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DF 1

Consider the equation x2+(y−2)2=1x2+(y−2)2=1 and the relation “(x, y) R (0, 2)”, where R is
read as “has distance 1 of”.

For example, “(0, 3) R (0, 2)”, that is, “(0, 3) has distance 1 of (0, 2)”. This relation can also be
read as “the point (x, y) is on the circle of radius 1 with center (0, 2)”. In other words: “(x, y)
satisfies this equation x2+(y−2)2=1x2+(y−2)2=1, if and only if, (x, y) R (0, 2)”.

Does this equation determine a relation between x and y? Can the variable x can be seen as a
function of y, like x=g(y)? Can the variable y be expressed as a function of x, like y= h(x)? If these
are possible, then what will be the domains for these two functions? What are the graphs of
these two functions?

Are there points of the coordinate axes that relate to (0, 2) by means of R?

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length and not more than 750 words.


The equation x2+(y−2)2=1x2+(y−2)2=1 and the relation “(x, y) R (0, 2)”, where R is read as “has
distance 1 of”.

x2 + (y−2) 2 = 1

This is circle conic equation. We can check the equation which ismatch with Pythagoras
formula: x+y^(2)=r^(2)

To see the distance (R) = 1, I put (0,2) and (0,3) in the circle.
(0,2) R (0,3)
X = ±sqrt( 1-(y-2)^2)
“±” describe the possibility of plus or minus variable
To see this equation determines a relation between x and y, we can check the relation from the table
x y
1 2
-1 2
0 1
0 3

The equation determine a relation between x and y as seen in the table above because we can
see the intercept in the circle (black dots).

To check if the the variable x can be seen as a function of y, like x=g(y), let's check if the variable
x can be seen as a function of y. I use vertical line test and horizontal line test. I looking for the
way to put vertical line test or horizontal line in Desmos Calculator but I can not find the way.
But if we see in a simple way, the table x,y shows that there are (1,2) and (-1,2). y = 2 arise
twice in x. The function is not allowed for x to have 2 same variable y. So x can not be seen as a
function of y.

The coordinate axes that relate to (0, 2) by means of R is (0,1) which has distance 1 to (0,1) and

275 words

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