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Position Applied for CONFIDENTIAL

申請職 位 機密

I. Personal Particulars 個人資料

Name (English) (Chinese) Sex
姓名 (英 文) (中 文) 性別
H.K. Identity Card No. Date of Birth
香港身份證號碼 出生日期
Telephone no. (Home)  (Mobile) 
聯絡電話 (住宅) (流動電話)
E-mail Address

II. Academic Qualifications (in reverse chronological order) 學歷(按最近期填寫):

Dates Attended/Attending
Schools, Colleges, Universities, Institutions etc.
就讀期間 Qualifications Obtained / to be Obtained
Attended / Attending
(Month 月/Year 年) 已獲取/將獲取學歷
From 由 To 至

III. Professional Qualifications/Memberships (in reverse chronological order) 專業資格(按最近期填寫):

Date of Award
Name of Institution Qualification / Membership obtained
機構名稱 所獲專業資格
(Month 月/Year 年)

IV. Employment Record (in reverse chronological order) 就業詳情(按最近期填寫):

Period 期間 Reason for
Name of Company Position held Last Salary
(Month 月/Year 年) leaving
機構名稱 職位 最後薪金
From 由 To 至 離職原因

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V. Criminal Offence 刑事紀錄
A criminal conviction is not necessarily a barrier to employment 申請人之刑事紀錄,不
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence (including sexual offence) in a court of law?

□ No 沒有 □ Yes 有  Please state 請列明:

Are you involved in an ongoing criminal proceedings or investigations?

□ No 沒有 □ Yes 有  Please state 請列明:

Have you ever been conducted the Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC) under implementation of the Sexual Conviction
Record Check Scheme in Hong Kong?
□ No 沒有 □ Yes 有   Unique checking code: *valid until: / invalid

查詢密碼: *仍有效,有效期至: / 已無效

*Please Delete as appropriate 請刪去不適用者

VI. Connections 與本院之聯繫

Do you know anyone working in Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department?
□ No 沒有 □ Yes 有  Name 姓名 Position 職位 Relationship 關係
______________________ __________________ _________________
______________________ __________________ _________________

Have you worked as a relief worker in Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department’s unit(s)?
□ No 否 □ Yes 是  Unit 單位名稱: _______________________________________________
Channel 途徑: □ Self-applied 自行申請
□ Intermediary Company 中介公司
Name of Company 中介公司名稱: _________________
** Our agency reserves the right to claim against you all fees paid to the relevant companies and all losses incurred if arising from your
service provision to our agency.

VII. Others 其他
Expected Salary $ Notice Period Date of Availability
要求待遇 $ 離職通知期 可到職日期
Do you agree our agency to transfer your personal data contained in this job application form to other service units under our agency
for considering your suitability in other job vacancies that our agency may have?
□ Yes 是 □ No 否
How do you know about this job vacancy? 閣下如何得知此職位空缺?
□ Newspaper/Magazine 報紙/雜誌 □ Website 網站
(Please specify 請註明: ) ( Please specify  請註明: )
□ Friend/Relatives 朋友/親屬介紹    □ Job Fair/Recruitment Talk 招聘會/講座  
□ Labour Department 勞工處   □ Notice in Service Unit 服務單位的招聘廣告

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□ Others 其他 (Please specify 請註明: )
VIII. Referees 諮詢人
(Please provide information and contact of two persons who can comment on your capabilities and conduct. They must not be your next of
kin and one of whom should be your most recent employer.)
Name Occupation Relationship Name and Address of Organization
姓名 職業 關係 機構名稱及地址

Telephone No
Email Address

Telephone No
Email Address

IX. Declaration 聲明
1. I authorize Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department to disclose my information (including personal data) that I have provided to
the organization(s) and relevant person(s) as stated in my job application, and I hereby give my consent to Yan Chai Hospital Social
Services Department or its delegate to obtain and the relevant organization(s) and person(s) to release information regarding my
employment and conduct for the consideration of my job application.
本人授 權仁 濟醫 院 社 會 服務 部 或其 代表 就 本人 的職 位申 請 將本人 提供 的資 料 (包 括個 人資 料 ) 披露予
職位申 請表 上所列 的 機構及 有關 人士 ,並 可向 有關 機構 及人 士 查詢本 人的 工作 紀錄 及品格 ,而 本人 亦
授權 有關 機構 或人 士 向 仁濟醫 院社 會服 務 部 披 露有 關 資 料 。

2. I understand and agree that Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department will request me to undergo Sexual Conviction Record
Check (SCRC) in order to assess my suitability of my job application.
本人明白及同意仁濟醫院社會服務部可要求本人進行性罪行定罪紀錄查核,以 評定本人是否適合擔任
有關工 作。

3. I hereby declare that all the information given in this application form and any attachment of documentary proof(s) (including
academic, professional qualification and employment record) are true and complete. I understand that any willful misrepresentation or
withholding of material information will render me liable to disqualification for employment or to summary dismissal, if already
本人 確 認 在本表 格內 所提供 的 所有 資料 及任 何 附 帶 的証 明 文 件 (包 括 學 歷 、專 業 資 格 及工 作 証 明 )為
正確及 完整 。本 人 明 白 倘若 故 意 虛 報資 料 或 隱 瞞重 要 事 實 ,可 令 本 人 喪失 錄 用 資 格, 即 使 已 錄用 , 亦
可遭解 僱。

Signature Date
申請人簽署 日期
Name 姓名
HKID No. 香港身份證號碼

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General Notes

1. Please read the Personal Information Collection Statement before completing the job application form.

2. Applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence pertaining to the qualifications and working experience where
appropriate. The entry salary offered will depend on the qualifications and relevant working experience of the applicant in accordance
with the established human resources policies.

3. Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department is an equal opportunity employer. We offer appointments to candidates with
competitive packages commensurate with qualifications, experience and capability.

Personal Information Collection Statement


1. The information provided will be used for employment related purposes. The personal data collected in this application form will be
used to assess your suitability to assume the job duties of the position for which you have applied and to determine preliminary
remuneration and benefits package to be discussed with you subject to selection for the position.

2. It is our policy to retain the personal data of unsuccessful applicants for future recruitment purposes for a period of 3 months.
Information on all unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed 3 months after the application deadline. When there are vacancies in
other service units under our agency during the retention period, we may upon your consent transfer your application for their
三個月銷毀。如本院的其他服務單位在此保留期間出現職位空缺時,本院獲你同意 下或會將你的申請轉交有關

3. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to, and to request correction of, your personal data
in relation to your application. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact our Human Resources Section.

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