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Open Phys.

2018; 16:57–62

Research Article Open Access

Sebastian Różowicz*

Use of the mathematical model of the ignition

system to analyze the spark discharge, including
the destruction of spark plug electrodes prevent the detonation in the fuel, additives are usually
Received October 31, 2017; accepted November 30, 2017 used. Some fuel (mixture) combustion products may accu-
mulate on the power supply components (plug insulators)
Abstract: The paper presents the results of analytical and
or in the combustion chamber of the engine, thereby re-
experimental studies concerning the influence of differ-
ducing emission or hindering the ignition of the mixture,
ent kinds of fuel additives on the quality of the spark dis-
which results in the increased toxicity of the exhaust gas.
charge for different configurations of the ignition system.
The increased degradation of the ignition system compo-
The wear of the spark plug electrode and the value of spark
nents (the spark plug) affects the spark energy value and
discharge were determined for various impurities and con-
leads to the increased wear of the spark plug electrode.
figurations of the air-fuel mixture.
The use of worn spark plug in the increased temperature
Keywords: ignition system, spark plugs, fuel mixture im- of the combustion chamber can result in uneven engine
purities, microstructure, laser welding, refractory materi- operation, loss of power and increased fuel consumption.
als The dynamics of the phenomena in the ignition system to-
gether with the influence of external factors make the anal-
PACS: 07.05.Bx, 07.05.Tp, 01.50.Pa , 02.60.Cb
ysis a difficult research problem. Many scientists around
the world carry out research into optimum operation of ig-
nition system. However, the results of the simulation tests
1 Introduction differ from those obtained experimentally.
In the paper an attempt is made to analyse the opera-
The dynamic development of the automotive industry in tion of the ignition system by means of digital simulation
recent decades has been linked to the continuous im- and subsequent verification of the results obtained on a
provement of the components of internal combustion en- real object. Both the spark energy value for different lev-
gines. Consequently, increased reliability and better envi- els of impurities in the air-fuel mixture and the wear of the
ronmental performance have been achieved. One of the plug electrode were determined.
components that considerably influenced those two fac-
tors is the ignition system [1, 2, 5, 9, 11–14]. The purpose of
the ignition system is to provide the electrical spark to ig-
nite air fuel mixture in the cylinder at the appropriate time
2 Toxic components in the exhaust
and with the required spark discharge energy [1, 3, 4, 6]. gases
It is vital that the electrical charge provided by the igni-
tion system to the plug be of high frequency, high stabil- In the exhaust gas the level of CO, Cm Hn , NOx and soot
ity and sufficient duration. All the properties of the spark levels in diesel engines should be subject to control. Car-
discharge significantly affect the quality of the combustion bon monoxide and hydrocarbons are produced as a result
process of the fuel-air mixture in the engine cylinder, and of the incomplete combustion process, where CO depends
therefore the toxicity of the exhaust gas. In addition, to on the coefficient λ. Nitrogen oxides are the natural chem-
ical products of the combustion reaction. The effect of the
composition of the mixture on the toxic constituents of the
exhaust gas is shown in Figure 1.
*Corresponding Author: Sebastian Różowicz: Kielce University
of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Automatics There are several ways to reduce the toxicity of exhaust
and Computer Science, Kielce, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, by acting on the composition of the mixture. One of the
Poland, E-mail:

Open Access. © 2018 Sebastian Różowicz, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License. Unauthenticated
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58 | Sebastian Różowicz

Figure 2: Model of the ignition system for the simulation studies.

Ub – battery voltage, R1 – resistance of the ignition coil primary
winding, L1 – inductance of the ignition coil primary winding, L2 –
Figure 1: The content of toxic components in the exhaust gas as a inductance of the ignition coil secondary winding, R2 – resistance
function of the composition of the mixture [8] of the ignition coil secondary winding, R4 – resistance representing
the losses in the coil core, R3 – radioelectrical interference resis-
tance, R45 – flow resistance of the spark plug, Rls – discharge resis-
methods is to feed the engine with a lean mixture (λ = 1,2 tance, C2 – self-capacity of the coil, C45 – selfcapacity of the spark
÷ 1,3). This reduces the content of nitrogen oxides NOx , plug, M – coupling [1, 2]

but then at the same time the level of hydrocarbons Cm Hn

raises. Requirements for the precise dosage of fuel are very di2 di
u C2 = L2 − M 1 + i2 R2 , (1)
high, because the mix is depleted to the flammable limit. dt dt
This method of NOx reduction has proved to be unfavor- u C2 = i R4 R4 , i3 = i2 + i R4 + i C2
able, since the engine develops lower power, while wear i3 = i R45 + i C45 , u C45 = i R45 R45
of spark plugs and simultaneously fuel consumption are du C2 du
increased. When the engine power supply is rich (λ = 0.7 i C2 = C2 , i C45 = C45 C45
dt dt
- 0.55), the content of NOx is also relatively low. The in- By introducing state variables: x1 = i1 , x2 = i2 , x3 = u C2 ,
creased emission of Cm Hn and CO can be reduced by using x4 = u C45 to the equation (1):
an afterburner in the exhaust system. The disadvantage of
dx1 dx
this solution is the increased fuel consumption, up to 30%. U B − x1 R1 − L1 + M 2 = 0,
dt dt
The study showed that the best settlement is to feed the
dx2 dx1 x dx
engine with stoichiometric mixture (λ = 1). On the other L2 −M + x2 R2 + R3 4 + R3 C45 4 + x4 = 0,
dt dt R45 dt
hand, when it is fed with the rich mixture, low presence dx dx
of CO and NOx is reduced to free N2 . Then the afterburner x3 = L2 2 − M 1 + x2 R2 (2)
dt dt
does not cause reduction of nitrogen oxides, because the x4 dx x dx
+ C45 4 = x2 + 3 + C2 3
excess oxygen, and too small amount of CO prevent the re- R45 dt R4 dt
duction of NOx to N2 [8, 11–15]. Transforming the system of equations (2), we obtain:
= A1 x1 + B1 x2 + C1 x3 + D1 U B
3 Model of the ignition system dx2
= A2 x1 + B2 x2 + C2 x3 + D2 U B
Ignition systems accumulating energy in inductance are = A3 x1 + B3 x2 + C3 x3 + E3 x3 + D3 U B (3)
more commonly used than those accumulating energy in dx4
capacitance [1–3]. In Figure 2 a diagram of ignition system = A4 x1 + B4 x2 + C4 x3 + E4 x4 + D4 U B
used to build a mathematical model is shown. where the parameters are determined using the following
The equivalent circuit of the ignition system presented relationships:
in Figure 2 is described by equations (1) for two states of the
control block. A1 = (︁ )︁ ,
di di L2 − L1
U B − i1 R1 − L1 1 + M 2 = 0,
dt dt MR2
di2 di1 B1 = (︁ )︁ ,
L2 −M + i2 R2 + i3 R3 + u C45 = 0, L2 L2 − L1
dt dt

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