St. Anthony's College: San Jose, Antique

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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique




Background of the Study

Within the past year a pandemic is going on called Covid-19 which is proved to be very
dangerous and can be fatal. The virus is transmitting through direct contact with respiratory
droplets of an infected person generated through coughing and sneezing. Individual can also be
infected from and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their face. The
researchers are looking for a solution here to make people not come in contacts with
contaminated surfaces such as door handles in everyday working environment such as offices,
shops, bakers, restaurants etc. Meanwhile the start of face to face class will soon be
implemented, so the researchers added that list to prepare the school or department from various
students who will enter to the campus and department.

Figure 1. Duterte oKs pilot testing of face to face classes

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique


In the figure shows that President Rodrigo Duterte is testing of face to face class and soon
it will be implemented in a selected school where it’s MGCQ. Meanwhile the parents of the
students are worried to the health for their children, because there is a tendency that the students
will be infected to others who have a symptomatic of covid-19 such as fever. So the researchers
check that list of problem to create a solution that will help prepare the school and department.

Project Context

The design of Smart Door control with Temperature Screening and Touch less Hand
Sanitizer for St. Anthony’s College is a variable solution to make touch less entry without getting
in contact with contaminated surfaces while opening doors at public sites. The door handle is
replaced by a small compact automation system which can open the door with its touch less
sensing capabilities.

It will be a robust and low-cost system which will be beneficial in current Covid-19
situations for various every day scenarios. Temperature of person will also be a key point to be
noted, if it’s high such as fever, the person is not allowed to have entry.
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique


Objective of the Project

General Objectives

To design and develop a Smart Door control with Temperature Screening and Touchless
Hand Sanitizer for St. Anthony’s College

Specific Objectives

1. To design a door that can automatically open if the temperature of the user is normal and if
not it will not open.
2. To design a touch less hand sanitizers that will pump after the user enter to the door.
3. To develop a Smart Door control with Temperature Screening and Touchless Hand Sanitizer
for St. Anthony’s College to prevent the Covid-19 virus and to prepare the school from the
implementation of face to face.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant and beneficial to the following:

Parents: This research is beneficial for parents in order to halt the worry for their child
who will enter to the campus who is possible to infect from the person who have a symptomatic
of Covi-19.

Security Guard: This research is beneficial for security guard to avoid the redundancy in
spraying the hands and scanning the temperature of the students, teachers, and visitors that are
entering in the campus or department.

Staffs: This research is beneficial for staffs to improve the cleanliness and hygiene, to
minimize the spread of covid-19 virus, especially to the old staff who likely prone to the virus.
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique


Students: This research is beneficial for students to reduce the spread of germs which are
likely use from the restroom and especially to Covid-19 virus to avoid human contacts in using
the sanitizer dispenser and to avoid skipping temperature scanning before entering to the campus
or department.

Teacher: This research is beneficial for teacher especially to the old teacher that are
prone to the covid-19 virus.

Visitors: This research is beneficial for visitors which are the person who are entering to
the campus; to detect early if the person have symptomatic from Covid-19.

Scope and limitation

The Smart Door control with Temperature Screening and Touchless Hand Sanitizer
reduces the spread of germs and virus which are connected to Covid-19 and detecting the user if
the temperature is high, so that it can prevent early before entering to the campus or department.
The project also have a sensor that can detect human hands were the hand sanitizer dispenser can
use without having human contacts, the temperature have infrared scanner to detect the user
temperature, and the door to detect if the user is near. The project is plug in to maintain the
consistent use. It has LCD to display the instructions. The project is helpful to avoid person with
high temperature because the door will never open as long that it’s in a normal temperature.

The limitation of the Smart Door control with Temperature Screening and Touchless
Hand Sanitizer for St. Anthony’s College is that the sensor can't detect if the hands is too far and
it is not automatically scan if the user just stare at the project. The project has the possibility to
lose power if the area loses the power electricity.

Definition of Terms
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique


COVID-19 – stands for coronavirus disease-19. COVID-19 is the name of the infection cause by
the novel new strain of highly contagious coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that was first identified in
late 2019.

DESIGN - is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the
implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of
a prototype, product or process.

DEVELOP - it grows. And if you develop something, you create it. Your cold might develop
into a rare disease, and you might just develop the vaccine to stop its spread. Develop is a verb
that means to build up, grow, or improve gradually over time.

GERMS-Germs are tiny organisms that can cause infection. They are invisible to the human eye
and exist everywhere -- including in the air, soil and water, and on food, plants and animals.

PANDEMIC – when a new disease spreads into many countries around the world.

RESTROOM- A public toilet is a room or small building with toilets and sinks that does not
belong to a particular household. Rather, the toilet is available for use by the general public,
customers, travelers, employees of a business, school pupils, prisoners etc. 

SENIOR CITIZEN - an elderly person, especially one who is retired and living on a pension.

SENSOR – a device which detects or measure a physical property and records.

SYMPTOMATIC – when a person shows of illness. For example COVID-19, that includes
cough, fever or shortness of breath.

TEACHER - A teacher who facilitates education for an individual may also be described as a
personal tutor, or, largely historically, a governess. In some countries, formal education can take
place through home schooling.9

VISITOR - a person visiting a person or place, especially socially or as a tourist.

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique


MGCQ - Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ) and General Community

Quarantine (GCQ), except those under heightened restrictions, to go to outdoor areas.

ENVIRONMENT - The person or living things that the person surrounds, especially in the
public places and departments.

DOOR - a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or
in the framework of a cupboard.

SCREENING -To detect potential health disorders or diseases in people who do not have any
symptoms of disease. The goal is early detection and lifestyle changes or surveillance, to reduce
the risk of disease, or to detect it early enough to treat it most effectively.

SMART - A device or technology that is implemented with a systems.

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