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Student’s Name: Jocelyn Beatrice Mihardja

Student’s ID: 021202100008

Journal Article Review

Please read the journal and find the key information on the following section:

1. Introduction: What does Knowles’ theory say about self-directed learning? Why did the author
choose Knowles’ theory in his research?
2. Review of Literature: What happened to the researcher’s previous class and what did he do to
improve his class?
3. Methodology:
a. Please describe the methodology briefly [you can draw a chart or diagram]
b. What were the objectives of this research?
4. Findings: Explain the findings; was it significant (did it answer) the aims of this research?
5. Discussion: Explain and evaluate what the research found; did it relate to the literature review
and aims?
6. Future studies: What is the researcher’s recommendation for future studies? Can you find any?
7. After reading the article, what can you sum up about self-directed learning? Please use your own

Word Limit: 250-500 words

Deadline: Wednesday, 3 Nov 2021 by 18:00

In the introduction, it is mentioned that the author prefers Knowles’ theory for his research.
Knowles’ theory explains that self-directed learning is a proper way for learners and this
could make universities students possible to apply as a lecturer, because of the lessons
and experience learned. The author decided to use this theory because of the three
intermediate reasons that Malcolm Knowles puts forward. The author, as the teacher and
researcher, his previous class was a mess without well-organized units so he could not
complete one lesson in time. His students are dissatisfied with his method of teaching.
Then to improve his class, he imparted the self-directed learning method. He assigned his
students to be more initiative to find any extra information from what they wanted to know
in the chapters. The researcher tested his student in two assessments, Performance
Assessment and Formative Assessment. The performance assessments are evaluated by
the teamwork and their adaptability demonstration to solve problems. While, the Formative
assessments are more into the understanding of knowledge and writing tests for the
students. The objective of the research is to evaluate the students’ abilities and
knowledge, assessing how well students can identify and use the knowledge in oral and
written communications, enliven students for an awareness of role in the global
environment, to encourage to make decisions wisely and demonstrate a

sense of responsibility and a capacity for service, to provoke students to examine personal
and professional beliefs and opinions and an understanding of the balance in life, to
investigate students’ demonstration and an understanding of themselves and last to
ensure that students will demonstrate a basic understanding of career options available to
them and establish their career objectives. The finding of the research gave a positive
outcome, where most of the students are able to grasp the knowledge better and give out
a high performance for the assessment making use of the skills and knowledge they’ve
gained to solve problems they faced. The students are also content with this learning
method as they felt that they progress faster this way. According to the researcher, future
studies should include students doing activities that help them experience new things and
be able to solve problems their way. To me self-directed learning is a method where each
student could test their own limit and learn deeper about themselves. Also it gives the
students freedom on what things that they felt the most intrigued in.

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