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Muhammad Afaq
ID: 231-525399
WRCM 102
27 December 2020
Problems of Education in Pakistan


Education is the path to national development. On the basis of education, people not only

realize their duties but also know how to achieve their national, social and individual rights. One

goal of education is to empower people by raising general awareness of their national and

international status as global citizens. Today, Pakistan faces many problems such as poverty,

insecurity, sectarianism and terrorism. The causes of these problems are lack of tolerance, lack of

public awareness and incompetence developing through the education system. The important

role of education in Pakistan has been neglected which has led to less progress in all walks of

life. Education has been treated like a stepchild.

Statement of the problem

Problems related to Pakistan's education system has not been able to play an effective

role in nation building. This factor has played an important role in spreading frustration in

Pakistani society. Pakistan's next generation is flawless due to a poor education system that has

largely failed to uplift the nation on economic, social, political and moral grounds.

Thesis Statement

The purpose of this research is talk about the critical analysis of the Problems of

Education in Pakistan with possible solutions.


Purpose of the study

Pakistan has faced educational problems from the very beginning and that is why the

education system has failed to meet the aspirations of the nation. Various factors are responsible

for this situation. This article explores some of the critical issues that have plagued Pakistan's

education system so far, Based on a critical review of the available literature, the dissertation

offers solutions to the current problems of Pakistan's education system.

Literature review

Iqbal Ahmad et al. (2014) The first National Education Conference held in Karachi in

1974 decided that the education system would work in accordance with the national aspirations

of Pakistan. The education system will really depend on the needs of the Pakistani people. In

order to strengthen the role of education, various education commissions have been formed and

committees have been formed but its results are not good yet.


It is predicted that the increase in educational problems in Pakistan maybe lead to

degrade the level of Pakistan in the world.

Research methodology

We include in this review 100 news items, 3 policy documents, and media coverage on

10 educational events and 3 articles on the issue of education. The study is sufficiently detailed

to provide information on research methods, analysis, and a solid basis for judging the validity of

the findings, and the characteristics of the context. The quality of the results had to be met. The

evidence shows a legitimate link between the problem of education and its consequences.

Possible outcome of research


This article concludes that education develops people in all walks of life, social, moral,

spiritual, political and economic. It is a dynamic force that enables each nation to achieve its

overall national goals. It is a proven fact that countries that have stabilized the education system

have a social and political system. With the help of effective education systems, many countries

are playing a leading role in the unity of nations.

Limitations of the study

Limitations in the education system include lack of adequate budget, policy

implementation, flawed examination system, poor physical facilities, lack of quality of teachers,

non-implementation of educational policies, and direction of education, low enrollment, and high

dropout rate. , Political interference, outdated curriculum, corruption, poor management and

oversight, lack of research, and lack of uniformity.


Strict educational policies should be implemented without any delay in time and

resources. There must be a strong political will from the government to implement policies

without delay. Poor policy implementation has led to gaps and a deficit of trust between public

and government institutions.

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