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Functional Spec Quest Telephone Order Entry / Customer Reporting CRM System


Quest is a New Age Shop in Epsom, Surrey, they also have a website ( and a mail order catalogue. Orders for the mail order catalogue can
be phoned through or posted to Quest. If an order is phoned through to Quest the order is manually written and the order total calculated, this is a time
consuming process especially as the order details are subsequently entered onto their bespoke Access Database at a later date for reporting purposes. The
requirement is that the phone operator will be able to enter the order details (by code number) directly onto the access database with the ability to print a
delivery note directly from the order.

Quest have written their own Database application in Microsoft access, there is no front end and it is not user friendly. This document will refer to the current
database as an aid to explaining in detail what is required but it is not the intention to limit the design to what has already been written, however
consideration should be given to the fact that there are currently over 3000 customer records that would need to be migrated to the new database.

The system should be designed in such a way that it can be networked as more than one operator at a time could be taking orders.

A copy of the current database will be made available to the developer, there are a few changes required to the Customer overview screen, however the
majority of the work will be in creating an order entry form that integrates into the customer overview screen.

This specification is intended to offer one possible solution, others may be possible and Quest are not fixed on any one particular design so long as the end
product is a workable solution that is as user friendly.

Data Migration will be handled by Quest.

Reports will be handled as a separate project.

Should the specification be altered by Quest during development, the cost of the change will be agreed with the developer before progressing.

1) Front screen offering 2 options:-

a) See Customer Details

b) Enter New Order

If ‘See Customer Details’ is selected then a popup box (see appendix A) should appear to prompt the user to enter customer surname or Postcode, on
clicking ok the user should go to the relevant customer details screen (see appendix B). It should be possible to make any necessary changes to the
customer details from this screen. Note all products for all orders taken should be displayed in the ‘Orders’ subform. Note, this form has been written
by Quest already but will require some modification to look exactly like the screen shot in appendix A, the notable difference being the inclusion of an
order number input field.

2) If Enter New Order is selected from the front screen then the user should be prompted with a popup input box to enter either the postcode or
customer surname. There could be many duplicate surnames so Postcode should be the first option. If a match is found (ie a returning customer) then
all customer header data should be displayed on the order entry form, along with previous customer actions in the subform at the bottom of the
screen, if no match is found then this is a new customer and a blank order entry form should be displayed ready for the operator to complete.
(Some data entry screens online offer the functionality to autofill the address when postcode and house number is entered, if this is possible in Access
DB then it would be a ‘nice to have’, cost permitting!)

See appendix C for screen print of order entry screen.

Each order will be allocated a unique order number this order number should be displayed on the order entry screen in display mode only, the user
should not be able to edit the order number. When entering the order the user should be able to look up products by product description (or partial
description) if the product code is not given or known. The product code field is usually 4 digits but could be up to 13 digits.

The total cost of all products ordered (quantity x unit price) should be shown so the operator can inform the customer what the order total is on
completion of the order. To every order a postage and packing amount, from configuration table ‘Postage Charge’, should be added the customer will
be asked which service they require ie, first class, second class and/or recorded delivery.

Once the order is complete there should be the functionality to print the order out, this will become the delivery note / picking list. From this printout
the picker will enter the credit card details in the credit card machine for payment, once successful the credit card details will be destroyed (The credit
card details are text fields only and should not be saved to any tables/fields on the database). The customer address will be printed at the top of the
delivery note and should include all items ordered and order total (see appendix D for sample print out of delivery note which should be A4 portrait).
The Quest logo and address should appear on the left hand side of the delivery note, a return address should output in a smaller font under the
delivery address. The delivery note will then be folded and put in a clear “Documnets Enclosed” pouch. NB Appendix D is a sample printout only and
so long as all relevant details are included the layout can change ).


Customer (see appendix ? for structure)

Orders (see appendix ? for structure)
Products (see appendix ? for structure)
Source (see appendix ? for structure)
Customer Response data (see appendix ? for structure)
Postal Charge (see appendix ? for structure)
Appendix A Popup Query Box
Dropbox showing all order
numbers for customer. On
Appendix B Customer overview Screen selecting order number
the relevant order details
should be displayed in
Appendix C Order Entry Form

Autogenerated Unique order

number, display only.
Appendix D Printed Picking / Delivery note form
Appendix E Table Structures
Customer response Data

Field Name Data Type

Source Number
Response date Date/Time
Notes Text


Field Name Data Type

Order Number Autogenerated number
OrderDate Date/Time
Code Text
Quantity Number
ID Number
Total Currency


Field Name Data Type

Code Text
ProductName Text
UnitPrice Currency


Field Name Data Type

ID Autonumber
Source Text


Field Name Data Type

ID Autonumber
Title Text
First Name Text
Surname Text
Road Text
Town Text
County Text
Postcode Text
Email Address Text
Mobile Phone Text
Home Phone Text
Customer Notes Text
Backorder Yes/No
Backorder details Text

Postal Charge

Field Name Data Type

Class Text
Cost Number

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