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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Life Skill and AI Based Capability Assessment of a

Person for HRS and Counselors
*Dr. Harshal Shah
**Shubham Srivastav, Nikita Maru, Saurav Srivastav
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Parul Institute of Technology

Abstract:- Everyone and anyone who wants to lead a towards others, as well as towards action to change the
meaningful life, needs Life Skills. They are applicable to all surrounding environment to make it conductive to health.
ages of children and adolescents in schools since, young
people in this age group seem to be most vulnerable to To further add on Life skills training/ education takes into
behavior related health problems. Life Skills are thus account psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skillsthat
needed for the promotion of good health and well-being, help students to take right decisions, solve problems, think
rather than as anintervention aimed only at those already critically and creatively, communicate effectively,
at risk. On an individual level, it increases self-confidence,
self-esteem, social sensitivity and strong relationship bonds. II. METHODOLOGY
There are so many situation in our lives that cause worry.
Life seems to be difficult without life skills. This paper We have used R as it is widely used in new-style artificial
presents a skill based project evaluation technique for intelligence, involving statistical computations, numerical
school students. Teacher evaluate them by focusing on analysis the use of Bayesian inference, neural networks andin
assessment of student’s engineering skills, core skills, general Machine Learning In domains like finance, biology,
personal characteristics and communication skills at sociology or medicine it is considered as one of the main
individual and group level. It evaluates student from all standard languages. It offers several paradigms of programming
personality dimensions by considering innovative practices like vectorial computation, functionalprogramming and object-
used in upcoming era. The skill based continuous evaluation oriented programming. We have also used Python is widely
technique for students showed improvement in them and used for artificial intelligence with packages for several
will also bring time based productivity in the teaching applications including General AI, the application of AI to
ecosystem. develop programs that do human-like jobs and portray human
skills is Machine Learning. We have also used HTML and
Keyword:- Life skill, Artificial Intelligence, HumanResource. Various other language for the development of software and
site for better connectivity with clients.
In a persistently changing environment, having life skills
isan essential part for being able to counter the challenges of We have made an interface for online exams in which the
everyday life. The dramatic changes in global economies over user can set its own questionnaire according to the demand of
the past five years have been matched with the transformation skill they required from and individual. For now this interface
in technology and these are all impacting on education, the have been made by keeping in mind the needs of school and
workplace and our home life. To cope with the increasing pace college faculties. This interface help the supervisors to test
and change of modern life, students need new life skills such as parameter they think are required for completing the task
the ability to deal with stress and frustration. Today’s assigned to them. Few of the parameters are critical thinking,
individuals will have many new jobs over the course of their communication, thinking capacity, memory retention, decision
lives, with associated pressures and the need for flexibility. making capacity is and interactive interface in which the
supervisor and the individual are both in touch with each other
The life skill programs are effective in facilitating optimal to get the maximum effective results. The interface in right now
human functioning since life skills stipulate as a group of capable for handling data up to primary stage later on it canbe
psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that aids in extended for use of recruitment by HR department from various
making informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and companies. They can set the question according to their
creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy requirement of and can assess the individual by their responses.
relationships, empathize with others and cope with and manage Hence, AI can also be used to simplify the process by
their live in a healthy and productive manner. Life skills may decreasing the work load from human in setting question to
be not only directed towards personal actions but also actions managing the recruitment.

Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A. Three broad categories that fall under Lifeskills –  Educational Games and Simulations: It promotes fun,
 Thinking skills: Thinking skills are the skill that enhances active learning, and rich discussion as participants work
the logical faculty of the brain using an analytical ability, hard to prove their points or earn points. They require the
thinking creatively and critically, and developing problem- combined use of knowledge, attitudes, and skills and allow
solving skills and improving decision-making abilities students to test out assumptions and abilities in a relatively
 Social skills: Social skills include interpersonal skills, safe environment.
communication skills, leadership skills,management skills,  Role Plays: Along with being a fun activity and involves
advocacy skills, co-operation and team building skills, etc. whole class, to be active and participative,it also provides
 Emotional skills: Emotional skills, involves, knowing and an excellent strategy for practicing skills; experiencing how
being comfortable with oneself. Thus, self– management, one might handle a potential situation in real life; increasing
including managing/coping with feelings, emotions, stress empathy for others and their point of view; and increasing
and resisting peer and family pressure insight into own feelings.
 Imparting Life Skills - has been researched meticulously.
Its proven fact that life skills haspositive outcome when IV. RELATED WORK
taught as a part of curriculum Different activities that can be
used to enhance Life Skills in students are – IN [1] The author has proposed that In present era it has
become vital for the IT industries to ask from the graduates for
 Discussions: An activity, providing opportunities for
traits like critical thinking, problem solving skills,
individuals to learn and practice turning to one another in
programming skills, domain knowledge, soft and cognitive
solving problems. Enables students to deepen their
skills, communication and comprehension skills. Student final
understanding of the topic and personalize their connection
to it. Develops skills, in listening, assertiveness, and year project is one of the significant course that can easily
address most of these problems. Industrypractices for software
development are not directly applicable to plan, execute,
 Brainstorming: It allows students to generate ideas monitor and evaluate academic projects due to timelimitation.
quickly and spontaneously. Helps individuals use their The initial evaluation technique for projects in IT department
imagination and think out of the box.Good discussion starter center around technical requirements of project such astool,
because the class can creatively generate ideas. It is essential technologies, programing, report etc. Therefore the main
to evaluate the pros and cons of each idea or rank ideas objective of this paper is tobring focal point towards skill based
according to certain criteria. evaluation technique to motivate students to take project
 Groups: Groups are helpful when the time is limited as it rigorously to develop problem solving, self-learning abilities,
maximizes individual input. Allows students interactions, and employability skills.
allows to, know, one another better which in a way enhances
team building and team work. IN [2] The author has suggested that the novel study
 Analysis of Situation and Case Studies: It givesa chance, presented in this paper applies several EPP techniques to a real
to analyze, explore, challenges, dilemmas and safely test dataset with the aim to comprehensively analyze high
solutions for; providing opportunities for working together dimensional information for professionals in specific aspects
in groups,sharing idea, new learning’s and gives insight and for the assessment of highly qualified personnel. The objective
promotes sometimes to see things differently. of this analysis is to determine the most relevant aspects of a
 Story-Telling: Can help students think about local personnel training process, and this is accomplished in an
problems and develop critical thinking skills,creative skills objective way according tothe individual needs of each person
to write stories, or interact to tell stories. ‘Story-Telling’ by stressing those aspects of the training, which need to be
lends itself to draw analogies or make comparisons, help improved during the trainingprocess.
discover healthy solutions. It also enhances attention,
concentration, listening skills and develops patience and IN [3] The author stated that The main purpose of the
endurance. study is to narrow understanding of the phenomena of using
 Debates: Provides opportunity to address a particular issue artificial intelligence (AI) in human resources, especially in the
in depth and creatively. Health issues lend themselves well: Kingdomof Bahrain. Basically research effort providesa future
individuals can debate, for instance, whether smoking perspective of using AI to better understand the attitudes and
should be ban in public places in a community. It allows perspectives ofHR practitioners within multiple frameworks,
students to defend a position that may mean a lot tothem. It which will change the upcoming era. The studyrevealed that the
offers a chance to practice higher thinking skills. Kingdom of Bahrain with the implementation of its vision (2030
vision), this will create a great opportunity in public sector to
uplift the pace with the digital transformation. This has led to a
change in the system of the workforce within business
organizations. It creates opening of women and men to
compete in many jobs, and this willadd a new burden on human

Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
resources management as a result of the demand for gender IN [7] The author stated that this study suggests aplan and
equality. It is urged that the applications of modern artificial use of a versatile online test framework are done in this paper.
intelligence (AI) is an imperative approach fororganizations Versatile test frameworks decide diverse inquiry sets naturally
that work in an inconsistent environment. and intuitively for every understudy and measure their ability
on a specific space ofdiscipline as opposed to contrasting their
IN [4] The author has proposed that the main objective of benefits and one another. Through a versatile test method, an
the paper is to find the most suitable person for the given set of understudy's interruption and inspiration misfortune that is
area in the specific work profession. AI leaders at Entelo driven by the inquiries with a very lower hardness level than
discussed the need to create “interpretive” and “transparent” his/her skill is forestalled. Also, adverse consequences of
AI systems. In other words, whenever the system makes a inquiries requiring higher information than his/her skill over
decision, it should tell us why it made this decision, so we as an understudy's self-assurance and resolve are excused. Since
humans can decide if the criteria it used arestill accurate. This questions are specific so they can permit clarifying derivations
is one of the most important criteria for new tools, and about understudy gains, they can recognizeunderstudy skills all
unfortunately today most AI systems are a complete black box. the more successfully. Requiring less all-out an ideal
Hence the AI will select the best person required for that set of opportunity for estimating and being more adaptable in the
job without any human intervention and human error test the board is among the benefits given by the framework.
Independence of the frameworkas far as arranging, rehashing,
IN [5] The author has suggested that AI Assess is and evaluation of the estimation cycle particularly permits itself
intelligent assessment software designed for students learning to be utilized in the singular schooling sets. Through this
science and mathematics: it assesses as students learn. AI framework, understudy skills are still up in the air more
Assess was developed by researchers at UCL Knowledge Lab adequately in cases like far-off learning, in which a few
through multiple evaluated implementations Specifically, AI difficulties are capable every now and again.
Assessprovides activities that assess and develop conceptual
knowledge by offering students differentiated tasks of IN [8] The author stated that The principle objective of
increasing levels of difficulty as the student progresses. In order the investigation is to discover another innovation reception
to ensure that the student keeps persevering, AI Assess provides model (TAM- based) to survey Employees' insight and Intention
different levels of hints andtips to help the student complete towards Integration of AI and HR capacities which are
each task. It assesses each student’s knowledge of thesubject becoming one of the greatest innovation changes in HR
matter, as well as their metacognitive awareness, knowledge of executives. The idea of this exploration is expressive;
their own ability and learning needs, which is a key skill notwithstanding, a technique for looking over was utilized in
possessed by effective students and a good predictor of future this investigation to track down the current status of AI
performance reception in the representative in IT associations and utilizing
the gathered information to make another model and approve
IN [6] The author has suggested that Fundamental an AI-based TAM model. The job and impacts of Artificial
abilities study is planned to reinforce an understudy's general Intelligence are as a rule endlessly investigated in different
turn ofevents. This includes, for example, having students put regions. This Research is covering the different elements of
forth an attempt to foster otherworldly qualities, actual man-made consciousness, andfurthermore about the impact of
wellbeing, and mental strength. They fortify their social AI on HRM in view of arising innovations particularly in the
abilities, moral skill, and regard for other people and space of Information Innovation.
themselves. Likewise, work is made to fortify their fortitude,
drive, regular imagination, and versatility to fulfill the needs IN [9] The author stated that the miracle of AI is widely
and difficulties of regular day-to-day existence. The focused on a few regions. This paper is based on the use of man-
accentuations on fundamentalabilities underline the way that made thinking and its effect on HRM due to the circular
the school is the students' working environment, where approach to IT. Currently, almost all organizations use AI in
important childhood happens. The essential obligation their districts to help increase the productivity of employees in
regarding kids' childhood must, nonetheless, consistently be in the association. The human intelligence work in the HR space
the possession of their guardians/gatekeepers. As the school begins with registration until the employees' presentation test.
helps guardians in their job as kid raisers, students' schooling The point of the current testis to look at the link between man-
and government assistance are hence a joint undertaking of made knowledge and the dynamics of human services in the IT
schools and families. This co-activity should be founded on business in the Delhi / NCR area whether this relationship is
shared regard, common trust, and joint obligation. One of the directed at the design and implementation of HR services. The
accentuations of fundamental abilities is to have the school investigation was directed at 115 HR specialists in various IT
make a positive and secure investigation climate, portrayed by areas in the Delhi / NCR area. A number of retrospective
the help and co-activity of everybody in the school, the two procedures were used to test the theory and ensured a positive
studentsand staff. correlation between these two constructive factors in relation
to the increased use of AI in work outcomes for better HR

Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
performance. Apart from that, AIhas a sensitive and intelligent improvements were observed in the categories of Conceptual
relationship and moreover without breaking the sweat of usage Design, Preliminary Design, andDetailed Design as the course
which shows that AI has an impact on HRthrough its hard work. prevailed towards the end of the year. Also it led to
This investigation will provide pieces of information on the brainstorming of new Ideas for future improvement.
understanding that has been made as a new business revolution
with the new name Industry4.0. IN [14] The author stated that the paper deals with using
AI system organization can able to inform the existing
IN [10] The author has proposed that the purpose of this performance and day to dayfunction. In business pressure has
article is to investigate the emergence of the use of Artificial been increasing, tough managers understood the importance of
Intelligence (AI) in the field of Human Resources (HR). It artificial intelligence at workplace. Now a days artificial
presents apanorama of research using AI in the HR field, with intelligence has entering into the overall system of an
a number of descriptive analysis of journals and processes, organization and one of the area is human resource department
registered at the foundation of the Online Knowledge Library where by using AI system human replaced the human and all
(B-on), between 2000 and 2018. 32 reference books published functions in human resource department is carried like
through the use of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace. As candidate screening, recruitment, alignment of human resource
support has been developed and aims to simplify the activates and performance management etc.
understanding of the analysis, the 18-year study period is
divided into three periods (First Decade, Depression and IN [15] The author has proposed that the objectivethat has
Growth Period). The study also proposed the distribution of the been vitalized in this paper is to use artificial intelligence act
AI program to HR topics and events in each of these topics. As as a tool which uses human intelligence along with technology
a result, it has been concluded that less AI research has been toimprove the performance in various fields. In most simple
used by Staff and widespread ethics. It is expected that 9 terms artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science
hypotheses regarding the outcomes mentioned in this article involved in building smart machines and devices which can
will yield future studies. be used in performing tasks that usually require human
intelligence. With the advancement in technology and Artificial
IN [11] The author has proposed that the effectiveness of Intelligence, organizations are quickly adopting it to gain
teaching methods has been studied by researchers around the competitive edge in this digital world. It has changed the way
globe. Asindicated by numerous individuals' past examinations, various managerial tasks are done and decisions are made.
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is one of the instructing Human resources management has also been integrating the
strategies that advantage the students' exhibition in the study use of artificial intelligence for its various functional purposes.
hall. One of the advantages is to improve students' English
talking abilities. The goal of this exploration is to examine A. Project Parameters/Values
understudies' talking execution in English talking abilities  Empathy – It is the ability to imagine what life is for
previously, then after the fact the execution of Gold Standard another person, even in a situation that we may not be
Project Based Learning. familiar with. Put another way, empathy is like having an
invisible link with someone, which allows you to
IN [12] The author has suggested that enhancement in understand what they feel and experience. Empathy is
the field of education isdefinitely not a new thing, new roads required to develop a successful relationship with our loved
are arranged to better the educating and learning measure. ones and society at large. It helps us to accept others, who
One such issue including streamlining is Project Based may be very different from ourselves.
Learning (PBL). PBL is an administration educating idea  Self-Awareness- Includes reckoning of 'self', our character,
where group elements are utilized to investigate and create our strengths and weaknesses, desires and dislikes.
basic reasoning. Having groups to work on projects rather than Developing Self Awareness can help us recognize when we
individuals allows cooperation which instils interpersonal are stressed or under pressure. It is open a prerequisite to
skills such as teamwork and coordinated effort. The effective communication and interpersonal relations, as well
accomplishment of the undertaking relies totally upon the as for developing empathy with others.
group elements or group arrangement.
 Critical Thinking- Critical thinking is the ability to think
clearly and rationally. It includes the ability to engage in
IN [13] The author has suggested that the main result
reflective and independent thinking. A critical thinker is
mentioned in the paper is to assess the tool to evaluate the skills able to make use of information to solve problems, and to
before and after 1st year design experience, and before and seek relevantsources of information
after a third year multidisciplinary course in designtools and
methodology. The tool implementedis an open-ended survey  Creative Thinking-It is a novel way of seeing or doing
that may beadministered quickly and assessed using a simple things that is characteristic of four components-fluency
rubric. Significant improvements were amended during the (generating new ideas), flexibility, originality (conceiving
course prominently in areas of problem definition and testing; of something new), and elaboration on (building on others'

Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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