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10 Rights of Asset Management
ISBN: 9781941872659
© Copyright 2020-2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
10 Rights of Asset Management

© Copyright 2020-2021 Reliability Leadership Founda@on Inc. All rights reserved

10 Rights of Digitaliza5on

© Copyright 2020-2021 Reliability Leadership Founda@on Inc. All rights reserved

Digital Twins, IoT

© Copyright 2020-2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

AI Is A Key Driver Of Digital Transforma6on



© Copyright 2020 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

The Digital
Thread is the
of data that Digital Twins
connects are data
upstream and infused [mega]
downstream models –
processes and pinned to
asset lifecycle measurement
ac:vi:es data

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rights reserved
© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership FoundaDon Inc. All rights reserved
Digital Twins
© Copyright 2020 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
The physical
Visualization of
Twins are the
the physical
actual assets,
Twin for Human
the systems or
the processes
Making [DM] or
in its operating

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership FoundaDon Inc. All rights reserved

What is Maintenance 4.0?

ü a holis(c view of sources of data,

ü ways to connect data,
ü ways to collect data,
ü ways to analyze data and
ü recommended ac(ons to ensure
asset func(on (reliability) and
value (asset management)

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Uptime Elements Digitalization Framework
O n T h e Way to Tran sform ation


Human-centric process to gather data

Replacing human-centric processes with
Digital Assisted

2 3
digital technologies
Enhance human centric
Courtesy: processes with digital devices

Courtesy: Semiotic Labs

Digital Transforma+on
Re-engineering business model with
Digital Twins, “diagnostic” and
“prescriptive” insights for decision
Courtesy: Erbessd®
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© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
Cloud Based Asset Condi:on Management Model NO

Motor/Pump Asset
ü Vibra&on
ü Temperature
ü Flow
ü Voltage

Machine Learning
ü Current
ü Other data

Comparison failure


Model of 🤔
(Digital Twin) Classification
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10 Rights of Digitalization

© Copyright 2020-2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

Right 1: Focus on solving the right business problems

ü New business models

ü Resilience for changing times
ü Largest ROI
ü Pareto 80/20 Bad Actors
ü Improve ESG
ü Solve Frontline problems
ü Improve Frontline performance
ü Improve compliance
© Copyright 2020 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
Digital Twins for Asset Performance

Digital Twins for asset

performance are driven
by use case, financial
benefit, reliability, safety,
sustainability benefit

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership FoundaDon Inc. All rights reserved

Connected Data

Connected Data

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Right 2: Ensure the technology is open and interoperable

ü Supplier Neutral!
ü Standards Based
ü Technology Agnos:c
ü Federated
Right 3: Start with the right technology founda5on and plan [for the future]
Right 3: Start with the right technology founda5on and plan [for the future]
Right 4: Flexibility and agility to connect to any data source

ü Easily connects data from

multiple sources at flexible,
trustworthy, scale [large volume]
ü Everyday skills for access to quick
and easy to build [ai] and
Machine Learning [ML]
ü Data relates to business process
Did your access to data increase when you got
connected with a smart phone?

life +

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Does Your Smart Phone Support Be9er Decisions?

whole Like that
life + for
the assets

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Imagine an Asset Management Smart Phone


All my
twinned in
context +
real time
asset data
+ the

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

Rapid Development of AI/Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Interconnec<ons between
humans and machines
are crea<ng meteoric
growth in data
being generated

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Founda@on Inc. All rights reserved

Right 5: Private, public cloud and edge storage

ü Unlimited connected data and

ü Safe, Secure, Trustworthy
ü Supports digital handover and
operational readiness
ü Update historical processes –
ü Enables digital business processes
ü Reduces ramp up time
ü Flexibility to meet internal and
external stakeholder needs
Elastic Processing and Storage

Cloud computing offers virtual

computer processing power and
unlimited data storage on an
elastic basis on a “pay-for-what-
you-use” basis, the expensive,
upfront capital outlays for IT*
Infrastructure are removed!

Outdated fears slow Cloud adoption

– Trustworthiness
– Reliability
– Availability
*[Information Technology]
© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
Right 6: Contextualize the data for ease of understanding and collabora5on

ü Context from reality / 3D model

ü Augmented / mixed reality
ü Remote work and remote collaboraFon
ü Provides visibility to all sources of data
required for decision making [DM]
ü InformaFon sharing between operaFons,
maintenance, producFon, engineering
Right 6: Contextualize the data for ease of understanding and collabora5on

ü Safety
ü Training, support
ü Guided maintenance
ü Verify before execution
ü Quick access to safety, lock
out/tag out, permits
Right 7: Advanced analytics, simulations, AI/Machine learning capacity

ü Interrogate the asset, automate

ü Analyze high volumes of data to
generate insights
ü Causality-driven decisions combine
data science with Subject Matter
ü Dynamic simulations for reliability
and end of life
What Is The Killer App For AI/Machine Learning
• Opera/ons and UpFme® Elements AI Framework for Asset Performance
Maintenance Work • Predictive Maintenance
Planning and Scheduling
REM • Process Quality Control
• Asset Health Monitoring AM
Asset • Energy Efficiency
• STO Schedule Op/miza/on Engineering for
• Energy Management 3 4 • Machine Vision Defect
• Repair/Replace Detection
People Leadership for
Op/miza/on Planet Reliability • Early Failure Detection
• Spare Parts Inventory • Asset Performance
Op/miza/on 2 5 Management
• Water Use Reduc/on • Nameplate Data
WEM ACM Collection
• Asset
Iden/fica/on/Walkdown Work Asset
• Asset Condition
Execution Condition
• Virtual Metrology Management Management

• Priori/zing Maintenance 1 6
• Rebate and warranty
Tasks and Asset Response optimization

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Right 8: Decision to action through diagnosis and prescription

ü Visualize historical trends

ü Visualize future (forecast)
ü Diagnose problems
ü Report insights
ü Event thresholding
ü Safety alerts
ü Prescribe actions
ü Right work Right place
Right asset Right time
Right 9: Ensure changes are controlled and managed
ü Change synchroniza(on
ü Two-way, real-(me management of
ü Con(nuous improvement
ü Manage configura(on
ü Assure, maintain and verify data
against requirements
ü Controlled engineering
ü Controlled document/record
The challenge of Asset Knowledge

ü Your technology systems and processes

should maintain a Fmeline of changes that
captures how, when, and by whom
engineering data has changed.

ü Always know you have trustworthy data on

which you can confidently make informed
decisions—view change history graphically or
in data format.

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

The challenge of Asset Knowledge

ü You should be able to determine the

impact of any change to ongoing

ü Easily access associated documents,

drawings, photos, as well as the reliability
program, including the failure modes
(hypothetical events), actual events driving
alarms, and the work orders being
executed in your EAM system.

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

Determine the impact of any change to ongoing opera:ons.

ü Maintenance and reliability engineers should be able to spot trends

and bad actors easily – and resolve them earlier. They can see what
engineering changes were made in the past, view asset condiFon
degradaFon trends, look up past inspecFon and work history to
troubleshoot problems with confidence that the data is accurate.

ü Process engineers should be able to easily spot potenFal operaFonal

problems and consider soluFons with peace of mind knowing that they are
always working with good quality data, knowing how, when, and by whom
engineering data has changed.

ü Operators should see current as-operated data and can understand what
field changes were made and what engineering decisions were made in the
past – and why.

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Right 10: Access to evergreen [asset] knowledge

evergreen üUp to date

a: retaining freshness or interest
b: universally and continually relevant : not üTransparent
limited in applicability to a particular event üConsistent
or date üTrustworthy
Changes in Strategic Assumptions About Data
From Analog to Digital

Analog Digital

Data is expensive to generate

Data storage challenges Data is conEnuously generated
Data management challenges Data is generated everywhere

Unstructured data is increasingly

Only use structured data usable and valuable
Value is realized as data is
connected across silos

Data is managed in operational silos Data is a key asset for value generation
Data is a tool for optimizing processes A commitment to transparent,
consistent and evergreen data
© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
The challenge of Asset Knowledge

ü The average percentage of asset owners with

current asset informa:on is most likely below
50 percent and rarely exceeds 70 percent.

ü When users are aware that some available data

is incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated, they
understandably begin to ques:on the validity of
all accessible data.

Sources: ARC Advisory and Reliabilityweb EAM/APM Study 2021 © Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
How to create and keep the digital twin Evergreen?
ü Transparent and consistent data give you a reliable
picture of your plant, with which you can make reliable
decisions and increase profitability immediately and in
the long term.

ü The challenge is to keep this data and information up to


ü This is the important and only way to keep your Plant


ü Only an evergreen digital twin with contextualized data

from different sources offers better insights in order to
utilize enormous savings potential.

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

Asset Data is the new Currency
The difference between organiza:ons
that are crippled by data problems
and those that control and manage
their data for compe::ve advantage
lies with the crea:on of a solid data
strategy that is reinforced by
1) Execu:ve Sponsorship,
2) Change Management,
3) Cross-func:onal collabora:on,
4) Consensus,
5) Par:cipa:on and Ac:on

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Summary and Takeaways

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

“Assets and systems come in all shapes, sizes and have
all kinds of variations in how the equipment works,
what the desired functions are and what context it is
being operated in, so we need a way to adapt and
personalize. Technology that supports domain experts
to quickly teach individual systems and assets is a
success factor for reaching scale" - Terrence O'Hanlon

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Change in Cash Flow by AI Adoption


In collabora@on with
McKinsey & Company

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OEE +35%
SCRAP -50%

Source: World Economic Forum © Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved
Reliability Leadership Consor=um AI Accelerator

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the key driver of

the digital transformation for asset performance.”
– Terrence O’Hanlon


The Reliability Leadership FoundaNon ConsorNums work to

acceleraNng the organizaNon benefits of arNficial intelligence
and machine learning to ensuring the highest financial return
in addiNon to the safety, sustainability, operaNonal
excellence, reliability, diversity and inclusion impacts.

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For more information on the
Reliability Leadership
Foundation Consortiums
Maura@ReliabilityLeadership.org please contact Maura Abad
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rights reserved
Terrence O’Hanlon

Please connect with me on LinkedIn

so that I may learn from you!

Thank you for the work we created together today. I hope

it leads to a new future that was not going to happen

I am grateful for the gift of your time and attention.

– Terrence O’Hanlon
Publisher – Uptime Magazine
Executive Director
Reliability Leadership Foundation

© Copyright 2021 Reliability Leadership Foundation Inc. All rights reserved

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