CH 3 - Uncertainty, Repeatability and Accuracy

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Chapter (3)

Uncertainty, Repeatability and Accuracy

Chapter # 3
3.1. Error
3.1.1. Effect of size or quantity
➢ Is the difference between the desired or specified size or
quantity of an object and its measured size or quantity.

Engineering Metrology
➢ This form of error may be expressed in absolute or relative
Absolute error = measured size - desired or specified size
𝑨𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓
Relative error = 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆

3.1.2. Effect of measurement

➢ Is the difference between the result of a measurement and the 1
absolute true value of the quantity measured.
3.2. Uncertainty of a Measurement
➢ It is an attribute of measurement and is not applicable to a

Chapter # 3
measuring instrument.
The qualitative definition of uncertainty is: “The range
within which the true value of the quality measured is likely
to lie at a given level of probability or confidence level”.

Engineering Metrology
➢ Uncertainty is of two kinds; Systematic and Random.

3.2.1. Systematic uncertainty of a measurement

➢ There is a limit to the accuracy with which the instrument could
be corrected and consequently it must be assumed that there is a
residue which remains undetected.
➢ This undetected residue is a systematic effect which constitutes a
factor in all the measurements. 2
➢ Systematic uncertainties may also vary according to the
magnitude of the quantity measured or they may vary with time.
3.2.2. Random uncertainty of a measurement

Chapter # 3
➢ If sufficient measurements are taken it is found that, the results
tend to form a range about a mean value and the greater the
number of readings the more clearly defined does this effect
➢ Such effects arise from number of sources, for example;

Engineering Metrology
- a micrometer measuring pressure varies slightly at each
- parallax discrepancy each time the user reads the result, and
- the location of micrometer on the workpiece varies slightly at
each measurement.
➢ It is usual to assume that random variability in measurements
follow the Gaussian or normal curve of distribution, although
it is by no means certain that this distribution applies in all
cases. 3
3.2.3. Methods of combining uncertainties

Chapter # 3
➢ Two methods for combining uncertainties;
- algebraic addition, overestimation
- addition in quadrature. underestimation.

Engineering Metrology
➢ For example; if U1 , U2 and U3 are three component half range
uncertainties of measurement, then the overall uncertainty will
σ 𝑈 = ± (𝑈1 + 𝑈2 + 𝑈3 ) (algebraic addition, in case of
dependent uncertainties).

σ 𝑈 = ± 𝑈12 + 𝑈22 + 𝑈32 (addition in quadrature, in case of

independent uncertainties).
3.2.4. Estimating the uncertainty of a measurement

Chapter # 3
A quantitative definition of uncertainty is: “The sum of the
systematic and random uncertainties of a typical
measurement, under specific conditions of use and
confidence level”.

Engineering Metrology
2U = ± 𝑈𝑠2 + 𝑈𝑟2

U : half range uncertainty of measurement,
Us : half range systematic uncertainty of measurement, and
Ur : half range random uncertainty of measurement.

3.3. Repeatability of a Measuring Instrument
➢ It is a property of an instrument.

Chapter # 3
The qualitative definition of repeatability is: “It is the ability
of the measuring instrument to give identical indications, or
responses, for repeated applications of the same value of the
measurand under the same conditions of use”.

Engineering Metrology
The quantitative definition of repeatability is: “The half
range random uncertainty of a typical measurement under
stated conditions of use and at a given level of confidence”.

R = t . Se
𝑅=𝑡. 𝑆
𝑛−1 6
Where; Se : is the estimated s.d. of population, S : is the sample s.d., and n : is
the sample size.
3.3.1. Reliability of repeatability estimation
➢ The repeatability of an instrument varies from time to time.

Chapter # 3
➢ Three repeatability tests be carried out on three similar but not
identical specimens in quick succession.
➢ If the ratio between the highest and lowest values is not greater
than 2:1, then the root mean square value of the three results
should be regarded as the repeatability of the instrument.

Engineering Metrology
➢ If the ratio obtained is greater than 2, then the instrument
should be examined for faults.
Example 1:
Three repeatability tests were carried out on a balance. The results
obtained were; R1 = 22 g., R2 = 24 g., R3 = 28 g.
The ratio: Rmax. / Rmin. = R3 / R1 = 28/22 = 1.27 ˂ 2
𝑅12 + 𝑅22 + 𝑅32 222 242 +282 7
R= 3
= 3
= 24.79 g. ≈ 25 g.

i.e. Stated repeatability is 25 g.

3.4. Accuracy of a Measuring Instrument
➢ It is a property of an instrument.

Chapter # 3
The qualitative definition of accuracy is: “It is the closeness
which the measuring instrument can measure the “true
value” of the measurand under stated conditions of use”.

Engineering Metrology
The quantitative definition of accuracy is: “It consists of a
combination of the repeatability with the half range
systematic uncertainty”.

A= 𝑈𝑠2 + 𝑅2

Where; A : is the accuracy, Us : is the half range systematic uncertainty, and R : is

the repeatability.
Example 2:
A floating carriage diameter measuring instrument was calibrated against its
nominally 20 mm scale position against a cylindrical setting standard, and the

Chapter # 3
following results were recorded in m; 1.50, 1.50, 1.15, 1.20, 1.30, 1.70, 1.90,
1.00, 0.90, 1.15. Calculate the overall uncertainty of measurement, and the
repeatability and accuracy of the instrument for better than 95% confidence level (t
= 2.26), given that the systematic uncertainty is estimated at ±0.3 m.
S (standard deviation of the sample) = 0.2993 µm.

Engineering Metrology
Se (estimated standard deviation of the population) = S = 0.315524 µm.
➢ R (Repeatability) = t * Se = 2.26 * 0.315524 = 0.713 µm.
R (Repeatability) = 0.72 µm.

➢ A (Accuracy) = 𝑈𝑠2 + 𝑅2

A = (0.3) 2 + (0.713) 2 = 0.774 µm.

A (Accuracy) = 0.78 µm.

➢ Overall uncertainty (2U) = ± 𝑈𝑠2 + 𝑅2 9

Overall uncertainty (2U) = ± 0.774 µm.
Overall uncertainty (2U) = ± 0.78 µm.
3.5. Compound Uncertainty
In many instances, the ultimate uncertainty of a measurement

Chapter # 3
depends upon the uncertainty of several contributory
measurements which are combined to determine the final

Example 3:

Engineering Metrology
A solid rectangular block with dimensions 100 x 10 x 1 mm. The
uncertainties of measurement of the length, width and thickness are;
± 0.1, ± 0.1 and ± 0.1 mm respectively. Determine the compound
uncertainty of the volume of this block.
Given: L = 100 mm, W = 10 mm, T = 1 mm.
δL = ± 0.1 mm, δW = ± 0.1 mm, δT = ± 0.1 mm.
Required: δV (Volume uncertainty)
V = L .W .T 10
 V   V   V 
2 2 2

V =   L  +  W  +  T 
 L   W   T 
Example 3 (cont.):
= WT = 10 1 = 10

Chapter # 3
= LT = 100  1 = 100

= LW = 100  10 = 1000

Engineering Metrology
V =  (0.1*10)2 + (0.1*100)2 + (0.1*1000)2
V =  (1)2 + (10)2 + (100)2
δV = ± 100.5 mm3 quadrature
δV = ± 111 mm3 algebraic. ???
Let the uncertainty of thickness measurement (δT) be improved from ± 0.1
to ± 0.02 mm, then;
V =  (0.1*10)2 + (0.1*100)2 + (0.02 *1000)2 11
V =  (1)2 + (10)2 + (20 )2
δV = ± 22.4 mm3

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