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Integrated Management System

LI-IMS-PRO-01 Rev-00 /Issue-01 15.06.2021
Competence Awareness and Training

Amendment History:

Issue / Rev No Subject of the Amendment Reviewed by & Signature Approved by Signature Date

1. Purpose.........................................................................................................................................................................2
2. Scope of application......................................................................................................................................................2
3. Definitions..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Cross References...........................................................................................................................................................2
5. Responsibility for application........................................................................................................................................2
6. Process..........................................................................................................................................................................2
7. Records.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
8. Attachments..................................................................................................................................................................3

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Integrated Management System
LI-IMS-PRO-01 Rev-00 /Issue-01 15.06.2021
Competence Awareness and Training

1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the training needs of all employees in the company whose
work affects QHSE are identified and that suitable training is provided accordingly.

2. Scope of application
This procedure applies to all departments within the company.

3. Definitions
Induction Training: means; introductory training provided to each new employee on commencement of

4. Cross References
IMS Manual,

5. Responsibility for application

The Top management and HR are jointly responsible, at varying intervals, for the application of this procedure.

6. Process
The company will normally engage personnel whose experience or qualifications and skills are commensurate
with the position being offered. Job descriptions, defining authority and responsibility and qualification,
experience and skill requirements has been developed and is held by the HR.
Copies of Employee qualifications, experience and / or training certificates will be kept in individual personnel
files together with each person training record form. The HR will maintain these files.
Department Managers will arrange for all new employees to attend induction training, the same shall be
provided within one month of commencing work. However, the Department Managers shall be responsible for
monitoring the QHSE of work of the probationers. Assistance on technical aspects may be sought from other
relevant personnel where required. Induction training shall include the following:
Introduction to the company’s QHSE Policy and IMS System
Issue of relevant IMS system documents where required
Instruction on the organization and its internal rules
Introduction to job requirements, responsibility and authority
Introduction to staff, and facilities orientation
Identification of any required training
Emergency preparedness and response.
Operation control

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Integrated Management System
LI-IMS-PRO-01 Rev-00 /Issue-01 15.06.2021
Competence Awareness and Training
The HR shall be informed of when induction training has been completed and shall enter such details on New
Staff Induction record for the individual concerned. Training requirements identified at this stage shall be
handled in accordance.
The HR will distribute an annual letter or Email to Department Managers requesting them to ascertain
whether any employees within their department or site require any form of training.
Where training needs are identified, details should be given to the HR in writing and should include the nature
of training and any specific content required. The details shall then be passed to the HR who shall summarize
training requirements for Management Review.
All training requirements, whether identified through the above or otherwise, shall be discussed and reviewed
by Senior Management and highlighted during Management Review. Following this review and agreement on
necessary training a suitable training plan shall be drawn up.
Training may be conducted in-house or by external trainers and this should be considered in the plan. Top
Management must approve all training plans prior to implementation.
Once the Top Management approves the training plan, relevant Manager shall be informed, and the
employees concerned shall enter an agreed training programme. Upon completion of training the training
record form held in the personnel file of the relevant employee shall be updated. The Top Management and
HR shall identify a method of evaluation of effectiveness of training for individual training (on training
evaluation form from the participant). The results of such evaluation shall be recorded in the training record
form of individual employees.
The Department Manager or, where appropriate, the HR shall monitor training to ensure that it is proceeding
as programmed.
Proof of completed training may be in the form of a certificate if conducted externally or verbally if in-house.
In all cases the training record must be signed by an authorized person to show that training has been
The following are authorized to sign the training record form; HR, Management Representative & Top

7. Records
All training records will be maintained by the HR for everyone the duration of employment plus three Years.

8. Attachments
Training Record Form
Training Plan
Induction Record
Competency requirement & Skill matrix

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Integrated Management System
LI-IMS-PRO-01 Rev-00 /Issue-01 15.06.2021
Competence Awareness and Training

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