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A member of AMA Education System

3535 TS Fashion Bldg., Sayre Highway, Hagkol, Valencia City

1ST SEM SY 2021-2022


STUDENT NAME: Keshia M. Aruta DATE: 10/10/2021

General Instructions:
 Write all your answers in your test papers.
 Use blue or black ink pen only
 Read and follow instructions carefully!

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the statement carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided below. ( 1 point each)

C. 1. It is the study of human behavior and mental processes.

A. Physiology
B. Behaviorism
C. Psychology
D. D. Philosophy

B. 2. The body of organized knowledge based on empirical study.

A. Physics
B. Science
C. Chemistry
D. Psychology

A. 3. The French philosopher who introduced the idea of dualism, which asserted that
the mind and body were two separate entities

A. Rene Descartes
B. Plato
C. David Hume
D. Aristotle
D. 4. He established the 1st psych lab at the Uni. of Leipzig Germany and concern with
senses like vision, attention, emotion, memory.
A. G. Stanley Hall
B. Sir Francis Galton
C. J. Mckeen Cattell
D. Wilhelm Wundt

B. 5.He is focused on mental structure and consciousness. Introspection as major

A. Titchener
B. Wilhelm Wundt
C. Sir Francis Galton
D. Rene Descartes

D. 6. He was known for designing a personality test, the 16 PF.

A. G. Stanley Hall C. Wilhelm Wundt
B. Sir Francis Galton D. J. Mckeen Cattell

D. 7. Founded the behaviorism which focused on classical conditioning.

A. Karl Max
B. Ivan Pavlov
C. Sigmund Freud
D. John Watson

B. 8.He is a psychologist from Harvard, opposed structuralism and advocated

functionalism, how conscious function.
A. Sigmund Freud
B. William James
C. Max Wertheimer
D. Karl Max

B. 9.He founded the Gestalt psychology in Germany. Gestalt means Form or

A. Sigmund Freud C. William James
B. Max Wertheimer D. Karl Max
C. 10. Learning occurs through observation and imitations of others.
A. Classical Conditioning
B. Learning by doing
C. Observational Learning
D. Behavioral Conditioning
II. TRUE OR FALSE: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if
you think a statement is TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement
is FALSE. ( 2 points each)

__T__1. It is important to have healthy coping skills to deal with uncomfortable

emotions, like anger, anxiety, and sadness.
__F__2. Time management is not crucial for all the aspects of our lives.
__T__3. You will be able to concentrate more on your studies and other activities if you
are well rested.
__T__4. The students learn more when they attend the classes and listen to the lectures.
__T__5. Attendance is extremely important to help enrich the educational experience.
__T__6. Extracurricular activities enhance and refresh the student’s mind and help him
focus more .
__T__7. Taking part in sports, dramatics, dancing or more contributes greatly in
students’ skills.
__T__8. The additional help will support you to strive and achieve more from your
__T__9. Taking good notes will help you in reviewing and revising for your exams.
__T__10. Taking vitamins and getting enough sleep is one way of reducing stress.

III. IDENTIFICATION: Identify each item below. ( 2 points each)

Classical conditioning 1. A neutral stimulus is associated with a response.

Operant conditioning 2. A response is increased or decreased due to punishment or
Positive Reinforcement 3. Positive behavior is followed by positive consequence.
Punishment 4. Negative behavior is followed by negative consequences. –
Physiology 5. The study of physiology played a major role in the development of
psychology as a separate science.
The Behavioral Perspective 6. It is a perspective that focuses on learned behaviors.
The Cognitive Perspective 7. This area of psychology is concern with memory, thinking,
solving, language and decision-making.
The Cross-Cultural Perspective 8. It is a fairly new perspective that has grown
significantly in recent years.

The Humanistic Perspective 9.This perspective emphasizes the role of motivation on thought and

The psychodynamic perspective 10. This perspective emphasizes the role of the
unconscious mind, early
childhood experiences, and interpersonal relationships to explain human

IV. ENUMERATION (1 point each)

1. 1- 7 Psychological Perspective
- The psychodynamic perspective
- The Humanistic Perspective
- The Cross-Cultural Perspective
- The Cognitive Perspective
- The Behavioral Perspective
- The Evolutionary Perspective
- The Biological Perspective

2. 8- 12 Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

- Self-actualization
- Esteem needs
- Belongingness and love needs
- Safety needs
- Physiological needs

3. 13 - 22 Different Fields in Psychology

- Abnormal Psychology
- Psychology of Addiction
- Psychology of Advertising
- Psychology of Altruism
- Psychology of Ambition
- Animal Psychology
- Art Psychology
- Psychology of Atheism
- Psychology of Attraction
- Psychology of Beauty

4. 23 – 30 Tips on becoming a Good Student

- Always attend your classes.
- Take notes of your lessons.
- Time Management
- Have enough sleep and rest.
- Participate in extracurricular activities.
- Set long or short terms goals to help you strive.
- Utilize Educational Resources

V. EXPLAINATION: ( 5 points each)

1. How do you manage yourself properly?
I always make sure that I will equally manage myself. Physically, Mentally,
Spiritually and Emotionally. It is hard sometimes, especially for a person who always
experience anxiety attack. I meditate, I get proper rest, I connect with people and I
don’t let negative emotions affect my decision-making.

2. What are you doing to nurture your relationships with friends and family?
I communicate with them to make our relationship stronger. I would ask if how are
they doing just to make sure they aren’t facing their problems on their own.

3. Are you taking charge of your health? Why or why not?

Before, I was not taking charge of my own health. I let myself be restless for how
many days. Without proper sleep, meals and exercise. But because of that I became
anemic and it affects my health a lot. That’s why I started changing for the better.

4. Are you doing proactive things to help you stay mentally healthy? Why or why not?

Yes, because doing proactive things such as making sure you maintain a proper
attitude or control your temper helps you make better decisions in life. Having a
healthy mentality can help you a lot on achieving your goals in life.

5. Are you engaging in spiritual practices that you find fulfilling? Why or why not?

Yes, I am. I pray and meditate. It helps me a lot. Also, by meditating I can reflect on my
actions better. It helped me become a better person.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world”
– Nelson Mandela

- Ma’am Jamil

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