Thesis Chapter 1

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TARDY (S.Y 2017-2018)

Practical Research2

In partial fulfillment for the requirements for the K-12Program Senior High School


Carumba, Justin Dominic D.
Gatchalian, Larraine
Obispo, Dianne Rae G.
Ocuma, Ranier O.
Rudio, Lorraine Bernadette D.C


Mr. John P. Lumagui


The coverage of our research is the number of tardy senior high students in Immaculate Heart of
Mary School S.Y 2017-2018, which the researcher is trying to figure out if being a tardy student
will affect their class performance.
According to the realm of social psychology and psychodynamics, when we discuss chronic
lateness, we typically do so in passive-aggression and control. An individual who is passive-
aggressive is, by definition, arrogant... and arrogance is bred, not by a sense of personal power,
but, rather, through fear and insecurity.
A person who is chronically late is superficially motivated by the misplaced notion that his/her
needs and interest are somehow more important than the people to whom he/she is responsible.
What actually underlies this sentiment is a subtle and much more pernicious sense of just the
The chronically tardy, in large measure, have a perception that others do not feel them to be
important, so they operate in a way so as to impose themselves on a situation - exerting control
to feel in control - while in reality they are silently validating their own sense of unworthiness,
whether consciously or unconsciously.
A psychotherapist says, "Presence is about the now. Anything that is not now, is not present. If
we are not present, we are simultaneously living in the past and anticipating the future, working
from a script that is a crucible for forging an expectation based on our past." This script says, "I
am not valuable." , which leads us to the expectation that we have no value in the situation into
which we are entering. We become stuck - mired in past years, frozen by future expectations -
and we lose the moment, we lose the momentum, and we are, ultimately, late.


Our study is gathering accurate number of senior high student in Immaculate Heart of
Mary School who have a record of chronic lateness this school year from June-September. Our
study will give self-consciousness to those who are late frequently.


We decided to gather the We will borrow the attendance

following: record from the secretary of An analysis of the tardy senior
the class. high students of IHMS.
a.) Level
b.) Attendance We will identify the students
who are tardy.

We decided to gather information from the
1 secretary of the class.

We will tally the class attendance of each senior

2 high students.

We will be stating our conclusion of the result.



A.) General statement of the problem
The primary objective of the study is to know the number of students here at Immaculate
Heart of Mary School who is tardy, and mitigates the ff. problems such as;

1. What is the reason of every senior high school students why they are tardy?

2. What consequences did they receive in the school?

3. How they implement in their life of what their adviser or guidance counsellor said.

4. How their subjects suffer for being tardy in a class or school.

B.) Specific statement of the problem

The study determines one of the main problems within the vicinity of Immaculate Heart
of Mary School. This involves the questions such as:

1. Is the class performance of the student will get affected by tardiness?

2. How will the student cope up with the lessons if he/she is chronically late?

3. How does a teacher manage to handle this kind of student?

In conducting this study about tardy students in Immaculate Heart of Mary School, the ff.
assumptions were made:

1. Respondents must be cooperative and provide reliable response.

2. We researcher must have an accurate results of the said topic.
3. This study will be clear and precise.
4. This will serves as a reference for those who will be needing it.


This study proposes the number of senior high school students of immaculate heart of
mary school who are tardy. This study focuses on getting the number of senior high school
students of being tardy in going to school early and for the teachers for them to know how to
change the habit of the students. This study is based from June-September S.Y 2017-2018. This
is limited to all senior high school students of Immaculate Heart of Mary School.


This study helps the school or the teacher's to know the reasons why the students here are
being tardy. This can help to teachers or the administration to change the day to day habit of
being tardy of some high school students. This can also helps the students to be more responsible
in going to school early. And, this can help the future researcher to have some ideas of tardiness
of students to their future research or thesis.

REALM-is a community or territory over which a sovereign rules.

CHRONIC - Continuing or occurring again for a long time.

PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE- of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by

indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in
procrastinating, pouting, or misplacing important materials.

SENTIMENT - a view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion.

SUBTLE- (especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to

analyze or describe.
PERNICIOUS- having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

ANTICIPATING- To think of (a future event) with pleasure; look forward to.

CRUCIBLE - a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the
creation of something new.

MIRE - a stretch of swampy or boggy ground.

MITIGATES- make less severe, serious, or painful.

RELIABLE - consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.

As an Immaculanian students, we are expected to perform well with excellence in
everything that we do, most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that
dictates the quality of performance of a student is his/her punctuality that is, getting
to school on time or being tardy.

As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the

“situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time
(Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a
term used to describe “people not showing up on time” and Breeze et al. (2010)
contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies
being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual
timing. Lastly, Weade (2004) defined tardiness as “being late for any measurable
length of time past the stated or scheduled start time for work or school.” In most
schools, a student is considered tardy when he/she is not present when the school
bell rings or when the first teacher starts to give instructional materials for the first
subject in the morning class.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools are
having with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It
creates problems, not just to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue
Elementary School Community, 2007, para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School
Publication of CAESC, also states that while having “occasional tardy” isn’t a big
deal, unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems including being ill-
prepared for the job market. According to the results of the study of the U.S.
Department of Education on “truancy”, which is related to tardiness, being present
and on time in going to school are big factors on the “success and behavior” of the
students. Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time while
being a student.

Tardiness among students has its own negative repercussions. Nakpodia and
Dafiaghor (2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just the problem of the
late student but it affects the surrounding people. A student coming late in class
distracts the rest of the students and disrupts the flow of the teacher’s discussion. It
is even a burden to the student/s whom the late students ask for what to catch up
with. The rest of the effects given by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor are about the welfare
of the whole school, its productivity and revenue. Knowing the possible effects of
lateness or tardiness, it is necessary for solutions to be executed. Studies have
revealed that those students with “perfect or near-perfect attendance” have good
grades compared to those students who misses classes often and late-comers.
Moreover, as mentioned by Zeiger (2010), the results from the survey report
conducted by teachers show that students with high tardiness rates have “higher
rates of suspension and other disciplinary measures” (National Center for Education
Statistics Indicators of School Crime and Safety [NCESISCS] (2007)). It also causes
the students to have behavioral problems and to drop out. Lastly, Zeiger (2010)
stated that “Students who are frequently tardy to school are also more apt to be fired
from a job for showing up late”


Several studies have shown that school tardiness has a negative impact on learning
outcomes. By the mere nature of arriving late and missing school hours, students
receive fewer hours of instruction that students who are in class when the bell sounds.
But not only does a student who is consistently arriving late to school establish bad
punctuality habits, their tardiness also disrupts the learning of the students in their
The researchers found that students who are frequently late to school often miss out
on important opening announcements and academic activities.
Teachers can become frustrated as late students disrupt instruction, often requiring
reteaching of what they have missed. Tardy behavior can also negatively affect the
overall classroom environment; the study says.
Arriving late to school can also mean that students missed out on activities designed
to build connections with their peers, potentially impacting their social interaction
from their classmates.
Punishment or positive reinforcement?
So, how can teachers tackle the issue? the report suggests it is generally not helpful
for teachers to punish late students once they get to class, because it could potentially
aggravate the situation.
“There appears to be lack empirical evidence that punishment for tardiness yields any
positive results” the study says.
Instead, the authors suggest using praise as a specific positive reinforcement strategy.
As it has proved to be effective for addressing problem behavior.
‘praise has been recognized as perhaps the easiest modification teachers can make to
address students; problem behavior.
When implementing this strategy, the authors point out that there are several things to
consider. Firstly, they suggest using recent school data to identify which students
show a consistent pattern of being late. ‘For example, it makes little sense to
intervene with a student who had a pattern of tardiness at the beginning of the school
year but is currently tardy only occasionally.’
They also note that young students often rely on an adult to get them to school on
time, and teachers should be cautious of the fact that the students’ tardiness may be a
result of parent behavior rather than student’s behavior. ‘In such cases, intervention
may need to be directed more to the parents.


As stated on the related literature and related studies about the tardy students of
Immaculate Heart of Mary School, coming up in school late will surely affect the
academic status and quality of the performance of the student. Tardiness also has a
negative effect on the people that surrounds especially the teachers because going to
school in time are big factors on the “success and behavior” of the students.


It’s states that gap bridge is when the research is based on your own opinion and have
own idea. Focused on the tracer studies of their respective senior high. the past year
in a way of having the general profile of these graduates and also for the school
research purposes as an appropriate job for their graduated professions and
careers. We also find out if these graduates have the job in connection of research
preferences and able to cater it by profession. By the use questionnaire and interviews
were going to use. This will make a gap bridge to the present study.
Research Design

This section aims to discuss the kind of research design the researchers used in this study.
The researchers used the descriptive designs, which concerns gathering data from a few
number of respondents. A descriptive design of research concerns data gathering from
specific population which is neither manipulated nor experimented on. It was selected by
the researchers because the study comprises of few number of respondents, and requires
data from the respondents who can suggest interventions which can further resolve the
common issue of tardiness.

Sources of Data
1. Primary source-
Our primary sources of our data is the class record of grade 11 and `12.
2. Secondary source-
Our secondary source of our data is coming from the internet , this are articles
Population of the Study

Population of the study is the study of group of individuals taken from the general
population who share a common characteristics, such as age, sex, or health condition.
This group may be studied for several reasons. The researchers used the target population
which refers to the entire group of individuals or objects to which researchers are
interested in generalizing the conclusions. The target population usually has varying
characteristics and it is also known as the theoretical population. The respondents of this
study came from Senior High School students of Immaculate Heart of Mary School.
We’re going to collect the class room attendance of each year level in senior high school
by asking the permission of their secretary.

Instrumentation and Validation

The instrument used was a data collection of the attendance record of a class from the
class secretary.

Data gathering Procedure

The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a request letter for getting the
class attendance from the secretary. Upon approval, the researcher retrieves the request
letter. The senior high students of Immaculate Heart of Mary School. In administering the
plan, the researcher uses the time allotted for vacant to avoid distractions of class
discussion. After data gathering, the researcher now collected it for tallying the score and
to apply the statistical treatment to be used with the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

First we search in the internet we gather some important details about tardiness of the students,
we get the some of the students’ class record to give prove to you that some of the students’ here
in immaculate heart of mary school are suffering from tardiness.

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