Telephoning: For A (BCD)

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for a[bcd]

RINGKASAN PAT SASING Expressions for respons the suggestion

TELEPHONING a. Accepting
 Yes, Sunday it’s fine.
1. Structure of telephoning  Saturday would be perfect.
- Greeting (Give your name)
 Yes, that’s okay.
- Stating purpose of call (telling purpose) b. Refusing
- Asking for the purpose of appointment  I’m afraid i can’t.
- Suggesting time  I’m sorry i can’t.
- Offering time
- Stating agreement Expressions for making a phone call
- Suggesting venue
- Confirming an appointment a. Starting
- Closing  Hello, this is name from
b. Greeting to the point
2. Example the expression
Expression for making appointment  I’d like to speak with..
a. Asking for availability  Can i speak to...?
 can we have lunch on... c. When the person you want to speak is unavailable
 can we meet on...  Can i pass the message to ...?
 are you available on...  Can you tell ... to call me later?
 it be possible for us to meet? Expressions for receiving a phone call
b. Suggesting time
 Would Tuesday suit you? a. Accepting for a phone call
 Does Monday suit you?  Hello, this is ..., may i help you?
 What about next meeting? b. Responding to a caller’s request
 I’m sorry, but ... is unavailable.
Expression for setting and camceling  Right, of course.
c. Getting the name of caller
a. Setting fro another time
 To whom am i speaking?
 I’m afraid i can’t. What about tomorrow at three o’clock?
d. Taking message
 Can we fix another time?
 Ok, i will pass your message to ...
b. Canceling appointment
 Do you want me to take down?
 I’m afraid i must break my appointment.
 Do you want to leave a message?
 I’m afraid i must postpone my appointment on...
e. Wrong number
 I’m sorry the calling wrong number.
for a[bcd]

f. Ending the call sophisticated than flyers and therefore expensive to produce. Creating
 Thank you, see you, goodbye. quality brochures call for slightly more technical expertise as
content/design placement and alignments of folds need accuracy.
BROCHURE, FLYER, PAMPHLET, LEAFLETS Brochures are more commonly used for:
- Following up after an initial sales contact
a. What is brochure, flyer, pamphlet, and leaflet? - Conveying more-detailed information to prospective clients
- Brochure =
3. Leaflets
a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information 
on a product or a company. Leaflets can often be mistaken for flyers, considering the similarities
- Flyer = a small piece of paper with information on it about they hold in terms of form and purpose. But because leaflets tend to
a product or event be of higher quality compared to the average paper flyers, they are
- Pamphlet = a thin book with only a few pages that bound to cost more in print production. But don’t worry, the color
gives information or an opinion about something; a payoff of your leaflet is sure to attract some attention. You may also
like minimal flyer designs.
few sheets of paper folded together
to form a thin magazine that contains information or opinions a A leaflet can be used for…
bout something: a book with only a few pages that
gives information or an opinion about something: 1. Piquing a prospect’s curiosity and interest in your business.
- Leaflet : a piece of paper, or
2. Promoting a product or service briefly to potential customers.
several pieces of paper folded together, that
gives information or advertises something: 3. Quick and easy information dissemination in the form of hand-outs
b. What’s the difference between them? and newspaper inserts.
1. Flyers
Flyers, which are also widely known as leaflets or handbills are single 4. Pamphlets
sheets of printed promotional materials. These are basically used to get
your message across a wide variety of foot audience. This type of A pamphlet is a lot like a booklet, except for the fact that it doesn’t
marketing piece is known as ‘throwaway marketing’, primarily because have a hardcover nor a binding for it to be considered as one. Many
they are a cheap way of getting out info for a limited time before being companies, non-profit organizations, event coordinators, and
tossed away. politicians opt to use pamphlets instead of a campaign flyer to
Flyers are more commonly used for: provide a full detailed description of themselves. Some would even
- Creating buzz and getting people excited for specific events consider it as a single-subject leaflet that portrays one topic
- Advertising restaurants, clubs, bars, store openings, etc. throughout the publication
- Handing out fact sheets at an expo, trade show, or conference
- Inserting them in magazines and newspapers A pamphlet can be used for…
- Other general localized advertisements
1. Informing and educating a target audience.
2. Brochures
The brochure is a single sheet of printed paper creased or folded once to 2. Advertising a meeting or event happening in the near future.
create four panels or twice to create six panels. These are ideally more
for a[bcd]

3. Emphasizing your company slogans and messages to

develop strong branding.

c. What are their structure?

1. Title
2. Message in the headline (NEW, ON SALE, BUY ONE GET
3. Product that you offer to the customers
4. Put positive and emotion words (high quality, unique, low
5. Put picture that can interest and make customers curious
6. Provide a caption or a title for each picture
7. Include your company, logo, address, phone contact, email

Example for brochure, pamphlet, leaflet, and flyer

Flyer Pamphlet

Social function

This text has social function for :

1. To persuade the reader to join the event/ to buy a product

2. To advertise a product or an event or a company
Brochure Leaflet 3. To promote product/place/company/event
4. To give information the reader about the facilities in some event,
qualities from some product.

NB :

- Biasanya pertanyaannya tentang kegunaan teks, nanti lihat dulu

apakah itu produk atau event atau jasa.
- Biasanya ditanyakan apa yang menarik dari teks teresbut, lihat
bagian headlinenya
- Biasanya ditanyakan teks mempromosikan tentang apa
- Dicermati teksnya tentang apa, apa saja yang ada, dipahami,
didoakan. Semangat yaa!:D
for a[bcd]


There are some words/phrases to introduce examples :  The entire message may be replaced by prearranged words
or by a symbol, e.g. “The Eagle has landed.”
1. For example;  They have to defend themselves against their constant
2. For instance; enemies(e.g. famine, diseases, harsh climates, and wars).
3. E.g.;
 Inuit are a group of nomadic people, i.e., they keep moving
4. i.e.;
from one place to another.
5. such as.
2. Penulisan for example dan for instance
Penggunaan frasa giving examples : - Menambahkan koma setelah kata for example dan for instance
apabila kata tersebut berada di awal kalimat.
1. Penulisan e.g. dan e.i. - Mengapit kata for example dan for instance apabila kata tersebut
- ‘e.g.’ merupakan singkatan dari “exempli gratia” atau yang berada ditengah kalimat.
bermakna “for example. Sedangkan, ‘e.i.’ merupakan singkatan dari Example :
“ id est” yang bermakna yaitu. ‘e.i.’ is an abbreviation which refers  For example / for instance, oranges have a lot of vitamin C.
to clarify a preceding statement.  Calcium can be foundin green leafy vegetables, for
instance, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, and swamp cabbage.
Penulisan e.g dan e.i : Untuk penggunaan Bahasa Inggris Amerika,  Green leafy vegetables, for example spinach, contain a lot
Anda harus selalu meletakkan koma tepat setelah "i.e." maupun of calcium.
"e.g." seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh-contoh di atas. Untuk 3. Penulisan such as
penggunaan Bahasa Inggris Britania, jangan meletakkan koma tepat - Menambahkan koma sebelum kata such as apabila kata sebelumnya
setelah "i.e." maupun "e.g."
sudah menerangkan contoh, atau apabila contoh tersebut dihilangkan
kalimat tersebut tetap bermakna.
- Menghilangkan koma sebelum kata such as apabila kata sebelumnya
belum jelas dalam menerangkan contoh.
Example :
 Green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, lettuce,
and swamp, contain a lot of calcium.
 When she go to supermarket, she buy some food such as
pizza, hamburger, salad, and fried chicken.
for a[bcd]

The writer gives recommendation to the readers related to the issue

being discussed. This is what makes this text different from
Analytical Exposition. In Analytical text, you end the text by
The text you read, entitled “Why Should We Wear a Helmet when Riding restating the thesis without telling the readers what to do. However,
Motorcycle?”, talks about an issue or a problem happening around us. The in Exposition text, you give recommendation or real acts that
text answers a question related to the issue by elaborating several arguments readers can do related to issue. Therefore, you should have strong
from one position or point of view only. This kind of text is called an arguments which means there should be more than one argument to
exposition text. There are two kinds of exposition text; they are Hortatory convince your reader that they should believe on your thesis and do
Exposition and Analytical Exposition. Later, you may find literature or your recommendation.
sources of information comparing those two kinds. We’re going to take a 3. Hortatory expositions are either spoken or written. We can find
focus on one kind of Exposition Text that is Hortatory Text. This meeting hortatory exposition in newspapers articles, academic speech or lectures,
will focus on its social function and general structure with several exercises journals, scientific books, magazines, and research report.
to increase your understanding. Language Features of Exposition Text
1. Social Function of Hortatory Exposition The followings are language features of hortatory exposition.
a. To persuade the readers or listeners that something should or 1. Use of Simple Present Tense.
shouldn’t be the case. As hortatory exposition text is related to current issue, Simple Present
b. To persuade the readers to do something and it possesses some Tense is commonly used among various kinds of Tenses. I believe this
characteristics of oral language. Tense is very familiar for you. If you are hesitant about this tense, reread
c. To persuade the audience of their point of view or position in the your past learning material or search for information on how to compose
argument. Positive Sentence, Negative Sentence, and Questions in Simple Present
2. General Structure of Hortatory Exposition Tense.
a. Thesis 2. Use of Conditional Sentence.
This is the writer’s point of view about the topic discussed. The Sometimes we use this type of sentence.
writer will stand to one position towards the topic, commonly to Example: If schools can do that, the students will be satisfied.
support or to against the topic. There are three types of Conditional Sentences, to relate about possible
b. Arguments future situation, impossible present and past situation. Reread your past
The series of arguments which strengthen the thesis stated before. learning material or search for information on how to use those types.
What do you think if we only have 1 argument to support our 3. Use of Modal.
thesis? Would it be strong enough for you to defend your position? There are many modals that we can use in hortatory exposition, for
c. Recommendation example, should, must, will, etc. A modal verb is a type of auxiliary
verb that expresses possibility, necessity, and obligation.
for a[bcd]

4. Use of Mental Process Verbs to state what the writer thinks or feels b. To teach moral value through the lyrics of songs.
about the issue. c. To express personal feeling (emotion).
Common mental-state verbs in English include know, think, learn, d. To criticize a particular condition.
understand, perceive, feel, guess, recognize, notice, want, wish, hope, e. To tell stories.
decide, expect, prefer, remember, forget, imagine, and believe. f. To convey a belief in faith.
g. To give motivation or help in solving problem.
5. Use of Connective words, such as next, then, in addition, afterwards,
h. To express art.
however, furthermore, firstly, secondly, etc.
3. Language Features of Songs
6. Use of phrases to give examples, such as for example or for instance. a. Use of first, second, or third person.
7. Use of expressions of giving opinion b. Use of figurative language/figures of speech.
a. In my opinion, it is better .................. 1. Metaphor: a comparison between two unrelated things.
b. I think .................. should .................. Example: “Life is a rollercoaster.”
c. I think .................. should be .................. 2. Simile: a comparison between two different things that have certain
d. For those reasons, .................. qualities in common.
NB : Example: “She is like the wind.”
- Biasanya yang keluar social functionnya. 3. Hyperbole: an exaggeration of a fact or statement.
- Bisa juga topik teks nya. Example: “I’ve told you a million times.”
- Pesan tersirat/tersurat dari bacaan tersebut. 4. Personification: an object which is given human qualities or
- Sinonim atau antonim dari suatu kata di dalam bacaan. abilities.
SONG Example: “The moon won’t come out to play.”
1. Part of Songs 5. Alliteration: repetition of an initial consonant sound.
A song is a short piece of music with words which are called lyrics. Lyrics Example: “A big bully beats a baby boy.”
consist of: 6. Repetition: repeating the same words or phrases a few times to
a. Verses, the part that tells a story. make an idea clearer.
b. Chorus/Refrain, the part that is repeated. Example: “If you think you can do it, you can do it.”
c. Bridge, the part that connects the verse and chorus at one point of the
d. Coda, the closing.
2. Social Function of Songs
A song might have different purpose compared to another song. Here are the
several functions of songs.
a. To entertain the listeners.
for a[bcd]

c. Use of imagery.
Imagery is using words to draw on five senses.
Example: “Her face blossomed when she caught a glance of him.”

d. Use of rhyming words.

A rhyme is a linguistic style based on consonance or similar sound of
two or more syllables or whole words at the end of line.
Example: “I saw two shooting stars last night. I wished on them but they
were only satellites.

e. Use of informal language.

Example: gonna, wanna, ain’t, etc.

f. Use of evocative language.

NB :
- Biasanya yang keluar social function, tema, isi lagu, majas yang
digunakan, persamaan kata, atau melengkapi lagu yang rumpang.

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