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Assignment 1

1. What is the meaning of the cross in your life?

“End and Beginning”

End of hardship and sacrifices and beginning of new life

For me, the meaning of the cross in my life is the end of hardship and sacrifices and the
beginning of new life. In our life, we are like the sun. During the day, we experience suffering,
hardship, challenges, and problems in our life but at the end of the day, we rise. Every problem
there is a solution. Every hardship has an ending. Every sacrifice is worth it. Every day, there’s
new life and hope. Just believe in him, our almighty God, and his only son, Jesus. Commit
yourself to God. Always put God in the center of your life and he will answer your prayers better
than you are expecting.

2. To be Christian in living, what are the implications of the cross in your daily activities at
home and in school?

“Let your roots grow in Him, and let your lives be built on Him.”
- Colossians 2:7 -

The Christian way of life is the greatest conceivable way of living! However, this does not imply
that Christian living is simple. The hardships and trials of this way of life are meant to help us
develop the intellect and character of Jesus Christ. Because God wants us to be His children
eternally, we must learn to think and behave like Him. The way of God is in the direction of
love. It's a peaceful journey. Biblical principles will assist us in time management and decision
making, emotional control, and spiritual growth at home, at school, and at work. It will assist us
in growing in our understanding of God's way and in acting on that understanding. We may
exemplify Christ's ideals and love for others by living a Christian lifestyle.

3. Is faith necessary in believing God?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your
ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”
– Proverbs 3:5-6 –

Faith is the same as trust. You must have unshakable faith that God is on your side and that he
will guide and protect you. He knows what is best for you, but you must trust him in order to
fully accept what he has prepared for you. Because our God is both dependable and kind, our
faith is not stupid. God has a clear idea of what he wants for your life. He has a plan for you and
everything is in place. He knows who you'll marry, how many children you'll have, what career
you'll have,

and every other major and minor aspect of your life. Do not dispute his strategy; he understands
everything and has a great plan.

4. How do you express or show to others the pillar on Filipino in Character?

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice”

I will show or express the pillars of Filipino in Character to others by applying all the knowledge
that I’ve learned. By starting to apply to me before teaching it to others. For example, before you
discipline other people, you should start to discipline yourself first. the beautiful face fades and
disappears. intelligence will also be dull. but good character, manners, and heart, never
disappear. I will show them the kindness in me because anyone in the world can be right but not
everybody can be kind. Even though that life is so harsh to you and you can still be kind. I do
things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who I am
and I think that is power!

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