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LSST #808213, VOL 48, ISS 18

Application of Papaya Seeds as a Macro-/Mesoporous

Biosorbent for the Removal of Large Pollutant Molecule
from Aqueous Solution: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and
Mechanism Studies
Edson Luiz Foletto, Caroline Trevisan Weber, Daniel Assumpção Bertuol, and
Marcio Antonio Mazutti

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Application of Papaya Seeds as a Macro-=Mesoporous Biosorbent for the Removal of Large Pollutant Molecule from Aqueous Solution: Equilibrium,
Kinetic, and Mechanism Studies
Edson Luiz Foletto, Caroline Trevisan Weber, Daniel Assumpção Bertuol, and Marcio Antonio Mazutti
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Separation Science and Technology, 48: 1–8, 2013

Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0149-6395 print=1520-5754 online
DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2013.808213

Application of Papaya Seeds as a Macro-/Mesoporous

Biosorbent for the Removal of Large Pollutant Molecule
from Aqueous Solution: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and
Mechanism Studies

5 Edson Luiz Foletto, Caroline Trevisan Weber, Daniel Assumpção Bertuol, and
Marcio Antonio Mazutti
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil

various kinds of low-cost materials have been used as alter-

The potential use of papaya seeds as biosorbent for the removal native adsorbents to activated carbon, which are mainly
of a large dye molecule, Procion Red, from aqueous solution was vegetable waste such as rice husk (8), orange peel (9), seed
10 investigated. Papaya seeds were characterized by nitrogen adsorp- shells of sesame (10), sugarcane bagasse pith (11), oil palm
tion/desorption isotherms and scanning electron microscopy. The shell (12), and wheat husk (13). Unfortunately, these 45
results revealed that the papaya seeds exhibit a macro-/mesoporous
structure, which is desirable for applications in adsorption low-cost adsorbents usually present low adsorption capaci-
processes. The models of Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin were ties and, consequently, its applicability in an industrial
15 employed to fit the equilibrium data, where the Langmuir model wastewater treatment is not attractive from the economic
showed the most suitable fitting. The maximum adsorption capacity point of view.
for Procion red dye was found to be 73.26 mg g1. Pseudo- Some recent studies are reporting that the use of papaya 50
first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich, and intraparticle diffusion
models were used to analyze the kinetic data obtained at different (Carica papaya L.) seeds for the removal of dyes from
20 concentrations of dye. The adsorption process of Procion red dye aqueous solutions has a high adsorption capacity. Hameed
followed the pseudo-second-order and intraparticle diffusion models. (14) reported the use of papaya seeds to adsorb methylene
The results indicated that the adsorbent used in this work is blue dye and obtained an adsorption capacity of about
adequate for the treatment of large dye molecules containing in 555 mg g1, while Unuabonah et al. (15) using the same 55
aqueous solutions. This work highlights the potential application
25 of papaya seeds in the field of adsorption. dye, reported values of 769 and 1250 mg g1 for the undef-
fated and deffated papaya seeds, respectively. Recently,
Keywords adsorption; dye; equilibrium; kinetics; papaya seed
papaya seeds have been used for the removal of tannery
dye in aqueous solution, which showed adsorption capacity
of 440 mg g1(16). Despite its high adsorption capacity, the 60
INTRODUCTION use of papaya seeds in the adsorption of textile dye with
Dyes are used as coloring agents in many industries such large size molecule has not been reported.
30 as textile and tanneries. When improperly discharged into The use of papaya seeds as adsorbent to remove dyes
the environment, these dyes may affect aquatic life due to from aqueous solutions is particularly attractive in Brazil.
their toxicity and the reduction of light penetration (1). In the year of 2009 about 1.8 million of tons of papaya 65
Some methods for dye removal from industrial wastewater fruits were harvested that corresponds to about 30% of
include adsorption (2), coagulation (3), flotation (4), and the world production (17). Also, India, Mexico, Nigeria,
35 photocatalysis (5,6). Among these chemical and physical and Indonesia are big papaya fruits producers. The portion
methods, the adsorption using activated carbon has been of seeds from papaya fruit is about 15 to 20% of its weight
found to be promising compared with other techniques in and its final disposition in the environment must be done 70
terms of efficiency to remove a broad range of pollutant carefully in order to avoid some serious pollution con-
molecules (7). However, activated carbon is still considered ditions. Consequently, the use of papaya seeds as dye
40 expensive, which limits their use. Besides, in recent years adsorbent is very interesting from the environmental and
economic point of view, since it is an agricultural residue
Received 5 August 2012; accepted 21 May 2013. that is available at low cost. 75
Address correspondence to Edson Luiz Foletto, Department In this sense, the aim of the present study was to
of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria, evaluate the use of papaya seeds to remove textile dye that
97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil. E-mail:


present large size molecule from aqueous solution. Kinetics different initial concentrations (70 to 300 mg L1). The
and equilibrium studies using a linear procedure were adsorption tests were carried out at various pH (2.5 to
80 carried out to evaluate the mechanism and equilibrium 9.0), which were adjusted using 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 M NaOH.
isotherm of dye adsorption onto papaya seeds. The resulting solution was continuously stirred using a 105
thermostatic orbital shaker (Tecnal, Brazil) under stirring
MATERIALS AND METHODS (100 rpm), at constant temperature (25 C). An aliquot of
the aqueous solution was taken at various time intervals
Adsorbent, Characterization, and Adsorbate
and filtered before analysis. The concentration of the dye
Papaya fruits were collected at a local farm. The seeds
in aqueous solution was determined through the use of a 110
85 were removed from the fruit and dried at 90 C in an oven
UV-vis spectrophotometer (Spectro vision, model
for 24 h followed by crushing in a knife-mill. The resulting
T6-UV). Absorbance values were recorded at the wave-
material was sieved, and a portion with particle diameter
length of maximum absorbance of dye (kmáx ¼ 545 nm).
between 350 and 450 mm was used in the experiments. Analy-
The amount of dye adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent
sis of the surface area (BET) of the solid was performed
at equilibrium (qe; mg  g1) was determined from: 115
90 using the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm at 77 K by
using Micrometrics ASAP 2020 equipment. The surface
physical morphology of the papaya seed was observed by qe ¼ ½ðCo  Ce Þ  V =m ð1Þ
a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Shimadzu SSX-
where Co is the initial dye concentration in liquid phase
550). Procion Red HE7B (CI Reactive Red 141; CAS num-
(mg L1), Ce is the dye concentration at equilibrium (mg L
95 ber 61931-52-0; chemical formula is C52H34O26S8Cl12N14; 1
), m is the mass of adsorbent (g), and V is the volume of
molecular weight ¼ 1,952 g mol1), a dye extensively used
dye solution (L). All the adsorption experiments were carried 120
in the textile industry, was used as the model compound.
out in duplicate and only the mean values were reported. The
The chemical structure of the dye is given in Fig. 1.
maximum deviation observed was about 4.5%.

Adsorption Studies
Equilibrium and Kinetic Models
100 For the adsorption experiments, 50 mg of papaya seeds
In this study, three equilibrium isotherm models were
were added to 100 mL of aqueous solution of dye at
investigated: Langmuir (9), Freundlich (9), and Temkin 125
(18). The respective equations are given in Table 1, where
qe, Ce and qmax are the equilibrium adsorption capacity
(mg g1), equilibrium concentration (mg L1) and the
maximum adsorption capacity (mg g1), respectively; kF,
kL, and nF are the Freundlich adsorption constant 130
(mg g1), Langmuir equilibrium constant (L mg1), and
Freundlich constant related to adsorption intensity,
respectively; R, T, A, and B are the universal gas constant
(8.314 J mol1 K1), absolute temperature (K), equilibrium
binding constant (L mg1), and a constant related to the 135
heat of adsorption, respectively. Also, four kinetic models
were tested: pseudo-first-order (8), pseudo-second-order
(8), Elovich (9), and intraparticle diffusion (1) models.
The respective kinetic equations are given in Table 2, where

Isotherm models
Langmuir 1 1 1
¼ þ
qe kL qmax Ce qmax

Freundlich 1
logðqe Þ ¼ logðkF Þ þlogðCe Þ
Temkin RT RT
FIG. 1. Three-dimensional chemical structure of Procion Red dye, qe ¼ lnðAÞ þ lnðCe Þ
obtained by ChemBio 3D Ultra version 11.0 program. (Color figure
available online)

Kinetic adsorption models
Pseudo-first order lnðqe  qt Þ ¼ lnðqe Þ  k1 t

Pseudo-second order t 1 1
¼ þ t
qt k2 q2e qe

h ¼ k2 q2e

Elovich 1 1
qt ¼ lnðabÞ þ lnðtÞ
b b
Intraparticle diffusion qt ¼ kid t þ C
FIG. 3. SEM image of papaya seed.

predominant presence of mesopores (type IV) and some

140 qe and qt are the adsorption capacity at equilibrium and at macropores (type II). The pore size distribution calculated
time t, respectively (mg g1); k1, k2, kid, h are the rate con- from the adsorption blanch of the isotherm is presented
stant of pseudo-first-order adsorption (min1), rate con- in Fig. 2 (see inset). It can be seen that papaya seeds sample 160
stant of second-first-order adsorption (g mg1 min1), has a wide pore size distribution from mesopore (20 Å <
intraparticle diffusion rate constant (mg g1 min0.5) and pore diameter < 500 Å) to macropore (pore diameter
1 1
145 initial sorption rate (mg g min ) (at t ! 0), respectively; 500 > Å). From the BET characterization of the sample a
a, b, C are the initial adsorption rate (mg g1 min1), specific surface of 0.23 m2 g1 was obtained and an average
desorption constant (g mg1), and a parameter related to pore diameter of 332 Å. 165
the thickness of the boundary layer, respectively. The SEM image (Fig. 3) shows a papaya seed particle
containing a heterogeneous, irregular, and rough surface.
This surface characteristic may enhance the adsorption of
large dye molecules onto papaya seed particles.
150 Characteristics of the Adsorbent
Figure 2 shows the nitrogen adsorption-desorption
isotherms of the papaya seeds. According to the Brunauer- Influence of Physicochemical Parameters on the 170
Beming-Deming-Teller (BDDT) classification, the majority Adsorption Process
of physisorption isotherms can be grouped into six types One of the most important factors in adsorption studies
155 (19). Typically, papaya seeds sample is a combination is the effect of the acidity of the medium (20). Procion red
of types II and IV, with a hysteresis loop, indicating the dye removal by the papaya seeds at 25 C was found to be
pH dependent as shown in Fig. 4. Equilibrium adsorption 175
was favored by acidic pH and maximum adsorption by

FIG. 2. N2 adsorption=desorption isotherms and (inset) pore diameter FIG. 4. Influence of initial pH on the adsorption of Procion Red dye by
distribution of the sample of papaya seeds. papaya seeds (Initial concentration of dye: 100 mg L1; T ¼ 25 C).

sample was observed at pH 2.5. When the pH of the dye repulsion between the adsorbed negatively charged sorbate
solution was increased from 2.5 to 5.5, the amount of the species onto the surface of the adsorbent and the available 215
dye adsorbed decreased from 37.58 to 17.72 mg g1, anionic sorbate species in solution as well as the slow pore
180 respectively. A large decrease in adsorption capacity for diffusion of the solute ion into the bulk of the adsorbent
this dye was observed under basic conditions. A decrease (9). From Fig. 5, it was also observed that the contact time
from 16.20 to 7.10 mg g1 was observed when the pH required to attain equilibrium was about 250 min for all the
increased from 7.0 to 9.0, respectively. Similar adsorption initial concentrations of dye used in this work. 220
behavior has been reported in the literature (21). The
185 adsorption of dye onto adsorbent is influenced by the pH
of the solution and also by the zero point charge (pHzpc) Adsorption Isotherms
of the adsorbent. The pHzpc of papaya seeds has been The analysis of the isotherm data indicates how the
found to occur at pH 6.25 (15). The surface of the papaya pollutant molecules are distributed among the aqueous sol-
seeds is positively charged below pH 6.25, while it acquires ution and solid phase when the adsorption process reaches
190 a negative charge above this pH. Procion Red is an anionic
dye that contains eight sulphonate groups (SO 3 ) (see
Fig. 1). The adsorption of an anionic dye generally
decreases, increasing the pH. This phenomenon is associa-
ted with the negative charge on the adsorbent surface and
195 also with excess OH ions in the solution that compete for
the adsorption sites (22). Therefore, at pH < 6.25 high elec-
trostatic attraction occurs among the positively charged
surface of the adsorbent and negatively charged dye. On
the other hand, at pH > 6.25, an electrostatic repulsion
200 occurs among the negatively charged surface on the
adsorbent and the negatively charged dye.
The influence of dye concentration and contact time on
adsorption kinetics using papaya seed as adsorbent at pH
2.5 and 25 C is presented in Fig. 5. As can be seen, the
205 amount of dye adsorbed per unit mass of papaya seed
increases with increasing initial dye concentration and con-
tact time. In addition, in the first minutes a fast adsorption
of dye into the papaya seed was verified, indicating a fast
adsorption process that is due to the availability of the
210 positively charged surface of the adsorbent, which led to
fast electrostatic adsorption of the anionic dye from the
solution at pH 2.5. After this period, a slow adsorption rate
of dye was verified that can be due to the electrostatic

FIG. 5. Influence of initial dye concentration and contact time on the FIG. 6. The plots of (a) Langmuir, (b) Freundlich, and (c) Temkin
adsorption of Procion Red by papaya seeds (T ¼ 25 C; pH ¼ 2.5). isotherm models for the Procion Red adsorption onto papaya seeds.

225 the equilibrium state, and also is an important step in find- capacities of various low-cost adsorbents and activated
ing a suitable model that can be used for design purposes. carbons for different dyes reported in the literature. A qmax
The data were fitted using the Langmuir, Freundlich, and value of 63.53 mg g1 was observed by Önal (23) for
Temkin isotherms, which are shown in Fig. 6. These equi- adsorption of Crystal Violet on activated carbon prepared 265
librium models provide important information concerning from waste apricot. Gupta et al. (24) reported that the qmax
230 the adsorption mechanism, the surface properties, and values for adsorption of Vertigo Blue and Orange DNA 13
affinity of the adsorbent. The Langmuir model is appli- from aqueous solution were 11.57 and 4.54 mg g1, respect-
cable to homogeneous adsorption systems when there is ively, on carbon slurry developed from a waste material.
no interaction among the sorbate molecules, whereas the Bulut and Aydin (25) obtained a qmax value of 270
Freundlich model is an empirical equation used to describe 21.50 mg g1 for the adsorption of methylene blue on
235 heterogeneous systems and it is not restricted to the forma- wheat shells. Cardoso et al. (26) found qmax values of 66
tion of the monolayer (20). The Temkin isotherm model and 38.8 mg g1 for adsorption of the textile dyes Reactive
assumes that the adsorption heat of all molecules in the Red 194 and Direct Blue 53, respectively, on cupuassu
layer decreases linearly with the coverage due to shell. These results mentioned above indicate that the 275
adsorbate-adsorbate interactions (9). papaya seed has a good ability to remove dye molecules
240 The adsorption parameters obtained from the plots from aqueous solution, which may be attributed to its
showed in Fig. 6 are listed in Table 3. The Langmuir iso- macro-=mesoporous structure. These physical characteris-
therm (Fig. 6a) presented the best fitting of experimental tics are of great importance for adsorption purposes
data, since the correlation coefficient was higher than because it allows for a greater accessibility of pollutant 280
0.98, whereas the other linear models (Figs. 6b and 6c) molecules to the adsorbent. As mentioned in the Introduc-
245 showed a lower correlation coefficient. These results tion, Hameed (14) found a qmax of 555 mg  g1 for the
strongly suggest that there was monolayer coverage of methylene blue dye onto papaya seeds. However, the size
dye molecule on the activated carbon surface. The essential of methylene blue molecule is lower (maximum length of
characteristics of the Langmuir isotherm can be expressed 14.2 Å) (27) than the Procion red (maximum length of 285
in terms of a dimensionless equilibrium parameter (RL) 23 Å; see Fig. 1), which may explain the greater qmax for
250 (12). The parameter is defined by: RL ¼ 1=(1 þ kLCo), the methylene blue dye onto papaya seed. The adsorption
where Co is the highest dye concentration in liquid phase capacity depends greatly on the porosity of the adsorbent
(mg L1) and kL is the Langmuir adsorption constant material in relation to the size=volume of the adsorbate
(L mg1). The value of RL implies the adsorption to molecules. The ratios between the average pore diameter 290
be unfavorable (RL > 1), linear (RL ¼ 1), favorable of the adsorbent (332 Å) and the maximum lengths of
255 (0 < RL < 1), or irreversible (RL ¼ 0). The value of RL was Procion red and methylene blue dye molecules are 15
found to be 0.17 and confirmed that the Langmuir iso- and 24, respectively. This implies that each pore of the
therm was favorable for adsorption of Procion red dye papaya seed particle could accommodate up to fifteen
onto the papaya seed under the conditions used in this Procion red dye molecules, and twenty-four methylene 295
study. The maximum capacity (qmax) obtained using the blue molecules.
260 Langmuir isotherm for the adsorption of Procion red dye
was 73.26 mg g1. This result is higher than the adsorption Adsorption Kinetics and Mechanism
Adsorption kinetic study is important because it pro-
vides valuable information concerning the mechanism of
TABLE 3 dye adsorption in liquid solution. The prediction of 300
Isotherm parameters for Procion red adsorption onto adsorption kinetics is necessary for the design of industrial
papaya seeds. Conditions: pH ¼ 2.5, T ¼ 25 C; Adsorbent adsorption system. In this work, four kinetic models were
mass ¼ 50 mg fitted (Fig. 7) and the kinetic parameters are presented in
Table 4. Only the pseudo-second-order kinetic model
Langmuir (Fig. 7b) presented satisfactory fitting of the experimental 305
qmax (mg g1) kL (L mg1) R2 data, as can be seen by its high correlation coefficient
73.26 0.016 0.982 (R2). This indicates that the adsorption of Procion red
Freundlich dye on papaya seed follows a pseudo-second-order kinetic
KF (mg g1) nF R2 model. Similar phenomenon has also been observed in the
2.88 0.346 0.867 adsorption of basic blue 3 on activated carbon derived 310
Temkin from hevea brasiliensis seed coat (28), adsorption of
A (L mg1) B R2 Bismark brown on activated carbon prepared from rubber-
16.77 51.86 0.906 wood sawdust (29), and the adsorption of reactive orange
dye on activated carbon prepared from sugarcane bagasse

FIG. 7. Kinetic models for the adsorption of Procion Red dye: (a) Pseudo-first order, (b) Pseudo-second order, (c) Elovich, and d) Intraparticle

315 pith (11). The pseudo-first-order kinetic (Fig. 7a) and Adsorption kinetic data also were treated in this work
Elovich (Fig. 7c) models presented no satisfactory fitting using the intraparticle diffusion model. The model is 320
of the experimental data, as indicated by the low values represented in Fig. 7d. According to Fig. 7d, a plot of qt
of correlation coefficient obtained. versus t0.5 should be a straight line when the adsorption

Kinetic parameters for the dye adsorption onto papaya seeds. Experimental conditions: pH ¼ 2.5,
T ¼ 25 C; Adsorbent mass ¼ 50 mg
Co (mg L1)
Kinetic models 70 100 150 200 300
Pseudo-first order
k1 (min1) 0.0112 0.0085 0.0054 0.0060 0.0064
R2 0.728 0.727 0.870 0.907 0.771
Pseudo-second order
k2  103 (g mg1 min1) 4.031 5.37 2.03 1.25 2.11
h (mg g1 min1) 4.65 7.35 5.07 3.806 7.35
R2 0.992 0.995 0.997 0.998 0.995
a (mg g1 min1) 283.87 11.30  103 102.10 21.59 694.81
b (g mg1) 0.297 0.375 0.171 0.124 0.187
R2 0.914 0.903 0.913 0.910 0.870
Intraparticle diffusion
kid (mg g1 min0.5) 0.786 0.797 1.506 1.554 1.574
C 20.79 25.11 25.99 27.89 36.01

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