Big Picture (For 3 Exam) : Big Picture in Focus: ULOA. Discuss The Importance of Human

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College of Arts and Sciences Education

General Education – Science

2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Big Picture (For 3rd Exam)

Week 7: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected

A. Discuss the importance of human rights in the face of changing social

conditions and technological development; and

B. Determine the human and social impacts of the developments in the

information age.

Big Picture in Focus: ULOA. Discuss the importance of human

rights in the face of changing social conditions and technological


The most essential terms below are defined for you to have a better understanding
of this section in the course

UDHR(Universal Declaration of Human Rights) – the global standard of

fundamental human rights for universal recognition and protection.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) – the theory and development of computer systems able

to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception,
speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

GNR - genetics, nanotech and robotics

Essential Knowledge

The good life entails living in a just and progressive society whose citizens
have the freedom to flourish. Everyone has the autonomy to make choices which
may enable the flourishing of his/her self and the society.

United Nations General Assembly – proclaimed the Universal Declaration of

Rights (UDHR) on December 10, 1048

UDHR Preamble – “Whereas recognition of inherent dignity and of equal and

inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace in the world”. Everyone has absolute moral worth by virtue of
being human.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Human dignity – is an ultimate core value of our existence. From the 1987
State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for
human rights.

There are concepts of Human Dignity:

a. Focuses on the inherent worth of each individual. Such dignity exists

merely by virtue of a person's humanity and does not depend on
intelligence, morality, or social status. Intrinsic dignity is a presumption of
human equality-each person is born with the same quantum of dignity.

b. Dignity can express and serve as the grounds for enforcing various
substantive values. Substantive forms of dignity require living in a certain
way. Dignity may require behaving, for example, with self-control, courage,
or modesty. This dignity embodies a particular view of what constitutes the
good life for man, what makes human life flourish for the individual as well
as the community.

c. Constitutional courts often associate dignity with recognition and respect.

respect for a person's dignity requires recognizing and validating
individuals in their particularity. This recognition requires individuals to
demonstrate respect and concern for each other.

When we fully recognize and appreciate this truth in ourselves and in all the
persons around us, regardless of their status in life, then we pave the way for a just
and progressive society.

The following are some of the fundamental articles of human rights that are
vital and necessary in the pursuit of good life:

Article 1 – Freedom from Equality

All human being are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit
of brotherhood.

Article 2 – Freedom from Discrimination

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom without distinction of any
kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national
or social origin, property, birth or other status. No distinction shall be made on
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a

person belongs, whether independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other
limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3 - Free to Life, Liberty and Security of a person

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall
be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such
procedure as are established by law.”

Article 4 – Freedom from Slavery

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and slave trade shall
be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5 – Freedom from Torture, Cruelty and Degrading Treatment

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment.

Article 6 – Freedom from Recognition

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7 – Legal Equalities

All are equal before the law and are entitled without discrimination to equal
protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in
violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

The UDHR now serve as framework in the understanding of what each

person’s fundamental rights are and these apply to everyone and everywhere. It is
imperative that we all know and live these rights to prevent injustice and oppression.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134


There is a gradual replacement of manual labor, several factors based on:

• Manual labor is gradually being replaced by machinery. Computers

become more and more sophisticated.

• Robots usually designed like human beings, are created to perform

complex, repetitive, or dangerous tasks.

• Development of artificial intelligence (AI), robots may also eventually

act and decide like humans.

• To Filipinos, artificial intelligence seems like the stuff of science fiction

movies. But it is also use surely in gaining ground, especially in the
business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. Technology enables the
growth of the BPO industry but it seems that it is also technology that
will kill the industry. Investors and business analytics provided by
artificial intelligence.

• Unemployment is only one of the ethical considerations in the

widespread of AI. The following sample questions must be pointed out
or resolved when faced with technology that may become a threat to
human dignity and security; Is the value of the person inversely
proportional to that of a machine exhibiting? What does this mean for
human beings who can be replaced by machines? How do we guard
against mistakes committed by machines?
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

• Machines and robots approach having a human-like nature, humans

may also have the tendency to become machine-like. Human begin to
function more like automatons. The used of internet has become an
instant go-to tool for answers to questions. Example, more often than
not, people accept what the search engine, like Google. We forget how
to process, read, think further, or put things in context. As the internet
gets more intelligent, we are in danger of becoming less.

• Nicolas Carr (2008) asserted in his article “Is the

Google making us stupid?”, that as we rely on
computers to mediate our understanding of the
world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into
artificial intelligence.

• The development of society along with science and technology gives

rise to more and more complex issues. The important is, we are able to
protect and exercise human rights for everyone in our pursuit of the
good life. Thus, amid these developments, we are free, more rational
and more loving in our practice of science and technology.


• According to Bill Joy, the most powerful 21st-
century technologies are the genetics, nanotech
and robotics (GNR). It would be threatening to
make humans an endangered species due to the
unreflective and unquestioning acceptance of new
technologies by humans.

• Joy argues that developing technologies provide a much greater

danger to humanity than any technology before has ever presented. In
particular, he focuses on engineering, nanotechnology and robotics.

• He said, “Each of these technologies also offers untold promise: the

vision of near immortality drives us forward; genetic engineering may
soon provide treatments, if not outright cures, for most of the diseases;
and nanotechnology and nanomedicine can address yet more ills.” It
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

could significantly extend our average life span and improve the quality
of our lives.

• The definite testament to the success of science and technology was

the atomic bomb a deadly weapon developed from the brilliant
physicists led by J. Robert Oppenheimer. But this was fatal reminder of
its destructive
power after the bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in

• With GNR, we are called to be circumspect and questioning of

technology as Heidegger propounded that in questioning we build a
way. Today, GNR is accessible to small groups and individuals and
may not require funding and facilities as huge as needed by nuclear
weapons and mass destruction.

• Science and technology may be the highest expression of human

rationality. People are able to shape or destroy the world with it.

• Human nature may be corrupted when the powers of our mind, our
rationality and our science and technology become manifest, and not
able to rein in the vanity arrogance such unleashed powers, then we
are on the way to destroying the world.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

Messerly, Jonh (2014). Bill Joy: Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us. Retrieved from

United Nations: Peace, Dignity and Equality on a Healthy Planet. Retrieved from
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

GOV,PH Official Gazette Open Data Portal . THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE

Neomi Rao (2013)., Three Concepts of Dignity in Constitutional Law, 86

Notre Dame L. Rev. 183. Retrieved from

Let’s Check
Activity 7. Now, that you already have an understanding on the effect when
technology and humanity cross. You’re also able to identify our human rights and
how rational thinking is imperative especially in the use of science and technology.
It’s time for you to write your answers below on the blank provided before each item:

___________________ 1. Argued that developing technologies provide much

greater danger and it needs to be questioned and

___________________ 2. Who questioned “Is Google making us stupid?”

___________________ 3. It refers to the ultimate core value of our existence.

___________________ 4. It is the highest expression of human rationality.

___________________ 5. It serves as the common understanding of what each

person’s fundamental rights.

___________________ 6. It is the most powerful technologies in the contemporary


___________________ 7. What article of human right is implemented when the

ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) is applied to
the country?

___________________ 8. What article of human right is violated when not when the
laws of the country are not followed and justice is served
without due process?

___________________ 9. What article in the UDHR is violated when many of the

front liners of the present situation of pandemic has been
harassed and not welcomed to join the community?

____________________ 10. What article in the UDHR is violated when someone is

bullied in the social media?
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Let’s Analyze

Activity 7. At this portion, you are required to answer briefly the questions below:

1. How does science and technology affect contemporary life and vice versa?




2. How do we protect our human rights in the face of technological

advancements and ethical dilemmas?




3. How do we protect our human rights in the face of technological

advancements and ethical dilemmas?




4. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid? Cite at least three
examples to support your assertion.



5. Explain Bill Joy’s article “why the future does not need us?”

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

In A Nutshell
Activity 7. Now, you learned and even made realizations about our human
rights in the changing technological advancements. Thus, you are required to write
your arguments or general point of views about this matter. I write first on the first
item and you do the rest.

1. As we face and examine present issues in the application of science and

technology, we need to keep in ourselves that this progressive society entails
and must manifest a constant practice of the good. Exhibited with scientific
methodologies, virtue, social responsibility and global concerns. These things
would practice the individual human rights.

2. ______________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________________

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Do you have questions for clarifications?

Questions/Issues Answers

UDHR Freedom from Discrimination

AI (Artificial Intelligence) Freedom from Slavery
GNR Freedom from Torture
Freedom from equality Legal Equalities
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Big Picture in Focus: ULOB. Discuss the evolution of technology

from the ancient times up to the present.

The following terms below are essential to understand the context of
this unit. Remember these terms as you go through the topic.

Information – knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction

(Webster Dictionary)

Language – a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the

use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks
having understood meanings (Webster Dictionary)

Eidos – the cognitive part of cultural structure made up of the criteria of

credibility, the logic used in thinking and acting, and the basic ideas by
which the members of a culture organize and interpret experience :
logical structure(Meriam Webster Dictionary).

CERN (in French “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”)–

European Organization for Nuclear Research or European Council for Nuclear
Research -

Essential Knowledge

Humans are surrounded on all sides by technology claiming to supply

such as: television, smart phones, and internet devices and among others. Before
the printed word, the written word was prevalent as mentioned in the previous
chapters. Yet, the intent to carry information has always been present.
The following explains how human and social impacts of the development in
the information age and the evolution of technology as well.

Word – a combination of sounds that represents something. Made up sounds
and yet they transmit something more significant (message). Words
are informed with meaning given by a speaker and intended for the
listener. They communicate meaning.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134


• The first step of knowing is, through the human quest for
understanding the natural world, the ability to name and classify
objects found in nature.

• The scientific search for truth early on recognized the usefulness of

language and the ability it gave to make sense of nature.

• It is clear that thinking in terms of a common system being generated

by the speaker and received by the listener is useful in the pursuit of

• Science, from the Latin word scire (meaning to know), one kind of
knowledge the Greeks wanted to understand.

• First philosophers believed, the many seemingly different things in the

natural world must have a unifying factor. There was an inside to be

• Plato’s principle “One and the Many”, refers to the underlying unity
among diverse beings in the natural world. According to him, there is a
common intrinsic nature shared by different objects, which determines
their real sense.

Thus, the importance of a language is a tool to: learn knowledge, transmit

information, express feeling, emotions ideas, forge cultural ties and may construct
social identity.


Mathematics – was the great contribution of Isaac Newton.

Galileo Galilei – said “the laws of nature are written in the language of
mathematics, symbols are triangles, circles and other
geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to
comprehend a single word.”

Key Takeaways: Why Math is a Language:

• A system of communication must have vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and

people who use and understand it.
• Mathematics meets this definition of a language. Linguists who don't consider
math a language cite its use as a written rather than spoken form of
• Math is a universal language. The symbols and organization to form
equations are the same in every country of the world.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

(By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. 2019)

• Through the discovery of laws and language of nature, people can

develop technology using these laws that benefit the society. This
language is mathematics.

• Started by the early people and the ancient time Western thinkers
harnessed forces of nature after understanding them better.
• It was never recorded when early people realized that fire has its own
power and energy.
• Lost in antiquity is the first sailing vessel that that worked through the
power of the wind.
• A primitive steam engine invented in 1st century by Hero of Alexandria

The ability to think and conceptually comprehend nature and the principles it
follows eventually leads to science.


• Johannes Gutenberg – invented the early printing press (as stated in

the previous lesson)

• The power of the eidos or idea, would be witnessed in the succeeding

centuries of development particularly in the west. The fascination with
language in the ancient, brought the preservation of words of the
earlier people at the same time when the West weakened due to
internecine warfare (bloody) and conflicts.

• The development of printing press, which may be regarded as the

beginning of the true revolution in 15th century. Ancient Greek came up
with the idea that the knowledge should be shared and communicated
to the society using this printing press. Other people on different part of
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

the world could also share their thoughts and ideas with each other and
forming communities of thinkers across space and time. (Connell,
• This technological invention allowed words and scientific ideas to
establish a view of nature anchored in scholarly works and studies.
Such as, new discoveries on the phenomenon of electricity which were
eagerly absorbed by fellow scientist who then utilized the science to
create other technological products. Example, radio waves were built
upon wave nature of electricity and magnetism to come up with
television and etc.
• The transmission of ideas has gone changes in the information age.
Digital world is a direct offspring of the progressing world of technology
built upon the many advances of science (Toffler,1984).


Sir Tim Berners-Lee - invented the world wide web

(www) as a way of addressing data processing and
information sharing needs among scientists for the European
Organization for nuclear Research (CERN) at first.

• From CERN’s atom smasher that produces a huge amount of scientific

data every second, it required better data analyzers to work on the
gathered information with co-scientists. Even telegraph and telephone
has allowed transmission of information to transcend physical
boundaries, processing a veritable ocean and mountain of scientific
data generated by the atom smasher still needed a new medium.
That’s the world wide web.

• At present, through the comfort of sharing information reliability

becomes compromised. Anybody that has connection with one another
can produce informations which are half -truths and lies or the rise of
fake news. Example are sources from social medias which also
encouraged building community with of like-minded people. Creation
of biases ideas and beliefs based only on the content that they allow
within the community (biased misleading information) using to their
own advantage.

• Thus, it pays everyone to be vigilant in utilizing modern devices at all

times even if benefited us. We must be responsible in utilizing these
technologies to avoid harming others and ourselves.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2020, February 11). Why Mathematics Is a

Language. Retrieved from

World Wide Web Foundation (2008-2020): The History of the Web Sir Tim Berners-

Let’s Check

Activity 8. Now, that you have learned the most essential concepts about the social
impacts of the developments in the information age and its technological evolution
from the past to the present. Let’s try to check your understanding of these concepts.
Classify the following statements with your chosen answer such as: INFORMATION,
WORLD, PRINTING PRESS, and WORLD WIDE WEB. Write your answers on the
space provided.

___________________________ 1. One uses common words to express feelings or


____________________________ 2. When a message is successfully received and

understood by the receiver or listener.

___________________________ 3. Comprehend the things around you through

the figures and symbols.

___________________________ 4. Televisions, radios and other medium were

used to send out information.

___________________________ 5. Information were known through newspapers,

books, journals and etc.

___________________________ 6. Using search engines, sending messages and

and connecting people in a faster way.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

___________________________ 7. Most of the time, this could be the easiest

source of different information factual or not.
So, validation of the sources is a must.

__________________________ 8. News and other knowledge received.

__________________________ 9 . Telegraph/telegram, cell phones, telephones

and other means of gadgets are used as a
medium of sending information.

__________________________ 10. Abstract symbols are used to give information.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 8. You are required to explain briefly your answers on the questions below.

1. Which developments in the information age brought significant changes in

the way you live your life today and why?



2. How did the transmission of information evolve from the ancient times up
to the present?



3. How did the printing press change the course of history? What ideas were
spread using this invention?


College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

4. Social media which facilitates the sharing of information, ideas, and other
content in different parts of the globe. If social media was deactivated for a
month in the country, what would possibly happen?



5. Social media also poses certain risks especially in the dissemination of

false information. As a student, how will you use social media to ensure
that you do not propagate inaccurate and unreliable information?


In a Nutshell
Activity 1. Based from what you’ve learned in this unit, on the definition of
the most essential terms and concepts, and the learning exercise that you have
done, please feel free to write your arguments or lessons learned below.

1. ______________________________________________________________



2. ______________________________________________________________



3. ______________________________________________________________



College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Do you have questions for clarifications?

Questions/Issues Answers

Information Language
Technological world One and the many
CERN World wide web
Printing press eidos

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