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An Overview of Hemostasis*

Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65205

Hemostasis is a remarkable and a remarkably complex mechanism. It can maintain blood in a fluid state
intravascularly but very quickly changes blood to a jellylike mass upon disruption of the vasculature. This
review will give a synopsis of the 3 phases of hemostasis: platelet, vascular, and coagulation. Fibrinolysis
and control mechanisms of hemostasis will also be covered. In addition, brief descriptions of the clinical
and laboratory evaluation of patients and the diagnosis of bleeding disorders will be presented.
Keywords. Platelet function; coagulation; bleeding diatheses; coagulation testing; thrombocytopenia

(88). Within a few hours, the platelets lose their
The hemostatic process is remarkable in its ability integrity, and the plug appears as a mass of fibrin
to stop the flow of blood from a breach in any rea- strands (36, 84). This familiar sequence occurs many
sonably sized vessel within minutes. Yet blood is times every day and involves all phases of hemo-
maintained in a fluid state within the vascular sys- stasis, but platelets are central and all of their basic
tem. This is accomplished by the coordinated efforts functions are involved. The fibrin formation occurs
of 3 distinct but intimately related mechanisms: the because the platelets, in addition to adhering to the
vascular, the platelet, and the coagulation phases of subendothelium (adhesion) (88) and each other (ag-
hemostasis (90). These same mechanisms, when gregation) ( 11 ), provide a surface for the assembly
overactive or inappropriately activated, can result of coagulation factors that lead to the generation of
in thrombosis, embolism, or disseminated intra- thrombin and ultimately fibrin (83, 100). Secretion
vascular coagulation. In this article, I will provide is of course involved in the recruitment of more
an overview of the hemostatic mechanism and an platelets into this activity, but it also supplies a large
approach to the diagnosis of hemorrhagic disorders. number of other factors with a wide variety of ac-
Because of space limitations and the expertise of tivities (11, 93). Thus, the 4 primary platelet func-
other authors within this issue, less attention to tions are adhesion, aggregation (cohesion), secre-
platelet function and fibrinolysis will be given here. tion, and procoagulant activity.
Adhesion. When vessels are damaged, platelets
HEMOSTATIC MECHANISMS will adhere to different components of the suben-
Platelets dothelium, depending on the flow rate of the blood.
Platelets perform functions in all phases of he- In low flow areas, platelets will adhere to and spread
mostasis. Most apparently, they provide primary upon collagen and fibronectin. In higher flow areas,
hemostasis by producing the platelet plug that forms such as arterioles, platelet adhesion depends on the
almost immediately after a small vessel has been presence ofvon Willebrand factor (vWF) in the sub-
endothelium (1, 2, 33, 73, 103). Von Willebrand
disrupted (88, 90). As illustrated in Fig. 1, platelets
factor is a large multimeric protein (27) synthesized
begin adhering to the subendothelium within sec-
onds after it has been exposed (84). After 30-60 sec by megakaryocytes (91) and endothelial cells (42).
the first fibrin strands can be seen interspersed among Megakaryocytes, in humans, package vWF into the
the platelets, and after several minutes the platelet alpha granules of platelets (14, 91 ), whereas endo-
thelial cells secrete it into both the plasma and the
plug is completely formed and stabilized by fibrin
subendothelium (94). In the dog, platelets contain
little vWF (72). In the subendothelium, vWF binds
to matrix and awaits vascular injury and the arrival
Address correspondence to: Dr. G. Daniel Boon, Department
of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mis- of platelets. In the plasma, vWF complexes with the
souri, Columbia, Missouri 65205. coagulation cofactor factor VIII, resulting in vWF

FIG. I. -Formation of the platelet plug in primary hemostasis.

serving as a carrier protein for factor VIII and pro- can stimulate platelets to secrete their granule con-
longing its half-life (37, 67, 106). tents even in the presence of aspirin and other in-

Aggregation. After a layer of platelets has accu- hibitors of cyclooxygenase; weak agonists cannot.
mulated on the injured subendothelium, additional Obviously there is another pathway to release be-
platelets participate in the formation of a complete sides cyclooxygenase. Strong agonists include
plug in a process known as platelet aggregation (90, thrombin and collagen. Weak agonists include ADP
102). This occurs through active platelet metabo- and epinephrine (11). Miscellaneous agonists are
lism (11, 38) and stimulation by specific agonists platelet-activating factor, serotonin, and vasopres-
(11, 30, 102). Platelet aggregation can be studied in sin.
vitro with instruments called aggregometers (30). The signal produced by the agonists and the re-
Aggregometers measure the transmission of light sponse of the platelets, especially aggregation and
through a suspension of stirred platelets. Aggrega- secretion, are coupled by complex biochemical re-
tion is initiated by the addition of agonists and, as actions that are not allcompletely clear.
clumps of platelets form, light passes more freely as Briefly, phospholipase C hydrolyzes membrane
the turbidity of the suspension decreases (30, 102). phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate to diacylglyc-
Aggregation can be divided into primary and sec- erol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) (see
ondary phases. Primary aggregation occurs as the Fig. 2). Both of these are second messengers. DAG
direct consequence of the agonist, is reversible, and activates protein kinase C, which is active in both
is not accompanied by secretion. Secondary aggre- aggregation and secretion, although its mechanism
gation occurs with secretion and is manifested by is not entirely clear. IP3 causes the release of calcium
the formation of large irreversibly aggregated plate- from the dense tubular system, one of the intracel-
lets. At high agonist concentrations, primary and lular storage depots for calcium. The elevated cy-
secondary aggregation may occur simultaneously (30, toplasmic calcium, in turn, activates phospholipase
102). A2, which then hydrolyzes the membrane lipids and
Platelet agonists can be classified according to releases arachidonic acid (50, 56).
whether or not they stimulate secretion indepen- Secretion. Secretion is mediated by many of the
dently of secondary aggregation. Strong agonists can same second messengers discussed under aggrega-
and weak agonists cannot stimulate secretion in- tion. The increased concentration of cytoplasmic
dependently of aggregation. That is, strong agonists Ca++ is involved in the assembly of microtubules

FIG. 2.-A schematic diagram of platelet metabolism. (See text for discussion.) lib and Illa membrane proteins that

form the fibrinogen receptor; Va activated coagulation factor V; VaR activated coagulation factor V receptor; A
= = =

agonist; Ca++ ionized calcium; DG diacylglyceride; G guanine nucleotide-binding protein; IP3 inositol 1,4,5-
= = = =

triphosphate ; PIP2 phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate; R receptor.

= =

that areinvolved in the central movement of the vation steps (Fig. 3). Each factor is the substrate for
granules (50). This brings them into close proximity the previous enzyme and the activator of the sub-
to the open canalicular system. There granule and sequent proenzyme (15, 5 5). Although this concept
canalicular membranes fuse and granular contents is basically correct, it has been enlarged a great deal.
are emptied. The open canalicular system com- Surprisingly, the mechanism of initiation of the co-
municates to the exterior, allowing granular con- agulation sequence is still uncertain.
tents access to the plasma. The coagulation cascade can be intimidating. It
There are 4 types of granules in platelets: alpha is complex, and the roman numeral system of no-
granules, dense or 6 granules, lysosomes, and mi- menclature can be confusing. The numerals seem-
croperoxisomes (93). The alpha granules contain a ingly were assigned at random. However, if the cas-
large number of constituents. A few examples are cade is subdivided into some functional areas, each
platelet factor 4 (26, 87), thromboglobulin (87), can be addressed with much less trepidation.
platelet-derived growth factor (44), and thrombo- Contact System. The intrinsic system (so named
spondin (107, 108). Dense granules also contain a because all factors are found in blood) has been
variety of components including ADP, ATP, cal- thought to start with the contact activation system.
cium, pyrophosphate, and serotonin (32, 93). The Factor XII is activated (factor XIIa) by contact with
ADP and ATP are present in a ratio of 3:2 and negatively charged surfaces. This probably occurs
exchange very slowly if at all with the metabolic through autoactivation after contact with negatively
pool of nucleotides. ADP is the agent responsible charged surfaces, collagen, or other contact activa-
for recruitment of additional platelets into the plug tors (80). Factor XIIa activates factor XI to factor
formed during primary hemostasis (32, 93). XIa and prekallikrein to kallikrein. Kallikrein sub-
Procoagulant Activity. Platelets contain coagu- sequently activates more factor XII. All of these
lation factors including fibrinogen, factor V, and reactions require the presence of high molecular
factor VIII (45, 63, 71, 87, 98). In fact, 20% of whole weight kininogen (13, 31, 54, 60, 66, 80, 85, 96).
blood factor V is contained in platelets (98), sug- The factor XII-prekallikrein amplification system
gesting some importance. However, their most im- results in a great deal of factor XIIa to activate factor
portant contribution to coagulation is surfaces and XI and initiate the intrinsic system. However, the
specific receptors upon which complexes of coagu- clinical relevance of this sequence is in serious doubt.
lation factors form (89, 99, 100). These complexes Deficiency of any or all of the factors involved in
will be discussed later. the contact system is not accompanied by clinical
bleeding (13, 23, 31, 34, 54). This has always cast
Coagulation Cascade a shadow on the importance of contact activation
The coagulation cascade has classically been con- and suggested that there must be another pathway
sidered to be a series of sequential zymogen acti- for the activation of factor XI. Indeed, as will be

FIG. 3.-A schematic diagram of the coagulation cascade. (See text for a more complete discussion.) The dotted arrow
from unactivated factor VII to the conversion of X to Xa indicates a small degree of enzyme activity. This may represent
the initial activation of the coagulation cascade in vivo.

discussed, another pathway for the activation of fac- in the formation of the complexes (64). This par-
tor XI has been recently described (24). ticular complex of factors VIII, IX, and X, as well
Intrinsic System. Factor Xla activates factor IX as Ca++ and membrane (probably platelet mem-
to factor IXa in the presence of ionized calcium (21 ). brane), is sometimes called ten-ase because it cleaves
However, the most prominent reaction of the in- factor X (ten). These complexes are very important
trinsic system is the activation of factor X by factor to the understanding and control of coagulation.
IXa (23, 37, 39-41, 61, 69, 82, 104) and its cofac- Common Pathway. The common pathway con-
tors. This reaction occurs on asurface that is prob- tains the second of the 3 complexes. Factor Xa forms
ably provided by platelets (23, 41). The enzyme a complex with its substrate prothrombin (factor II),

(factor IXa) and the substrate (factor X) are brought its cofactor factor V, a membrane surface (platelet),
into close proximity on the surface by binding to and Ca++ (99, 100) to form a complex sometimes
Ca++. Factor V also enters the reaction and accel- referred to as prothrombinase. The prothrombin is
erates it 500-fold (61). This is 1 of 3 complexes cleaved and thrombin is released when the reaction
formed by coagulation factors, and it illustrates sev- is complete. The primary action of thrombin is, of
eral important points. First, a cofactor is very im- course, to convert fibrinogen to fibrin. However,
portant in allowing the reaction to take place at a thrombin has a wide range of other actions (40, 49,
maximum rate. Loss or inactivation of the cofactor 52, 75), one of which is the activation of factor XI
is a very effective way of controlling the reaction (24). This casts a whole new light on the importance
(see discussion on protein in the later section Con- of the extrinsic system for in vivo coagulation (see
trol of Coagulation). Second, each of the complexes later).
formed involves at least 1 of the factors of the &dquo;pro- Extrinsic System. The extrinsic system consists
thrombin complex.&dquo; The prothrombin complex is almost entirely of the third enzyme-coenzyme-sub-
a group of coagulation factors (factors II, VII, IX, strate complex. The extrinsic system is also where
and X) that have been modified by a reaction in- one of the more important additions to knowledge

volving vitamin K so that they will bind calcium of the coagulation cascade has been made. Factor
(22, 68, 95). The binding of calcium is important VII forms a complex with tissue factor and Ca-+

that enzymatically activates factor X to factor Xa gamma-carboxyl groups to a series of glutamyl

by limited proteolysis (7, 9, 23, 25, 65, 69, 109). groups. This gamma-glutamyl carboxylation allows
Factor VII is the only coagulation enzyme that pos- the factors involved to bind calcium and therefore
sesses activity without undergoing activation (7, 75, participate in complex formation (64, 68, 95).
76, 113). It does indeed do that. It also activates Protein C and its cofactor protein S are also im-
factor IX (70, 112), providing further amplification portant controls of coagulation. Both are also vi-
of factor Xa production and perhaps explaining why tamin K-dependent. Protein C is activated by
hemophiliacs have clinical bleeding problems. If thrombin in a reaction that requires the binding of
factor IX activation were not initiated by the ex- thrombin by a membrane protein, thrombomodu-
trinsic system and the extrinsic system was a pri- lin, of endothelial cells. Activated protein C enzy-
mary initiator of in vivo coagulation, there would matically cleaves factor Va and factor Villa into
be no reason for a hemophiliac to have bleeding forms that will no longer support coagulation. This
problems. is a very effective inhibition of the coagulation cas-
Coagulation Cascade Rearrangements. The 2 cade. Interestingly, while thrombin bound to throm-
relatively recent discoveries of thrombin activation bomodulin will activate protein C, it will no longer
of factor XI and factor Vlla activation of factor IX activate platelets or factor V or convert fibrinogen
have resulted in some new ways to think about the to fibrin. Thrombomodulin transforms it from a
coagulation cascade. In addition, some old enigmas coagulant to an anticoagulant intermediate. Protein
may have cleared up. It has long been a mystery C also promotes fibrinolysis by protecting plasmin-
why individuals deficient in contact activation fac- ogen activator from inhibition (12, 18, 19, 23, 47,
tors do not have a clinical bleeding problem. It may 59, 105).
be that the contact activation system is not impor- A variety of other control mechanisms also affect
tant in coagulation in vivo. The extrinsic system may the coagulation cascade. These include antithrom-
be the primary initiator of coagulation. This makes bin III (10, 101), heparin cofactor II (5, 6, 29, 97),
sense in that injury would expose tissue factor, which and (X2-macroglobulin (51).
is an absolute requirement for the activation of fac-
tor X and factor IX by factor VII (66). It may also Vascular Phase
be that the thrombin activation of factor XI is an- The blood vessel has traditionally been thought
other amplification system for the production of to be an inert conduit through which blood flows
thrombin. Certainly, the importance this places on but which did not participate in hemostasis. Grad-
factors IX, VIII, X, and Ca++-phospholipid com- ually, discussions of hemostasis have come to in-
plexes makes sense of the clinical picture presented clude comments on endothelial contributions. Many
by hemophiliacs. The contact activation system of the interactions are detailed in the discussions of
should not be dismissed too quickly, however. There the various phases of hemostasis. As can be seen,
is still more to be learned. Passovoy factor is some- endothelial cells participate extensively. Some he-
how involved in the contact system, and patients mostatic contributions are vasoconstriction (43, 53),
deficient in it do have a bleeding diathesis (34, production of vWF (42, 103), and tissue factor pro-
35, 58). duction (23). Antithrombotic contributions include
Control of Coagulation. With all the amplifica- prostacyclin production (62), thrombomodulin pre-
tion that takes place in the coagulation cascade, it sentation (23, 59), and tissue plasminogen activator
would seem that once coagulation was initiated it production (48).
would continue out of control. There are several
mechanisms to prevent this. The complexes that Fibrinolysis
occur in the coagulation cascade not only allow the Once hemostasis is complete and healing has oc-
enzymes involved to act more efficiently, but they curred, clots must be disposed of and vascular lu-
also result in the localization of the coagulant ac- mina maintained. This is accomplished by the fi-
tivity (23, 57). Some of this complexing takes place brinolytic system. The operative enzyme of the
on endothelial cell membranes but most probably fibrinolytic system is plasmin. Plasmin is a rather
occurs on platelet membranes (23, 83, 99). Regard- nonspecific protease and is generated by the action
less, the receptors involved are exposed by injury of plasminogen activators on plasminogen. Plas-
or activation and are localized to the area where minogen activators present in normal tissues are
hemostasis is needed. All of these complexes in- tissue-type plasminogen activator and urokinase-
volve the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors. type plasminogen activator. Plasminogen is incor-
These are prothrombin and factors VII, IX, and X. porated into fibrin clots. Plasminogen activator is
Vitamin K mediates a posttranslational modifica- released from endothelium in response to, among
tion of these factors that involves the addition of other things, high concentrations of thrombin. This

mechanism serves to localize the fibrinolytic action mans and animals. The degree of bleeding is quite
of plasmin and results in the production of the fa- variable and often does not correlate with the degree
miliar fibrin split products (8, 20, 48, 52, 77, 78, of thrombocytopenia. The reasons are probably re-
86, 92, 110). lated to the underlying cause of the disorder. Con-
ditions involving peripheral destruction cause a
compensatory increase in marrow production of
Perhaps the most important rule to keep in mind platelets. This results in a population of relatively
when evaluating the bleeding patient is that blood young platelets that may function more efficiently
can be lost from vessels for reasons other than hem- than older platelets and prevent bleeding at lower
orrhagic tendencies. Because the most common cause concentrations. Conversely, in situations where
of bleeding is trauma, every bleeding animal does marrow production is impaired, the platelets re-
not require a hemostatic workup. When a bleeding maining in the circulation are relatively old and may
diathesis is suspected clinically, a great deal can be not prevent bleeding at higher concentrations. A
learned by performing a thorough physical exami- good rule of thumb for the platelet concentration at
nation and obtaining a good history. which to expect bleeding is the familiar 40,000-
50,000/ ~l, although this will vary depending on the
History hemostatic challenges the animal encounters. Per-
History can, in clinical situations, be an effective haps better rules are (a) spontaneous bleeding is
way of diagnosing hemostatic disorders. It is less probably below platelet concentrations of 20,000/
important in the controlled conditions of drug safety wl, (b) spontaneous bleeding is unlikely more than
assessment, but it should be mentioned that con- platelet concentrations of 50,000/jnl, and (c) bleed-
genital disorders are occasionally seen in laboratory ing after challenge (e.g., surgery) is probably at plate-
animals. In those situations, age of onset, pedigree, let concentrations of 20,000-100,000/~1 (4, 79).
and other pertinent clinical historical information Levels of Coagulation Factors. The association
may be of benefit. As noted, because trauma is the between levels of coagulation factors and the clinical
most likely cause of any bleeding episode, the ap- tendency to bleed is better than that between plate-
propriateness of the degree of hemorrhage can be lets and bleeding. There is, however, considerable
very helpful in determining whether or not a bleed- variation from factor to factor. In general, the con-
ing tendency is present. centration needed to prevent bleeding is no more
than 25% of the normal, and some factors can be
Physical Examination even lower in concentration and not result in a prob-
The type of bleeding can be a clue as to the un- lem. This is in contrast to the 50% concentrations
derlying disorder. Petechiae are usually associated needed to maintain most coagulation screening tests
with thrombocytopenia but can also be seen with within normal limits. This means that, in general,
vascular defects. Ecchymoses are larger than pete- if the concentrations of factors are high enough for
chiae and are often thought to be confluent pete- the screening tests of coagulation to be normal, they
chiae. This is usually true, but they can also be seen are high enough that clinical bleeding should not be
in coagulation disorders. Prolonged bleeding from a problem (17, 46, 74, 81, 111).
minor trauma (venepuncture, scratches, etc.) is as-
sociated with defective primary hemostasis- Principles of Laboratory Examination
thrombocytopenia. Rebleeding after a phase of ap- Platelets. Because thrombocytopenia is the most
parently normal hemostasis is characteristic of co- common cause of abnormal bleeding, they should
agulation factor deficiencies (4, 79). be routinely evaluated in any abnormally bleeding
Although information about types of bleeding is animal. In clinical practice, this evaluation is quick-
the primary goal of physical examination, additional
ly and easily done by examining a blood smear. In
important information should not be overlooked. most safety assessment laboratories, platelet counts
Underlying diseases may be detected that can con- are routinely performed. This makes examination
tribute to or result in hemorrhage. Such abnormal- of smears unnecessary for diagnosis, but it is in-
ities including splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and valuable in distinguishing true thrombocytopenia
jaundice may be associated with diseases that cause from artificial thrombocytopenia due to aggrega-
bleeding diatheses. tion. A thorough discussion of thrombocytopenia
LABORATORY APPROACH TO THE PATIENT and thrombopathy cannot be accomplished in this
short article.
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