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Whether you’re an experienced traveler or it’s your first time to travel abroad, I know that most of you are afraid to get
offloaded at the Philippines immigration. So, read my tips below on how you can handle the immigration interview and
what airports requirements you have to bring.

I know that feeling a couple of days before your out-of-the-country trip when you can’t just stay still and think of the OOTDs
that’s getting in your suitcase, the IG-worthy poses that you’re going to make, and all the delicious food you’re going to
taste. That’s the beauty of traveling-- it gives us something beautiful to look forward to. But on that ‘big day,’ there’s one
final hurdle we have to face before taking that flight-- the Philippines Immigration. I know you’ve heard a couple of horror
stories about people getting offloaded from their flight and this is making you feel anxious (especially if it’s your first time)
so I have compiled 32 Important Things and Tips that you have to remember when dealing with them :)

In this article, we summarized the following:

Things to do Weeks and Days BEFORE your Flight

What to do the DAY of your Flight

How to present (Act) yourself in front of the Immigration Officer

Things to Remember When You Are Subject to Secondary Inspection

What to do when you’re OFFLOADED from your Flight

Photo by Moralis Tsai on Unsplash

Photo by Moralis Tsai on Unsplash


1. MAKE SURE YOUR PASSPORT IS AT ITS BEST. Weeks before your flight, inspect your passport and make sure that it is in its
best condition. It can’t have any markings other than your signature and the emergency contact page. It can’t have any
visible tear or wet marks, especially on the barcode.

for only less than six months is just good to serve as a valid Identification Card. You cannot use it for traveling out of the
country anymore. If you insist, you will not even be allowed to check in at the counters, and I also doubt if you can even
book your flight since most airlines ask for the expiration date.
Ex. My passport is valid until October 1, 2018. Bilang tayo ng 6 months pabalik, that will be April 1, 2018. So I can only use
my passport to travel out of the country if my intended flight is earlier than April 1, 2018. If my flight is on April 1, 2018, I
still can’t use it. (They are very strict with this)

3. GET A NEW PASSPORT IF NEEDED. If your passport is in bad shape (as described above), then it’s best to get a new one or
risk getting offloaded. Sometimes you can pass through the Philippine Immigration (with a lot of luck), but there’s also a risk
of being sent back by the receiving country’s immigration.

4. CHECK-IN ONLINE. If you do not have any check-in baggage, check-in online at least 48 hours before your flight and save
yourself from the hassle of lining up on the check-in counters.


5. HAVE ALL YOUR DOCUMENTS READY.The most common things that they ask for are the following and remember to keep
these on hand:

Passport and visa if the receiving country requires it

Roundtrip flight itinerary (this is required!)

Hotel bookings

School/company ID, if any.

If employed, Work Leave Approval

If self-employed, BIR or Business Certificate

If working online - Screenshot any proof of your work publication, Paypal Statement or even transactions on your o-desk or
similar platforms

If unemployed, statement from your sponsor / husband with proof of your relationship with sponsor (birth certificate or
marriage certificate if not the same last name)
If accompanying minor that is not a relative, get the official travel document clearance from DSWD

6. BRING PROOF OF YOUR FINANCIAL CAPACITY. This could be in the form of cash, debit, or credit card. Once they doubt
your financial capacity to travel and once they deem necessary, they could ask for these documents too.

7. BRING SECONDARY PROOF OF FINANCIAL CAPACITY. The worst case scenario is they wouldn’t find your cash/debit/credit
card sufficient. So keep all secondary proof with you. This could be in the form of Affidavit of Support from your sponsor,
business registration and photos of your business if you have one, and ITR.

8. KEEP THE CONTACT NUMBER OF IMPORTANT PEOPLE. These are people that you can call in case the IO asks something
else from you. This could be a relative, an officemate, or your company’s HR.


9. BE THERE ON TIME. I swear you wouldn’t want to sprint and go through the embarrassment of having to ask everyone if
you can cut the line just to make it on time. Be there at least 2 hours before your flight, and you’ll be fine. If it’s your first
time, be there at least 3-4 hours, so you have enough time just in case they subject you to secondary inspection.

10. CHECK YOUR BOARDING PASS. Familiarize yourself with the boarding gate and the boarding time, so you know where to
go after you pass through the immigration or when you rush after secondary inspection.

11. DO NOT MAKE BOMB JOKES. Like, don’t you even dare! This is not cool, and this is against the law. If an airport staff
hears you or someone reports you, your next destination could be in prison!

12. DO NOT EVER TOUCH OR TAKE ANYONE’S LUGGAGE. This applies to all airports and probably all places in the world.
Never take it whether it’s from an old woman or a child. You have no idea what’s inside it so doesn’t even think about it, or
you might just get in trouble.


13. RELAX. There’s nothing to be afraid of. They are just humans like us who are only doing their job.

14. DRESS SMART. Don’t get there in your pajamas (some people do this specially seasoned travelers and those on long
flights). If it’s your first time, you have to dress smartly. A pair of jeans, shirt, and shoes will be fine. Bring your jacket too as
it can be very cold sometimes. And oh, don’t forget you have to be comfy too :)

15. HAVE A PEN WITH YOU. You have to fill out a departure card and an arrival card, so a pen comes in handy. You wouldn’t
want to cue just so you can use the free pens, don’t you?
16. WRITE LEGIBLY. Departure and arrival cards need to be read by the Immigration Officers. To avoid delay and being sent
back to the end of the cue, write legibly and use only black or blue pen.

17. MAKE SURE YOUR DOCUMENTS ARE AUTHENTIC. Once they find out that you have tampered/fake documents, you will
be subject to automatic secondary inspection. And once you go through it due to this cause, there’s a very little chance
they’ll make you take your flight.

18. TAKE OUT YOUR PASSPORT FROM THE COVER. I know it looks fancy, and all with your cute passport cover but they only
need your passport. Not the cover and anything else that comes with it.

19. BE POLITE. Immigration Officers are officials of the Government and public servants who deserve our utmost respect. So
always be polite. Start with a simple “good morning/good afternoon,” and this could just make their day and instantly lift
up their mood.

20. DO NOT PANIC. Once they start the Passenger Assessment by asking a series of questions, do not panic. If you know that
you’re telling the truth, then there’s nothing to be worried about :) The series of questions they usually ask is: “What’s your
work here?” “Who’s paying for your trip?” “Where will you be staying?” “What will you do there?” “When will you come
back?” (Easy, right?)

21. BE CONFIDENT. When you sound unsure of your answers, you will give them a reason to doubt you. So always be

22. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY. This is the golden rule. Answer truthfully or risk getting lost in your lies.

23. DO NOT OFFER ANY EXCESS INFORMATION. Most of the questions that they ask can be answerable by yes, no, and
something that calls for a five-word answer at most. So don’t give one whole sentence or an even a paragraph! Remember,
these people have a long day ahead of them, and there’s a long cue behind you so just answer them briefly and concisely.

Revised Guidelines on Departure Formalities for International-Bound Passengers, the following will automatically be
referred for secondary inspection:

A passenger who has no financial capacity to travel and is escorted/accompanied by a foreign national who is not a relative
by consanguinity or affinity;

A minor who is traveling alone or is unaccompanied by either a parent or legal guardian without the required travel
clearance from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD);
A spouse of a foreign national intending to depart for the first time to join the foreign spouse;

A partner of a foreign national who intends to go abroad to meet/marry his/her fiancé/fiancée but does not have the
Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) Guidance and Counseling Certificate;*

An individual traveling to countries with existing deployment bans, alert levels 3 and 4, and travel advisories AND is in
possession of visas to said countries; and

Someone who had previously stayed abroad for more than six months as a tourist or temporary visitor and is intending to
depart for the second or subsequent time.

32 Important Things And Tips When Dealing With The Philippines Immigration


25. KNOW THE GROUNDS FOR OFFLOADING. One shall not be cleared from departure when:

1) A passenger is found to be misrepresenting his/her purpose of travel; and

2) It appears that he/she is a part of a human trafficking operation regardless of whether he/she took part in it or has
knowledge about it.

In the second case, the Immigration Officer shall execute an Affidavit of Deferred Departure, and the offending passenger
and his/her documents will be turned over to the IACAT Task Force for further investigation and case build-up.

NOTE: Items Number 23 and 24 are just guidelines. This will still be subject to the Primary Officer’s discretion based on the
outcome of your profile assessment. It’s a case-to-case basis and will vary depending on the ‘totality of circumstances’.

26. IT IS NOT THE END OF YOUR JOURNEY. This is just a secondary inspection to check your documents further, and your
circumstances so don’t think that you’re going to be offloaded. As long as you have all the documents I stated above, you’ll
be fine.

27. KEEP YOUR CALM. At this stage, the Immigration Officers will ask you clarificatory questions. I know this can be
frustrating and nerve wrecking but as much as possible, keep your calm and politely raise your arguments. Try to hold your
cool and avoid raising your voice.

28. FILL OUT THE BORDER CONTROL QUESTIONNAIRE (BCQ) TRUTHFULLY. Aside from asking a series of questions, they will
ask you to fill out a BCQ. Fill it out legibly and truthfully.
29. MIND WHAT YOU HAVE ON YOUR LUGGAGE/PHONE/LAPTOPS. Once you go through secondary inspection, these
people can go through the contents of your bags, laptops, and cell phones. I don’t even know if it’s legal, but this is what
usually happens. Yikes!


30. CANCEL EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CANCELLED. The harsh truth is you won’t get any compensation AT ALL when you
get offloaded from your flight (so don’t even try to raise this argument with the IO). So when you get offloaded, cancel the
hotel bookings and tours that you already booked. Hotels will probably charge you for just one night, and the rest is fine.
Try to save any amount that you can save.

31. KNOW THE IMMIGRATION OFFICERS’ DUTY. Know so you can understand where they are coming from. These people
are not there just to stamp our passports. They are there to prevent illegal/undesirable aliens from coming in the country
and for our fellow Filipinos from being subject to human trafficking aside from many other things. They have a lot on their
plate so don’t think that they are just there to annoy/offload you or they did it on purpose.

32. MOVE ON. I know it’s very hard to do this, but there’s nothing you can do. It sucks. But think of it from a different
perspective. Maybe it’s not yet your time, and a bigger and better trip is in store for you! :)

Photo by Philippine News Agency

Photo by Philippine News Agency


Once you’re through with the IOs, you will now go through another phase which is boarding the aircraft. Most of the time
you have to wait, and usually, flight gets delayed longer than usual. 1 or 2 hours is understandable but 6 hours?? No way! It
is important to know the Air Passenger Bill of Rights as provided by the Civil Aeronautics Board and I’m summarizing it here:

RIGHT TO BE INFORMED- Right of the consumer to be informed of the complete terms and conditions of the contract of
carriage, among others. This shall appear on the ticket and boarding pass. For online bookings, the customers must be
informed at least twice of such terms and conditions.

RIGHT TO NON-MISLEADING ADVERTISEMENTS- This requires air carriers to disclose all other mandatory fees and charges,
including government taxes and fuel surcharges, in their fare advertisements.

RIGHT TO BOARD THE AIRCRAFT- In case of overbooking which is not outrightly prohibited, the air carrier is mandated to
seek volunteers who would be willing to give up their seats for reasonable compensation. In case the volunteers are not
enough to accommodate all booked passengers, the air carrier is required to increase further the offer to entice sufficient
volunteers. The air carrier may not bump off passengers without their consent.
flight, the air carrier is obligated to provide sufficient refreshments, hotel accommodation, transportation from the airport
to the hotel, free phone calls, texts or emails and first aid, if necessary. Furthermore, the passenger must be reimbursed for
the value of the fare, including taxes and surcharges, or endorsed by another air carrier or rebooked to the next flight
available without additional charge.

RIGHT TO COMPENSATION AND AMENITIES IN CASE OF FLIGHT DELAY- This gives rise to rights similar to when the flight of
the passenger is canceled. However, if the delay extends to at least six hours from the estimated time of departure, the
flight will be considered canceled, and the rights afforded to passengers booked in canceled flights will apply. Moreover,
the passenger will be entitled to receive additional compensation. Nevertheless, if the air carrier pushes through with the
flight despite the delay of more than six hours, the passenger has the option to board such flight.

I hope this article will be of help to you! Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll surely get through our Philippine Immigration,
and you’ll be bound to your dream destination. Happy and safe travels! Xx

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How to Avoid Getting Offloaded at the Philippines Immigration 32 Tips for Immigration Interview and Airport

How to Avoid Getting Offloaded at the Philippines Immigration 32 Tips for Immigration Interview and Airport

Comments (145)Newest First

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Dorothy 6 months ago · 0 Likes

Hello po ☺  Mam ask ko lang po balak ko po kasi pumunta sa dubai this last week of may. Pero ang kukunin ko is tourist
visa. Unemployed po ako now then galing ako sa oman for 3 yrs as a waitress. Umuwi po ako dto sa pinas last September
2020 kc nagclose ung cafe pero ang problema ko po hindi kinancel ung visa ko which is mageexpire this june. Then
kakakuha ko lng po bago kong passport last month. May chance po ba kaya akong ma offload? Waiting for your reply mam.
Thank you so much

Meriam alicaway 7 months ago · 0 Likes

Hi pp first timer po ako as visit visa ask ko lang po kung ano at paano ggwin pgdating ng immigration possible po ba na ung
dti kong employer ung mgvvisit visa skin then pag andon napo ko ska po nia ko eemploy sa company nia? Pwd po b un at
anong mga documents po ang needs ko pra po di maoffload s immigration thankyou po godbless po

amy 8 months ago · 0 Likes

Hello po!

ask ko lang din po kung naoffload po nung una pwde p kayang makalabas sa 2nd attempt??.

May mga naoffload po ba na spouse visa papunta sa Canada pero ang IO hinahanapan p ng ibang docus like OEC which is
the spouse is spouse open work permit dun meaning to say pag andun na xa saka lang xa makakahanap ng work. And c
hubby is closed work permit naman.

Jessa abello 9 months ago · 0 Likes

Hello po thank you,, pupunta po ako ng dubai this feb.2021, meron na po ako tourist visa and, travel health insurance, and
round trip ticket po, and kukuha ako ng prc covid testing at 48hrs result,, pwde na po ba yan? Sponsor is my bf partner po,
magbakasyon ako sa kanya sa dubai, ok na po ba yan? Hindi maka labas ba ako ng ibang bansa, thank u po, sana masagot

Katrina dela merced 7 months ago · 0 Likes

Hi were you able to fly last feb?please share your experience po.thank you

Gwe 8 months ago · 0 Likes

Hi po were you able to fly to dubai?

Grupinta 8 months ago · 0 Likes

Hi Jessa,

Any update? Were you able to fly to Dubai?


Cherry Wong 11 months ago · 0 Likes

Thank you, Mrs. Howe for this. This is very helpful and informative. ❤ 
Dainn Almorado 11 months ago · 0 Likes

Goodevening po ,first timer ko pong magtravel papuntang dubai kasama ung 3 kung anak 10,9,at 2yearsold tanung ko lang
need pa po ba nila mgpcr test ?

Nyusu Sakebi A year ago · 0 Likes

Hello po, na offload po ung friend ko po khapon..first time traveler po siya at sa Dubai un destination denied po
siya kasi wla dw siya sponsor. Eh wla nman tlga siya kamag anak dun..ibig po ba sabhin di pde mag travel kpag wlang
relative khit financially capable?

Nicole A year ago · 0 Likes

Hello! i am a first time traveller, mag aavail ako ng group tour package. ano ano po ba ung mga additional or supporting
documents ang need na need po talaga? maliban po sa roundtrip tickets, hotel con, and itinerary? self employed ako (bago
lang) online business po. and balak ko po itreat po ung bestfriend ko student palang siya, college. jobless po. ako po sana
mag sponsor sakanya, para magkasama kami magtravel ano ano rin po mga need po niya at ako na requirements po?
salamat po sa sasagot.

Edna A year ago · 0 Likes

Good Day,

Gusto ko po sana kunin yung Dalawang pamangkin ko age 27 at 6 years old po, for tourist visa lang po ito po parating na
holidays, tanong ko po sana kung ano-ano po ang hahanapin na documents sa minor na pamangkin ko? salamat po

maxim A year ago · 0 Likes

hello mam i got a question my wife will travel alone to belgium together with my infant son for family reunification. what
documents should i bring to prevent her being offloaded?

Kach Umandap-Howe A year ago · 0 Likes

Hi Maxim,

She can bring all the documents she submitted when she applied for visa together with the current requirements when
traveling by immigration.
Kelsey Rabago A year ago · 0 Likes

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Howe,

I will be visiting Taiwan in March 2021, and it is my first time traveling abroad so I am a bit worried about the immigration
process. You've mentioned that I should bring a proof of my financial capacity in a form of cash or debit or credit card. I am
just wondering how are they going to verify if it's sufficient if I am to present my debit card?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you!

Kach Umandap-Howe A year ago · 0 Likes

Hi Kelsey, you can bring your latest bank statement or access your online bank if they asked proof.

Estrella Diamante 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Good pm po.....ask ko lng po na offload po ako last aug.papupuntang vietnam dhl hinahanapan nla ako ng OEC ko pro exit
na po ako sa Saudi sa dating employer at nag rorgood na po ako dto sa pinas so gusto ko sana mg tour lng sa vietnam for
3days pro na offload ako.....ngaun balak ko po uli mg tour kasama anak ko na 23yrs my work din po cya dito sa pinas family
tour po kami my posibilidad po ba na ma offload ako ulit kht nag forgood na ako ngaun....salamat po ....

Kach Umandap-Howe A year ago · 0 Likes

Hi Estrella, mag exit ka padin po ba from Vietnam to Saudi? If hindi naman po, wala na po sila reason to offload you.

clarisse 2 years ago · 0 Likes

hi maam! makakaalis po ba ako papuntang singapore if i have a valid working visa sa japan? yung father ko po yung mag
sponsor ng trip ko with my mother and brother to singapore. adding to this, i am currently unemployed po. i also asked our
accountant po sa previous work ko about my ITR kung pwede na makuha sabi nya is ngayong feb palang po ma i f file. by
teh way my previous work po is teacher, i also have valid prc license. my company id was aked to surrender nung nag resign
po ako. hope you can help me with this. thank you maam.

Mia 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi maam, good day. Mag tatanong lng po sana ako kung ma ooffload po ba kung babalik pa ako dito sa malaysia na as
tourist na, ganito kasi yun. My permit end on this coming end of may and i have to go back in ph and waiting for the cooling
period since ndi na ako babalik sa amo ko, at sinabi ng immigration dito sa malaysia na 3 months is the cooling period and
after that i can apply as a tourist para babalik dito sa malaysia. Is this kind of situation ma question po ba ako sa

Maureen 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi, good day po. Me and my sister booked a Group Tour to Taiwan for 4 days in a travel agency in Manila. She’s 31 and I am
26 years old, we both finished College, since 2017. She have 1 daughter and me also 1 son, they are not coming with us
since they both still have school. My live in partner will be the one who’ll take care of my son.

Aside from (Passport, Hotel Voucher, Roundtrip Ticket, Departure Card) what else do I need?

Since my sister is employed. I am concern about myself. I am unemployed and will be travelling internationally, but I have
my own savings in my bank account since when I am in College and I can shoulder my own expenses through out my stay.

How do I get to save money is because I save my allowances when I am in college and my parents still sending me money
thru remittances and bank transfer directly to my bank.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you very much.

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi Ms Maureen, I think you don't have to worry po :) You can also include your itinerary so the immigration will see your
plan during your trip.

Michelle 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello po mam kach

Im a filipino and married to a a holder of 2 passports (phil and jordanian passport).im planning to visit
philippines with my youngest son(1 yr old).im planning to use my jordanian passport since my son also will use his jordanian
passport, just to avoid requirements of report of birth and so planning to apply for philippine visa for the both of us.i
am unemployed for a couple of years already, i dont even have a bank account..will i be offloaded for this
visit po ang purpose anu po kaya ang puede ko gwin..i hope you can help me answer my question..

Roel Lood A year ago · 0 Likes

Hi Michelle,

Forget your Jordanian passport when travelling to Pinas. Use your Ph passport instead. That way, no need na for Ph Visa.
Filipino ka eh. When pabalik, use your Jordanian passport. Again, no need for a Jordanian Visa, Jordanian ka eh. . . As for
your 1 yo son, ask for a visa sa Philippine embassy dyan sa Jordan. Just prepare his birth certificate and your marriage cert.
A Letter of Consent will also be asked from your husband and yung galing din sa gov't social welfare agency ng Jordan
(parang DSWD sa kanila) na permit na dalhin mo yung bata sa Pinas.

After ok na visa and permits ng bata, ready for Pinas.

Pag nasa Pinas ka na, kunan mo nang Passport ang bata using yung Birth Cert nya and marriage cert ninyo. That way, pag
balik ninyo sa Pinas at pauntang Jordan no need na kayo ng Visa since both of you are citizens of the two countries.

Hope this helps.


Jebby 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hey! I'm planning a travel to Thailand for a week. Any suggestions and recommendations to avoid me from being
offloaded? Thanks I would really appreciate the response...

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi Jebby, Just check this article. I provided 32 tips to avoid getting offloaded ;)

Toshy Barrion 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi, nwalan po ako ng company ID, and lahat po ng IDs ko under ng maiden name ko (Passport and ticket under married
name). Ok lang po ba na ipakita ko other Ids ko aside sa company ID? Sagot din po pla ng company namin ung travel ko.

Thanks po ng madami.

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi Toshy, Dala nalang po kayo ng proof na married po kayo if wala na po kayong time kumuha ng bagong ID.
Maria Rachelle Bautista 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello po, magtatanong lang po ako, andito po ako ngayon sa pilipinas, galing Dubai, nagtatrabaho po ako dun pero umuwi
po ako dito sa pilipinas, kasi po manganganak ako, Nagdecide po ako nacancel ang visa ko, kasi po hindi madali ang mag
bubuntis ko, need ng pahinga,mahirap po kasi ang trabaho ko as a cashier sa isang resto type company. Bago po ako umuwi
ng pilipinas ay nagpakasal na po ako sa dubai, sa isang egyptian, tanong ko lang po paqno po kaya ako makaka bisita sa
asawa ko?

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi Maria, bibisita po kayo sa Dubai din? pwede nyo po iton i check na guide.

nhie 2 years ago · 0 Likes

ask ko lng po mgreside n hubby ko dto sa qatar ksama ko.. family resident visa cya need p po ba ng return ticket e dto n po
cya titira? ksama ko po yearly

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi Nhie, kung mag settle na po sya dyan , hindi na nya po need ng proof na babalik lalabas po sya ulit ng bansa.

Thy 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi offloaded ako papuntang Taiwan. Naiwan ako ng eroplano ang sabi pwede daw ako mag book same day. May slip na
binigay sakin nakasulat Offloaded/Allowed T3 what does it mean? Thanks

camille mendez 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi po ma'am ask ko lang po sana ofw po kasi ako then nag pplan ako na mag vacation sa Singapore and may kamaganak din
po ako dun may possibility po kaya na ma off load ako? ang plano ko po kasi pagka uwi ko galing abroad mag flight na ako
after 3days papuntang Singapore okay lang po kaya un? thanks!

Cecebailey 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Show your return flight to the Philippines as well as your return flight to your jobsite and OEC exemption number.
Janessa 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi maam pa alis na po kame ng anak ko pa Canada meron po ako permanent residence visa anak ko din meron na passport
at letter galing Canadian Embassy manila taga Canada KC asawa ko first time pa lang kame pupunta ng Canada. Ano pa po
mga kailangan na document para hende Ma ofload sa Immigration maam Thank you

Cecebailey 2 years ago · 0 Likes

I don't know if this reply is too late. but I hope this helps. CFO sticker for you and your child if both of you have Philippine
passports and have permanent visas in Canada. However if your child has a Canadian passport leaving for the 1st time you
need a certificate of exemption CE from the Bureau of Immigration which you can apply for at their main office in

Kach Umandap - Howe 2 years ago · 1 Like

Anung passport po ng anak nyo? Kung may valid visa kayo hindi naman kayo maoofload kaso kung minor ang anak mo then
you should read about this DSWD clearance if applicable sa situation nyo po -

Regina 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello po!

I'm currently unemployed and planning on a trip to Taiwan for a week. I have enough savings to support me but will I get
offloaded because I am unemployed?

My previous work was in IT, I'm afraid they would think that I will look for a job there. I just really wanna take a break from
working that's why I'm taking this trip.

Any advice?

Thank you.

Ly za 2 years ago · 0 Likes

if na offload, nag o-offer pa rin ba sila ng escort?. I'm about to fly this October 30. my aunt in dubai sponsored my ticket,
tourist visa and house where I'll stay for 3 months. I am currently employed but my HR do not allowed long leaves so I'll be
leaving my work soon. I have the necessary documents. what I don't have is certification and ID since I'm about to resign.
What else can I do to pass the immigration?

Thank you

chemberly madrazo 2 years ago · 0 Likes

hello mam.. ofw po aq and this month, my contract will end and i am planning to visit morocco after 3 weeks of staying in
philippines.. tanong q po, ano po documents ang kelangan ihanda, since wla n aqng work ,mam?


Laplce 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello po.Ask ko lang po kung may chance maoffload yung may us visa? Salamat po.

Kung meron po na chance anu po mga kailangan dalhin? Salamat po.

Roel Lood 9 months ago · 0 Likes

Bihira lang ma-offload ang may mga Visa especialy sa US. Pagdating mo lang sa US may chance na di ka papasukin sa Border
Officer kung makita nyang may intention ka na mag-migrate doon.

Audrey 2 years ago · 0 Likes

I was offliaded Sept. 20, 2019. I am an OFW, but due to hard getting working to China I am using Business Visa. Did not used
my OEC for almost 2 years. My company asked to go to India for our order there. I got 1 year multiple Business Visa in India.
My company bought me plane ticket, booked me hotel. All is company expenses. We are travelling from different countries
for our orders. Last Friday I was offloaded. I showed all my documents they asked. But in the end, I was still offloaded. So
now, my company can't let me continue to work. I lost my job and can't support my family. Hoping immigration will listen to
people they interview. I am working outside on the country for 12 years, my 1 st time to be offloaded and now I lost my job.
But the immigration or the goverment can't give me job and support my family. They are following rules, but in every rules
sometimes have exemption. Are they happy making people lost job, cause they offloaded the passenger? Can they give me
job? Can they support my family? What help they can do? OWWA/OEC Can't even help me cause they don't accept
Business visa. Even I have all the docs from my company. So sad. But what to do? They are one in position to just say now
and offloaded you. But they can't help you.... Hope they put their self on the position of the people. I am so stress and
upset cause I don't have job now.
Jeff 2 years ago · 0 Likes

You should have obtained a Work Visa for China to continue your job since it requires you travel. You cannot blame the govt
all the time for your mishaps since no matter how you position it, you are still illegally employed abroad. Immigration
Officers only did their job in preventing Filipinos from working abroad illegally to avoid worst things that may happen to you
and it would be the govt's fault then. If only you have the correct visa on hand then you wouldn't be experiencing this.

If we want our government to help us, let us help ourselves first by doing things legally to avoid mishaps.

Jenny 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi po, Im currently in canada, with PR status. Uuwi po ako next year sa Ph para mg pakasal. Magbabakasyon po sana kami
ng fianceé ko sa Bali, before our civil ceremony. Tanong ko lng po kasi unemployed po fianceé ko and first time niya po
lalabas sa Ph. Ako lng po ang mg sosponsor sa kanya on our Bali trip, pwede po ba yon? Anu po dapat naming dalin na
requirements para hindi sya ma offload?

Thank you.

Kach Umandap - Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Make sure you have your documents and proof of relationship just in case the immigration would ask.

Jiru 2 years ago · 0 Likes

I got offloaded last sept. 12. I suppose to go to south Korea and this is suppose to be my second time going there but I
failed. They questioned me kung bakit AQ nagtagal sa Seoul ng almost 2 months and to think na my visa was 59days naman.
I didn't do anything wrong there. Nag tour Lang AQ at nag extend ako coz of my bf. They kept on judging me as if I did
something wrong. I started to felt so nervous kahit nman wala AQ bad intentions tlga. But the way they talk to me nkaka
humiliate kasi. I felt I got trauma because of that. But since my visa is not yet expire then I will try again. Can I try again sa
ibang international airport? Please give some advice.

Juliah Anne Martinez 2 years ago · 0 Likes

I was offloaded last Wednesday. I was with my co office mates, we were planning going to Hanoi Vietnam. The secondary
inspections leads me in a horror scenario I was shaking that time while answering his out of the line questions, I am not
dumb but base on his implications he was accusing me on working illegally abroad. I know that he is just doing his job. I got
offloaded just like that and didn't able to defend myself, he was asking why I'm shaking and I know that it gives him an extra
point to speculate me. For the first timer traveling abroad like me this brings nightmare, humiliations and depression. Yes I
am now suffering from depression, I already posted everything on my social media, tell my colleagues that I'm going
abroad, file a leave on my job, earned and spent money for this. More than any of these financial bank accounts that I have
lost I also been suffering from looosing my emotional bank account, i know this is too shallow, that is just a vacation you
can rebook that etc. A lot of people would say it is easy to move on and forget about it but for me who is diagnosed of
having depression and anxiety attacks it couldn't be easy for me, the humiliations, pressure, stress and everything. All I just
want to do is to have a vacation, to unwind and relax but things get worse. I love the Philippines.

Allyn 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello Po,

Ask ko lang po sana kasi mag tour po alone to India as one of my dream po. okay lang po ba na mag dala lang ako ng cash
na enough para sa 5 days travel ko? need ko pa rin po ba ng bank cert? or mas okay ba na ipakita ko sa kanila ang money na
dala ko to travel india?

please advice kasi travel date ko na sa Sept. 26

Thank you.

Ayren Cruz 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi po gud am. Ask ko lan po pag second time na magtravel abroad mahigpit pa rin po ba sa immigration? What if
unemployed po pero meron naman pong proof of financial capacity? Thanks po.

Mars 2 years ago · 0 Likes

If travelling with unemployed senior citizen na parents.. Need pa ba ng affidavit of support?

Pencruz 2 years ago · 0 Likes

I would like to ask if the Phil immigration would allow me to travel. I am a public school teacher. Pero mag reretire po ako
effective 5 days prior to my travel to Brunei this september. nag bigay napo ako ng letter of intent to my principal she just
signed it this day. I will be meeting my superintendent bukas. Clearance signing. Meron po ba dapat pa bang i present sa
immigration to let me pass? anyway retirement po kc. marami pa dapat process. pero babalik din po ako one week lang po
ako dun. meron napo akong round trip ticket.

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello Pencruz, We don't experience this kind of circumstance but we suggest you have a copy of your clearance.

Cataleya 2 years ago · 0 Likes


Do all Asian countries require a specific money on bank? Where will I know how much should be my bank balance for a
specific country?

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello Catleya, For Countries requiring for Visa you need to have certain amount of money ( please check our Visa Guides for
your reference). For Visa Free Countries and Visa on Arrival Countries before the PH Immigration will let you pass they can
ask about how can you pay for your travel so better be ready with your ATMs, Credit Card, Paypal Accounts and other 🙂

joy 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi, I am a Philippine passport holder and a college instructor in the Philippines. However, I am currently on study leave as I
am taking my Ph.D. degree in Taiwan. Supposedly, I am going to attend a conference in Dubai (3 days) this September (1st
week) with all the documents prepared. An invitation letter, acceptance letter for my presentation, hotel booking, 2-way
ticket and 30 days visa. Yet, just yesterday, the organizer message me for the postponement of the conference. Is there a
possibility that I won't be offloaded in case I will just use the granted 30 days visa and maximize the date of my travel (22
days) even the conference I supposed to attend to will not continue. If only the conference will continue, I planned to stay
with my mom who is working as an OFW in Abu Dhabi. Do I need a sponsorship just to maximize my VISA and 2-way plane
ticket? Any additional requirement I need to sustain? Thank you for your response.

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello Joy, prepare your two-way ticket and sponsorship or invitation letter from your mother. 🙂

JOYCE LAURA 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Ferryroseparcia 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello po I'm going to south america and I have invitation letter for our friends to come but I am still 19 years old and I don't
have job and it was my first time to go there and I'll just sponsor with my bf but I don't have documents of affidavit of that
so what i can do now?

documents that I need?

The problem is I have already ticket tell me please I don't wanna to stop my travel there and I don't want to disappointed
the people who waiting on me

David Comtesse 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Good morning. My friend is a young Filipina School Teacher preparing for her first international flight (to Vietnam). She has
obtained all the necessary permits to travel as well as all the suggested documents to present to Immigration. Is it possible
to have a pre-departure review undertaken by Immigration to eliminate the possibility of being denied permission to

Cheers ..... David.

AJ 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi, i am an ofw in Singapore. I will return to the Philippines in September and i plan to go Bangkok a week after. Do you
think there will be any problem with the immigration leaving the country as tourist/ ex-ofw? I really want to go Bangkok but
apparently i cannot go directly as the employment rules here in Sg does not allow such, i need to go back to Philippines
first. Thank you.

chemberly madrazo 2 years ago · 0 Likes

,hi po... same scenario tau, ano po documents need ng IO ..?

Lea 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi po. Just want to ask were you able to pass Immigration? Mejo same scenario po kasi tayo. Uuwi na po ko for good sa
Pinas this 1st week of October then travel vacation sa taiwan with my BF.

Charleen c callanta 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello po, good morning po, na offload poh ako nong july 20 lang po, ok lang po ba mag try ulit agad na umalis next week po,
kasama na po mismo ng mag sponsor po para sabay na po aalis mismo.. thank you po.

Joylene 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Medyo may tanggal na pero konti lang yung sa pinaka cover niya po.

Joylene 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello ask ko lang, pwede pa kaya to kasi ganito na yung passport ko pero bago lang po eto last year ko lang nakuha 10 years
validity po. Kaya lang nagkaganyan siya sa lagayan.

KJ 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello. I'm travelling with my long time foreign bf and he's also my sponsor. Will the immigration allow me to travel 21 days
in Cambodia then 21 days in Vietnam, magkasunod? I currently don't have a job but we already traveled outside PH

Helen Grace Sarin 2 years ago · 0 Likes

hi po ms kach, im a first time traveller bound to bangkok.. me and my husband are going to fulfill my birthday wish haha
and that is to travel abroad.. but i am just a private tutor teaching english and i have an online ticketing business.. ano po
kaya ang need ko e prepare when they ask me what is my job po?

Geannette Anne Castro 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello! I'm UNEMPLOYED na dahil hindi ako pinayagan ng company na mag leave for 1 month, kaya napilitan akong mag
resign. I'm going to QATAR sponsored by my husband and my affidavit of support naman ako na manggaling sa husband ko
at may Family Visit Visa ako. May chance po na ma offload ako dahil sa unemployed na ko kahit may Family Visit Visa
naman ako?

Nina 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi mam geannette,
pareho tayo ng case,ask lng po mam,anu po bang mga dapat dalhen at mga itatanong ng IO,kasi aku din husbnd
sponsor,pero wala pa akong idea mam,tnx po mam

maria 2 years ago · 0 Likes

hi! I'm a govt employee. pero biglaan kasi yung tip to SG on july 18. i have prc na teacher. magpapagawa ako ng fake na
company id na teacher din naman. may chance kaya na makaalis padin ako?

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi Maria, We don't recommend this, mas mahihirapan ka sa mga outcome once immigration caught you.

Jackie 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi! Po paano po pag yung sponsor ay bf? Ano po ang documents n kailangn? Papuntang Malaysia po

Raymond vincent asdilla 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hello po good day. Papunta po ako sa vietnam sa july meron po ako bisa letter 3months po ako. Ok lang ba na wala pa ako
returning ticket?

Kach Umandap-Howe 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Hi Raymond, may Visa ka? Yes be prepared sa Return Tickets mo.

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How To Apply For Argentina Tourist Visa With Philippines Passport [Argentina Visa for Filipinos]


How To Apply For Dubai or UAE Tourist Visa With Philippines Passport [Dubai or UAE Visa for Filipinos]


Follow us ON Instagram: @2monkeystravel

My Happy face 😊 since I really enjoyed my time in @otphotel

On my previous post, many were curious of the name of the hotel - it's inspired by the Poem "The Owl and the
Pussycat" written by Edward Lear. 😉 a really cute poem 📖

I also loved hanging by the poolside 👙 want this kind of pool in my house 😆 #goals

In my time there, I also had dinner with @botanikbistrobar

Enjoyed all the dishes and the hospitality of all the staff, especially their great chef that worked hard for the delicious

With all the cuisine I tried combined with their diverse local ingredients, I’m really hoping that I can have a
gastronomic experience again when I return ❤ 

Who wants to come here? Raise your hand and tag a friend✋🏼

#botaniktalpe #otphotel #beachclub #beachbar #restaurantandbar #restaurantdesign #boutiquehotel #talpe #galle

#srilanka #VisitSriLanka #ExploreSriLanka #DiscoverSriLanka #srilankadaily #srilankatravel #supportlocal #placestovisit

Still reliving my time here at @otphotel ! ✨

So glad that OTP Hotel is located by the beach facing Laccadive Sea! 🏖

Since Sri Lanka is on a strict travel restrictions, there’s no crowd in Galle even though this city is one of the most
popular among tourists and expats!

While I was there, it has been raining but I also got to enjoy a lovely walk at Mihiripenna Beach 🏖

Lovin’ the sea breeze and the soothing waves 🌊 That’s why I like hanging outside 😉

Really hoping to return here after finishing my quest to every country as I’ve enjoyed my stay ♥ 

What about you guys, how’s your week so far? 

#otphotel #beachclub #restaurantdesign #boutiquehotel #talpe #galle #srilanka #VisitSriLanka #ExploreSriLanka
#DiscoverSriLanka #srilankadaily #srilankatravel #supportlocal #placestovisit #bestbeaches

Mornings at @otphotel! ✨

Enjoyed my breakfast prepared by their amazing chef!

Owl and the Pussycat Hotel has 17 suites that are laid out in 4 different buildings. Each of these suites offer comfortable
and convenient stay especially for a digital nomad like me!

I’m just so glad that even though I was on a trip, I’m still able to do some stuff online as the internet here is
fast and reliable! Which is perfect for me, haha!

Anywhere you go here, you can rely on their internet. This makes the OTP hotel perfect not only for families or couples on a
trip but also for digital nomads or remote workers!

Sharing with you some of the photos of my stay at Owl and the Pussycat Hotel. 😍

Tag someone you want to take here soon! ❤ 

#botaniktalpe #otphotel #beachclub #beachbar #restaurantandbar #restaurantdesign #boutiquehotel #talpe #galle

#srilanka #VisitSriLanka #ExploreSriLanka #DiscoverSriLanka #srilankadaily #srilankatravel #supportlocal #placestovisit

Beauty abounds throughout the Galle Fort in Sri Lanka. ✨

This place is so close to where we stayed last week in Galle.. No crowd even though this City is one of the most popular
among tourists and expats in Sri Lanka. ❤ 

Thank you @otphotel for hosting me! ✨

#botaniktalpe #otphotel #beachclub #beachbar #restaurantandbar #restaurantdesign #boutiquehotel #talpe #galle

#srilanka #VisitSriLanka #ExploreSriLanka #DiscoverSriLanka #srilankadaily #srilankatravel #supportlocal #placestovisit

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