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Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

“Maison de Mode Boutique”

Product Title




I. Executive summary
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

Over view:
Maison de Mode (MM) will be a boutique shop for Men’s and Women’s
clothing. MM promotes individual differences when it comes to fashion and also
boost their confidence and beauty by wearing our clothes. MM is located in
Mariveles, Bataan. Our location is near on Dwarf Hotel so that it can help us to
attract their customers and also other tourist. We hope to be a specialty shop for
formal and casual attire both Men and Woman, making us unique to the market

Company Profile;
Maison de Mode is a sole proprietorship which the founder and Designer is
Mr. Raven John Sentillas, He was graduated in BPSU with the Field of Teaching in
Garments, Fashion and Design; he has 5 years of extensive experience in Fashion
Industry, he also have many training certificates such as NC’s with regards in his
field. The Company has a full-time manager that is responsible for a particular
function within the organization. Then, three sales staff that are responsible to build
relationship with the customers, persuade others to purchase products and provide
any requested information. The Main goal of this company is to be known not only in
bataan but to the whole Philippines as a one of the leading clothing brand, and we
will do this by producing quality products and captivating design. And the Goal of the
company is to give everyone the means of STYLE THEIR OWN LIVES to make
shopping a pleasant yet inexpensive for everyone while providing their lives with
sense of confidence and beauty.

Product or Services;
The boutique shop focuses in selling large variety and Men’s and Woman’s
clothing such as formal or corporate attire (Gowns, Suits, Corporate skirts, etc.) and
casual apparel (T-shirt, dresses, etc). We will be using natural fabrics to build
clothes, and most of the apparel is made up of silk to provide comfortable clothes,
providing our customers with excellent service and Quality Items.

The Market;
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

Our business aim to bring it the National Stage, which every Filipino’s will
know this brand as a one of the leading clothing Brand in the Philippines. Maison de
Mode boutique shop has identified ideal group of target customers. The Ideal
customer is from teen ager to teen ager at heart, who loves fashionable clothes and
unique designs. Due to the pandemic, the company’s promotional plans are open to
various media like paid Facebook advertising and live videos which demonstrating
the products. And if the ideal customer is near from the company, were giving flyers
about our product, and also we are issuing monthly magazine to attract the potential
customers. The Maison de Mode Boutique shop has a website and will receive
several inquiries from it.

Financial Consideration
The financial analysis is show that Maison de Mode Boutique Shop will have a
positive cash flow and profit the first year. The MM boutique shop is seeking a total
of Php400, 000 to start a business. The owner will borrow money from the bank and
family-member investor which expectedly paid after three years when the business
started. A well-run boutique shop annual gross sales are projected to grow as much
as Php.1, 000, 000 (million) a year until the third year and will continued to grow by
future years.

II. Business Description

Maison de mode (MM) is start up boutique shop located in Mariveles, Bataan.

MM expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with its brand
variety men's and women's clothing products designed by Raven john Sentillas the
owner of MM Boutique. MM consult some Government Agencies like Department of
trade and industry to establish this business.

The business is structured as a Sole proprietorship, and MM will be selling

product created by the owner. We know that clothes are something people will
always need, and MM will be able to offer that product at an affordable price and MM
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

Assure that the products are 100 % original design and 100% natural fabrics, so that
customers can move comfortable. And MM have a plan to extend their brand by
distributing the clothes to other stores so that it will help to promote the brands and
also the boutique.

The goal of MM is to be known not only in bataan but to the whole Philippines as
a one of the leading clothing brand, and we will do this by producing quality products
and captivating design. And the business philosophy is to give everyone the means
of STYLE THEIR OWN LIVES to make shopping a pleasant yet inexpensive for
everyone while providing their lives with sense of confidence and beauty, and we
know that we can honor that philosophy by providing a unique design that can help
them to express their emotion and also suit to their physical characteristics.

Part of MM boutique atmosphere, which MM will foster is classic boutique theme

with a touch of modern style and have a unique design/decoration. And the quality of
the product suits to its price, so that their money is worth to spend.

III. Market Analysis

My target market will be to anyone who love fashion clothes, but i will mainly
target people age 14 and above and older, both male and female and who are of the
working class.

Aside to age of the client, MM have to consider their money they make every
month or their wealth.

● The upper middle class (100k-350k household worth) which has a big impact
for our company because some of them has an influence to a big group of people
that they can pass it to them and can collaborate with our company or an investment.

● The middle class (50k-100k household worth) has also an impact to the
company. The middle class is an environmental friendly wherein they has care for

Our Vision Our Mission


A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

the environment and choose what is the best product and the company will learn
with them.

My major competitor will be Dets Apparel ph which is located in Mariveles,

Bataan. One of the strength of Dets Apparel ph would be the trendy look of clothes
and the delivery, because they deliver the product without charge. They have also
been in Mariveles since 2015 and they are well-known. People may also be brand
loyal to their clothes.

Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression at a particular period and place and in

a specific context, especially in clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup,
hairstyle, and body proportions. MM express the creativity by creating fashion
clothes that will love by people who love fashion clothes.

IV. Organization and Management

MM operation will be giving their best to satisfy the client while they are in our
place, providing the best customer service and proper atmosphere is present.

The big part of our operation is to attract the customer using our best products,
best environment and build a relationship between the company and the regular
customers. We providing new acquaintance at the same time providing our
customers the best brand of clothing at a price that they can afford.

MM management team is comprised of people with 1 year and above of

experience in the fashion industries. MM philosophy is laser-like focus on the
customer’s needs. MM have a Full-time Manager to handle the company duties.
These duties consist, accomplishes company objectives by managing the staffs,
planning and evaluating the company activities, and reporting to the owner. The
manager will be out for some days to become part of some business or to have
partnership to other company. And 3 staffs to accommodate the customer.

Our Vision Our Mission


A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

V. Sales trategies

Maison de Mode Boutique (MM) was having different types of sales strategies to
meet the customer expectation. MM believes that People buy the product not only by
its appearance and durability, but also how the shop promotes their products. So we
start in the process of promoting products by giving flyers and making a list of all the
benefits that our customer will enjoy by using MM product or service. Once a
customer has purchased our product, this should not be the end of our relationship
with them. We focus on keeping a strong relationship with our customer. This will
only create more trust and add value to our product.

Other sales strategies we will offer is by giving monthly promos and sales,
produce an advertisement like fashion magazine to be known here local and also
national, and also giving a loyalty card so that whenever we have a new collection
they are the first one who see our product and by doing this, we are sure that we can
meet the standard of our client. With the help of this the company image is maintain
as the best company for the customers, and also for the community.

VI. Funding Requirements

Here is an analysis of start-up expenses and capitalization for Maison de

Mode Boutique or MM. The boutique shop is seeking a total of Php.400, 000 to start
this business. Financing including working capital which include the owner with
Php.30,000, a family-member investor with Php.50,000, and a loan worth
Php.320,000 in order to purchase the necessary items that MM need to get started
the business. The loan and the family-member investor will be paid off within the first
three years of MM operating services.

Our Vision Our Mission


A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES


Our Vision Our Mission


A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

Start-up Expenses

Legal Php.32, 000

Logo Php.1, 500

Promotional Materials Php.5, 500

Insurance Php.8, 000

Constructor Php.32, 000

Others Php.13, 000

Total Start-up Expenses Php.92, 000

Start-up Assets

Cash Required Php.100, 000

Start-up Inventory Php.13, 000

Other Current Assets Php.20, 000

Long-term Assets Php.175, 000

Total Assets Php.308, 000

Total Requirements Php.400, 000


Current Borrowing Php.50, 000

Long-term Liabilities Php.220, 000

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) Php.30, 000

Other Current Liabilities (interest Free) Php.20, 000

Total Liabilities Php.320, 000


Owner Php.30, 000

Investor Php.50, 000

Total Capital Php.80, 000

Total Start-up Funding Php.400, 000

Financial Projection

A well-run boutique shop annual gross sales are projected to grow as much
as Php.1,000,000 (million) a year third years.

2023 2024 2025

Sales Php.1,070,130 Php.1, 140,900 Php.1,200,000
Total cost of Sale Php.405,030 Php.437,100 Php.475,700
Gross Margin Php.665,100 Php.703,800 Php.724,300
Gross margin % 60% 62% 65%
Payroll Php.217,000 Php.250,000 Php.287,000
Sales and Marketing Expenses Php.30,000 Php.38,000 Php.41,000
Depreciation Php.10,560 Php.12,000 Php.13,500
Leased Equipment Php.39,000 Php.42,500 Php.45,000
Utilities Php.25, 250 Php.27,000 Php.28,500
Insurance Php.12,600 Php.11,800 Php.12,500
Rent Php.36,000 Php.42,000 Php.42,000
Repairs Php3,500 Php.4,000 Php.4,500
Product, tools and materials cost Php.53,400 Php.50,800 Php.47,450
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

Total Operating Expenses Php.427,310 Php.478,100 Php.521,450

Profit Before Interest and Taxes Php.190,470 Php.266,460 Php.293,685
EBITDA Php.200,470 Php.278,460 Php.307,185
Interest Expenses Php.5,000 Php.1,200 Php.1,350
Taxes Incurred Php.7,080 Php.3,000 Php.3,500

Our Vision Our Mission


A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and inclusive providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension
programs and services by 2030. and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its
human resources capabilities and institutional mechanism.

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