Indian Penal Code Question Paper 21

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इंडियन पीनल कोड Indian Penal Code LLB first semester and Ba L L B 5th semester


Wrongful gain means

1. gain by lawful means of property which the person gaining is not entitled

2 . gain by unlawful means of property which the person gaining is not entitled

3. gain by unlawful means of property which the person gaining is entitled

4. all of the above

Q 2.

X & Y go to murder Z. X stood on guard with a spear in hand but did not act at all. While Y killed Z

1.Only y is liable for murder of Z

2. X&Y both are liable for murder of Z

3. X is not liable as he did not perform any overt act

4. both 1 and 2

Q 3.

Abetment under IPC can be constituted by

1. instigation

2 .conspiracy

3. intentional aiding

4 .all of the above

Q 4.

Under IPC the right to private defence of the body

1. commences as soon as a reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises and continues as long
as the apprehension continues

2. commences as soon as that reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises and continues even
after that apprehension ceases

3 .commences only when the assault is actually done and continues during the period of assault

4. commences only when the assault is actually done and continues after the assailant has left

which of the following shall not be an unlawful assembly within the meaning of section 141

1. an assembly of five or more persons to vindicate a supposed Right of one or all by show of Force

2. an assembly of five or more persons to prevent the arrest of a person by court amin under the
orders of the court

3. An assembly of five or more persons with common object of taking possession of property

4. An assembly of five or more persons with the common object only of maintaining possession


culpable homicide is not murder if done by

1. Sudden and grave provocation

2. By exceeding the right of private defence and causing more harm
3. Without premeditation in the heat of passion
4. All of the above


Which of these is not an ingredient of theft

1. intending dishonestly
2. Taking the property out of the possession without asking
3. With consent
4. Movable property


Kidnapping will include only

1. Taking a person of unsound mind

2. Taking a female of below 18 years of age
3. Taking a male of below 16 years of age
4. All of the above


Which of the following is not grievous HURT

1. Privation off any member or joint
2. Permanent disfiguration of face
3. Slapping on face
4. Dislocation of bone


Operating a person for saving his life without his consent in good faith

1. Is Sometimes punishable
2. Is not punishable
3. May be punishable
4. Shall be punishable

Part B
Q 1.

Discuss in brief the essential elements of crime and stages of crime. Under what provisions is
preparation punishable.

अपराध के आवश्यक तत्वों एवं विभिन्न चरणों को संक्षिप्त में बताइए। भारतीय दं ड संहिता में तैयारी
कब दं डनीय है ?


Distinguish between common object and common intention.

समान उद्देश्य एवं समान आशय में अंतर स्पष्ट कीजिए।


What do you understand by right to private defence? When does right to private defence of body
extends to causing death?

प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा के अधिकार से आप क्या समझते हैं? शरीर की प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा के अधिकार को कब
मत्ृ यु कारित करने तक विस्तारित किया जा सकता है ?


Every murder is a culpable homicide but every culpable homicide is not murder, discuss this statement
and distinguish between murder and culpable homicide.

हर हत्या के अपराध में आपराधिक मानववध सम्मिलित हैं परन्तु हर आपराधिक मानव वध में हत्या
सम्मिलित नहीं है , इस कथन को समझाइए। साथ ही हत्या एवं आपराधिक मानव वध में अंतर स्पष्ट

Explain actus non facit reum nisi Mens sit Rea with the help of examples and decided cases.

मात्र कृत्य किसी व्यक्ति को दोषी नहीं बनाता जब तक उस कृत्य के पीछे दरु ाशय ना हो, इस कथन को
उदाहरणों एवं निर्णीत वादों के माध्यम से समझिए।

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