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Lesson Plan in Food and Beverage Servicing

Name of Teacher: Cicille Grace A. Cayabyab

Date: March 19, 2021

I.            Objectives         

Performance Standards:

The learners demonstrates knowledge and skills in relation to seating the guests.

Learning Objectives

a. Enumerate the procedures in seating guests.

b. Perform the proper procedure in seating guests.

c. Value the importance of seating the guests appropriately.

II.          Content

Topic: Seat the guests

Learning Competency: TLE_HEFBS9-12GO-IIc-d-2
Materials: Pictures of different body shapes and body actions
Integration: English

III.        Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1.    Organization
2.    Prayer
3.    Checking of Attendance

B. Drill

1. Review (Assessment on Welcoming Guests via E-Tesda using Tablet PC

2. Motivation

The Teacher will show a video and let the students analyze it to have an idea about
what the next lesson is.

C. Lesson Proper

Activity 1

            The teacher will group the students into 2. Each group will present their output.

Group 1: Match Column A to Column B

1. Escort and lead the guest towards the table.

2. Seat the guest.

3. Open table napkins for the guest when applicable.

4. Serve water.

Group 2: Arrange the following events in order. Placing 1 for the 1 st event and 4 for the last
one. Write your answers on the space provided for.

5. Escort and lead the guest towards the table.

6. Seat the guest.

7. Open table napkins for the guest when applicable.

8. Serve water.


The teacher will process the ideas presented by each group by letting them watch a video.

Activity 2

The teacher will discuss procedures and add tips on seating guests.


The teacher will discuss procedures and add tips on seating guests.

1. Escort and seat guests according to table allocations.

2. Utilize tables according to the number of party.

3. Seat guests evenly among stations to control the traffic flow of guest in the
dining room.

4. Young couples prefer quiet corners with good view.

5. Should the guest request for a specific location, try to accommodate him/her.

6. Help the guest by pulling back the chair


Role play the following scenarios in a restaurant.

Situation 1: Mr. and Mrs. Sante will celebrate their wedding anniversary. They have decided
to have an intimate dinner date. They made reservations via telephone 2 days before the

Situation 2: A five of 5 young professionals decided to dine in at JMF Restaurant. They made
no reservations. Unfortunately, there was no available table when they arrived at the

Situation 3: A family of 5 with a grandmother, 2 parents and 2 children ages 5 and 2. They
made reservations a day before.



Tips in Seating Guests:

 Escort and seat guests according to table allocations.

 Utilize tables according to number of party.

 Seat guests evenly among stations to control the traffic flow of guests in the dining

 Open cloth napkins for the guest when applicable.

 Serve water according to the standards of the food service facility.

IV.         Evaluation

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. One of your roles as a server is to assist customers with special needs. If your customer
has a child below five years old, which of the following will you offer?

a. booster seat c. toys

b. playmates d. rides

2. A young lady entered Angel’s Restaurant and you know that all tables are already occupied
by customers. As receptionist, what will you say to the lady?

a. “I am sorry, Miss. All the seats are occupied at the moment. Do you mind waiting at the

b. “I am sorry, maam. All the seats are full at this time. Do you want to have a drink while

c. “I am sorry, Maam. All the seats are occupied at the moment. Do you mind waiting at
the lounge for about five minutes?

d. I am sorry miss, All the seats are occupied at the moment. Do you mind waiting or not?

3. If you have four customers and one of them is a senior citizen who is physically weak, where
should he or she be seated in the restaurant?

a. In the corner or side of the wall

b. Close to the hostess station

c. Against the wall

d. Near the door

4. What will you do after escorting and seating the guests at their table?

a. Unfold the napkins and place them gently on each of the guests lap

b. Present the menu with a pleasant smile

c. Take order cautiously

d. Make suggestive selling

5. Why do we need to lead or guide the two customers to a two sitters table?

a. Because there would be no space for four customers

b. Because there could be space enough for them

c. Because it may effect the profit of the day

d. Because they are only two

6. A walk-in host has five guests with him/her. However, all tables are occupied and no tables
are available for them. What immediate action must be taken by the waitstaff?

a. Ask other customers who have finished eating to leave the premises.

b. Apologize to the host and his/her guests and offer a drink.

c. Leave the guest and assemble extra tables from the stockroom.

d. Raise this concern to the immediate supervisor for further advice.

7. There are guests who require assistance due to their special needs. The following are
examples of the ways to address the needs of these guests except:

a. Provide high chair for toddler

b. Table near door for guest with walking stick

c. Elderly guest seated at the noisy part of room

d. Appropriate food served to guests with dietary restrictions

V.           Additional Activity

The teacher will guide the students how to sign up for

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