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Task of the independent work to the Lab.

work 6

1. Write down size sample of grain for determination admixture in the grains
of peas, maize and wheat?

2. Indicate size holes of sieves for determination admixture in grains of

wheat, rye, oat, barley? Times their sifting?

3. Write down method determination of large admixture in wheat grain.

4. Write down fraction of grain admixture.

Material for the assignment given in guidelines:

Guidelines for the discipline "Technology of storage, processing and standardization of
agricultural products” for the students’ Training direction “Economics and business” / comp. S. M.
Gunko. - К. : Publishing «Centre of information technologies», 2015. - 52 p.

1. For wheat – 50 g, corn and peas – 100g

2. Wheat-1.7х 20 1 Rye- 1.4x20 1.0 Oat- 1.8x20 1.5 Barley- 2.2x20 1.5
Time their sifting 3 min. with intensity 110-112 movements per a


3. Determination of large impurity. The average sample is weighed and

sifts through a sieve with a hole of 6 mm. The remains on sieve are
weighed and the results are expressed in % to weight of an average

4. The fractions of grain admixtures of wheat grain are:

· broken grain - the parts of grain formed as a result of mechanical


· thin grain - unfilled grain, wrinkled, slight, deformed as a result of

unfavorable conditions of growing and ripening;
· squeezed grain - deformed grain, flattened as a result of mechanical

· sprout grain - grain with rootlets or sprouts which have fallen outside
the corn film or sprouts which has broken off the corn film but has not
left outside, and grain with lost rootlets and sprouts;

· frost-shattered grain - the grain damaged by frosts during ripening,

with the changed color (absent or darkened);

· damaged grain - grain with changed of corn film from cream up to light
brown color and endosperm owing to self-hearting, drying and damages
by illnesses;

· insect bored damage grain - the grain that have been bored or
tunneled by insects will be damaged;

· unripe grain - grain which has not reached a full maturity, with a
greenish shade, is easily deformed in the case of pressing;

· whole and damaged grains of rye, triticale and barley which behind
character of damages, according to standards on these crops, do not
concern to a foreign material;

· in 6 class of soft wheat - grains and seeds of other crops or pulses,

which behind character of their damages according to standards on
these crops rating to the foreign material.

The fractions of foreign materials of wheat grain are:

· mineral admixtures - sand, soil, pebble and etc.;

· organic admixtures – plants admixtures (parts of stalks, leaves, corn
film and etc.), the dead of grain pests, seeds of wild-growing
nonpoisonous weeds;

· harmful admixtures - plant admixtures which are unhealthy the person

and animals;

· fungus grains - the grain damage by fungi of a sort Fusarium, absent,

sometimes with spots of orange-pink color, wrinkled, slight, lacking

· spoiled grain - grain with obviously spoiled endosperm from brown up

to black color and grain, which in case of insignificant pressing

· admixtures which pass through a sieve with a hole of 1 mm;

· spoiled grains of wheat, rye, triticale and barley with obviously spoiled
endosperm from brown up to black color.

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