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Peak expiratory flow in symptomless elderly smokers and ex-smokers

I Gregg, A J Nunn

Abstract smokers aged 55 or over who in all other respects would

Values of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in 142 current have been regarded as normal.
smokers (116 men, 26 women) and 108 ex-smokers
(88 men, 20 women) aged 55 or over were compared
with the predicted values obtained in lifelong non- Subjects and methods
smokers of the same age range. None of the subjects This study was part of a larger survey of adults of all
had been liable during childhood or subsequently to ages carried out by one of us (IG) in general practices in
expectoration, lower respiratory tract infection, Roehampton (south west London), Kingston upon
wheeze, or shortness of breath. Observed values of Thames, and Southampton to elucidate the roles of
PEF were expressed as differences from predicted. smoking, respiratory infection, and other factors in the
Analysis of the relation between smoking state and genesis and progression of irreversible airflow obstruc-
ventilatory function in the men disclosed significant tion.2 The three practices were similar with respect to
reductions of PEF in current smokers, the deficits their social class composition and were in areas with
increasing with the amount smoked from a mean of generally low levels of atmospheric pollution.
48-1I/min in those smoking fewer than 20 cigarettes a Patients seen during routine consultations were
day to 73*3 I/min in smokers of 20 or more a day. questioned about smoking and liability to expectora-
Significant reductions of PEF were also found tion, respiratory infection, wheeze, or shortness of
in women who were currently smoking (mean breath during childhood and adulthood. Inquiry was
47-4 I/min) and in male ex-smokers of 20 or more made about the ages at which subjects had begun to
cigarettes a day (mean 27-8 I/min). There was no smoke and, in the case of ex-smokers, when they had
significant reduction of PEF in male or female ex- stopped, but the information obtained was too
smokers of fewer than 20 cigarettes a day. imprecise for analysis.
These findings suggest that factors besides Male and female smokers and ex-smokers aged 55 or
smoking are concerned in the development of over who denied having ever had any of the above
irreversible airflow obstruction. symptoms and whose case records disclosed no history
of respiratory or cardiac disease were included in the
study. They were classified as ex-smokers-that is,
Introduction people who had given up smoking at least one year
Identifying airflow obstruction and assessing its previously-(88 men, 20 women) and current smokers
severity assume particular importance in the elderly by (116 men, 26 women). They were assigned to one of
reason of the high prevalence of chronic bronchitis and two categories according to their estimated average
emphysema in later life and the need to distinguish lifetime smoking consumption as follows: light
these from other respiratory and cardiovascular smokers-namely, people smoking fewer than 20
Faculty of Medicine, diseases, which cause dyspnoea by mechanisms other cigarettes a day or an equivalent amount of tobacco in
University of Southampton than airflow obstruction. hand rolled cigarettes or pipes (14 g 15 cigarettes)-
I Gregg, FRCP, senior research
fellow There is little reliable information about predicted and heavy smokers-namely, people smoking 20 or
values of peak expiratory flow (PEF) or forced more cigarettes (or equivalent) a day. None of the
Medical Research Council expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) in elderly women smokers or ex-smokers admitted to having
Cardiothoracic people, in whom the necessity for deriving these from smoked as many as 20 cigarettes a day.
Epidemiology Group, series which excluded smokers and ex-smokers' is all All measurements of PEF were made with a Wright
Brompton Hospital, the greater by reason of their generally prolonged peak flow meter and were carried out by a single
London SW3 6HP exposure to the effects of smoking. observer (IG) as described (accompanying paper).'
A J Nunn, MSC, statistician We have reported equations for the regression of The findings were expressed as differences between
Correspondence and PEF on age and height, which were derived from the observed and predicted values, predicted values being
requests for reprints to: findings in lifelong non-smokers who fulfilled strict obtained from new regression equations of PEF on age
Mr Nunn. criteria of normality.' In this paper we report the and height.'
findings of a study in which these regressions were used The relation between smoking state and ventilatory
BrMedj 1989;298:1071-2 to investigate ventilatory function in smokers and ex- function was examined by analysis of the differences
between observed and predicted PEF in the various
Age distribution and differences between observed and predicted peak expiratory flow (PEF) in normal smoking categories.
subjects, ex-smokers, and current smokers
PEF: difference between observed and Results
Age (years) predicted (/min)
The table gives the age distributions of the subjects
Standard in each smoking category and the ranges, means, and
Subjects No Range Mean Range Mean deviation p Value*
standard deviations of the differences between their
Men: observed and predicted values of PEF. The table also
Normal 29 55-79 62-3 -90to93 3-4 50-3 -
shows these variables in non-smokers of similar age
Ex-smokers <20/day 40 55-86 69-8 -126to83 3-6 66-0 >0-25
1-20/day 48 55-81 66-2 -131 to 113 -27-8 67-8 <0-01 range, who were part of the series from which the
Current smokers <20/day 56 55-82 63-4 -268 to42 -48-1 62-9 <0-001 predicted values were obtained. '
20/day 60 55-87 62-9 -214 to 82 -73-3 57-9 <0 001
Paired t tests disclosed a highly significant associa-
Normal 50 55-89 67-9 -99to 116 -2-6 39-5 - tion between smoking state and reduction of PEF. The
Ex-smokers(<20/day) 20 55-83 66-5 -71 to 57 -12-9 40-7 >0-1 magnitude of the reduction increased with average
Current smokers (<20/day) 26 55-78 63-2 -123 to 52 -47 4 49-5 <0 001
lifetime smoking consumption and was largest in
*Paired t test. subjects who were currently smoking.

BMJ VOLUME 298 22 APRIL 1989 1071

\ The mean deficits in PEF in men and women It was not a principal aim of this study to investigate
smoking fewer than 20 cigarettes a day were 48 1 and the role of smoking in the pathogenesis of chronic
47-4 b/min, respectively. In men smoking 20 or more a bronchitis; indeed, our selection criteria excluded
day the mean deficit was 73-3 1/min. A smaller but still people with even "simple chronic bronchitis". '9 Never-
significant deficit (27-8 1/min) was found in male ex- theless, our finding that the reduction of PEF in
smokers of 20 or more cigarettes a day, whereas in the smokers and former heavy smokers, though highly
male and female ex-smokers of fewer than 20 cigarettes significant, was much smaller than that which is
a day no significant reduction of PEF was present. characteristic of patients with advanced chronic
Even in the group of 60 men who were currently bronchitis or emphysema suggests that other factors
smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day only five had besides smoking are concerned in the development of
observed values that were more than 150 1/min below severe, irreversible airflow obstruction and dyspnoea.
predicted. It seems probable that these include hypersecretion of
mucus in small airways and susceptibility during
childhood or adulthood to recurrent lower respiratory
Discussion tract infection or asthma. By reason of the selection
Other workers have drawn attention to the paucity criteria that we used, none of these factors had been
of knowledge concerning ventilatory function operative in the subjects whom we studied.
in elderly people.3'5 Reference values which are
commonly used for predicting PEF or FEV, above the We thank Miss Deborah Johnson and Mrs Marion
age of 60 have been derived by extrapolation of linear Rickman for their help in analysing the data, and the Rudolf
regressions in younger subjects.6-'0 For instance, those Friedlaender Memorial Trust, the Department of Health and
which Cotes advocated for predicting PEF in men" Social Security, the Royal College of General Practitioners,
and Allen and Hanbury's Ltd for grants which supported this
were obtained in a series containing only three men study.
aged over 60,9 and those for women were from a series
of 64 women whose ages ranged between 19 and 8210; I Nunn AJ, Gregg I. New regression equations for predicting peak expiratory
both series included a high proportion of smokers. flow in adults. Br MedJ 1989;298:1068-70.
Owing to the comparatively small number oflifelong 2 Gregg 1. A study of the causes of progressive airways obstruction in chronic
bronchitis. In: Proceedings of 11th Aspen emphysema conference. Arlington,
non-smokers aged over 60,' 3 particularly among men, Virginia: US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1%9:235-46.
most other workers who have investigated ventilatory 3 Milne IS, Williamson J. Respiratory function tests in older people. Clin Sci
1972;42:371-8 1.
function in the elderly have included smokers and ex- 4 Morris IF, Koski A, Johnson LC. Spirometric standards for healthy non-
smokers, provided that they appeared healthy, denied smoking adults. Am Rev Respir Dts 1971;103:57-67.
5 Schmidt CD, Dickman ML, Gardner RM, Brough FK. Spirometric standards
expectoration, and gave no history of respiratory or for healthy elderly men and women. Am Rev Respir Dis 1973;108:933-9.
cardiac disease.3 512-15 Even so, in one study of FEV, in 6 Gregg I, Nunn AJ. Peak expiratory flow in normal subjects. Br Med J7
randomly selected and apparently healthy men aged 1973;iii:282-4.
7 Kory RC, Callahan R, Boren HG, Syner JC. The Veterans Administration-
62-90, of whom 92% were or had been smokers, Army Cooperative study of pulmonary function. 1. Clinical spirometry in
persistent cough and phlegm were found to be present normal men. AmJfMed I%91;30:243-58.
8 Berglund E, Birath G, Bjore J, et al. Spirometric studies in normal subjects.
in one third.3 Forced expirograms in subjects between 7 and 70 years of age. Acta Med
In a survey of PEF and FEV1 in subjects aged 65-94 Scand 1%3;173:185-92.
9 Leiner GC, Abramowitz S, Small MJ, Stenbv VB, Lewis WA. Expiratory peak
only three of 83 men were non-smokers,'3 whereas in a flow rate. Standard values for normal subjects. Use as a clinical test of
more recent study of 46 men aged 60-85 fewer than a ventilatory function. Am Rev Respir Dis 1%3;88:644-51.1 '
third had never smoked. '5 10 Pelzer AM, Thomson ML. Expiratory peak flow. BrMedJ7 1964;ii: 123.
11 Cotes JE. Lung function: assessment and application in medicine. 4th ed. Oxford:
We did not adopt the frequently used convention of Blackwell Scientific, 1979.
expressing observed values as percentages of pre- 12 Ericsson P, Irnell L. Spirometric studies of ventilatorv capacity in elderly
people. Acta Med Scand 1969;185:179-84.
dicted, as there is no physiological or statistical validity 13 Caird Fl, Akhtar AJ. Chronic respiratory disease in the elderly: a population
in regarding a given percentage of predicted as repre- study. Thorax 1972;27:764-8.
14 Burr ML, Phillips KM, Hurst DN. Lung function in the elderly. Thorax
senting the lower limit of normal.'6 17 Instead, we 1985;40:54-9.
expressed our findings of PEF as differences between 15 Fowler RW, Pluck RA, Hetzel MR. Maximal expiratory flow-volume curves
subjects' observed and predicted values. in Londoners aged 60 years and over. Thorax 1987;42:173-82.
16 Sobol B1, Sobol P. Per cent of predicted as the limit of normal in pulmonary
Other workers have shown that the PEF can function testing: a statistically valid approach. Thorax 1979;34:1-3.
discriminate between "healthy" men aged over 50 and 17 Miller MR, Pinock AC. Predicted values: How should we use them? 7horax
those with "mild" chronic bronchitis.'8 Our findings, 18 Flint F1, Khan MO. Clinical use of peak flow meter. Br MedJ7 1962;ii: 1231-3.
however, indicate that smoking can cause significant 19 Medical Research Council. Definition and classification of chronic bronchitis
for clinical and epidemiological purposes. Lancet 1%5;i:775-9.
impairment of ventilatory function in the absence of
hypersecretion of mucus. (Accepted 27,February 1989)

Hazards of long distance cycling micturition after cycling about 32 km, which had
forced him to stop at a service station. While voiding he
had noticed that his penis was completely shrivelled
K M Desai, J C Gingell and had lost all sensation. The pain subsided after a few
minutes, enabling him to continue cycling. He
managed to finish the race despite recurrence of
Department of Urology, We report an unusual complication of long distance perineal and gluteal pain causing further brief stops.
Southmead Hospital, cycling that occurred in a young man unaccustomed to After the race he suffered a total loss of erections for
Bristol riding more than a few kilometres. about three weeks. By the time he was seen in our clinic
K M Desai, CHM, senior his erections had gradually improved, but they still
registrar lacked full rigidity and were only briefly sustained. He
J C Gingell, FRCS, consultant Case report also complained of impaired penile sensation, though
Correspondence to: An otherwise healthy 27 year old man was referred to this too had partially recovered. Orgasmic sensation
Mr Desai. us because of secondary erectile impotence. He had and ejaculation were allegedly normal.
enjoyed normal sexual function before taking part in a Results of clinical examination and routine analysis
BrMed7 1989;298:1072-3 two day, 209 km bicycle race five months previously. of urine, a random blood glucose concentration, and
He had ridden on a narrow, hard leather saddle and serum testosterone and prolactin concentrations
had experienced severe perineal pain and urgency of were normal. An intracavernosal injection of 15 mg

1072 BMJ VOLUME 298 22 APRIL 1989

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