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Company Rule **minimum government since primary interest is profit. ** Little government support
for education, health care, and other services. ** Primary emphasis on "law and order"-keeping peace **

Exploitation of natural resources. ** Profits for company most important economic goal. ** Alienation
(taking away) of land from African peoples** forced labor policies-necessary for profits ***

No money spent on social services such as education and health care. *** Social/cultural dislocation
brought about by forced movement of people for labor.

Direct Rule ** practiced primarily by French, Belgian, and Portuguese colonialists. ** Minimal
government-lack of revenue. ** Laws created and enforced by European colonial officials, even at the
local/rural levels. Emphasis on law and order. ** Traditional political authorities such as chiefs removed
from power. ** used "divide and rule" tactics. **

Exploitation of natural resources for export. ** Minimal taxes on exports so as to maximize profits for
European companies. ** Revenues used to support law and order. ** Harsh labor policy to insure ready
supply of inexpensive labor. ** Limited development of economic infrastructure. ***

Little revenue spent on developing social services-schooling, health care, social security. *** Social and
cultural dislocation due to economic and labor policies. *** Urbanization. ***spread of Christianity in non-
Islamic areas.

Indirect Rule *** practiced primarily by the British in West Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone) and
parts of East Africa (Uganda, Tanganyika).*** minimal government-lack of revenue.*** laws made by
European colonialists, but used traditional African leaders (chiefs, headmen) as intermediaries in local
government.***emphasis on law and order.*** used "divide and rule" tactics. **

Exploitation of natural resources for export. ** Minimal taxes on exports so as to maximize profits for
European companies. ** Revenues used to support law and order. ** Harsh labor policy to insure ready
supply of inexpensive labor. ** Limited development of economic infrastructure.

*** Little revenue spent on developing social services-schooling, health care, social security. *** Social
and cultural dislocation due to economic and labor policies. *** Urbanization. *** spread of Christianity in
non-Islamic areas.

Settler Rule *** stronger government system to protect political rights of settlers. *** Government
policy oriented to protect and support settler population.*** African populations denied political
participation or rights.*** harsh repression of African political movements.*** African populations ruled
directly by European (often settler) officials.*** strong emphasis on law and order *** infrastructural
support for settler owned businesses.***

Heavier taxes to support the development of the settler population. *** Harsh labor policies used to
guarantee an inexpensive labor force. *** Little revenue spent on developing social services-schooling,
health care, social security. ***

Social and cultural dislocation due to economic and labor policies. *** Urbanization. *** spread of
Christianity in non-Islamic areas.

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