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S7) is iportant to pertorm a problem audit because_

A) the DM Knows the cause ol the

B) DMS tend to focus on symptoms rather than on causes

C) the DM, n most cases, has only a vague idea ot what the problems
D) both B nd C are correct

Difl: 2 Fage Ref: 39
LO: 2

38) The interaction between the DM and the researcher should be characterized by the seven Cs.
Which of the tollowng is not one of the seven CS?
A) continu
B) communication

Diff 2 Page k 0
AACSB: Communication
LO 2

39) As onc of the seven C's that characterize the interaction between the DM and the researcher.
confidence is best defined
A there should not be any hidden agendas, and an atitude of openmess should prevail
the interaction between the and the researcher should be guided mutualby trust
) marketing rescareh is a team project in which both parties (DM and reearcher) must

D) the interaction between the DM and the researcher should be creative rather than formulaic
Diff: Page Ref: 40
AACSB: Communication
LO: 2

40) Interviewswith industry experisindividuals knowledgeableabout the firm and the

industrymay help formulate the marketng rescarch problem. Which of the following
Sstalcments s true uboul ntervicws wilh industry experts
A) These experts may be found both inside and outside the firm.
B) Typically, expert intormation is oblained by unstructured personal interviews without
administering a lormal questionnaire.
C) lt is helpful to prepare a list of topics to be covered during the interview.
D) All of he above are true.
Dif: 2 Page Ref: 40-41
AACSB: Communication

Copyright C 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prenlice Hall

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