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Tiger Population in Three Different Countries (2000,2005 and 2010) and Actions

Taken to Protect Tiger Population (2000,2005 and 2010)

Figure 1 shows the tiger population in three countries (2000,2005 and 2010)
while Table 1 shows actions taken to protect tiger population in those years.
Generally, the tiger population in three different countries (2000,2005 and 2010)
was influenced by the actions taken to protect tiger population in those 3 years.

In 2000, Myanmar had the highest number of tigers (250) while Indonesia
had the lowest number (200) due to Myanmar had taken 2 actions to protect tiger
population. In 2005,India and Indonesia recorded the same population of tigers
(150) because both countries not taken any action to protect the tiger population.
Myanmar had the highest population of tigers in 2010 as it had all actions to
protect tiger population. Indonesia had the lowest population of tigers in 2000
(200) and 2010 (110) as it not taken any action in 2000 while it only educate
public to protect tiger population in 2010.In 2010,India had the higher population
of tigers(200) than population of tigers of Indonesia (110) as it punish poachers
severely and protect the habitat of tigers.

In conclusion, action taken to protect tiger population corresponded to the

tiger population in three countries.
(192 words)

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