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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE: _________________

SCHOOL: _____________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________

1. Complete com A ou AN. Ambos significam UM, UMA.

a) ____ mouse d) ____ insect g) ____ elephant

b) ____ pirate e) ____ umbrela h) ____ octopus
c) ____ robot f) ____ car

2. Escreva o plural das palavras abaixo.

a) giraffe _______________ g) glass ________________

b) baby ________________ h) bus _________________
c) box _________________ i) mouse _______________
d) brush _______________ j) tooth ________________
e) doll _________________ k) foot _________________
f) toy __________________

3. Reescreva as frases substituindo os nomes pelos pronomes pessoais (I, you, he, she,
it, we, they).

a) Bia and Marcus are friends. __________________________________________________

b) Carol and I are happy. ______________________________________________________
c) Paul is a teacher. ___________________________________________________________
d) The mouse is small. _________________________________________________________
e) You and Mariah are dirty. _____________________________________________________
f) Jennifer is a nice girl. _________________________________________________________

4. Circule a forma correta do verbo to be.

a) We is/are fast. e) We am/are sisters.

b) It is/are a turtle. f) She am/is happy.
c) He is/am my brother. g) I are/am ten years old.
d) You is/are sad! h) They is/are children.

5. Reescreva as frases na forma curta (abreviada).

a) They are teachers. _______________________________________

b) Anna is thirsty. __________________________________________
c) You are smart. ___________________________________________
d) I am sad. _______________________________________________
e) They are hungry. _________________________________________
f) He is a funny clown. _______________________________________
g) David is from Argentina. ____________________________________
6. Reescreva as frases na forma negativa.

a) Sophia is happy. ___________________________________________

b) She is a vet. _______________________________________________
c) Your car is fast. _____________________________________________
d) I am tired. _________________________________________________
e) Carol is thirsty. ______________________________________________
f) He is a garbage man. _________________________________________
g) John and Jennifer are sad. _____________________________________
h) We are friends. _______________________________________________

7. Circule a forma correta

a) This/these boys are happy. e) This/these bags are brown.

b) That/those chairs are green. f) That/those children are sad.
c) That/those girl is Mary. g) This/these cats are white.
d) This/these book is good. h) That/those pictures are nice.

8. Escreva frases no presente simples acrescentando o verbo HAVE.

a) I – brown eyes _________________________________________________

b) we – short hair _________________________________________________
c) they – long legs _________________________________________________
d) you – red hair ___________________________________________________
e) Carol and Mary – green eyes _______________________________________
f) Miguel – blue eyes ________________________________________________
g) she – long hair ___________________________________________________
h) he – black hair ___________________________________________________
i) Camila – curly hair _________________________________________________

9. Circule a forma correta. DON’T ou DOESN’T.

a) We doesn’t/don’t have any pencils. e) You doesn’t/don’t like me.

b) He doesn’t/don’t have a camera. f) They doesn’t/don’t work.
c) This room doesn’t/don’t have windows. g) Camila doesn’t/don’t eat chocolate.
d) I doesn’t/don’t study Spanish.

10. Circule a forma correta. DO ou DOES.

a) Do/does you have an umbrela? e) Do/does I have English class today?

b) Do/does he have brown eyes? f) Do/does the dog have a long tail?
c) Do/does we have a computer? g) Do/does they have sisters?
d) Do/does she have a new school bag?

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