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Keshia M.


Computers are a huge part of my life. It helps me finish my tasks or school activities
faster using its software, I even work at home because I have my computer. Computer
also entertained me and helped me gain more knowledge because of google. Even
when I was still a child. I would not spend my allowance for the whole weekend my just
so I can spend it on the pisonet of my neighbor during weekends and because of that, I
encouraged my parents to start a business, which is pisonet. I explored both hardware
and software of the computer, and I fell in love with it. Because obviously, computers
are very interesting. The more you explore, the more you become curious of what more
it can do. I found computers very amusing. That’s why, I already know what I want in
life, and what course I want to take. My mind was already fixed. During Junior High
School, I was a CSS student. CSS was more focused in hardware. Fortunately, I
graduated with the award of best in CSS on our school. On my Senior High School, I
was a programming student. Since I already know a lot about hardware, I wanted to
explore the software. I made the right decision, I learned how to code, build a website
and analyze data. Create a mock up design and more. It was such a challenging yet
exciting year. That’s why, while my schoolmates are still troubled on what course they
will pursue, I already knew what’s mine. I was so sure I’ll pursue being an IT student.
On our first term, the instructor taught us to do a basic coding using the python
language. We started by making a program about ourselves, to coding a simple
ordering system. It was challenging. In our Introduction to Computing. We were taught
how to use software, like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel. In our Computer
Fundamentals, we discovered the history of computers. Every generation has its own
upgrade. The latest generation is the Fifth generation. In this course, I expect that I will
be able to learn how to code a system on my own. Because I wanted to be a full stack
web developer and travel abroad to work and use my skills. Hopefully after I graduated,
I will be able to achieve that goal.

Being an Information Technology or an IT student helped me discovered what career I

wanted to pursue after graduating from college. Being an IT student gives you a lot of
job opportunities after graduating. You can work in offices, as police or teacher, you can
even work on private companies or in the government. That’s why being an IT student is
an advantage for students. Since IT professionals are very in demand in this generation.
Despite of all the opportunities here in our city, I know what I want because while I was
studying, I was also searching for careers associated with the course I am taking which
is BSIT. A lot of jobs were interesting like being an Application Developer, Database
Administrator, and a Network Engineer, but being a full stack web developer caught my
eye. It wasn’t the easiest job on the field. No jobs are easy, actually. But being a full
stack web developer was what I wanted since then. My second option is to be a Data
Analyst. I love collecting important and reliable information that can help a person or
even a company. In all the career I want to pursue. I need to be creative and logical.
Because, being an IT professional is not fun and games. You are creating system or
collecting data for a client that will be paying you real cash for the job you have done.
So, better do it right, or you will either lose a client or lose a job. That’s why I am
determined to study and focus on learning because I will make sure, I will be able to
achieve my goals as a Professional Web Developer and I know that by learning and
focusing on my studies is the first step to achieve it. But my goal doesn’t end as a
Professional Web Developer only, because I also want to build my own company full of
IT professionals that will help business men and business women to create their system
and websites for their business to grow. I know I am dreaming big, but I will give my all
to those dreams.

So overall, I am still on the process of achieving the goals. I will work on it and make it
happen soon. One step at a time. I will study and learn different types of programming
language, create my own system or websites. I will still continue to explore the wonders
of computers because of its non-ending ability, since the technology nowadays is very
advanced that they make computers do much more. Also, one day I will be able to
decide what path of career I’ll take. Whether it’s Data Analyst, Web Developer or even
something else that is related to IT. But what I’m sure is that I will use all the knowledge
I have gained here in ACLC College of Bukidnon on the career I’ll pursue soon. Show
them what an ACLC College of Bukidnon can do, and make my college proud of their
product. But before all that, I will need to study hard or even harder just to graduate full
of knowledge and finally achieve my goals.

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