Atividade Inglês 6 e 7 Ano Leitura e Interpretação

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Leia o texto abaixo para responder as

questões 1 - 7: 7. Aaron goes to bed at

a) nine o’clock p.m.
My name is Aaron and I love adventure. I always b) nine o’clock a.m.
spend my vacation at Gaia Rocks; it’s my favorite c) nine thirty.
summer camp. We usually get up at about 5:30. d) nine fifteen.
Then we make our beds. I don’t like it! After that
we have a big breakfast. After breakfast, we play 8. Leia o diálogo e descubra qual termo completa
different sports all day long. I love it! In the evening, corretamente o que falta:
we sit round the fire and sing songs. It’s great fun!
We go to bed at 9 p.m. Anna: I am bored. ________ to a summer camp?
Mom: I’m afraid you can’t. We have to visit your
1. The gender of the text is grandmother on your vacation.
a) personal report.
b) biography. a) I can go
c) news. b) Can I go
d) chronic. c) Can I borrow
d) Can I
2. Após arrumar sua cama, Aaron
a) passeia no bosque. 9. Leia o diálogo e descubra qual termo completa
b) escova os dentes. corretamente o que falta:
c) toma o café da manhã. Ryan: Can I ________ a friend over?
d) faz caminhada. Mom: No way! Your bedroom is a mess!

3. Gaia Rocks is a a) go
a) summer camp. b) school. b) make
c) mountain. d) party c) invite
d) watch
4. Complete with the correct word:
10. Complete according to the image:
Aaron ________ to make his bed.
a) loves
b) hates
c) doesn’t like
d) likes

5. Segundo o texto, eles praticam esportes

a) durante a noite toda.
b) apenas durante o dia.
c) depois do almoço.
d) o dia e a noite toda. They ________ the car on weekends.
a) go
6. Aaron loves b) are
a) breakfast. b) his friends. c) make
c) playing sports. d) his bed. d) wash

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