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1. As a future professional, how can I advocate JUSTICE in my field and/or career?

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LEAST 2 ways on how to propagate justice in your future workspace. Elaborate on how you
are to show it.

In the classroom, educators have a unique chance to promote social justice. Educators can
promote social justice in the classroom by increasing students’ awareness of social justice issues.
I can use current media coverage of issues like immigration, racial injustices, health care equity,
climate justice, mass incarceration, income disparities, gun violence, or voting rights to teach
students about critical thinking, diverse perspectives, and separating fact from opinion as a future
educator. Such activities assist children see injustice and provide them a platform and a method
to voice their thoughts about it. Distinct age groups might have different lessons. A talk about
homelessness with young children can focus on empathy and very fundamental causative
reasons, but a high school class can address justice and handle more sophisticated themes such as
financial disparity, mental illness and disabilities, racial inequities, or public policy.
Encourage others by speaking up. We need to magnify, support, and build a culture of
encouragement, whether on social media or in real life. The more we do so, the more we will be
able to achieve long-term beneficial change. Others would be encouraged to speak up against
injustice, do the right thing, and feel heard as a result of this. Share a great article written by a
coworker with others. Tell someone how wonderful it was that they said something that was on
your mind. If a pupil raises their hand and expresses an opinion, show your gratitude. Many
individuals need to hear that their activities and words are important, and that acknowledgement
may motivate them to keep using their voices and doing the work
2. As a social person, I know that I am bound to meet new people most especially in the
professional world. There could be multiple clashes/conflicts due to differing beliefs, culture,
and ideologies. How can I maintain a sense of PEACE in my field and/or career? Cite AT
LEAST 2 ways on how to maintain peace in your future workspace. Elaborate on how you are
to show it.
Make Errors okay Create a work climate where making mistakes is OK; in fact, promote them
since it shows that you and your team are "in the ring, giving life a decent shot." If you don't
make errors, you won't learn, and if you don't learn, you won't develop. In your weekly sales
meetings, share what you've learned for the benefit of everyone. Imagine adding a weekly
agenda item for "the best errors last week" and having everyone feel appreciated as they share
and learn from them. Learning from your errors allows you to let go of your egos and create a
fun, safe environment in which you can all grow together. Recognize where your team
members are displaying your company's beliefs in a favorable way.
Give the gift of listening. When you want to learn more about other people's viewpoints, use
the Gift of Listening. Be fully present with people and just say, "I hear you," when they've
finished speaking. People don't need to be fixed; they just want to be heard. When individuals
feel fully heard, they may take steps toward finding answers to the problems they're having.
Great leaders can provide a safe environment for people to find their own solutions. As a
consequence, this technique empowers your team and increases individual ownership.

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