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To Decrease Stomach Acid: Natural & Homeopathic Remedies for Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Indigestion, and more.

If you are suffering from acid reflux disease, an imbalance of stomach acid, heartburn, indigestion,

Keep reading, a common myth that could be killing your stomach will be smashed and resolved in this guide. I'd be remiss not to
include it. You're welcome.

Excess Stomach acid is a common problem that causes any host of pains or burns in your stomach, digestive track, and body as a
whole. It can lead to a myriad of needless health difficulties and in extreme cases, even death.

HOWEVER, these problems are very easily treatable and, if immediately acted upon, the damage can be easily reversed even in
severe cases.

High Enzyme Foods

One element of focus in your


Papayas contain papain, amino acids, and other wholesome substances which help your body digest food. They're also inexpensive
and delicious. HIghly recommented.

Greens/leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Just about any leafy green vegetable

Sprouts such as wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass also has powerful cleansing and detoxifying effects and as such feels great for your stomach. It also has a high
amount of protein.


Barley has a natural detoxifying effect that relieves your entire bodily system, including your stomach and digestive track, of any
toxins that may be found in your food. Cereals such as grape nuts contain barley, but it's most potent form is taken whole, raw, or
powdered. Drink clean water with this.

Ginger. For digestive health, ginger is awesome. Such is why you often see cured ginger slivers served alongside sushi. Mix ginger
in with your meals or eat pieces of it raw.

Pineapple (which contains bromelain, an enzymatic substance which breaks down protein. This is why hawaiian pork or pizza is
often so delicious and easy to eat, it's pork with pinapple).

Soothing, Cooling Foods That protect your stomach Lining:

Apples, Including Cold Thick Raw and Organic Apple Cider

Apples contain pectin and other enzymes which helps your stomach lining. They also feel incredibly cool going down your
stomach, and easily aid in the breakdown and protection of various foods. A lack of this will cause heartburn, and in extreme cases
will cause your stomach to digest itself due to lack of lining.

Apples also contribute to immune health and boost your adrenal glands to combat fatigue.

Grapes cool the stomach, contain healthy gentle acids that help break down food, and also contain life extension properties
featuring quercitin, resveratrol, antioxidants to fight cancer, and more.

They also contain properties that boost sexual health including vasodillators for high energy circulation.


Carrots cool the stomach due to their Fiber content, antioxidants, and generally cold temperament. Carrot juice is also excellent,
and can be safely sweetened.

Aloe & Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe has a collection of ridiculously awesome health benefits for the human body and the stomach itself. It speeds up the healing
process of the body, naturally reverses cellular damage, cools your stomach and digestive track, cools the stomach lining, contains
a wide array of vitamins and minerals, and can easily and readily be mixed into a smoothier or dessert. Best mixed with honey
which is also extremely healthy too.

The best aloe vera juice is whole leaf, certified organic, and cold-processed. If it has been heated beyond room temperature. The
only exception would be desert or garden grown aloe, but for food-grade consumption of aloe, cold processed juice or whole
leaf/powder is best. Liquid form is a favorite of many and can be easily found in any health food store. The "Life force body
balance" brand is one of the best.

Lemon/Lime Juice or Water.

Lemon or Lime juice neutralize and smooth out the lining of the esophagus and stomach making food digestion much, much easier
for the body. You can mix lemon or lime juice with water, drink the juice whole, mix it with other citrus fruits, or mash up the body
of the fruit into a drink itself.

This is why lemons are often served with drinks in restaurants, it's not just for decoration. It's for health benefits as well, and for

Lemon water is great in the morning when you wake up for prepping your stomach for food and re-hydrating your body.

Alkaline Foods.

Alkaline foods such as spinach, broccoli, apples, etc. etc. (anything GREEN) are amazing for stomach health.

You don't necessarily have to give up meat or dairy in order to enjoy this diet. Instead you just counterbalance these foods with
incredibly high amounts of fruits and vegetables (with plenty of variety in equal measure). Doing so will make you feel amazing,
feel good going down yoru asophagus, and help cool stomach problems as your stomach will not have to work nearly as hard to
digest these foods. In fact, many of them absorb almost immediately especially if you CHEW very well.


Meat is very difficult for the stomach to digest, but you do not have to eliminate it from your diet if you do not want to.

Instead, before cooking, marinate the meat in kosher salt (also good for the stomach) as well as citrus marinades, fruits, or juices
to help break down and tenderize the meat further in a natural way. This is not only delicious but it softens the meat for easy,
rapid digestion and nutritional assimilation by the body.

Then cook it SLOWLY and serve tender, yet hot.

Tough meat is hard for your body to consume, so if it is overcooked it looses moisture (hence the toughness) and your stomach has
to produce more acid to consume it (which causes heartburn).

If you eat meat that is not well done, (medium or cooler), be sure to eat plenty of citrus and immune boosting foods in order to
protect your body from potential parasites/diseases.

Eating too much?

Stuffing your belly untill it is ful without plenty of fluids or proper chewing or a blanace of the foods mentioned in this guide will
cause hearburn inevitably, simply because there is nowhere for the necessary stomach acid to go.

So TAKE YOUR TIME to eat, ENJOY your food, eat healthy and eat plenty of it. Be sure to drink plenty of water and whole organic
fruit juice.

Balance, Balance, Balance.

Overall you want a balance of foods with minimal dairy. Plenty of nuts, grains, fruits, and veggies which your body digests almost
effortlessly. Fruit, Veggies, Carbs, and Meat ought to be a staple in your diet, while leaning heavily towards the first three. Good
carbs are healthy and give your body energy. Good fruits and veggies for digestion, and meat/nuts for protein.


Contrary to popular belief, pizza can actually be very good for you and will not cause heartburn IF the ingredients are ORGANIC,
natural and fresh, low on heavy spices, and contain high quality tomato sauce, fruits, and/or veggies.

Bonus: Common & Dangerous Myth: "Milk is good for heartburn"

IT IS NOT. This is FALSE. What dairy milk does is temporary soothe the heartburn by pushing the stomach acid down because it is
so thick. The fat from the dairy blocks the acid in the esophagus and pushes it down into the stomach and intestines.

The acid, the BURN, however, is still there, and like a dormant volcano it is waiting to erupt again.

To make matters even worse, your stomach must now produce many times more acid than the milk has pushed down... just to
digest the milk itself. It's an endless cycle that has you running for pills.

It's the perfect storm. Television tells you that milk does a body good and then ten minutes later you have a commercial for a
heartburn pill. Easy money, eh?

Really now....

Truly, The typical american or western diet can kill you and it does so slowly and painfully untill you rack up hospital bills that
could have been avoided if you had simply eaten more fruit and veggies and less (but still some) dairy. Notice I said 'less'. A Small
bowl of ice cream or occasional glass of milk isn't bad. What is harmful is making it a staple in your diet to the point

If the milk is mixed with high fiber cereal it CAN balance out, however even then it's better to enjoy delicious and inexpensive
alternatives such as coconut milk or almond milk. These cost MAYBE an extra $1 per gallon. Don't be a wuss, and don't be cheap.
Your body is worth this. The extra dollar you spend saves you thousands in hospital bills & acid reflux medication and also saves
you years of agony.

If your stomach is in ill health your body will rot itself from the inside out and be UNABLE to utilize the other sources of nutrition
it needs in order to function.

Without this nutrition, your sex drive plummets and lo and behold, you're running to the next medical fix...

Eating healthy in the first place prevents the vicious cycle of "one pill for another" or "one pill for each pain".

Eating well is not difficult. Stop thinking that organic food is "expensive".

It rounds out to only being a few dollars more if you choose SMART.

One person can eat well for $20-$50 per week. That's less than a bus boy makes in one day.

So by all means, PRIORITIZE your finances to accommodate this. You'll feel SO much better for this and you will be thanking
yourself as a result.

Your mood will also improve which means you get along better with your family, fight less, and can bring more love into your
Stop blaming others. It all begins with you, and the fix is as simple as what you put into your mouth.

The rest is largely automatic. Your body knows what to do.

Have you ever noticed that when your stomach is ill, your mood IMMEDIATELY drops. This occurs for a couple of very critical

First of all, this is your body's way of signalling to you that a mission-vital organ is in deep trouble and must be attended to RIGHT
NOW. If this pain and sudden mood loss did not exist, you would likely feel fine and continue to distract yourself with other
entertaining thoughts, pursuits, or tasks untill your stomach dies.
So thankfully, this pain PREVENTS this by TELLING you what not to do and signaling you into taking action to resolve the

Upon doing so, your health is restored and everything feels beautiful again, and will remain so for as long as you continue to
nurture this.

The second reason is because a large amount of serotonin (the chemical that is a PRECURSOR to good mood.... good mood
actually comes from emotional ENERGY itself) is stored in your digestive track.

So if you are eating well, your stomach REWARDS you with AMAZING happy feelings.

If you're eating poorly, or eating for taste only and not health, your tastebuds feel happy but then momentarily the rest of yoru
body begins to die.

So you can stop all of this completely by eradicating garbage from your diet.

Just Go cold turkey. Don't think about it.Throw out ANYTHING that is not a nature-made fruit, vegetable, meat, grain, nut, or
juice.... and keep that which is natural.

So Out of sight, So out of mind.

Do this and your stomach, and your whole life, will thank you.

And here's a 'trick': With greater health comes more energy for use in your career and sex life.

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As seen on Men's Health, Maxim, CNN, Fox, and More.

(Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for educational purposes only and are provided as a reference. As such anything in this article is not a suitable substitute for
medical care. Readers are advised to seek a local physician, as well as a certified licensed natural health practicioner, for guidance on any health problems that may

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