Name: Mwanaasha Sibambo

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Name: Mwanaasha Sibambo

I am a girl with a physical disability.

I identify myself as a person with disability, I also recognize my basic rights after
receiving various trainings while on the council for children with disabilities. And
now I am in a youth group I have received Education on reproductive health and
safe menstruation. This training has helped me to take care of myself in my daily
activities, because in the beginning I grew to see menstruation as a punishment,
due to my work environment. I was employed by a Hair salon and my duty is to
weave girls’ hair. During menstruation period I was unable to go to work, because
toilets are not friendly, and many people misuse it. I also have to get off the
wheelchair and crawl on a ladder which is dirty.

 I am currently happy to be a woman and I am self-employed by visiting my

clients and weaving them in their home, and getting menstruation is not a
problem because of many education and trainings that I got concerning
 This reproductive health education has helped me to avoid early pregnancy,
and to know some of the diseases so that they can be hospitalized if they

“I know many girls like me are not yet accessing reproductive health education and
are left behind. I ask that the government and other stakeholders make sure girls
with disabilities at school and at homes learn about their bodies, sex, relationships
and giving birth. They should learn in a way they find easy to understand”.
Name: Joyce Muwowo

I am girl with intellectual disabilities, who recognizes my basic rights, from the
various training I received on the rights and responsibilities of the child, this
training has helped me even now I can recognize and claim my basic rights starting
at the family level. it helped me with the division of inheritance after my parents
died. There are 3 children in our family, of whom I am the one with a disability.
We were left with our uncle of whom he was the supervisor of the division of our
property. He manage to give each of us a single room for a business so as we can
rent it. When it comes a time to collect the rent my brothers beat me and take the
rent due to my disability. I decided to file a lawsuit against him to the local
government; so far he is wanted by the police to answer the charges.

“Girls with disabilities cannot be treated differently because of our age and
disability but we have the right to justice. I ask the Government, police and other
stake holders to look into situations where someone has been violent to girls with
disabilities and punish them”



One day I got sick, I went to the hospital. When I arrived, I followed the procedure
for collecting notebooks? I collected the notebook and went to the waiting area, but
I saw all my fellow patients being called and those who came after me were also

Tired of waiting because I waited from morning till noon, I decided to go to the
doctor and he told me I did not call your name wait and I asked why I waited so
long and my name was not called? He asked me what your name is, I told him my
name. He exclaimed! Why have I called you by name many times but no one
came? I told him yes, I am here but I do not hear because I am deaf, I was treated
and left.

One day I was on a public transport from Duga to the Stand. When we got to the
stand the conductor asked if anyone was coming down the stand and everyone was
silent as no one was coming down. So, because I did not hear I found myself
descending to the third station. So, I had to walk back to the stand.

I have recently found a man and get married and he love me, but our neighbors are
mocking him that he has get married to a disabled and I will not will not be able to
help him out in anything. It real hurts me a lot.

“Rights are things that should happen for everyone. Everyone has the right to be
safe and healthy and to have relationships. I have a right to get services. I am
asking for Government and other stakeholders to make sure health centre save a
sign language interpreter available for deaf girls”

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