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Quickstart Beginner’s Action Plan

This action plan is applicable to all industries unless specified.

Step 1: Succeed Online by Understanding the Big Picture Strategy

Watch Module 1: Big Picture Strategy

[Optional] Watch BONUS: Industry Specific Marketing Plan

Step 2: Beat your Competition without Lowering your Prices by

Creating an Irresistible Offer
Turn your Product into an Offer (Review: Module 1.2.1)
Is your Offer a Pain Reliever or Vitamins? (Module 1.2.2)

Is your Offer an Improvement Offer or New Opportunity? (Module 1.2.3)

Watch Module 2 - BONUS: Yes or Yes Training - Irresistible Offer Checklist

Add a Risk Reversal (Module 1.2.4)

Add Bonuses to Increase Perceived Value

Watch 17 Product Ideas you Can Add as Bonuses (Module 2.3)

Watch Module 2 - BONUS: Yes or Yes Training - Done For You Offer List

Add Scarcity (if applicable)

Limited Time (Deadline)

Limited Quantity (Number of enrollees, limited number of stocks)

Step 3: Create an Automated Sales Process that will Do the

Selling for You 24/7
Go to Specific Funnel for your Specific Product and/or Industry.

See image below. (Review: Module 1.3)

Quickstart Beginner’s Action Plan

This action plan is applicable to all industries unless specified.
Step 3.A: VSL/WSL
(This funnel - Video Sales Letter or Written Sales Letter is applicable for
products that are low ticket ranging below 5K. This includes low ticket
network marketing products, online courses, etc.)

Review Module 1.3.2

Create your Lead Magnet (Watch Module 2 - BONUS: Attract your

Dream Clients)

Create Sales Funnel Using ClickFunnels (Watch Module 3.3: Video Sales Letter Funnel)

Create Opt-in Page

Create Sales Page

Create Payment Page

Set-up Follow-up System (Choose a Follow-up System: Messenger

Marketing, Email Marketing or Both)

Set-up Messenger Marketing System (Watch Module 5: Messenger


Quickstart Beginner’s Action Plan

This action plan is applicable to all industries unless specified.
Set-up Email Marketing System (Watch Module 6: Email Marketing)

Step 3.B: Webinar Funnel

(The webinar funnel is applicable for products that need an
explanation and are at a price range of 5K - 30K. This includes insurance
products, network marketing products with mid-ticket prices, higher-priced
online courses, coaching programs, etc.)

Review Module 1.3.3

Create your Webinar (Watch Module 4: Webinars & Presentations)

Create Sales Funnel Using ClickFunnels (Watch Module 3.4: Webinar Funnel)

Registration Page

Webinar Page

Webinar Replay Page

Payment Page

Set-up Follow-up System (Choose a Follow-up System: Messenger

Marketing, Email Marketing or Both)

Set-up Messenger Marketing System (Watch Module 5:

Messenger Marketing)

Set-up Email Marketing System (Watch Module 6: Email


Step 3.C: Application Funnel

(The application funnel is applicable for products that need an
explanation and at a price point of above 30K. This includes mastermind
programs, intensive coaching programs, done-for-you services, high-ticket
network marketing franchise fees, etc.)

Quickstart Beginner’s Action Plan

This action plan is applicable to all industries unless specified.
Review Module 1.3.4

Create your Webinar (Watch Module 4: Webinars & Presentations)

Create Sales Funnel Using ClickFunnels (Watch Module 3.5: Application Funnel)

Opt-in Page

Webinar Page

Application Page

Payment Page

Set-up Follow-up System (Choose a Follow-up System: Messenger

Marketing, Email Marketing or Both)

Set-up Messenger Marketing System (Watch Module 5:

Messenger Marketing)

Set-up Email Marketing System (Watch Module 6: Email


Have a Phone Sales Closer (Watch Module 1.3.4 - 14 minute mark

for the 3-Question Close for your Sales Closers)

Step 3.D: Brick & Mortar Funnel

(The brick & mortar funnel is applicable for products that don’t need an
explanation to sell and a price point that are considered to be cheap. This
includes traditional businesses like gym, salon, physical products, milk tea
shops, etc.)

Review Module 1.3.5

Create Sales Funnel Using ClickFunnels (Watch Module 3.6: Brick & Mortar Funnel)

Opt-in Page

Thank You Page

Set-up Follow-up System (Choose a Follow-up System: Messenger

Marketing, Email Marketing or Both)

Quickstart Beginner’s Action Plan

This action plan is applicable to all industries unless specified.
Set-up Messenger Marketing System (Watch Module 5:
Messenger Marketing)
Set-up Email Marketing System (Watch Module 6:
Email Marketing)

[Optional] Bonus Funnels you can check out: Module 1.3.6 and 1.3.8

[Optional] Use Groovefunnels as a Clickfunnels alternative (See

Module 3 - BONUS: How to Use Groovefunnels)

Step 4: Attract your Dream Clients without Chasing Prospects via

Highly-Targeted Social Media Advertising

Create a Facebook Page (Module 7.6.1)

Create a Business Manager Account (Module 7.6.2)
Create a Business Advertisement Account (Module 7.6.3)
Fulfill Payment Requirements for FB Ads (Module 7.6.4)
[If applicable] Add a Facebook Pixel (Module 7.6.5)
Launch Facebook Ads to Generate Quality Traffic

Choose the Right Campaign Objective (Module 7.3)

Create the Right Adset (Module 7.4)
Create the Ad Creative (Module 7.5)

Monitor your Facebook Ad Results

Monitor Essential Metrics (Module 7.9.3)
Are you Ready to Scale? (Module 7.9.1)

Scale your Facebook Ads using Advanced Marketing Strategies

3 Ways of Scaling (Module 7.9.2)

Advanced Marketing Strategies (Module 7.10)

Step 5: Automate and Grow your Business Online

Congratulations! Once you are able to apply and implement the steps above,
you are ready to scale and grow your business online!

Quickstart Beginner’s Action Plan

This action plan is applicable to all industries unless specified.

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