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You are an SHRM consultant called in by an American firm that wants to staff its
new international operations with expatriates. They have asked you to compile a
checklist of the key concerns the company should address and steps it should go
through before embarking on this endeavor. Engage Michigan State University’s
global EDGE site ( and similar resources to prepare
your report.

In staffing the new international operations with expatriates, there are preliminaries
that should be conducted first before embarking in this endeavor, and these are the
 Weigh the pros and cons of hiring locally versus deploying expatriates. have a
highly-skilled employee, it may be worth the cost and effort to send them overseas
and xpatriates can also be beneficial when the local talent pool is limited. One of
the advantages of moving your company into a developing market is low labor
 Properly assess your business needs and decide if hiring a global expat is right for
 In addition to salaries, most companies extend a number of benefits to expatriates,
including relocation costs, housing benefits and allowances, family benefits such
as schooling and childcare, language training, cultural training and continued
counseling which should be determined based on what is required and needed in
the type of industry

 Secure local partners in the target country to guide the international expansion and
help in hiring top candidates in new markets.

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