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3) he management decision problem focuses on while the marketing rescarch

probicm tOcuses o
A) synptoms;, solutions
5 synptoms, unaerlyingcauses
C) solutions; underlying
D) none of the above

Diff 3 Page Ref
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
LO: 4

54)Based on Table 2.1 in the text, which statement is true about the management decision
A) li asks what information is needed and how it should be obtained.
B) ltis informalion oricnleu.

C)lt asks what the decision maker needs to do.

D) tocuses on the underlying causes.
Answer: CC
Dif: 1 Page Ref 48
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
LO 4

$5) Based on Table 2.1 in the text, which statement is true about the marketing research
A) It focuses on underlying causes.
B) It focuses on symptoms.
C)Itis information oriented
D) Both A and C are correct

Dift: 2 Page Rel
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

56) 1f the management decision problem is: "Should a new product De

be introduced""
mtroduced?" what is the
problem? "*"P*uct
ONt appropriate marketing research
and the npact on sales and profits of various
levels of orice chanee nd
B) determining consumer preferences and purchase intentions for the propeosed new product
p u c t of new distribution outlets
Diff: 2 P a g e Ref: 48
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Copyright C 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

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