer thinks it will be around $20,000 PLUS a $700 monthly
stipend for 18 months!! And guess what else?? Today, I bought the car of my dreams and I
DEFINITELY didn’t think THAT was possible! It’s so much better than I ever imagined! I can’t believe
it’s real!!
I feel like a completely new person after only three weeks! I’m not even half-way through the course! I
can’t wait to see what other wonderful things miraculously show up in my life!!! I am living a magical,
wondrous, exciting life!!! :)

~ ​Melanie Porter

“The changes in my life are evident every single day.”

My first intention was to discover how Christie Marie Sheldon has taken her life
experience and knowledge and produced a marketable product for sale on the
internet. I was very impressed with the content and the presentation. The added
benefit was that my whole life, my thought process, my daily practice in terms of
setting intentions and clearing limiting thoughts and beliefs totally transformed. I am
living at a much higher vibration, which had been an intention of mine but besides my
spiritual practices I didn't have a clear system for living at this higher vibration.

Christie's method is clear, simple, fun and effective. The changes in my life are evident every single day
(increased income, more synchronistic events, happier, higher vibration external experiences giving
evidence of my enhanced internal states).

– ​Barbara Ricotta

“Yes, that’s right, $200,000.00 and I only purchased the program two
months ago!”

Christie Marie Sheldon has fantastic energy! I first saw a video of her online and was so impressed by
how strong and bright her aura was as well as the playful quality about her. Her programs looked FUN
as well as informative and life changing. I knew I had to try one of them!

I bought both the Unlimited Abundance program and Love or Above. I can’t thank Christie enough for
both programs. I return to the Unlimited Abundance program just about every week since my purchase
simply for how good I feel afterwards. Who knew that I had so much to clear? Christie left no stone
unturned as to all the beliefs that hold us back and GOT RID OF THEM!

Since I began my journey with Christie and Unlimited Abundance I have received $200,000.00! Yes,
that’s right, $200,000.00 and I only purchased the program two months ago! My financial planner
informed me a few weeks ago that after a total loss of my income for 2008 and 2009, my investment
account has reaped the benefits of the market upturn in 2010 and 2011, creating an additional
$200,000.00 gain in my account. Cha ching! Thanks Christie!

Better than that though is the NEW ME! All the good stuff that Christie re-programmed into my belief
system has created true unlimited abundance. I think, feel and behave from a new perspective and I’m
no longer afraid to be “a little weird”. Buy Unlimited Abundance and allow Christie to create magic in
your life! Hugs Christie!!!
I would and have recommended Christie’s program to anyone and everyone.

~ ​Victoria Comfort

“Unexpected sources of extra income has come flowing into our lives”

So far in just the two weeks of using the program, several unexpected sources of
extra income has come flowing into our lives. Deposits from companies that were
owed to me but I didn't know exactly when they were coming. For example, Farmers
Ins sent me two checks totaling almost $200, Utility company sent me a check for $85,
my husband got some extra jobs totaling over $900 and we recycled a lot of scrap
metal that my husband attains doing his plumbing job and received over $300. That
was just in the first two weeks of using the program.

Relationship wise, life has been better between me and my family. I still have a ways to go but we are
communicating more and being more understanding with each other. The entire family is supportive of
our new changes in our lives by using what we learn from Christie Marie Sheldon. Health wise, it's been
a bit of a roller coaster. I seem to have more headaches these days than normal, but I am thinking that
perhaps this is an effect of the negative energy leaving me. My other health issues have been getting
much much better though.

Spiritually, it has been a learning experience to connect to GOD (my source) and such a blessing and
wonderful feeling to do so. I feel much more closer to GOD now that I am able to connect with him via
my GOD chord. I wish more people could connect every day to their "source" and help make the
universe a much better, safer and brilliant place to live.

~ ​Jacqueline Guerrero

“Within the first 2 parts I have let go of smoking after 24 years.”

My goal using this course and indeed requesting this course was to do exactly what it says on the tin,
create and live unlimited abundance. Within the first 2 parts I have let go of smoking after 24 years!
This is truly amazing! Obviously preventing abundance in many ways especially health and I am
pleased to say 2 weeks on and still knowing the awesome truth that I am not a smoker! Unbelievable.
Little treasures are occurring, winning a competition with my children, having a lady offer free pony
rides at my sons birthday party! I realise more that this is total release of everything learned, the truth is
already there, we just have to let go. Phew! Thank you Christie for being so very direct, powerful and
lovingly adamant about spreading and sharing your knowledge. Respect and Love ! Muchos Gratitude,
muchos muchos! Love Roberta

~ ​Roberta
“What an adventure I am experiencing!”

What an adventure I am experiencing! I thought, "yes, it would be nice to clear out the junk so I can be
content with my little life." God, however, has other plans for me now that I am so much more available.
A new avenue of income has opened up for me that is EIGHT TIMES more than I was making before.

Those in my life who depended so much on my remaining afraid and small and pathetic, are scrambling
energetically for something to grasp and I am happy to report they no longer have me. The obstacles or
things that would have sent me into a tailspin a few years ago are just no big deal now. I listen to the
lessons at night so my roommate (who happens to be my awesome twin sister) has also had the
opportunity to delete, destory and uncreate a lot of the same things. Talk about healing!

Thank you and God bless you for all you are doing.

~ ​Stefanie

“The business I'm running was chosen as the ‘Most Outstanding Business’
in the industry field.”

My objective in joining the Unlimited Abundance Program was to clear my abundance blocks and learn
how to manifest my goals. These goals are mainly publishing my book and growing the business I
founded. To be more specific, I am aiming to be a millionaire this year! I have even set a target of
hitting PHP300,000 (USD$6700) this month of June.

The initial improvement I noticed was my views on money has changed. Then I had some good breaks
coming my way. Recently, I surprisingly received an email from an independent council informing us
that the business I'm running was chosen as the "Most Outstanding Business" in the industry field we're
in. The awarding ceremony will be held on December.

I was also able to come up with some new ideas that can help us generate more sales. I'm only halfway
through the sessions, but I feel and believe it's already going uphill from here. Wooooohooooooo!!!

I followed my intuition, my soul's calling to take the Unlimited Abundance Program. I knew I needed
help from an expert and Christie Marie Sheldon have such a gift. And I truly believe that Unlimited
Abundance will help me have the biggest breakthrough in life.


~ Frederick Espiritu from Philippines

“I was able to manifest not only a new job but a promotion, a significant
raise in salary, and paid relocation to a great city — along with the promise
of tuition paid as I finish a Master's degree in my field.”

Since I purchased and have been listening to Love or Above and Unlimited Abundance, there have
been fantastic changes in my life. I was in a job that was eliminated, but due to some of the principles
and practices in these two courses, I was able to manifest not only a new job but a promotion, a
significant raise in salary, and paid relocation to a great city — along with the promise of tuition paid as
I finish a Master's degree in my field.

The total value of this manifesting is so far at least $16,500, and with the education tuition promise,
tens to at least [$100,000] more.

And I am convinced that the boost in my energy and attitude and blasting through blocks that Christie's
courses gave me, along with the action that I took, made all these manifestations greater than they
might have been without taking the course.

I listen to Unlimited Abundance at least once a day and work the "What would it take..." and "I am so
thankful and grateful" magic daily as part of my new routine. I've developed the habit and am now
"hooked" on the programs and want to thank Christie Marie Sheldon and Mindvalley for making it
possible to obtain the tools to manifest this abundance.

I intend to keep on manifesting great opportunities and abundance, my next goal is to get paid for being
me, at least [$120,000] a year, and work toward my $12 million-dollar goal.

~ ​Kathleen

“I love myself and others more, I'm more positive and less judgemental. It
is the very best self help program I have ever tried.”

We were $17,000 behind on almost every current bill when we started. We wanted to triple our new
business income in 3 months and pay off all our debts (approximately $75,000) this year. Within 2 days
of listening to your Unlimited Abundance program, I got news that my grandfather's company, which
had been for sale for three years, had been sold — resulting in a $78,000 windfal,l half of which was
paid to me a month later. Also, we had a goal to get a business van for a great price or free, even
though our credit was bad. Today, we were able to buy a van with only 21,000 miles for only $14,500. It
is also a wheelchair access van that cost $55,000 new five years ago. My husband and I haven't had a
vacation in 5 years and just planned a week in Branson with my brother and his wife for Mid October.

Also, we were offered five very inexpensive factions out of the blue — a cruise, a Las Vegas trip, round
trip airline tickets and Marriottt hotel anywhere in us for 3 nights and a Branson trip. We chose not to
take those trips, but easily could have taken them all. I also received four free dinners from different
people in two weeks, a $100 gift, my husband got extra work hours and our two-week business income
doubled — even though we only put in half the hours and inventory for that period.
I have a whole page of other blessings from increased spirituality to greater marital closeness and a
freedom from the compulsion to binge I've never experienced before. I am becoming vegetarian
because my body is craving it now, and I [weighed] 250lb and was previously considering dangerous
bypass surgery. I love myself and others more, I'm more positive and less judgemental. I have also
dissolved the moderate to severe carpal tunnel I had that I was supposed to have surgically fixed in

Not only would I highly recommend this program to others, but I will even buy it for a couple of people I
have raved about it to this month. It is the very best self-help program I have ever tried, and as a
person who [has read] a book a day for the last 55 years and has purchased many self-help programs,
that is a five-star recommendation.

I have a bachelor’s in science and psychology, and a master's in Social Work from Loyola in Chicago,
and I have had a private practice with trauma clients, worked as an Emergency Room Social worker,
been a home crisis worker assessing homicidal and suicidal patients, worked at a battered women's
shelter, a homeless health care drug and alcohol counseling center and an AIDS hospice. Due to my
extensive history of sexual, physical and emotional abuse from 5 to 19 and my work stress reactions, I
developed a crack addiction and have been in recovery since 2001. I have been on mental health
disability for about 12 years for severe depression, anxiety and PTSD from childhood abuse.

Since this March I was finally able to work, very part-time, in our resale business, and rarely have
significant depression. I also have the joy and challenge of having a transgendered son. I have felt the
best I have ever felt in about 30 years this month, thanks to your program.

The most significant effects are not the financial ones, though tremendous. What I am most grateful for
is a renewed marriage, deeper spirituality, massive increase in gratitude and daily joy moments, feeling
back in my body after 61 numb years, increased self-love and forgiveness and love and forgiveness of
others, renewed hope and dreams crushed in most of my life, and the absolute bliss of knowing I am
not a victim but rather an Infinite powerful creator of my entire life who is always one with Divine love
and everything and everyone in this universe. Thank you Christie for bringing me home to my True Self
and a Universe full of every abundance imaginable! Blessing you all all your staff with love and light,
Andrea Souders.

P. S. My new goal is to write a bestselling book about my life journey and you and Unlimited
Abundance, as well as your Love and Above, certainly deserve your own chapter. I only have one
regret, which is not being able to manifest cash in time for your 12-month Unlimited Abundance
coaching group. I feel it would be so instrumental in the long term success of my husband Dale and I.
You can't squeeze in two more could you? Definitely have the abundance now.

My husband and I would be honored to promote both your programs in any way possible. Please let us
know if we can offer recommendations or any assistance to your astounding program. You have our
eternal gratitude and we are already going back through the Unlimited Abundance CDs. We love your
Love and Above Program also, but have not fully concentrated on it yet. The reason I chose to buy your
program, even though I could barely afford food and gas and rent at the time, was because of my
confidence in Mindvalley and the pure joy and love you radiated in your training session.
Please forgive this massive message but I had to express fully how significantly you have impacted our

~ Andrea Souders

“Experience it and see what it feels like to be light and feel lite.”

My goal was to determine my abundance and money blocks before I started working with clients and
speaking on the subject myself. I have made a great income in the past but I am constantly starting
over. I wrote a book called, "The Art of Starting Over," because I am so good at it. I don't want to
practice this anymore.

My new goal is to stay consistent in reaching the next level rather than repeating the previous level.
The lessons I learned using Unlimited Abundance made me aware of the reason I was always starting
over, it was because I couldn't make up my mind.

I have learned that just saying I am a speak and author wasn't enough. I needed to know exactly who I
was speaking to and what I was saying. I am talented at helping people simplify complex decisions,
especially those associated with money.

Unlimited Abundance also help me see that I couldn't please

everybody all the time including myself. Let go of perfection and
do my best with the moment I have in front of me. I stopped
focusing on the future and getting stuck in planning mode.
Execution is the key to success. I gained the confidence to
promote myself as a prosperity planner and I now have a better
understanding of my products.

All of this happened because I was willing to look inside myself

and reach deep into my subconscious. As I listened to Christie's
voice I new she was the real thing. She gets paid for being
herself and every minute of ever call that was what she did. By
being herself she helped me get more comfortable being myself.

I use to think that I was too much, too weird and that people wouldn't be able to connect with me.
Especially when I start talking about business and money. Now I know that I am just enough and that
people trust me when I am myself. They know that I care, because I do. I really care. I want to serve.

Shifting my thinking I got 2 new clients from referrals. I didn't do anything to get them they called me. I
learned that one of my clients has a best-friend that does exactly what I do and she refers people to me
instead of her best friend. That was the nicest compliment I could have received.

The first time I listened to the recordings I went to fast, as I often do. I listened to the question and
answer call and it talked about a lady who listened to the recordings a second time and had more
success. That is what happened to me.
I was getting impatient but I just kept telling myself, "what would it take for me to clear all my
abundance blocks and get paid for being me." After listening to the recordings a second time, I got two
job offers that I turned down because they would keep me from pursuing my speaking career. In the
past I would have taken the jobs and quit them after I realized I was unhappy. This was why I was
always starting over. This time I said no, I know what I want and that isn't it. I got those 2 clients, I got
free headshots, free graphic design, and I realized that I had paid speaking engagements coming up
which made me a paid speaker. I had been asking for something that I already had.

Now I ask for a hire fee. Once I get that I will ask for an even hire fee and I will get specific on where I
want to travel to speak.

I now listen to one of the recordings everyday. I listen either in the morning or at night before bed.
Unlimited Abundance has become part of my lifestyle. It is now how I approach every thing that I do.

Oh I forgot I am currently in school to get my masters in counseling and I used my psychic ability to get
an A on a test. It was awesome! I just kept asking the future me for the answered and when I got the
yes response I would put it down. I trusted the future me to take the test for me. It was such a powerful
experience that I ask the future me to guided me in many of the decisions I make through out my day.

Unlimited Abundance confirmed the greatness I knew I had inside of me, and it also made me confident
that it was ok to share it with the world. With that confidence I was able to raise my income by $2,500 in
the first month and I have referral sources that are now sending me clients. The clarity I received will
keep me focused enough to build a life of meaning that allows me to serve.

I have now set up a way that I can make money in my sleep. I recorded my speaking topics and I sell
them on my website. Now I sleep more peacefully and the people who listen to my Prosperous Life
recorded sessions do too. I just added to the peace in the world. Lucky me! I am so grateful that
Unlimited Abundance opened my mind and heart enough to figure out how to generate money and help
people at the same time. #brillant #genius #ChristieMarie

Christie Marie Sheldon is so genuine and real. I have worked with many speakers and coaches over
my career but I have never met anyone who is as committed and caring as Christie Marie Sheldon.
Thank you, muchly!

I am sending anyone reading this light and love so that you can connect with source energy and
continue to create your life of abundance.

I would recommend Unlimited Abundance to anyone who is dissatisfied with any area of their life,
because if you are open to it and follow through it will help you gain clarity. Getting clarity gives you the
confidence to execute on your ideas and increase the money, love, and peace in your life.

Unlimited Abundance was my ticket to raising my consciousness. I know that I was put on this earth to
add to the peace in the world, the way I choose to do that is to help people reduce stress associate with
money. I am a genius at it and the only way that I would have been able to share my gift with the world
was to first remove any abundance blocks I had.
If you remove your abundance blocks you are free to be yourself, which is the best feeling in the world.
Everything else you do after feeling that feeling will always bring you back to being yourself because
you won't want to feel any other way.

If you do not understand what I am saying it's because you haven't experiences Unlimited Abundance.
Experience it and see what it feels like to be light and feel lite.

~ Kine Corder

“Thank you so much for picking me up with your energy/clearing talks”

My life lately has been on a down spiral financially

and physically.

My ex quit his job last Feb. and hasn't been

paying any child support since.
A very demanding job had me working long hours
and not been taking care of myself. 10 weeks ago
I was let go and a week later I tripped over a
cement stopper in the church parking lot
shattering my left ankle.
I feel broken right now and need to get back on
my feet.

God really wants me to stop and reevaluate my life right now. My foot still has a long road of recovery
ahead and It is depressing to be in a health and financial slump…

Thank you so much for picking me up with your energy/clearing talks.

Right after starting your program a friend stopped by and wanted me to have $200 and my mom offered
me to sent another $1300 for us to be able to pay monthly bills...l hope I get some healing and
abundance soon...a new mate couldn't hurt either...Yes, because we need more people have
awareness of this positive energy and everybody can benefit of this.

~ Claudia Carr

“I don't listen to music in my car anymore just your recordings.”

Thank you, it’s a great course and I'm already feeling that I can't start my day with out the Morning

I don't listen to music in my car anymore just your recordings.

~ Roy Regis
“This is very essential information that can improve the lives of everyone
who is willing to give it a try!”

Within the first two weeks, I found money on the ground, found a hat I've been
wanting, gotten a raise at work and my stomach aches have improved, I feel
really good!!!

This is very essential information that can improve the lives of everyone who is
willing to give it a try!

~ Krissi

“My relationships with everyone have changed for the better.”

My goal/intention was to open my energy channels to receive all the

abundance the universe has to offer. Knew I was blocked, stuck and
holding old issues and beliefs in my tissues mainly with money and love.
Have been single for 10 years since my divorce.

Am now recovering from a recent breast cancer diagnosis last June,

surgery (mastectomy) chemo and radiation.

I've manifested $5,000 since February 14, 2016, a new partner who I
believe is my soul mate. He doesn't care about my condition: lost hair,
double mastectomy etc.

Feel connected to the light every day. My relationships with everyone have changed for the better. I
have a more positive outlook and higher self esteem.

Truly believe in your clearing system.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. XXOO

~ Michelle Maust

“Five of the eight things that I am manifesting have shown up in my life

I was very familiar with the law of attraction however, the Unlimited Abundance program has been a
blessing in that it offers the ability to clear blocks that may be in the way of manifesting what I choose to
create in my life. The results are definitely happening. Five of the eight things that I have/am
manifesting have shown up in my life now. I know that the other three are on the way. Christie’s
program is highly effective if one chooses to apply her methods and it is a real joy using her program.
The program is inspiring and fun! I am so happy to have found this program on Mindvalley. I will
continue to use the Unlimited Abundance program for the rest of my life. It is awesome and effective!
With gratitude,

~ Camille Doscher

Thank you and hope you enjoyed reading this. As Christie

Marie Sheldon says in these three important quotes:
“If you change your frequency - the thoughts and things that you let come through your energy field
every day - you can change your reality.”

“With intention you can change your environment.”

“All the beliefs and structures that you have in your being emanate or vibrate. If you pay attention
consciously to what’s going on inside you, what are you thinking, you can actually change your world.”

Remember that Abundance is all about your beliefs and your inner states around money. We can not,
of course guarantee this program will work for you. What we can do is allow you to try it and claim a full
refund in 30 days if you do not feel it’s worth the cost.

The full program is available this week (January 9th to 14th 2017) on this link on the Mindvalley
Academy >>

During this time (Jan 9 to 14) it’s available for it’s lowest price of the year as part of our Masterclass
with Christie Marie Sheldon on this page >>

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