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Federal Kintaar School

Total Marks : 65 Time: 3 hours

Roll no: ______ Name of Candidate: ___________

Chemistry SSC-2
SECTION-A (Marks-12)
Q1: Circle the correct option. Each option carries equal marks.
1- What are the units of

N2 + O2 →2NO2

b) mol2dm-6
c) mol3dm-1
d) No units
2- Which of the following does not happen, when a system is at equilibrium?
a) Forward and reverse rates become equal.
b) Forward and reverse reaction stops.
c) Reaction continues to occur in both the directions.
d) Concentration of reactants and products stop changing
3- For reversible reaction
Which substance is product of the reaction?
a) B
b) Both A and B
c) C
d) A
4- In the following reaction, which species is donating an electron pair?

NH3 + BF3 → [NH3 – BF3 ]

a) H
b) B
c) BF3
d) N
5- Which of the following is a lewis base
a) HCl
b) AlCl3
c) BF3
d) F
6- Which of the following is a Lewis Acid
a) NH3
b) F
c) H20
d) BF3
7- Which of the following classified as Arrhenius acid?
a) HNO3
b) CO2
c) H2CO3
d) H2SO4
8- A drain cleaner solution contain 1.0× 10−8 M , 𝑂𝐻 − concentration. The
solution is
a) Acidic
b) Basic
c) Neutral
d) Cannot be predicted
9- “Active mass” represents the
a) Concentration
b) Reaction speed
c) Molar Mass
d) No of moles
10- Kc is always equal to
11- An acid turn blue litmus paper into
a) Blue c) White
b) Red d) no affect
12- Bronsted acid is
a) Proton donor c) electron donor
b) Proton acceptor d) electron acceptor
SECTION-B Marks (11×3=33)
Q2: Attempt any 11 parts.

1- Write difference between reversible and irreversible reaction?

2- Write forward and reverse reaction of the following reversible reactions.
a) H2 +I2 ⇌ 2HI
b) 2SO3 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3
c) COCl3 ⇌ CO + Cl2
3- Write down the conditions for equilibrium?
4- What is Haber process?
5- What is acid and normal salt? Write at least two examples.
6- Write balanced chemical equations of the following neutralization reactions?
a) Sulphuric acid + Sodium hydroxide ⟶ Sodium sulphate + water
b) Hydrochloric Acid + Potassium hydroxide ⟶ Potassium chloride + water
c) Hydrochloric Acid + Calcium hydroxide⟶ Calcium chloride + water
7- Write names of three acid-base indicators?
8- A solution has hydroxyl ion concentration of 1× 10-3. Is the solution neutral, acidic or
9- Identify bronsted acids and bronsted bases in the following reactions.
a) NH3 + H2O ⇌ 𝑁𝐻 + + 𝑂𝐻 −
b) HCl + 𝐻𝐶𝑂− ⇌ HCO + Cl
c) CH3COOH + H2O ⇌ 𝐶𝐻3𝐶𝑂𝑂− + H3𝑂+
10- What is Contact process?
11- Write the equation for the self-ionization of water.
12- Differentiate between forward and reverse reactions.
SECTION-C Marks (2× 𝟏𝟎 =20)
 Attempt any two questions

Q3: (a) Following reaction can occur during lightning storms. (3)

3O2 ⇌ 2O3

For this reaction, write equilibrium constant expression, unit of equilibrium

constant and also write their forward and reverse reactions.

(b)Explain Law of action of mass and derivation of the expression for the
equilibrium constant. (7)

Q4: Write five methods for making salts. (5 × 2= 10)

Q5: Explain Ph Scale? How can we measure ph, explain methods. (10)

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