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Peer-graded Assignment: The

Importance of Delegation
Please read the following scenario, and use your learning on the course to answer the
questions below. Be prepared to draw on learning from across the MOOC so far, not just this
week! You will be given an indicative word count, and will need to upload a separate file,
preferably in a pdf format, for each question.

Sir Richard Branson- The Importance of Delegation

Sir Richard Branson is a very successful international entrepreneur. He founded the Virgin
group which controls more than 400 companies. He is also a best-selling author and well
known philanthropist.

Branson has achieved global recognition for his achievements and is seen by many as an
inspirational leader. Others also see him as a role model, someone who they can truly respect
and admire, and many aspire to learn from his successes.

Among the many skills that have made him successful, Branson has a belief in delegation and
focussing on ‘the bigger picture’. He believes that it is a ‘fairy tale’ to believe you can do
everything by yourself over the long term; and suggests that if there is something that you
aren’t great at doing, it’s worth finding someone who can complement your skillset and do a
great job for you.

This isn’t usually possible in the early set up stage if a business, where you are the
entrepreneur and manager. However, as the company grows and becomes established, this is
where delegation becomes an important (and realistic) option. Embracing and adopting the
delegation process means that leaders and managers have greater capacity to focus on their
‘entrepreneurial’ responsibilities.

However, Branson doesn’t just believe that delegation is just a matter of handing work of to
your team. He suggests that it is of equal importance that the person to whom you are
delegating also understands your business, shares your vision and can envision ways to build
on that to ultimately improve your business. Initially however, it is crucial that the delegation
process is applied in the correct way.

Based on the scenario outlined above please answer the following questions:
1. Identify and explain three main advantages of delegation for a manager (200-250

I considere to ensure the objectives needs to be clear, talk about addiotional responsibility, ask
for cocerns and be open to suggetions and ideas, provide a guideline, play to the individual’s
strength, delegating does not eliminate accountability, delegating results is a los of control,
empowering our employees, hiring a helping hand.

2. Identify and explain three main benefits of delegation for the person who has been
delegated to (200-250 words)

The benefits are that we can interact with people working in the sector, build our online brad,
we don’t have to write a blog to interact with others, have a great connwction building,
maintenance and activation.

3. Identify and explain three risks for a manager who is reluctant to delegate.

The risks are that we can not have control of our team and ourselves, we can have an
ineffective, destructive or underperforming management as a factor for investors holding stock
in a company

4. Using Branson, or another manager from your own experience, identify and
explain four key attributes of a managerial role model.

We can practice tips for working in the work place as choose a personal approach to
networking, prepare a brief profile of yourself and your business, design your publicity material,
attend meeting and events, make the most of meetings and events, investigate online
networking activities.

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