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CHAPTER 1 UNIT 1 restrain afa|ch

retract *L*\m
civilian spine
complicated stroll m
concur m\m, §21m timorous
confirm stem ssaa tuition 2ÿb|, 4SS
digress nrA||0||Aj 5!CHl_fCf. 0|0j7|, BÿW)
fragile aggressor
galore §¥S. as altitude
genuine ma, MSS
calamity 5fi€SAHEH
hostile congregate atm sow
impatient m\ safe zzmb aoia
inter ta. DHSSW cordiality 2|
mitigate soia, mnm crony
novice deliberately
original as dispense aw ?a, ~gjoi ximcf
rarity HS a mm%
C|AI Aiosm, £isw
forecast o||sm oiiaaa
shrink g£emsa
sober s0)|£|5|*ias.£!*ia
hibernate ssaa
vacant ei, as£|Ai as
intimidate ?itm as w
adjourn sterna.*ma
preface Ais. a&ia
astute eiisfe ass
recoil Sow S£a|c|,iAsia
censure tilth. Iÿl
demolish ataxia
reflection w ss w. an
relinquish &>\m. tHÿiÿt
tolerate aaa.~s&a
discharge Sfi Mm EHUSW
dissent aaoi a=a. ymoa
equitable saa sst!
exonerate wa aa, eaaa CHAPTER 1 UNIT 3
extricate saoiiAi 6nÿA|?ia saw capsize asaaa, ssM?ia
esoa contend 32mAitjonÿ7|5ia
forfeit 1
illegible decease
inadvertently ¥S3, w=i distinguish sioa. sicia
divulge tmÿsoa
inappropriate asaasfe
lucrative £gO|7j£fe.WSfe drought
permanent zmt, aÿaa famish twa, §AI sia
prohibit t*IOa. aa
punctual Apj§ A|?ife,aAia illuminate (MS) gtsia.sw ttaoa
rebuke saicta.ssa inaudible st T as. ta*i as
transient iJAiaa, saaa incense asM?ia,aa7iiaa
inundate *j4Stfl s|a
jeopardy as. as
CHAPTER 1 UNIT 2 magnify swiaa, asaa
municipal A|(r)5)°|
cache SHAt sssMia
commend ss*ta rummage SMOI a*ia
cur sasjsÿ.ss7i)
despotic simultaneously M£A|TKXI,£A|O||
dispute toa. sssta subsequently aoiL L|§OU
edifice Maaaassas si survive aa sal sa. aa aai gaa
era aAÿ°|A|CH,A|7| traverse a£A|aa. stwa
initiate Ai*m asAi?ia accommodate £gaa.4sss2toiact
Jolly Roger snaa apprehend
waa. xtisaa
multitude 5S.WI cleave E£sta, saw
perceive ansa, stoiaaa conceal s?ia. UIWCHI ¥*ia
portal content Sfÿs. Almtiafe

Scanned with CamScanner

culprit j. tW\ retain nm. ssaq
eliminate &oi;q.
facetious SSS. *H*I 2te
fatigue x\*\n aq. EISSMI t\c\ CHAPTER 2 UNIT 1
infallible atfe
pilfer saasiaq
adroit te%a, sqa
province sa, ss ambidextrous °J£*f0|°|
reflect aptitude EH. *«¥
reverse asa ?iEqq craftsperson ?lsA|
shallow Ste, E|ÿ5j°l dexterity £«l. 25?Is
superfluous 4SS, siee maladroit m afe. Aif#
surmount Sa§iq,
versatile cÿ02|. cm Cfea
urban SA|°|
destitute mH4§oi ate. ?tea
vicinity °IS, ¥E
economize HIS# toiq,
vocation ss.s
frugal taste. SEa
impoverish t>H° 7fcts|7)| qq qqtA|?|c|
CHAPTER 1 UNIT 4 indigence m. SE
affluent DH¥¥SaS¥tt
abate SEqq, 3SA|?|q avarice Eja SAI

accord ea. m\ avaricious EH as. SEEÿE

aggravate °mA|?|q,SsWI§iq covet am SSqq
belligerent sssa, aass dowry A|tS
conspicuous ¥aqa,te>||EEfe financial tsa. aisa
craft ?is. am fleece Bsnotci. atsiq
craven HISS, HISS
currency s.aai hoard E3*HT. e°q
lavish ynias. ass
deter ESAiqq. a«Hs|q lucrative oiaoiafeS@Cvlÿ;qs
duplicate ¥A|, E*l| means ¥, *HH
fictitious ssa, mm afe opulence ¥.EE
immaculate asaaxi ate, SEOI gjfe sumptuous A|*IEqE, H|S
intervene SAHsiq, ssaa apprehensive aa§te, assfe
miniature as, ES°I
quintet 5SE cower (SoiqADgaqqÿgqq
reconcile sMWaq aiSsiq dastardly H|SS|S u|ia
rural Alta intimidate ssÿuitm
poltroon SSO|. H|SA|
security as. m timid ¥Aia§te. ESS
stamina a sa trepidation
volition aa. at
alternative aAiat, MIS audacious mas. ssEEte
beverage ss audacity §a. aa
blunder dauntless So| Site. E?SEqE
controversy as,ss exploit as, as
custody MS, M2 fortitude SMI. §7|
indomitable san ¥ ate. ¥sa
diminutive plucky ssa. aas
dispel sa*i7ii m. goiaaq rash mu. ¥sa
dormant §qo|A| ate. A|a °te
exclusively 5A|.qeA|g}qq¥Aiaa
imperil aMiSAii qq as»ii Sswi sia
lineage ?n ss alias as, ss
MqE.MqgfiS clandestine
major HISS, saa
enigma SES as n. 44JH»|
objective (ÿso|)s£qsq latent SEH, SAiiste
opinionated asoi S. aaa lurk =asq. aqqq
presently E. qxiaoi seclude sÿiq s=A|?|q
procrastinate <£7\s\C\, Diaq stealthy m qqfe aqjfi
prodigious sma. qma apprise wqq. *-x|qq
protract zj7|| qq. A|SM SS®HM avowal sS. A|M|

Scanned with CamScanner

divulge dilapidated 414E. ±I4E
elicit to-mm, #5=44 enervate 4SM44
enlighten °XI<>M ujO|Lj7|| 44, flimsy et&s*
manifest 4°I4. E.d.]qq frail
overt E4E4, egg incapacitate SR. %% 1ÿ01 441 44
accede £444. H444 infirmity 44, SEE
accord U*L £3 bulwark MS(1)
compact §si, m citadel fiAH
compatible S34fe. 4S0| cogent Efe, m*i
compromise 4® dynamic SEES, SEES
conform ©B Soil) fe§44, 4ÿ44 formidable 44471 44S
consistent £44 EES H44fe, e£o| gjfe forte EE EE
correspond m\m.m impregnable EElÿSfe.BEE
dovetail mm invigorate 7|SL|7||44,f)7|t47||44
reconcile 2|S||X|?|C|, 2S|A|?|C| robust m EEE, ese
relent EI0| *114*14. tenacious
altercation EE, EE
antagonize 44444, E4S1S°7|4 vehement m EIE
vigor m.m\
cleavage m&\ default
discord sa heedless ¥?4th 2SEE S!fe
discrepancy *K>L ME*I ignore ¥444, E4*|cf
dissent °mo| 4=4, yciism inadvertent ¥?sia Eta
embroil SE011 10|S0|C| neglect mm. ¥444
estrange £44711 44. o|E44 remiss Etisia. ¥ÿ°ia
friction mi*i m sloven EISEBEEE
irreconcilable 4®tl48ife.E0|7|4£ discreet asa
at variance H444 8£fe.40|7|f48tB heed ¥444. £E44
meticulous We?, EE 4fe
wrangle e:ta|£3¥4,Sf4§44 scrupulous SEES, SEE
condiment £D|£, EE scrutinize m*\ £A(s|ci
devour 44. S4« t4 444 solicitude 44S 44. EE
edible 414 21fe.ÿo|Sfe vigilance m\. ss
glutton EHE4 wary E7fl4fe, ¥44fe
luscious 5!sa§oian Esa
palatable SJSMEfe.StlB
slake (m 441) ME CHAPTER 2 UNIT 4
succulent §01 ass 4©o| aa
voracious Sfo|4fe.3¥£! abroad *«2|0||, SUES
commute 8B44
denizen ¥EJ, T|¥4
domicile S, 44
CHAPTER 2 UNIT 3 inmate n±n. 4§e
migrate 0|¥44
colossal 44a.nH?S native M40|
commodious aoiaaa, oiÿ7i sife nomad ¥¥4, SEE
gamut (»sas#2i)E*ii sojourn E4 4¥f.*ilW
infinite ¥ss. safe
infinitesimal oÿEs,Dwia defiance 4tt em
inflate ¥17)1 44, SS444 infraction ?©, «0I1
inordinate 44£i. ¥S*M insubordinate ftHWSfelMtte
iota o|¥EB4.4feif insurgent is. em
malcontent SSB4
magnitude MS, SEE perverse 2EAJI A||5JCH£S|fe
picayune A|iE, SB sedition SS.EE
pittance SB4,4SB4S0|4¥E transgress
puny EE, 4SIB trespass 4£a®2|2!2| t§ ujjsiq
superabundance 44. 44
447)1 °U 44444 acquiesce 2§4 4144, tqaq.
£|44fe. £l4°H4fe allegiance tS.SS
defer §fe4 4=4
decrepit afe. SEE

Scanned with CamScanner

discipline £$99 overbearing 3999 Sfe 7iaa
docile 9¥7ne6s*h= overburden 9997)l¥9§49
meek E4TI.TE5(*L92TE
pliable t|7||§¥9949t«9te overconfident 9iehehth
submit IWtW overdose 9919E
tractable 947 1 4is. #4® overestimate awsxm
overgenerous 4te9 oraoistteÿth
chronic eh!9. 41s® overshadow
concurrent §A|0|| 9444, §49 oversupply 4913
dawdle t]§999, ¥19a|C) overwhelm 9£®9,19499
imminent 99th, 7)77)3
incipient £7| ®7t|°|
intermittent 1SS® CHAPTER 3 UNIT 2
perennial SISE. 449E
procrastinate ®7|5)C), 0|= Cf unabridged S994 SfE S0|A| sts
protract 9S99. ®7|S)C) unbiased ss& is®
sporadic i§S9. 199 93 unconcern ¥is, 99
undeceive tlfS&Ch TJHOil-WI 99
compulsory 9¥S®. !*)|*j°! ungag 911*1449.Ill«Pil99
entail 4eh®9.iaÿ99 unnerve 91h?ll®9,9*ll91§7)|9i:)
essence as,is unquenchable 94th 4 Site (E9S) ¥ÿ 4 Site
gratuitous tia®, ¥9® unscramble ¥mtelS94S999
imperative D4S®. °|°5)°l
incumbent 9¥£¥4S.9¥S® unshackle 9E19I 919.9999
indispensable unwary 9!9te, ¥499
necessitate §a®7)| 99. 2399
underbrush Ite, §1
oblige 1299. °i°i A|°C[ underdeveloped 97ÿ9. ¥1199
obviate M§fi8WI 99, 91499
undergraduate 99S
prerequisite axii 59 underpayment 991
pressing 43®, 13® underprivileged 991943®
superfluous snath 499 underscore -1011913';' 1599

undersell -M9971119
CHAPTER 3 UNIT 1 undersigned 999
understatement !*i|Ei m ®*il
forearm Ite understudy 94 an°
forebear 15, 51 upcoming 97iate, 4ÿiE 14o|| Site
foreboding tilth) o)ll, IS update 419 las 99
forecast 0(19, oj|a upgrade US499
forefront 9S9¥tel¥ upheaval 19th19.1th tea
foregoing 19, o|19
foremost 1#9, 9a9 upkeep E9, °x|u|
foreshadow 1ÿ19949,1ÿ999 uplift §19°S H1A|7|C)
foresight 1199 upright te9Sl. te9E
foreword IE 991 uproot 119 A)|7iS)Ch 5i5)C)
upstart 99fi9l®4!, qit¥9
misbelief a«®9§ upturn Sl.ll
misdeed 9, 99
misfire (§•5 §01)1199 withdraw mm. §499
misgiving 99. 11th o(ll withdrawn MISS®
mishap 9te 9,1S4 withhold MW99, 99914
mislay E3199 withholding tax 11991
mislead (1ES 91°S) o|#9, 40|9 withstand 399. 7||4 9999
misstep t5§0|9 199 14, 14 notwithstanding ~qa 135)2

outgrow ~S99 37)|9a)i4

outlandish 0|3§9, 0)11 CHAPTER 4 UNIT 1
outlast -£9 9 £9 99, £9 S9
outlook qthoilS, 19
abdicate 1SS2S1999.495)9
output 111,11 abduct “499
outrun -S9 §9 §99 abhor §4 &o)99 149 qc)
outspoken 995)7)1 99te £3® abnormal SSo| oft)
outwit ~S9® 4 ¥19.99=9 abrasion 14!

Scanned with CamScanner

abrupt smaia Op 1*1 ats exhibit aojÿch as«w
abscond m inhibit etch xjx|6W
absolve (2|?tS)0WLh=5|S*(Cl expel *gt*W. *0NW
absorbing oÿÿo|a!felS*WI *fe impel 2tfl«hch,et*|£A|?|ch
abstain saw implicate £f2U|?|Ch ¥liis|>ll §W
averse ewiste.~SD(soiafe impugn e.w*w, ¥§sw
avert aw. n|*W incarcerate aÿoiisctaaw
inscribe Ap|Ch °l±HShCh
avocation ¥a m insurgent
adapt m. Si$cj
addicted a extracurricular gflH2h=0|2|2|,2t2|°|
adequate extraneous
adherent «*.«*»*I*W extravagant Ataioii yxi affe yuiÿfe
adjacent 7wa2Jsa intramural am°|, (SfULf qst S2|) *f§fb
adjoin eia*w, s*w intraparty 9M|2|
adjourn intrastate ¥(«) MW
intravenous m LH2|, sal ?Ah°)
advent £& £2H
adversary con -oil ttqfflof, ycn@0||Ai
adverse contraband
antecedents £S, >d5 contravene 9IB!«W. ¥x|*W
antedate S«P( °hAjCh AjSJsfCh controversy fcS.
postdate g*w counter yens, yen
ante meridiem 2So|| countermand mm. asi*w
post meridiem S*0||
incontrovertible sale
anteroom qpia intercede mm. 2S*w
postgraduate MWSW intercept 7f£sW. ?tsm
postmortem W«l)¥a(°EJ0)| qy)Af?s°| interlinear SZfoil £
postscript interlude ass
bicameral (0|t|7h)gf£lX1|o| intermediary gxflxh
bicentennial 2oo¥y7|yy intermission Aie
biennial 2SnWS°iLfe intersect 7hSX|BCh
semiannual Bfyofc|s| interurban EA| AfOltHI
bimonthly ¥§oWSoiLte intervene S*PW. 23*W
semimonthly fisow.esoiiÿesoiLte

bilateral CHAPTER 4 UNIT 3

bilingual 27(|
bipartisan S&EW illegible S7|0)a)s,OTttÿafc
bisect 15=S0|Xhach illiterate
semicircle m ta#4S!feSS21
illogical ufesws. male
semiconscious es SIÿOI °it, °|A|oi eaexi se immaculate oÿ«e,sÿoi8jfe
semidetached ¥m°S I0)£l immature °wa#*ie
semiskilled filial impunity rn SX| ss, yxj|
CHAPTER U UNIT 2 incessant SSSJfe.SSfe
inflexible Sue. msM 8fe
emigrate o|¥*W ingratitude esiitss
immigrate 0|?SH inhospitable maoi L®, M5IEE
eminent insoluble
sm, am
«ra«f+fflfc8*isixi atfe
imminent irreconcilable 9*118 ¥ Sfe, Aj£ §ys(x| Sffe
enervate SSWm. ?7|5j5(7(l SfCf irrelevant STphSfe, ¥A(|0||A1 yeny
erosion ¥±i. m irrevocable
evoke fe|S°7|ch oiÿotLHW
invoke (S-flW §#) i°m sgo|Lf esg §4(C( benediction
excise fWMW, uflof Soph malediction
incise A«7W, 22f*W benefactor *m. ss
exclusive mm,M malefactor S*l*h 5I2J
inclusive beneficial 0|sa E§0| Efe

Scanned with CamScanner

beneficiary 0|°)0|l4=l!!!tgfeAHf
benevolent A(U|£S. perennial ARSfe.
malevolent Q|oj0i]i}.l4® perforate KiP.assw
maladjusted a8°il qgspi =§1b permeate
malice qfoj *jo| perplex S8*MI W. fc«l«WI w
i4« SlSEfLSHS persist yqjoiis taaa ngw
maltreat SfCim pertinent 22SL 211*1
perturb Siam w. saam aa
decadent E* gg Ci LRAfe precede SMCf
deciduous — td o —I
preclude 8*naa. s?feam ym
n|£LÿgfJO|ofy precocious 2ÿa
demolish nl2)5fcl.°Lisa|cf preconceive 02* m
demote mm
dependent Hlgsfe prefabricated msa
depreciate 7ÿ0114 7fx|7l 101X114. gaOfMCl preface Ais DJ2|g
despise 215(14. lAlsfcj premature 0|E Apiysei
deviate (t2omfl«|o|Al)5!oiLH4 premeditate gz|5K4
presume AISW.
devour preview R«t1°l)A|A1.A|2
discontent M2±a|§ procrastinate 07|5H4.A|0A|7|[4
discredit 2*ISW.2|Sa<T proficient A00.
discrepancy ftlxl a£
disintegrate 8828 MJ4, “±3=2114 profuse A|L4X|TJ =§8¥£AB.®I!E
dispassionate ssa as*! project °foe gx|7(Li lAfsicf

disrepair 8b prominent §aa. Aisa

dissent 82*1888.2888 propel 12 14017K4,
dissident 2)2* 288b.088b proponent *2Af. A|X|A(
distract ?2|*28£ i-B|4 prospect ?n oag
prospects ?fes. y\%
secede 2888 gifOUAI !E|88 protract 88. 2888
secession SS|0|LfS|fOI|A|o|as| protrude W>18a8.*#88
seclude 88A|?I8. 2UA|?|I4 provoke SSPH4. ARSK4
secure Afg 2b.ISa
segregate ¥ 20OUA1 £888. 28838 CHAPTER 5 UNIT 1

amateur 83b3. 0,(271

CHAPTER 4 UNIT 4 amiable gya. aia
amicable 82S2. 8#*l sffe
circumference 1?. 11211 amity aaiTu
circumlocution 22a 22 amorous AHfoil 32. 3*0
circumnavigate 1¥88 enamored A1201I Aiaÿa
circumscribe A}ia®H4. asm animosity ta28
circumspect asa animus WOJ
circumvent 21888. 35(14 equanimity °1*2J s§
magnanimous actia.onfoife
coalesce 8288 unanimity 121a|
coherent £3320.120 unanimous 181*121
collaborate affinity *2. 28
collusion asj.*a
concord £8.2*1 confine w
congenital ggwoi Epy definitive 2SS2. *|¥8
convene aoia. ±233 finale 83238-24 323 g££,H
correspond 2*133, ¥tfW finis 8.21
fluctuate 2=883. ARE gÿsjspil 083
obliterate x|?3 20HC1 fluent Stf3. 232
obsess fluid
obstacle awisoH flux 522b 03.
obstruct influx #2. 8a
obtrude 3a13. 1825K4
obviate 0|20|] 0X|33. 87183 degenerate S|M33. 8833
engender 2SA|?I3. of7|siq

Scanned with CamScanner

progenitor !£,£! script 110|32!333 mg
regenerate 3133, so mm subscriber 33343
aggregate 33121. 1133 assimilate 4333, §433
aggregation Iff,IS dissimilar BE
congregation asm. (S23) asi similarity 34a. as
gregarious AfHSj°l simile 34
segregation sat simulate -Of *M3. 7(§3Cf
adhere simultaneous §A|0|| lf!3fe §A|2|
cohere SPW3. 1333 desolate SM3?II 33, 3333
coherence m,iBi sole sai,
cohesion Ilf, 31 soliloquy 4«l
solitary 2|SE £Xf°|
incoherent sKwswafeiKKaoiafe solitude §311.24
inherent gm2i,nÿ°i solo 444.41
bilateral 143
collateral 4!3fe ¥433 absolute Mm. an
equilateral 413 dissolution ¥1,33
lateral 413 dissolve mi33. am
multilateral 013 ISm resolution mi, mi
quadrilateral 33!. Afzfi resolve msm ai33
unilateral !4°£*l¥!.l!!°] soluble
solvent m
alliteration abound S¥33. #133
literacy 33o| 13Lf IS, iaiig abundant §¥!
literal Sxfnq|¥3 inundate ±H£33, 1*13 33
literary ¥33 redound o|ufA|3f3,13¥E|Soÿ3
literate !2#42fe,33 SJ¥ redundant SIS!, 313
elucidate 1133. gf33
lucid S3& o|«H33 IS aver H33.4S33
luminary ¥ie! veracity 31!, 33!
luminous 131. verdict m!13 13. 31
translucent !¥13 verify ISIS 1433. SS33
veritable 333.33!
verity 31, *n
CHAPTERS UNIT 2 envision 0(1233, 3333
improvise (1! !44t)4S!°£33
emancipate mi33,5!33m33 invisible ¥0|A|affe!i34S!¥
manacle 41 revise 3£SHA1#7il3Bhm33Bf
mandate 11,3! video 133
manipulate 2333, 4013 visibility (B|7|3)¥!¥, 3*|£
manual visual A|33
manuscript m
append !¥33. M£33
appendix ¥4 CHAPTER 6 UNIT 1
impending 3!0|Bf£3iS!,13! authentic 333,311
pendant 0H!3 2fe33. 334 autobiography 333
pending of! l!3*l SfS o|13 autocrat 3*11 34, 4*H*f
suspend lA|!o£gÿ3.M#33 autograph 330|!A-ig
suspense 1-1,33 automatic *f41,¥¥£2l3¥
depose fll¥|A|?l3. 4133 automation *f§3
impose *j-°|¥*1B33S¥333 automaton of47im!!Af3,gg
postpone 37|33, a|?3 autonomous *f§3.xfx|°|
superimpose 37f33,3c||7[33oi|ÿ3 autonomy *f*l(S). *f4
transpose 4A11 333, HM33 autopsy ¥3, 3A|
aristocracy 34!*l 37f,flÿx|b||7i|g
conscript 3333 autocracy 4*KS*I. 3*1113
inscription 3!§3 33011 XH33 5, 3¥
prescribe 3133. 4§33 bureaucracy 3¥3*l. 3S3 3¥
proscribe 3*133 democracy 143*1, 144313
scribe IS A[gf, 33 plutocracy 133*1, 133*113
technocracy 363!*l,36333 13
aristocrat 343*1#13. 34

Scanned with CamScanner

B!?S2| onomatopoeia ei-ÿcH
Dig ti§7i pseudonym IS,
DJÿO) synonym #2|oi
epidemic yaima, («OD«MW2| dermatologist E|“2l£J£°|
panacea eiss*i2f dermis nival ms.£J2|(sbl)
gD|(3l§S)2l n|¥2| 2IS. H2|
Pan-American epidermis
pandemonium cnÿa mss hypodermic E|Sl°|
panoply taxidermist
panorama S3 asoww
pantomime ¥23
°ic||°| 27|(&£), A|cNSf2 astronomical
anachronism economic »OT2|
chronicle 2C|7|,ÿA|
scng°i economical %m?±. ass
gastronome ±jE=m. own
synchronize ApJgDfÿChgAlOU fl|0|Lp|e|C} nemesis *4*k a*i
kleptomania cellophane W£
mania saoi&ss diaphanous wet ae
maniac fancy set era
maniacal fantastic H|«4l*le!
pyromania aAm fantasy era,
encyclopedia “-WS phantom
orthopedic phenomenal ura&flojy
phenomenon maois§5!
pedagogue 3A1 diathermy W as
pedagogy asm
pediatrician i0f2l2|Al thermal
pediatrics ±0ÿ thermometer £E7j|
orthodontist xisag o|4 thermonuclear immn ssttssi
orthodox (ia&2i) s§2|, ag5j°i thermostat
orthography urn sfsa protagonist
orthopedist §g2|2f°W protocol Sfif2|ÿy.2|H2|aH
unorthodox §S0| Oiy, 0|yo|
protoplasm ms
genesis m.m
prototype mei
protozoan mtt
homogeneous SSf#2|,
antithesis aewi a
epithet W, W«aM*fe«8Afii
homogenize sss)s£*icf,aasf*(cf hypothesis
barometer 7l2f7||,2£7j|
chronometer SÿAWI, aSkQ|El
synthesis era, set
diameter synthetic 2332. sms
99. *1#
meter mn o|Eia°i gg y$i thesis w. 2*11
odometer W|a|?| aster 4*
photometer SJE71I, kf 7)1 asterisk aso
speedometer asteroid
symmetry astrologer
astronaut ¥¥H|«W
astronomer ae*w
CHAPTER 6 UNIT 2 disaster Any
anagram cfs BOW %m\ gAii uffw DIE
antagonist g, msw eoM?
antibiotic SHMI cartographer *IE n\m
antibody ?W| cryptogram °f£
antidote W cǤ*J| electrocardiogram
antihistamine epigram ae, g*w
see® graphic Ahygoj
graphite AS
antitoxin monogram
antonym mg gxf, SEan
tl2|0) monograph
acronym SSfe§
-T§XfO! stenographer
anonymous A?|Af
°li°l Bte. ?go, typographical 2±H3°|, 2±H£2|

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