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Topic: Why we should stop Global Warming

Objective: Public awareness on the consequences and effects of global warming in different
Target Audience: Concerned Scientists and General Public
Global warming is one of the biggest threats ever faced to our environment. The major
impact due to global warming is the climate change that is occurring on regular interval. It is
already affecting our world today and is a considerable issue for the future generations.
There are many reasons for which we should step forward to stop global warming. One of
them are the animals around the globe. Snow leopards, polar bears and other incredible
species will suffer to find food while decreasing their abitats. [CITATION htt41 \n \l 3081 ]
Water, that is a source of human to resist, would be affected by global warming and will
gradually destabilise the water cycles. Due to the change in climate, there would be
significant change on rainfall patterns. This would lead to common activities of drought and
flooding, evenly in more magnitude.
With the rise of temperature due to global warming, there can be some infectious diseases.
These diseases are commonly carried by food or water and may become a big issue in future.
Moreover, diseases carrying insects will also be more common during the warmer
temperature while being more effective and be able to reproduce more successfully. West
Nile virus is a leading example as it was brought by globalization, but it was widely spread
mainly due to the climate changes.
Green and clean air is a necessity of human. Due to anthropogenic climate change that are
caused by human through the emissions of the gases into the air, the quality of air has
changed greatly. It greatly affects children and the health of human beings. The pollution of
air can lead to certain diseases like asthma. Smog is another leading alert that is seen in many
countries through the world.
Due to the change in climate, there would be significant increase in the heat waves occurring
around the world. In 2003, heat wave of Europe killed more then 45,000 humans. This would
certainly increase if global warming is not taken seriously. Mental stress and depression also
grows due to the similar reasons. [ CITATION CIN11 \l 3081 ]
The impacts that occur due to the pollutant in climate has effect on public heath and the
agricultural productivity. This, in return great effects the economic consequences. If these
short-lived climate pollutants are gradually reduced, this would be beneficial for the economy
as it will save the costs from public health and the poverty caused by the impact of climate
change. [CITATION htt40 \n \l 3081 ]
According to the recent estimates, it shows that more than 300,000 deaths per year around the
world has been reported due to the climate changes. Thus, it can be a biggest world health
threat of this century.
Global warming is one of the biggest threats ever faced to our environment. The major
impact due to global warming is the climate change that is occurring on regular interval.
Global warming should be stopped immediately; however, it can be done in gradual manner.
There are many factors for which the global warming should be stopped. These includes the
species around the globe, water and rainfall patters, infectious diseases spread, the effect on
clean and green air, rise in heat stresses and the economic benefits that are affected due to the
global warming.

CINDY L. PARKER. (2011). Slowing Global Warming: Benefits for Patients and the Planet. (n.d.). Why we need to act
now. Retrieved from Climate and clean air coalition.
Retrieved from WWF.

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