Procrastination Song

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Procrastination song

By Jagadish

Happiness is way of life where procrastination is enemy

The more you postpone it you lose solace of adversary

The more you own it up you gain rivalry

Best way to defend procrastination is not to cultivate it into propensity

But to avoid making excuses out of proclivity

You should never allow procrastination to end your family

It only creates emotional stress of rigidity

Causing you to lose yourself to mental severity

Excuses are the best way to defend yourself from acerbity

Only to see yourself engulfing in darkness of asperity

Tasks are meant to be completed in acrimony

Only to see that success of tasks gives you joy

And non-accomplishment ends you up in losing festivity

Best way to be happy is to learn the art of taking responsibility

The more you do the answerability

The more you would like yourself to be taking up duty

It is responsibility of knowledge of accountability

People have accomplished the task of money

Through which the desires have been solved in plenty

The more responsibility you take up of society

The more you would gain wisdom of handling currency

Hence to succeed in life and to gain wisdom of world of not taking up culpability

One should be associated with people of dignitary

To get things done in minutes under mastery

So to be happy

Never procrastinate!!!!!! Never postpone!!!!!! Never give excuses!!!!

To gain success in this world is a way of life

Solutions are ones which world looks out for when in strife

Best way to look at world of problems is to look at solutions as a way of wrangle

Laziness is one thing which can destroy solutions habit of dispute

The only way to come out of this laziness is to assign it with rewards to remove squabble

Task to be assigned with rewards should be used to motivate

It should never be used to demotivate to create confusion when solutions is purpose

It should make you move forward in life giving you direction as objective

Procrastinate to succeed fear of failure is cause

Only way to direct fear to be removed is to give money as motivation to live

Risk taking that’s why plays a dominant role

The more you indulge in knowledge of unknown the more you have knowledge to earn rupee

Failure path is only one part of life but not be all and end of game

It only teaches you to move ahead in life making you learn that life Is full of obstacle

When you get scared and fear that food is not integral part of lifestyle

Fearing that life would make you pauper and deny you knowledge

Risk taking to find out solutions becomes a necessity and a must in world of science
Hence for solutions to succeed and to become a way of globe

Happiness is way of life where procrastination is enemy

The more you postpone it you lose solace of adversary

The more you own it up you gain rivalry

Best way to defend procrastination is not to cultivate it into propensity

But to avoid making excuses out of proclivity

You should never allow procrastination to end your family

It only creates emotional stress of rigidity

Causing you to lose yourself to mental severity

Excuses are the best way to defend yourself from acerbity

Only to see yourself engulfing in darkness of asperity

Tasks are meant to be completed in acrimony

Only to see that success of tasks gives you joy

And non-accomplishment ends you up in losing festivity

Best way to be happy is to learn the art of taking responsibility

The more you do the answerability

The more you would like yourself to be taking up duty

It is responsibility of knowledge of accountability

People have accomplished the task of money

Through which the desires have been solved in plenty

The more responsibility you take up of society

The more you would gain wisdom of handling currency

Hence to succeed in life and to gain wisdom of world of not taking up culpability

One should be associated with people of dignitary

To get things done in minutes under mastery

So to be happy

Never procrastinate!!!!!! Never postpone!!!!!! Never give excuses!!!!

Fear is a big asset if you know how to use it when you are procrastinating

It should never motivate you to laziness of idling

But should give you knowledge of positivism in a world which is demotivating

It should motivate you to next level of wisdom understanding

Which should teach you being proactive is better than resting

Being perfect in every sense is a major disease of fear coming

Trying to be perfect you can make a mess while loafing

Procrastination that’s why happens to people who try to do work in everything excelling

One should study biographies and understand that life is full of wrong doing

In which perfectionism doesn’t play a role but making blunders is part of Mal practicing

Being imperfect is happiness to know that world is full of suffering

And the best way to define oneself is to know the art of being strong

Rather than knowing the art of being timid retiring

Fear is but an act of habit conducting

Where through mistakes in the way of acting

One learns to be wise, consulting the world and doing career rectifying

Fear is one way of expressing disliking

Where being imperfect is knowledge gathering

But by being perfect and trying to show intelligence surpassing

One has only tasted ashes of slag while going through life changing
Hence instead of trying perfectionism and trying to rectify imperfectionist creating

Learn that to surpass fear and be somebody one has to know that

Happiness is way of life where procrastination is enemy

The more you postpone it you lose solace of adversary

The more you own it up you gain rivalry

Best way to defend procrastination is not to cultivate it into propensity

But to avoid making excuses out of proclivity

You should never allow procrastination to end your family

It only creates emotional stress of rigidity

Causing you to lose yourself to mental severity

Excuses are the best way to defend yourself from acerbity

Only to see yourself engulfing in darkness of asperity

Tasks are meant to be completed in acrimony

Only to see that success of tasks gives you joy

And non-accomplishment ends you up in losing festivity

Best way to be happy is to learn the art of taking responsibility

The more you do the answerability

The more you would like yourself to be taking up duty

It is responsibility of knowledge of accountability

People have accomplished the task of money

Through which the desires have been solved in plenty

The more responsibility you take up of society

The more you would gain wisdom of handling currency

Hence to succeed in life and to gain wisdom of world of not taking up culpability

One should be associated with people of dignitary

To get things done in minutes under mastery

So to be happy

Never procrastinate!!!!!! Never postpone!!!!!! Never give excuses!!!!

Collaboration is the fastest method to gain success in world full of turmoil

Through work collaboration is seeked up where salary is a whirl

Sharing information and wealth one becomes a leader to reel

Without information being passed out followers can't be on roll

Hence procrastination is nothing but fear of attachment to moil

The person always thinks that more work is coming up and would be thrown at to travail

To prosper in life money is needed for candidate to celebrate in full

Fear that Rupee would not increase and knowledge would be free for all

Best way to come out of this circumstance is to be associated with huge capital

The easiest way to prosper in the world is to do sole trader business with wherewithal

One should be independent and have least dependency with pupil

Then currency flows in through least collaboration and all money is for self-consumption level

Fear of attachment to make one work non stop is but a passage to hell

Only way to demystify the science of work is to go for pay additional

Through which get bonuses and cash rewards and be rich by making one intellectual

Hence to remove attachment in this world and do entrepreneurship which is uncontroversial

Happiness is way of life where procrastination is enemy

The more you postpone it you lose solace of adversary

The more you own it up you gain rivalry

Best way to defend procrastination is not to cultivate it into propensity

But to avoid making excuses out of proclivity

You should never allow procrastination to end your family

It only creates emotional stress of rigidity

Causing you to lose yourself to mental severity

Excuses are the best way to defend yourself from acerbity

Only to see yourself engulfing in darkness of asperity

Tasks are meant to be completed in acrimony

Only to see that success of tasks gives you joy

And non-accomplishment ends you up in losing festivity

Best way to be happy is to learn the art of taking responsibility

The more you do the answerability

The more you would like yourself to be taking up duty

It is responsibility of knowledge of accountability

People have accomplished the task of money

Through which the desires have been solved in plenty

The more responsibility you take up of society

The more you would gain wisdom of handling currency

Hence to succeed in life and to gain wisdom of world of not taking up culpability

One should be associated with people of dignitary

To get things done in minutes under mastery

So to be happy

Never procrastinate!!!!!! Never postpone!!!!!! Never give excuses!!!!

Beliefs are the way to give oneself autosuggestion that world is beautiful place to live in

Best way to groom oneself is to give a belief to self a passion to become rich uptown

You are your own enemy and your own thoughts your own limitation

Knowledge is the doorstep to give you insight into wealth possession

The more you want it the more you should know history of quotation

The only way to come out of poverty is to gain insight into college association

The more mistakes you do there the more you would suffer when you grow in organization

The best input and the best output in life of human

Is the best days a student has spent in institution

Gaining the insights into as early as in establishment function

The better your chances to see world closely to rich class community divan

It is your early days that count whether you want to be of use as common man

The more you apply the principles of encyclopedia of information

The more you would gain insight that world runs on two pillars rich and poor position

It is the struggle of rags to riches story which is earth story written by historian

The more you groom it up in every century of lifespan

The more country would come to limelight on its own

Remaining in the minds of countries of world as pillar of strength of its time zone distinction

The very purpose of mankind is denial of this knowledge under hatred of alienation

And make people poor and depressed to see only small growth in world of ocean

Struggle for student and family is to come out of unknown to known

And embrace in your life the knowledge of wealth, money , currency expansion

The whole system is being run in this world to work with minimum evolution

But trade secret is to live in abundance and abundance leads to entrepreneurship intuition

Making the country progress and learn economics of running country with recognition

This insight into rich class if country achieves keeping land intact superpower guaranteed in duration
Hence in life if you want to know one thing and be rich and not poor so that there is no question

You should know the art of being wealthy and show the country the sign

Happiness is way of life where procrastination is enemy

The more you postpone it you lose solace of adversary

The more you own it up you gain rivalry

Best way to defend procrastination is not to cultivate it into propensity

But to avoid making excuses out of proclivity

You should never allow procrastination to end your family

It only creates emotional stress of rigidity

Causing you to lose yourself to mental severity

Excuses are the best way to defend yourself from acerbity

Only to see yourself engulfing in darkness of asperity

Tasks are meant to be completed in acrimony

Only to see that success of tasks gives you joy

And non-accomplishment ends you up in losing festivity

Best way to be happy is to learn the art of taking responsibility

The more you do the answerability

The more you would like yourself to be taking up duty

It is responsibility of knowledge of accountability

People have accomplished the task of money

Through which the desires have been solved in plenty

The more responsibility you take up of society

The more you would gain wisdom of handling currency

Hence to succeed in life and to gain wisdom of world of not taking up culpability

One should be associated with people of dignitary

To get things done in minutes under mastery

So to be happy

Never procrastinate!!!!!! Never postpone!!!!!! Never give excuses!!!!


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