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NOS Question Bank

1. Explain history and Features provided by Linux.

2. Differentiate between windows and Linux.
3. Differentiate between Micro Kernel and Monolithic Kernel.
4. Describe the layered Architecture of Linux.
5. Why is Linux popular? Why is it popular in academia?
6. What is the Logging process of Linux?
7. Compare Help, Man, Whatis and info commands.
8. Differentiate between Cat and ls Utilities.
9. what are the functions of the following commands:-
Cp, mv, lpr, grep, head and tail
10. How to shrink and archive a file give proper examples.
11. Difference between which and whereis utilities.
12. Compare who, finger and w command with proper example.
13. How to communicate with other users (hint: write, talk, mesg, pine)
14. What commands can you use to determine who is logged in on a specific
15. What do you mean by relative and absolute path name?
16. Explain linux file system hierarchy in full detail.
17. Define link and its types also compare them.
18. How are Directories different from ordinary files? How can they can be
19. Explain cat and ls Command in full detail and their different use.
20. Define shell and How a command process in command line.
21. Define Redirection and its types with proper example.
22. What is the function of pipe utility give proper demonstration?
23. How to run a program in the background.
24. Different functions of special characters.
25. Define Vim and its history.
26. What are the different functions of vim editor?
27. Explain Different modes of Vim editor.
28. How to split a vim editor screen and recovering text ( hint: Vi, vi –r fn)
29. Explain the Different Cursor Movement in Vim editor.
30. How to insert, append, open and Replace in vim.
31. How to do undo, delete and change in vim.
32. Differentiate between vim and emacs editor.
33. How to insert, append, open and Replace in emacs.
34. How to do undo, delete and change in emacs.
35. Define Bash and its features.
36. Explain the startup files of bash.
37. Define parameters and variables and how it can declare in bash.
38. Explain the following Builtin with proper example:
a) Readonly b) read c) export d) declare
39. Explain all the keyword variables of bash.
40. What do you mean by positional parameters.
41. Explain all the types of command line expansion.
42. Define tcsh. Compare the features of bash and tcsh.
43. Differentiate the control structure of both bash and tcsh with proper
44. Define programming tools of linux.
45. What are the different properties of make utility.
46. How to compile and link a C program in Linux.
47. What do you mean by system calls. Explain the different system calls used
in Linux.
48. Explain Source code management with its types.
49. Different utility of CVS & RCS.
50. What do you mean by Shell Programming and why we use it.

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