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Archery 2 Player Rules

Archery is a 3D simulation tournament style action game between 2 players, where
they can shoot multiple targets within the time limit, with a tap and hold control
scheme. The player with the highest score at the end wins the game.

Composition / Representation and Standard Equipments

Target: This the board the player will shoot at

Each user will be represented by an avatar on the screen.

The player will be represented on the left side of the screen

The opponent will be represented on the right side

Each user will be equipped with a bow with a looking scope

There will be a Target available in a default formation at the beginning of the


Additionally, multiple targets with various difficulties will be presented to the


Rounds: will indicate the total number of rounds each player will get. [Server

Turn Timer: will indicate the time left for the player’s turn. [Server

How to play

Bot the players will start simultaneously.

Rounds will be pre defined for the game

Players will have a maximum of 10 seconds for each turn, if the timer ends the
player will miss the turn. [Server Configurable]

Each round will have its own difficulty which will be decided based on the

Archery 2 Player Rules 1

Difficulty Variables:

Targets - Targets can be either static or moving one. Pre-defined as per

difficulty - easy, medium, hard.

Distance - The distance between the target and the player [Server

Wind - Wind has two variables - Angle and Force. It deflects a particular
distance from the point where player is aimed to the point where the
arrow is going to hit based upon the force and angle [Server

Game starts with a target in front of the player and the player will be in idle pose

Tap and Hold to pull back the arrow

Move your finger to aim

Release to shoot the arrow

The game will end for the player, when he/she misses 3 turns in a row in the
game. [Server Configurable]

Score from each turn will get added to the total score of the player.

Player with the highest score at the end of the last round will win.

Player will also get a time bonus for making a successful hit

The time bonus is given if the player time taken to hit the target is less than
the time taken by the opponent

A successful hit is considered when the arrow hits the board, even with the
minimum score


Scoring in archery is very simple: you just add up the number of points based on
where your arrows hit the target.

The highest score for a single arrow is 10 for hitting the inner gold ring, while the
least (for hitting the outer white ring) is one point.

Arrows missing the target altogether do not score at all.

An arrow shall be scored according to the position of the shaft in the target.
Should the shaft of an arrow touch two zones or a dividing line between scoring

Archery 2 Player Rules 2

zones, that arrow shall score the higher value of the zones affected.

Scores will be calculated in point values (one decimal) from the distance from
the bullseye.

Time Bonus calculation

(Total time in a round - time taken to play in the round) * Multiplier (0.5)
[Server Configurable]

Time taken to play is defined as the time taken by the player to aim and then
release the arrow (not when the arrow hits the board)


Total time is 10 secs

Time taken to play is 2 seconds

Time bonus: (10 - 2) * 0.5 = 4

This 4 is then added to the total score of the player


Users in the same Entry Fee room will be matched

The matchmaking works in a first in first out methodology where players are
matched against other players with similar skills looking to play at the same time

If the minimum required quorum for gameplay isn’t reached the players in
matchmaking will be refunded their entry fees

If players quit the game during matchmaking screen they will lose their entry
fees and they would have been considered to have voluntarily retired from the

Winning Criteria

Player with the most score at the end of last round wins.

If the score is tied between players they are granted equal winnings

If the player leaves the game due to the following conditions then the opponent
will be declared a winner:

Disconnection from game server

Archery 2 Player Rules 3

Going into settings and selecting leave game option

Exits the app and / or Going into background and does not come back

Misses x turns

If both players leave the game at the same time, then no player is declared as
the winner

Game End Scenarios

Any winning condition is satisfied, the game ends

If the player leaves the game due to the following conditions:

Disconnection from game server

Going into settings and selecting leave game option

Exits the app and / or Going into background and does not come back

Disconnection/Reconnection Scenarios

If the players internet is affected in any way and they lose connection to the
game server they would be considered as disconnected and will forfeit their
entry fees

If a player gets disconnected during gameplay they will not be eligible for prizes

If players voluntarily exit the game by quitting or minimising the Rush app they
would forfeit their entry fees and not be eligible for any prizes

Archery 2 Player Rules 4

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