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CET351 Research - Project Plan

Dipesh Shrestha
<Student’s Registration Number>
<The name of the degree you are studying>
< Centre (if off campus)>

<Evaluation of effect of social media platforms on youth>

Word count <number of words>

1. Justification of the Research Proposed

This research project is a research project to know the effect of social media platforms on youth.
The context of the project is to know about the people who are using social media and why they
are using it. The problems that are experienced by the client is that youth are being effected by
social media platforms and the client want to achieve the solution for it. The one limitation of our
current computing knowledge is that youth are being affected by social Medias and after this
research they will be aware about it. The research is qualitative in nature.

2. The Project Aim

The aims of my research project is to discover the effects of social media on youth through
certified data and to explore the most raged platform through verified surveys.

3. The Project Objectives

The objectives of my research project are as follows:

a. Analyse the impact of social media on youth.
b. Assess how youth social media in their day to day life.
c. Analyse the impact on youth in terms of educational learning, enhancing skills, online
shopping and many more.
d. Discover the most trend platform among the youths.
e. Make aware between the youth about the negative aspects of social media.
f. Collect different source of data through verified articles, journals and many more.

4. Practical Outcomes for Client

With the help of this research, our client will be able to view the successful results of this project.
Different kinds of evaluation reports, scientific reports and analysis reports will be obtained with
the help of this research project. The client will get a brief and clear view of what they will get
from undertaking this project, they will know the details of age ranging of respondents. They will
know mode of access for social networking applications. They will get these in the form of
reports, summary and questionnaire format.
5. The Proposed Methodology

There are various types of methodology to do certain projects. I will be discussing about the
methodology how my work will be carried out. The methodology that I am carrying out is
comparative study with the help of digital ethnography. Digital ethnography helps to speed up the
process of the research project. In this method, modern devices and equipment’s will be very
useful while doing the research project. In this methodology, secondary data will be reviewed
initial through the university/college library using various kinds of information sources such as
academic abstracts and commercial abstracts, bibliography databases, internet search engines and
many more.

As it says that my research project is undertaking through comparative study, so I will be

comparing more than two research to get the final outcome. With the help of comparative study,
it will be easier for investigation to analyse and evaluate with qualitative and quantitative
methods. I will be collecting various forms of data and samples through different certified and
verified sources which will make my research project much more assured. After that I will
analyse and compare those different data from similar sites to make it guaranteed. I will also
carry out a usability study using 20 students.

6. The Evaluation Plans

In my research project, the plans for evaluation that I am discussing is formal proofs and
analysation formats. With the help of my research project and the data that I have evaluated, it
will assure that there will be a validity of the new knowledge. According to my research aims and
objectives, the evaluation plans such as formal proofs and analysation will be valid for my
project. I may carry out usability study using 20 students. I can conduct an online survey among
youths or in a questionnaire form. The resources or data that will be required are official website
data, certified journals and verified articles. And at last, I will compare and analyse between these
data that I have collected.

7. Scientific Justification

According to my research project, I don’t think there would be any potential limitations or
problems but if there would be any chances of limitation that would be to find the number of
students who will help to carry out the research. Another limitation of my project can be time
limitation. Other than that I don’t find the possibility of data error or bias from my research
project. In the process of scientific justification, I will be doing basic research, quantitative
research, qualitative research and applied research.
Schedule Template
ID Task Title Effort Planned Planned Actual Actual Deliverable
(hours) Start End Date Start End
Date Date Date
Investigate Client
1 Organization   50          

 1.1  Interview Manager  2 4/2/13 8/2/13   Interview notes 

 1.2 Department heads  20 4/2/13 15/2/13   Interview notes
 Interview Sample of
1.3 customers  20 11/2/13 20/2/13   Interview notes
Discuss findings with
1.4 Manager   3 21/2/13 22/2/13   List of comments / feedback
Write report on
1.5 Client Organization    5 18/2/13 22/2/13   Written report 





Gantt Chart Template
Task Task Title Effort W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W1 W12 W13
ID (hours) 1
1 Investigate 50
1.1 Interview 2 2
1.2 Interview 20 10 10
1.3 Interview 20 10 10
Sample of
1.4 Discuss 3 3
findings with
1.5 Write report 5 5
on Client

Total Hours 12 20 16
Per Week

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